Introducing the Gbiota technology

Introducing the Gbiota technology





The smartest creature on the planet?

break down rocksWe humans think we are the smartest creatures on the planet – and we are but we are dependent on the smallest creatures.

For the first few billion years the earth was just a barren, inert rock then some billion years ago microbes appeared, we don’t know from where but we think an asteroid.

The microbes broke down the rocks to release nutrients so they are bio-available to make soil. Life exploded with the most amazing and massive creatures.

Eventually, quite recently humans appeared but they struggled and died young from diseases. But they survived and developed technologies such as medical advances that enabled them to largely overcome these diseases so they lived longer.

The soil built up to massive depths, many metres in some places so there was an abundant supply of beneficial microbes but then humans developed a concept called money which deluded humans into thinking they could borrow wealth from the future and the past for immediate benefit.

moneyThis they did on a massive scale, they changed the climate and destroyed much of the soil but the costs lay in the future so, at first it was not an immediate worry. There was always time and the possibility of some new technology which would solve any problems.

But it turned out that the microbes which came from the soil did a very important job for the humans. They entered their gut and communicated with each other to create an intelligent system which regulated their bodies keeping them fit and healthy.

But without these beneficial microbes, there was no intelligent control system for humans. Hence they got fat and sick and died from an epidemic of non-infectious diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

This was not a cost in the future this is a ‘here and now’ problem with three out of four people dying from these non-infectious diseases.

Of course, they tried all sorts of solutions from sophisticated pharmaceuticals and complicated surgery but it never resolved the root cause of the problem – a lack of the beneficial microbes in their guts.

Of course, there was a simple solution that was so simple that it was just dismissed as too simple and that was to breed the beneficial microbes in the soil, then grow plants in this soil and eat the plants.

But there were just two snags that prevented this simple solution from working.

Snag number 1 the silo dwellers

siloThe first snag was that they needed to breed the beneficial microbes in the soil without breeding the harmful microbes which causes so many problems with infectious diseases.

Microbes breed very easily but how to breed the beneficial microbes without the harmful microbes? The solution to that is simple – just create the conditions that favour the beneficial microbes so they out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes.

This was given the name Ecological balance which while it works very well sounds a bit too much like coming from the green lunatic fringe for the specialist reductionist scientist living in the techno-silos.

But that is not so serious as if ideas work they are eventually adopted despite the initial reluctance to adopt.

Snag number 2 Microbes die fast

partyThe second snag is more difficult to overcome. Microbes may breed like crazy but they also die fast with a very short life span.

We may see the same species of microbes but they are not the same microbes, they are the grandchildren of the microbes we saw a few days ago – a situation we call dynamic equilibrium.

It is like a big city, always teeming with people but not the same people.

But there is an easy solution to this.

Find local growers who can be trained to breed the beneficial microbes in the soil.

Take a container, like a supermarket basket with plenty of holes and drop it into a hole in the soil so the creatures of the soil can easily enter the basket.

Then grow plants in this living soil.

When ready lift out the basket and supply to a customer who just has to water and when ready pick and eat the plants while they are still fresh.

When the plants are all eaten swap for a fresh basket.

Any more snags?

deficienciesYes, we have to show that such a simple solution works. That is easy, persuade a number of people to try incorporating Gbiota plants into their diet and see if food cravings stop and they feel satisfied.

People overeat because of deficiencies in their diet, remove the deficiencies and the food cravings go away and people feel satisfied.

Then we have the problem of making people aware that this simple and inexpensive solution is available in an era of mass disinformation where no one believes anything they read on the internet.

This can be solved by the ancient process of people talking to people they trust.


The Gbiota technology  breeds beneficial microbes in a special soil called Wickimix. Plants are grown in Wickimix and when eaten the beneficial microbes enhance our gut biota which regulates our appetite and hence wards of chronic of non-infectious diseases overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

This website describes how our intelligent control system works and how to prepare Wickimix.

If you want to study this process then follow the links on this site. If you just want to buy plants growing in Wickimix in Gbiota baskets all you have to do is to link up with a licensed grower who can supply you with the Gbiota baskets.

As the beneficial microbes have a short life this only works with living plants so you need a supplier who can supply living plants on a regular schedule.

To link up with a grower please complete the registration form here or below and enter ‘customer’.

If you are interested in becoming a licensed Gbiota supplier then enter ‘local grower’.




fat and skinnyWhy are some people fat while others are skinny, why do some people enjoy a long and healthy life while others are fat and sick?​

We know from the study of twins that genetics play a part, but it is just a part, it is what we eat that matters the most.

We all know the old adage, eat less and exercise more but what really matters is what we eat rather than how much.

If we eat the right sort of food we feel satisfied and simply feel satisfied and naturally want to stop eating. If we don’t eat the right sort of food we get food cravings and overeat.

Our modern food system is high in energy food – fats and sugars but low in essential minerals and vitamins but above all low in the beneficial microbes which live in our gut and control our appetite.

The right sort of food comes from eating plants grown in soil full of beneficial microbes that reinforce our gut biota and break down the minerals to make them bio-available.

Microbes are easy to breed, they are naturally a randy lot, the skill is in creating the right conditions so the beneficial microbes out compete and out breed the harmful microbes.

This is a process of creating an Eco-balance to favour the beneficial microbes and is the key to the Gbiota technology.

The soil produced this way is called “Wickimix”.

It is not that difficult, an experience grower can learn to do this however for most people it is simpler and easier to buy a Gbiota box loaded with Wickimix and seeded so a spectrum of plants are already growing.

But buying Gbiota boxes is more than just buying a box from a store, it requires linking up with a grower who can provide a regular supply of Gbiota boxes on a swap over basis so the boxes are continuously replenished with fresh Wickimix which has a finite shelf life.

To link up with a grower you can sign up for free here.

If you are interested in becoming a Gbiota grower, either just for your own use or to provide a beneficial and profitable service for your local community you should email me here.



Why develop the Gbiota technology?

plastic garbageMost of us now live in towns and cities. We buy our food from the local supermarket wrapped hygienically in plastic which we throw into the bin and it dutifully disappears.

The same with our human waste which we flush away without further thought.

We live in the age of technical marvels, we can video chat with a friend from the other side of the globe, we can search the internet for any obscure piece of information we desire, we can buy almost anything on line and have it delivered to our door.

why we dieIf we are sick we can expect a pharmaceutical pill or a complex operation to cure us, and without doubt the advances in medical science is one of the wonders of the world.

We have also devoted the same technical expertise to developing the technologies for killing other humans on a mass scale. Why is one of the puzzles of this complex creature?

We can even jot down a few notes and have it turned into a polished article of any style we wish using AI. But not this article, this is written with human passion by me, a fellow human – but why?

feed and trainBecause, despite all our sophistication we are still are an animal and dependant on the Ecosystem. We will all die at some point so we, as a species, survive by breeding, which we have been doing with great success for the last million years or so – despite the lack of medical instruction manuals.

If we are to survive as a species we have to accept that we are an animal – maybe a highly intelligent animal – and the future of our species is dependant on us accepting that simple fact and coming to terms with the need to be in balance with the Eco-system on which we depend.

As a great grand farther I want to see by great grandchildren thrive and survive and indeed my species to thrive and survive way into the future.

That is what the Gbiota technology is all about, learning to adapt to the Ecosystem which supports us.


Welcome to Gbiota: Revolutionising Health through Soil and Gut Microbiome Science

Developed by Colin Austin, One of Australia’s Leading Innovators

colin austinAt Gbiota, we’re pioneering a healthier future by reconnecting humans, plants, and soil through cutting-edge technology.

Recognized by the Institute of Engineers as a trailblazer in innovation, Colin Austin has crafted a system that enriches both the soil and your health.

How It Works

Our Wickimix soil is teeming with beneficial microbes and nutrients, developed through a sustainable process that transforms organic waste into life-giving earth. Plants grown in this nutrient-rich soil become a natural source of gut-supporting microbes.

When consumed, these beneficial microbes enhance your gut biota, a key player in your body’s intelligent control system. This helps you regulate hunger, feel satisfied naturally, and avoid unhealthy cravings.

Why It Matters

  • A Different Approach: Forget restrictive diets that leave you hungry. Our method supports long-term health by tackling the root causes of chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart conditions, and dementia.

  • Healthy Fat Distribution: Proper gut health promotes balance, helping you achieve sustainable well-being.

Explore Two Paths to Better Living

Learn for Free: Dive into our knowledge hub, where articles about diet, gut health, and longevity are available under the Creative Commons license. Share, re-publish, and spread the word.

Grow and Thrive: For growers and entrepreneurs, learn to create Wickimix soil and produce Gbiota Boxes. These can be used for personal health or as a community-focused business. Subscriptions include technical support to ensure your success.

Be Part of the Solution

The journey to better health begins with the soil beneath our feet. Join us in creating a world where nutritious food supports thriving gut health, intelligent eating, and a long, healthy life.

Explore More





Our intelligent control system

Infectious and chronic or non-infectious diseases

chronic diseasesWe are living longer, thanks to major advances in medical science.

In the past people died, often when young, from infectious diseases now we die predominantly from chronic or non-infectious diseases with three out of four people dying from a chronic disease.

We are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic diseases overweight, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and dementia.

Medical science may keep us alive for a long time but far worse is that we may live for a long time with poor health. Our life span may be increasing but our health span is not.

The mind and body are inseparable

We have a mind and a body, they are inseparable with our mind controlling our bodies, I prefer to call the part of our mind that controls our body our intelligent control system.

Chronic diseases determine whether we are fit and healthy or fat and sick. They stem from our intelligent control system not working properly.

fat and skinnyA person may be obese because they suffer from food insecurity, this may have started in early childhood or in a war when food was scarce and is now firmly implanted in our mind or intelligent control system.

The person is obese because their intelligent control system has decided that it needs to store more fat so it sends out signals to both eat more and store the excess fat.

Going on a restrictive diet or taking appetite suppressant pills like Ozempic may appear to give some temporary benefit but is not facing the core of the problem which is food insecurity which may be hidden away in our subconscious so we are not even aware of it.

Some people are fat while others are skinny. It all depends on our intelligent control system.

If it decides we should be fat we end up fat and if it decides we should be skinny we end up skinny.

Finding out how our intelligent control system works

We need to understand how our intelligent control system works. Finding a cure once the chronic disease is well established can be very challenging.

For example, it is very difficult to cure blocked arteries which can cause death but it is relatively simple to avoid arteries becoming blocked in the first place.

Prevention is so much better than cure.

We are a communal animal, we cannot breed and thrive without our tribe. If we are suffering from a deep feeling of food insecurity we may find the solution is eating communally with sympathetic members of our tribe, often our family.

The support and understanding of our tribe which focuses on the underlying cause may be a far better solution than some restrictive diet which may make matters worse.

Fat in the wrong places

The underlying cause of these diseases is fat in the wrong place, in our tummies, pancreas, arteries and brain.

So what causes fat in the wrong place? It does not just happen.

Saying that it is because we eat more than we burn and the solution is to eat less and exercise may explain how we get fat, and has not been effective.

That is just restating the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy. It does not tell us why we get fat.

We need to understand why we get fat and the answer is because our intelligent control system decides we need to store more fat.

The big question

whyThe big question is why does our intelligent control system decide we need to store more fat?

Every single person has an intelligent control system which regulates their bodies.

This system controls our temperature, heart rate, breathing and most importantly our appetite, what and how much we want to eat and how much fat we store.

If we are going to resolve the epidemic of chronic diseases we need to understand how our intelligent control system works.

Continue reading the full article on our intelligent control system.


Changing the Health Paradigm

Changing the Health Paradigm

Changing the Health Paradigm

Our intelligent control system

Infectious and chronic or non-infectious diseases

chronic diseasesWe are living longer, thanks to major advances in medical science.

In the past people died, often when young, from infectious diseases now we die predominantly from chronic or non-infectious diseases with three out of four people dying from a chronic disease.

We are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic diseases – overweight, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and dementia.

Medical science may keep us alive for a long time but far worse is that we may live for a long time with poor health. Our life span may be increasing but our health span is not.

This result from our modern food system which we need to change, but changes are never easy.

For the last thirty years, I have been working on how we need to change our food system so it is sustainable and leads to healthy people.

This requires a food paradigm shift – a different way of thinking about food.

As luck would have it I had spent the previous twenty years creating a paradigm shift in how engineers went about their design process.

This was an invaluable lesson on creating paradigm shifts and this is my story of creating a paradigm shift for food.

The birth of Computer Aided Engineering

Fifty years ago I was a humble lecturer in plastics processing at the RMIT in Melbourne. They had a mainframe computer, typical of the time with punched card input – a most unimpressive machine.

But then the very first mini-computer appeared and I had this instinct that this would change the way engineers went about their business.

I took out a second mortgage on my house to buy the second mini-computer to come to Australia, which is now laughable in its capabilities but still costed about a third of the value of my home.

The simulation with unexpected results

I learned computer programming and wrote, in my spare bedroom, a simulation of hot plastics flowing into a cold mould which was a pioneering technology for that time solving coupled complex non-linear partial differential equations.

The software may have been an achievement but the unexpected results changed the industry.

The industry was having problems in filling some moulds and the obvious solution was to make the flow channels bigger. That looks like common sense.

My software showed that some parts of the mould were filling first and the solution was to make some flow channels smaller to divert the flow into the more difficult areas of the mould.

That simulation showed that the current paradigm of how to design plastic moulds was deficient and my software led to a new paradigm which literally changed the industry across the globe.

Comparing Paradigms

The old paradigm for plastic flow was that the way to fill a mould was to make the flow channels bigger. It seems so obvious.

The new paradigm was to make some flow channels smaller to divert the flow to the more difficult to fill areas.

When I presented this idea at public lectures I was at first ridiculed and heckled. It made no sense. How can making flow channels smaller help a mould to fill?

But a few people heard the message, tried it and it worked and gradually became the accepted new paradigm.

Years later I face a similar situation. The current paradigm is that if you are getting fat then eat less. It seems so obvious.

The new paradigm I am presenting is that we get fat because our bodies (our intelligent control system) can sense deficiencies in our diet so we overeat and then get fat.

My solution is to fix these deficiencies by eating more, well not just more but more of the right sort of food.

I know the conventional wisdom is to eat less so to propose eating more sounds ridiculous. The missing words in that sentence are “more of the right sort of food”.

That automatically leads to eating less of the sugary fatty foods which make us fat.


From Plastics to Food

The company I formed Moldlfow became the leading exporter of technical software and was eventually sold for $500 million. Most of that went to the vulture capitalists but it still put me in the multi-millionaire category.

For my pioneering work on Computer Aided Engineering and creating the paradigm shift which changed the industry I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

I took a complete turn in my life to focus on what I thought, and still think, is the major issue facing humanity, how to grow food sustainably which will keep us healthy.

Speculative Research – doing daft things

We like to think of science as a nice logical step by step process and that is certainly part of the scientific process.

But doing things which seem daft at the time can lead to new ways of thinking. Moldflow, a company worth half a billion dollars was the result of doing daft things that led to a new way of thinking.

I was in a position to spend a few million dollars on speculative research knowing that most would be a complete failure but that failures lead to new ways of thinking which can have a profound impact.

With climate change, I am even more convinced of the importance of how we grow our food. I could say that I have spent the last thirty years of my life focused on how to sustainably grow food that will make us healthy but that would not be strictly accurate as I was used as child labour in WW2 to help mum grow food in the German U-boat blockade.

Computers have a delete button – Doctors don’t

My wife is a medical doctor, I am an engineer and there is a vast difference in the mode of operation.

If I make an error in my computer programming I can just hit the delete button whereas a medical doctor has to follow strict protocols which slows the rate of change and the adoption of new paradigms.

I am only too well aware that the current paradigm for chronic diseases is that they are caused by fat in the wrong place and we store fat in the wrong place because we eat more energy food than we burn, the calorie balance theory.

Eat less, Exercise more – it is more complicated than that

eatless exercise moreThere is no disputing that calorie balance is an essential requirement for storing excess fat, this is just obeying the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy so it is not in dispute – this is what I call the “how” we store excess fat but it does not explain “why” we store excess fat.

Intelligent control software

It just so happened that I had written intelligent control software which can be quite complex as the software has to learn the behavioural characteristics of the specific machine, it is a form of Artificial Intelligence with self-learning capabilities.

Our bodies have a similar self-learning capability, as we can see from simple experiments on the human body, and the reason why we store excess fat, which leads to the chronic disease epidemic, is that our intelligent control system has decided that we need to store excess fat.

How is not the same as Why

whyThis is the “why” underlying chronic disease.

It then sends out signals so that we eat more food which is the “how” we end up storing fat and is the underlying cause of the epidemic of chronic disease.

To understand why our intelligent control system decides we need to store more fat we have to understand how it takes decisions based on the information it receives.

The key point here is that our intelligent control system is highly sophisticated and the result of millions of years of evolution. Over this extensive period, it has learned to manage our bodies with a food supply relatively low in energy food but with an abundance of both microbes and nutrients.


We changed our food system

It is now faced with a different food supply with an abundance of energy food but deficient in microbes and some nutrients. This is a direct result of changes to our food supply.

To rectify this we need to change the paradigm from calorie balance, which we have tried for decades without success to the intelligent control paradigm.

Changing paradigms is always difficult but in the medical world can be a matter of life and death so a cautionary approach, which may seem prudent, makes this even more difficult.

Effective democracy depends on pro-active Governments

too busyThe first problem we have to overcome is the modern phenomenon of busy work.

For the last thirty years, I have been working on how we need to change our food system so it is sustainable and leads to a healthy outcome and I am not a drongo.

I cannot condense thirty years of thinking in an email or two.

It needs intelligent time from someone prepared to consider new concepts with an open mind.

Hopefully, my little cartoon demonstrates the status better than any words.

This is a global issue, every twelve seconds some unfortunate person has a limb amputated from diabetes, eight million people a year.

This is the dominant issue for health globally and I have an instinct that by changing the paradigm to our intelligent control system I could be sitting on the solution – just as I had that instinct fifty years ago that computers would change the way engineers would carry out their daily business.



Mind and body

Mind and body

Colin Austin © 11th Dec 2024 This document is published under the Creative Commons system which means that it can be copied and republished without further permissions but the author Colin Austin at must be recognised.

Our intelligent control system

Infectious and chronic or non-infectious diseases

chronic diseasesWe are living longer, thanks to major advances in medical science.

In the past people died, often when young, from infectious diseases now we die predominantly from chronic or non-infectious diseases with three out of four people dying from a chronic disease.

We are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic diseases overweight, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and dementia.

Medical science may keep us alive for a long time but far worse is that we may live for a long time with poor health. Our life span may be increasing but our health span is not.

The mind and body are inseparable

We have a mind and a body, they are inseparable with our mind controlling our bodies, I prefer to call the part of our mind that controls our body our intelligent control system.

Chronic diseases determine whether we are fit and healthy or fat and sick. They stem from our intelligent control system not working properly.

fat and skinnyA person may be obese because they suffer from food insecurity, this may have started in early childhood or in a war when food was scarce and is now firmly implanted in our mind or intelligent control system.

The person is obese because their intelligent control system has decided that it needs to store more fat so it sends out signals to both eat more and store the excess fat.

Going on a restrictive diet or taking appetite suppressant pills like Ozempic may appear to give some temporary benefit but is not facing the core of the problem which is food insecurity which may be hidden away in our subconscious so we are not even aware of it.

Some people are fat while others are skinny. It all depends on our intelligent control system.

If it decides we should be fat we end up fat and if it decides we should be skinny we end up skinny.

Finding out how our intelligent control system works

We need to understand how our intelligent control system works. Finding a cure once the chronic disease is well established can be very challenging.

For example, it is very difficult to cure blocked arteries which can cause death but it is relatively simple to avoid arteries becoming blocked in the first place.

Prevention is so much better than cure.

We are a communal animal, we cannot breed and thrive without our tribe. If we are suffering from a deep feeling of food insecurity we may find the solution is eating communally with sympathetic members of our tribe, often our family.

The support and understanding of our tribe which focuses on the underlying cause may be a far better solution than some restrictive diet which may make matters worse.

Fat in the wrong places

The underlying cause of these diseases is fat in the wrong place, in our tummies, pancreas, arteries and brain.

So what causes fat in the wrong place? It does not just happen.

Saying that it is because we eat more than we burn and the solution is to eat less and exercise may explain how we get fat, and has not been effective.

That is just restating the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy. It does not tell us why we get fat.

We need to understand why we get fat and the answer is because our intelligent control system decides we need to store more fat.

The big question

whyThe big question is why does our intelligent control system decide we need to store more fat?

Every single person has an intelligent control system which regulates their bodies.

This system controls our temperature, heart rate, breathing and most importantly our appetite, what and how much we want to eat and how much fat we store.

If we are going to resolve the epidemic of chronic diseases we need to understand how our intelligent control system works.

Understanding intelligent control systems

I am an engineer. Engineers create machines, and every machine has some form of control system. These can range from simple on-off switches to highly sophisticated intelligent control systems that learn the operating characteristics of a machine to anticipate changes before they happen.

I will describe an intelligent control system I wrote for irrigation and compare it to the intelligent control system in our bodies. This comparison will help us understand how this significantly more advanced biological control system may work.

Both systems are designed to control living organisms – relatively simple plants in one case and our complex bodies in the other.



  • In the irrigation system, there is just one processor. In the human body, we have three:
  • The Conscious Brain
    This allows us to decide what food we eat – fish and chips or a fresh salad. This is a deliberate choice.
  • The Subconscious Brain
    This determines what we want to eat, among many other functions. Some actions, like body temperature regulation and heart rate, are entirely outside our conscious control. Others, like breathing, are partially and temporarily controllable.
  • The Gut
    This contains trillions of microbes capable of communication, providing genuine intelligence. However, the results depend on the species of microbes present, which can create different “answers” – a complication akin to having a computer with conflicting outputs. Having a computer which gives different answers does not make life easy.


When I suggest that we store fat because our intelligent control system decides that we need to store fat I am not suggesting that we can think ourselves thin.

We are obviously aware of what is happening in our conscious brain but our conscious brain is only a small part of our intelligence system and is very slow and clunky in comparison with our subconscious brain.

Look at catching a ball. Our conscious brain may decide we want to catch but is just too slow and clunky for us to catch the ball.

Our subconscious brain is much faster, looks at the speed and direction of the ball and works out where our hands must be to catch the ball. This takes the speed of our subconscious brain and a lot of learning and storing of information so it is available in the fraction of a second needed to catch the ball.

Our gut brain

baby swiping phoneWe have even less idea what is happening in our gut brain which is not even us.

We know that there are trillions of cells in our gut and they can communicate with each other to provide intelligence similar to a computer.

But we have no idea of the code that drives this super computer.

Science may be the art of managing truth, understanding how our intelligent control system works needs that art of managing ignorance.

The human brain is very good at that – just watch a baby in a pram swiping away at a mobile phone or electronic toy. They have no idea how it works but they can still have fun playing with it.

Fat and skinny

fat and skinny miceWe have known for a long time that we can make fat mice skinny and skinny mice fat simply by feeding them the pooh from the other mice.

Humans are not in the habit of eating each other pooh but we find the same thing happens with faecal transplants.

Sensors for the irrigation software and us

The irrigation software needs a number of sensors.

It needs a soil moisture sensor to measure the moisture level in the soil. This may give multiple values for different positions in the soil but otherwise is simple.

Our bodies are much more complex, we sense much more than full or empty.

We can sense the level of many different chemicals in our bodies, if we spend time digging in the garden on a hot day we can detect a deficiency in our salt levels so we may have a craving for salted nuts rather than for cheesecake.

The irrigation software also needs measurements of how much water is applied at each irrigation, evaporation and predicted evaporation based on data from the weather forecast, rainfall and predicted rainfall and time of the season or rather the stage of development of the plant.

Our bodies are also receiving a plethora of information about events now and predicted.

Learning and Adaption

The initial trial

When seeds are first planted, the irrigation software has no data about the “crop factor” (the ratio of water use to evaporation). It begins by applying a trial amount of water and observing the results – analogous to taking a sip of unfamiliar food.

Learning begins

The software adjusts its calculations based on the trial, learning the relationship between water applied and soil moisture levels. This is akin to us sampling food to decide if it’s bland and can be eaten with gusto or spicy and requires caution.

Similarly, human babies begin with fat reserves and learn to suckle, sensing fullness and satisfaction. If a baby experiences food insecurity (e.g., no breast appears when hungry), it may develop lifelong food cravings and anxiety.

Understanding and learning

We rarely fully understand the world around us but we manage by a sophisticated process of observation and trial and error.

We may start by making a small change and observe what happens, we then may make a bigger change based on what happened with the small change.

You can see this happening from babies to adults, take a sip to see if the curry it mild or hot, observe the results then take a mouthful or just take a very small serving.

That is the way man made intelligent control system works, we call it predictor-corrector schemes and in our machines, we have developed this to very high levels measuring not only the result, but the rate of change of result and any accumulated errors or offset.

This is the way machine controllers work and is the way our body’s control system work.

Self-Learning and Prediction

I designed the irrigation software to self-correct – predict, apply, observe, and refine. Humans perform this prediction-correction process naturally, from learning to walk to gauging how much to eat.



  • In the irrigation system, there is just one processor. In the human body, we have three:

  • The Conscious Brain
    This allows us to decide what food we eat – fish and chips or a fresh salad. This is a deliberate choice.

  • The Subconscious Brain
    This determines what we want to eat, among many other functions. Some actions, like body temperature regulation and heart rate, are entirely outside our conscious control. Others, like breathing, are partially and temporarily controllable.

  • The Gut
    This contains trillions of microbes capable of communication, providing genuine intelligence. However, the results depend on the species of microbes present, which can create different “answers” – a complication akin to having a computer with conflicting outputs. Having a computer which gives different answers does not make life easy.


When I suggest that we store fat because our intelligent control system decides that we need to store fat I am not suggesting that we can think ourselves thin.

We are obviously aware of what is happening in our conscious brain but our conscious brain is only a small part of our intelligence system and is very slow and clunky in comparison with our subconscious brain.

Look at catching a ball. Our conscious brain may decide we want to catch but is just too slow and clunky for us to catch the ball.

Our subconscious brain is much faster, looks at the speed and direction of the ball and works out where our hands must be to catch the ball. This takes the speed of our subconscious brain and a lot of learning and storing of information so it is available in the fraction of a second needed to catch the ball.

Our gut brain

We have even less idea what is happening in our gut brain which is not even us.

We know that there are trillions of cells in our gut and they can communicate with each other to provide intelligence similar to a computer.

But we have no idea of the code that drives this super computer.

Science may be the art of managing truth, understanding how our intelligent control system works needs that art of managing ignorance.

The human brain is very good at that – just watch a baby in a pram swiping away at a mobile phone or electronic toy. They have no idea how it works but they can still have fun playing with it.

Fat and skinny

We have known for a long time that we can make fat mice skinny and skinny mice fat simply by feeding them the pooh from the other mice.

Humans are not in the habit of eating each other pooh but we find the same thing happens with faecal transplants.

Sensors for the irrigation software and us

The irrigation software needs a number of sensors.

It needs a soil moisture sensor to measure the moisture level in the soil. This may give multiple values for different positions in the soil but otherwise is simple.

Our bodies are much more complex, we sense much more than full or empty.

We can sense the level of many different chemicals in our bodies, if we spend time digging in the garden on a hot day we can detect a deficiency in our salt levels so we may have a craving for salted nuts rather than for cheesecake.

The irrigation software also needs measurements of how much water is applied at each irrigation, evaporation and predicted evaporation based on data from the weather forecast, rainfall and predicted rainfall and time of the season or rather the stage of development of the plant.

Our bodies are also receiving a plethora of information about events now and predicted.

Learning and Adaption

The initial trial

When seeds are first planted, the irrigation software has no data about the “crop factor” (the ratio of water use to evaporation). It begins by applying a trial amount of water and observing the results – analogous to taking a sip of unfamiliar food.

Learning begins

The software adjusts its calculations based on the trial, learning the relationship between water applied and soil moisture levels. This is akin to us sampling food to decide if it’s bland and can be eaten with gusto or spicy and requires caution.

Similarly, human babies begin with fat reserves and learn to suckle, sensing fullness and satisfaction. If a baby experiences food insecurity (e.g., no breast appears when hungry), it may develop lifelong food cravings and anxiety.

Understanding and learning

We rarely fully understand the world around us but we manage by a sophisticated process of observation and trial and error.

We may start by making a small change and observe what happens, we then may make a bigger change based on what happened with the small change.

You can see this happening from babies to adults, take a sip to see if the curry it mild or hot, observe the results then take a mouthful or just take a very small serving.

That is the way man made intelligent control system works, we call it predictor-corrector schemes and in our machines, we have developed this to very high levels measuring not only the result, but the rate of change of result and any accumulated errors or offset.

This is the way machine controllers work and is the way our body’s control system work.

Self-Learning and Prediction

I designed the irrigation software to self-correct – predict, apply, observe, and refine. Humans perform this prediction-correction process naturally, from learning to walk to gauging how much to eat.



kid on bikeBoth the babies and the plants now have a common situation – they are both starting to grow and need more food or water.

In addition to the predictor-corrector capability the irrigation software also needs an anticipation capability.

This has to operate at several levels. Based on the weather forecast for rainfall and evaporation the software anticipates how much water needs to be applied but that is not enough.

The plants are continuously growing, so basing the water demand on the last irrigation is always going to mean that less water is applied than is actually needed.

This has to be allowed for by building in a method of looking at the rate of change of the crop factor so the amount of water applied is increased to allow for the increased growth of the plants.

If this sounds complicated let me tell you that the human brain is absolutely superb at this.

Just watch a three year old kid on a bike. They have absolutely no understanding of gyroscopic couples and stability factors. They learn that they have to steer in the direction they feel the bike is falling, which is inherent with gyroscopic couples and they don’t fall off.

By the time they have reached adulthood, they have acquired an incredible range of anticipatory skills. Catching a ball is a classic, you put your hands where you anticipate the balls will be when it get near you.

Observing our intelligent control system

Understanding our intelligent control system should be central to combating chronic diseases. Despite advances in computing, artificial intelligence, and biochemistry, research into this system remains sparse. This neglect may stem from its perceived complexity.

Yet, even without sophisticated tools, we can observe patterns. For example, after gardening on a hot day, I crave salty foods, not sweets – evidence that my control system senses deficiencies and responds accordingly.

Maybe it has been put in the too hard basket, but we don’t have to completely understand it, we can do what artificial intelligence does, which has no understanding – look for patterns.

That is what I do as I try and work out how my intelligent control system works. It does not take any sophisticated scientific equipment, I don’t need any complex scientific equipment to tell if I am hungry, I can tell if I am hungry or satisfied or if I am craving some specific food.

Blood Sugar Regulation

If I spend time digging away in my garden on a hot summer day I come inside craving for some salty food.

That tells me that my intelligent control system does more than tell me if I am full or hungry but can sense deficiencies in my body, has learned over time which foods remedy that deficiency and send out signals so I want to get stuck into a packet of salty nut and not a slice of sugary cheesecake, which I normally gobble up at speed.

Just by digging in my garden, I have already learned a lot about my intelligent control system.

Continuous blood sugar monitoring

I do wear a continuous blood sugar monitor ancontinuous blood sugar monitord compare this with what I eat and other events.

We know that when we eat food it is first processed in our gut and then enters the blood, largely as sugars to power our muscles and our bodies.

That will create a blood sugar spike which our intelligent control system treats as an error in a predictor-corrector system.

Our intelligent control system can detect blood sugar levels and as soon as they start to rise beyond an acceptable level will send out messages to convert these sugars into fats which are then hopefully stored where fat should be stored, in our bums.

Again our intelligent control system senses when our blood sugar levels drop and will send out messages to turn some of that fat back into sugars to power our muscles.

Using a continuous blood sugar monitor I can watch this process of my intelligent control system shunting sugars and fat backwards and forwards so I don’t drop dead from lack of energy or make my blood so viscous with excess sugars that it can no longer flow into the fine capillaries throughout my body.


My intelligent control system is continuously learning

But I see much more – every morning just as I am waking up my blood sugar rises. I have not eaten anything so I know that my intelligent control system can learn and I have taught it, without thinking, that I go for a walk before breakfast so will need extra energy.

As I walk, or ride my bike, I might expect that my blood sugar levels may drop as I am burning up energy, but that is not what happens, it maintains or increases the level.

Intelligent Control Software

When I used to write software for intelligent control systems I looked at graphs which would tell me how well (or otherwise) my software was working.

The responses I see from my blood sugar graphs bear an uncanny resemblance to the graphs I used to see from the machines.

But there are even more surprises in store.

I expected to see the graphs fluctuate up and down as it tried to balance the energy coming in from the food I ate, basically in three pulses a day at the main meal times and the energy I was using from my morning walk, my sitting at my terminal reading all those emails and the sporadic energy burst as I worked in my garden or lugged out the rubbish bins.

That is what I saw and it was working pretty well with relatively minor fluctuations as you would expect from a well functioning control system that was under control.

Expect the unexpected

What I did not expect is that there would be much larger variations which I could not relate to any food or energy load.

Mostly there were high peaks soon after I had eaten with the graph often going above the allowable range for a short period indicating that my intelligent irrigation system is working as expected.

Unexpected lows

It is natural to expect that eating food will lead to a blood sugar spike, it makes common sense.

However, I do many experiments trying to understand the link between food and blood sugars.

I was therefore very surprised to see my blood sugar levels dropping below the minimum bar when I drank a green smoothie made from selected vegetables.

My explanation is that it takes a certain amount of energy to digest food. Drinking a smoothie made from vegetables with no fruit takes more energy than is readily available from the vegetables to my blood sugar levels drop.

An even bigger surprise

I was looking for connections between food and blood sugar levels. It was no surprise that stress also caused a significant increase in blood sugar although the extent was surprising.

We live in a high stress society but it may well be that our high stress lifestyle is having a big impact on the chronic disease epidemic as the highly processed food industry.

Watching videos with music and dancing

dancingSometimes I get tired and just want to relax so watch videos with music and youngsters dancing.

I am not doing anything, just sitting and watching so it would be reasonable to expect my blood sugars to be at equilibrium levels.

But that is not what happens, and what happens is what happens, regardless of what the theory says.

My blood sugar levels rise, presumably because my intelligent control system, with its build in anticipation effect that is essential to all intelligent control systems, is anticipating that I will jump and start leaping around in that crazy gyroscopics I delude myself is dancing.

You just cannot seperate body and mind.

The punch line

Chronic diseases are now the greatest health issue across the globe. We need to move on from thinking that this can be cured by the simplistic calorie balance theory and even our high levels of sophistication in biochemistry – that is just the “how” and start thinking about the “why” which means understanding how our intelligent control system works.


Action plan


  1. Shift the Paradigm
    Move from focusing on calorie imbalance to understanding and optimising our intelligent control system.
  2. Focus on Gut Biota
    Support appropriate gut microbes, as emphasized in Gbiota technology. This is the aim of the Gbiota technology which is well described in the following articles.
  3. Train the Control System
    Develop a sense of food security to reduce lifelong cravings and stress-related eating habits. We must learn how to train our intelligent control system, particularly focusing on creating a feeling of security.
  4. Foster a Supportive Society
    Address societal stressors contributing to chronic disease and mental health crises, such as suicide among vulnerable populations. The epidemic of chronic disease is bad enough but we also need to recognise that suicide among young girls and middle aged men is the commonest cause of death.




Summary – Rediscovering Gut Health

highly processed foodNot so long ago, our gut health thrived naturally.

Beneficial microbes from the soil entered our food, replenishing our gut biota effortlessly as we consumed fresh plants. These microscopic allies worked together like a supercomputer within us, communicating and releasing hormones to regulate hunger and maintain balance.

It is very simple, our intelligent control system, a subconscious brain formed from our head and gut-brain decides how much sugar we need in our blood and how much fat we need to store in our bodies.

This is subconscious, it decides based on the current situation and learning from the first suck on mum’s breast to that last slice of cheesecake you scoffed.

It sends out signals to regulate our blood sugar and fat levels. We can’t stop these signals – we have no control over our subconscious brain.

But we can restrict our food intake which certainly can work in the short-term but may make matters worse in the long term.

It is only by understanding how this intelligent control system works that we have any hope of preventing the epidemic of chronic disease.

Back then, overeating was rare, and while infectious diseases were a concern, chronic conditions were virtually unheard of.

Medical science has since made remarkable strides in combating infectious diseases.

However, modern food systems – while more hygienic – have inadvertently stripped away the essential microbes our bodies depend on.

The result? A global surge in chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia, far outweighing the threat of communicable illnesses.

Introducing Gbiota Technology: Nurturing Gut-Brain Health

Gbiota technology breeds beneficial microbes in the soil under carefully controlled conditions avoiding the harmful microbes, leading to a healthy and intelligent gut-brain so we feel full and naturally satisfied and no longer want to overeat.

Simple, Affordable, and Life-Changing

This is gaining momentum among health-conscious individuals who are ready to grow their food in microbe-rich, living soil.

But to make a real dent in the chronic disease epidemic, we need visionaries – people and businesses committed to bringing this solution to their communities.

Join the Movement

Whether you’re looking to improve your own health as a home grower or interested in building a profitable business that benefits the community Gbiota is your opportunity to make a difference.

Let’s work together to create healthier communities and a brighter future.

Reach out to us today at Your health – and your community – will thank you!


Game changer

Game changer

colin and XiulanWhen Colin’s wife, Xiulan – a dedicated medical doctor – faced a dire health crisis as her diabetes spiralled out of control, leading to a threat of amputation, Colin knew something had to change.

As a celebrated engineer recognized for his groundbreaking work in Computer Aided Engineering, Colin’s expertise in adaptive systems sparked a revolutionary idea: What if chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and dementia stem from a malfunctioning intelligent control system within our bodies?

Drawing inspiration from swarm intelligence in nature—like the collective behaviour of birds, insects, and even slime moulds – Colin realised the key wasn’t about fully understanding this intricate system. Instead, it was about nurturing it, much like feeding and training a loyal puppy.

This breakthrough led to Gbiota technology – a transformative approach to feeding and training your body’s internal “puppy” for lifelong health.

Learn how Gbiota can revolutionize your life. Read on to discover more!



The Game Changer: Rewrite Your Future

Chronic diseases aren’t just bad luck—they’re the result of the wrong kind of fat ending up in the wrong places. For years, we’ve been sold the idea that “eat less, exercise more” is the magic fix.

Sure, it might work for a while, but here’s the truth: it trains your body to fight back with relentless cravings, making the problem worse in the long run.

Short-term success. Long-term failure.

Greta ThunbergThe smarter way? Training your body’s intelligent control system—your gut-brain connection—to work with you, not against you. This means fueling yourself with the right kind of food that addresses deficiencies in today’s diet.

When your body gets what it actually needs, cravings disappear, and self-regulation kicks in.

It’s not about eating less. It’s about eating better. Once you realise that eating more of the right foods eliminates the urge for junk, the whole “calorie-cutting” myth falls apart.

But here’s the kicker: this change – the real paradigm shift – depends on you.

Young people like you, who aren’t weighed down by outdated thinking, are the ones who can make it happen. The future is in your hands. Get it right, and you’ll rewrite not just your life, but the health of an entire generation.

Are you ready to lead the way?



The Real World: A Call for Change

low calorie dietWhat’s happening in the real world? By middle age, many of us face the consequences of poor health choices – weight gain, illness – and only then attempt to undo the damage with calorie-restricted diets.

These efforts often fail because they miss the root cause: our bodies’ “intelligent control system” has already been hardwired by years of unhealthy habits.

The tragedy is greater still for the next generation. Young people witness their parents’ struggles and, driven by societal pressure to look like “broomsticks” to attract a mate, adopt calorie-restricted diets themselves – not for health, but for aesthetics.

partyThis vicious cycle sets them up for long-term harm, training their control systems for a lifetime of scarcity and imbalance.

This isn’t just a health issue; it’s a societal crisis. Walk through any shopping centre and witness the evidence.

Magic diets and pills won’t fix it. True change will come from forward-thinking individuals who challenge the status quo, rally communities, and drive the energy needed for societal transformation.

fad dietEventually, governments, burdened by the escalating costs of chronic diseases, will recognise the urgency and lead preventative measures, starting with public education.

The path forward starts with the young. By teaching them that their bodies’ ultimate regulator is an intelligent control system – not fad diets or quick fixes – we can revolutionise health.

This includes understanding the vital role of gut microbes, nurtured by plants grown in microbe-rich, mineral-rich soil. But let’s make no mistake: this isn’t about promoting “boring” diets.

Through the creative use of herbs, spices, and innovative cooking, we can turn these plant-based foods into exciting, delicious meals.

Yes, change will challenge the food and drug industries, but it also presents an opportunity to redefine their roles in a healthier future.

Together, we can consign the chronic disease epidemic to history – a time when humanity learned from its mistakes and transformed the earth into a better place for all.



Intelligent control 27 nov 24

Intelligent control 27 nov 24

Our Intelligent control system

We eat food which contains a complex array of chemicals. These are converted into sugars for immediate energy, fats for longer-term storage, together with nutrients and vitamins to replace our body parts as they age and wear.

This is all done by our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, including our appetite, deciding what and how much we need to eat.

blood sugar monitorWe can see our intelligent control system in operation, moving fats from long term storage to sugars in our blood by monitoring our blood sugar levels.

The trillions of cells which make up our gut biome communicate with each other to provide real short-term intelligence which works with our head-brain through the Vagus nerve to form our intelligent control system.

These microbes also need to be fed and replaced by our food.

For millions of years this happened, maybe in an uncontrolled way in the soil, or rather in the guts of the variety of creatures, worms, beetles, larvae, nematodes etc which inhabit the soil and who have gut biota similar to us and they excrete into the soil.

These enter the plants and are eaten by animals which replace and feed the microbes in the animal or human.

This is not a new process but has evolved over-time.

Our modern food system may be full of sugars and fats but is devoid of the microbes that power our intelligent control system.

This is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, and dementia – the wrong fat in the wrong place, resulting from the failure of our intelligent control system to function properly, in particular our gut biota.

gbiotaboxThis epidemic causes untold suffering and costs to our health system that we should focus on preventing.

This is readily resolved by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste to create a soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients to grow plants which we eat, while fresh before the microbes die.

This is a simple and inexpensive process which most people and certainly local growers can manage with some education. Although simple, it must be done with understanding and care under the right conditions to avoid breeding harmful microbes.

Again managing the conditions so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes is an ancient process that we refer to as Ecological Balance and is readily managed with modern technology.

Food for Health

Food is the key to health.

Junk food is tasty, convenient, inexpensive but not healthy.

Genuine organic food may be healthy but is very expensive.

But there is a third type of food which is both healthy and inexpensive, cheaper than junk food and healthier than organic food.

How can that possibly be? What is the catch? It takes a little effort to understand how food works in our bodies and to grow, or buy, this food takes a little effort, that is the cost of health.

This web is in two main sections.

Food and Health

Here we look at how food determines our health with a particular emphasis on our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies deciding how much and where we should store fat.

It is often argued that we get fat and sick because we eat too much – that is how we get fat our intelligent control system determines why we get fat, which is very different.

While there is a genetic component we generally get fat and sometimes sick because of deficiencies in our diet so our intelligent control system sends signals that make us hungry and eat more than we need.

The soil in which our food is grown dominates our health.

There are many articles on how food affects our health but first step is to read ‘The essence’.

It may be interesting to understand how our intelligent control system regulates our bodies and how the microbiology in the soil affects our food and then our health but to get the benefits you have to eat food grown in biologically active soil.

That means either growing or at least buying Gbiota food.


The growing section covers the specialist growing system to grow plants that avoid deficiencies in our diet which are the root cause of chronic diseases.

Microbes play a crucial role in this forming part of our intelligent control system and processing minerals to produce the wide array of complex molecules our bodies need.

Microbes breed incredibly easily, the challenge is breeding the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful microbes.

This is covered in the ‘growing’ section but the article ‘Summary: Creating Gbiota Beds and Boxes‘ explains the basic principles.

Recommended action plan

The first step is to read these two overview articles ‘The Essence’ and ‘Summary: Creating Gbiota Beds and Boxes’.

These are free and you don’t have to sign in or anything, click and read which will give you a good understanding of how our intelligent control system regulates our bodies and how we can train and grow food to feed our intelligent control system.

You can then either sign up for free to read our articles on food and health which we publish most weeks or become a full Gbiota member and subscribe and receive technical support by email or video chat.

Gbiota is about breeding beneficial microbes in the soil, growing plants in that soil when the microbes transfer to our gut.

It is a simple, inexpensive and highly effective system and is in everyone’s interest that it is done right, hence we attach great importance to technical support.

So email me at so we can chat about your project.


Lots of stuff

There are over 300 articles and 200 videos on this site, that is a lot of stuff and nobody expects you to view everything so here are some tips to make life easy.

The key point is that we all have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and the key to health is to learn to feed and train this control system.

If this control system is working as it should we don’t have to worry about taking a specific number of micrograms of B12 or Selenium or whatever, our intelligent control system learns over time what foods contain what nutrients or minerals, sends out signals so we want to eat those foods without even thinking about it.

We have been successfully doing this for a million years or so without a dietary handbook in sight, just by eating natural foods grown locally.

These foods naturally contain the microbes which form part of our intelligent control system and also process naturally occurring minerals which make them bio-available.

That was until we changed our food system so it was deficient in these microbes which has led to the modern epidemic of chronic diseases.

As these microbes breed in the soil it may seem obvious to start breeding these beneficial microbes in the soil again which is a simple and inexpensive process.

But that is not the conventional wisdom.

Gbiota is simply about how to breed these beneficial microbes in organic waste to make a nutrient-rich living soil then grow plants in this soil and eat the plants while fresh before the microbes die.

In a world which seems to worship complexity, it seems that such a simple solution to the major problem of the epidemic of chronic disease would be welcomed with open arms but that is not the case.

So this website has two streams. The first stream starting with the heading Essence contains literally hundreds of articles written over the last thirty years when I have been working in this area which are aimed at showing this is sound technology.

The very first article summary is as it says a summary of all these articles.

So I suggest you start with this stream until you are convinced that breeding beneficial microbes is the solution, the link to the next article is at the bottom of each article, so keep on clicking on that as though you were reading a book, moving onto the next chapter.

When you are convinced click on the back to home page link and start reading how to breed beneficial microbes with the stream Creating Gbiota beds and boxes.

The first few articles in this stream are free to give you an idea on what is involved, and let us be upfront, there is some effort required – that is the cost of health.

If you feel that this is something you may like to undertake then you will need to sign up and become a full paying member when you will receive technical support.

However before you sign up and pay the money I suggest that you drop me an email, tell me a bit about your situation and I can make some suggestions on the best way to proceed.

You may lwant to be a home grower, you may want to become a Gbiota coach and advise new members or you may want to become a Gbiota grower and supply boxes to local people.





Summary: Creating Gbiota Beds and Boxes

Gbiota beds and boxes are systems designed to grow nutrient-rich plants while enhancing soil health through the cultivation of beneficial microbes. These systems utilize compost, organic waste, and rock dust to create a living, sustainable environment that mimics natural ecosystems. Below is a concise guide to building and maintaining Gbiota beds and boxes.

1. Setting Up a Gbiota Bed

  • Location & Preparation:

    • Select a suitable area and determine the size (recommended size is around 5 meter long and 0.5 meters wide).

    • Dig out the topsoil and set it aside. Create a sump box at one end for water drainage and nutrient collection.

    • Line the base with compacted clay, silt or if needed plastic film to prevent excessive water leakage (add clay if the soil is sandy).

  • Base Layer & Irrigation:

    • Install ag (agricultural) pipes for irrigation. The pipe should allow water (or “soil blood”) to seep into the soil but also drain out excess moisture.

    • Create a “leaky dam” near the sump box to ensure slow drainage and prevent stagnation.

  • Layers of the Bed:

    • Organic Waste Layer: Fill the base with organic waste, such as kitchen scraps or grass clippings (about 100mm deep).

    • Nutrient Layer: Add a mix of manure (e.g., chicken manure), rock dust, dolomite (to balance pH), and blood and bone fertilizer.

    • Topsoil: Return the reserved topsoil to the bed. If the soil is sandy, mix in clay to improve its structure and water retention.

  • Planting:

    • Thoroughly wet the top layer to create a moist surface for seed germination.

    • Sow a diverse mix of seeds to attract various beneficial microbes and fungi. Include sunflowers for optimal growth of mycorrhizal fungi.

2. Setting Up a Gbiota Box

  • Box Selection:

    • Use a UV-stabilized container, such as a 30-liter storage box. Depth should be between 200-300mm for efficient water wicking.

  • Installation of Swivel Tube:

    • Drill a hole near the base of the box and install a swivel tube with a grommet for drainage and water level control.

    • Fit a piece of ag pipe at the bottom for water distribution.

  • Layering the Box:

    • Add one-third of the box’s depth in organic waste at the base.

    • Top with a nutrient mix (manure, rock dust, dolomite, and trace minerals).

    • Finish with a layer of Wickimix (a microbial-rich soil blend) or good-quality garden soil.

  • Compost Tube:

    • Insert a compost tube vertically into the box to allow for easy addition of organic waste. Cover the tube with soil or Wickimix to keep pests away.

  • Planting & Germination:

    • Wet the soil thoroughly before seeding to ensure good germination.

    • Cover the seeds with a light layer of Vermiculite or Wickimix.

3. Key Maintenance Practices

  • Flood and Flush Irrigation:

    • Regularly flood the base to provide moisture and nutrients to plant roots while expelling stale air.

    • Drain excess water (soil blood) to prevent stagnation and aerate the soil.

  • Soil Blood Reuse:

    • Collect drained soil blood, dilute it, and use it for irrigation or as a foliar spray to enhance plant and microbial health.

  • Worm Integration:

    • Introduce worms to aid in organic matter breakdown and nutrient cycling. Red wrigglers are particularly effective.

  • Regeneration:

    • Periodically move the compost tube to distribute nutrients evenly. Add new organic waste and nutrient layers during reseeding cycles (every three months).

4. Benefits of the Gbiota System

  • Improves soil fertility by fostering microbial diversity and nutrient recycling.

  • Produces plants rich in beneficial microbes that support human gut health.

  • Provides a sustainable solution for home gardeners and urban dwellers.

These systems prioritize eco-balance, combining practical design with the principles of natural ecosystems to grow healthier plants while reducing waste.







The essence

Colin Austin 23 Nov 24 This document is published under the Creative Commons and can be reproduced without further permission, just acknowledgment of source

In today’s fast-paced world, junk food dominates our diets—tasty, convenient, and inexpensive, but hardly healthy. Organic food offers a wholesome alternative, but its high cost puts it out of reach for many. Now, a revolutionary third option promises to be both affordable and nutritious, challenging conventional wisdom about what we eat and how it affects our health.

The Health Crisis at Our Doorstep

Chronic diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia – are the silent epidemic of our time. They plague millions, drain healthcare systems, and diminish quality of life. For decades, the prevailing solution has been simple: eat less, and exercise more. Yet, this advice fails to address the underlying cause.

What truly lies at the root of these conditions? An imbalance caused by improper nutrition and a neglected gut microbiome.

A Revolutionary Insight into Food and Health

Our bodies operate with a sophisticated control system, akin to a smart thermostat. It manages fat storage, hunger, and immune responses. At the heart of this system is the gut microbiome—a community of trillions of microorganisms vital to our health.

Modern diets, packed with processed foods and depleted of nutrients, starve this essential system. The result? Increased food cravings, inefficient fat storage, and a cascade of chronic conditions. Cutting calories alone cannot fix this; the solution lies in what we eat and how it nourishes our gut.

Enter Gbiota: A New Path to Wellness

The Gbiota movement offers a groundbreaking approach. Transforming organic waste into a nutrient-rich soil called Wickimix, it enables the growth of plants brimming with gut-friendly microbes. When consumed fresh, these foods restore gut health, reduce cravings, and help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes and heart attacks.

This method mimics the diets of earlier generations, who thrived on fresh, locally grown produce teeming with natural goodness. Gbiota’s innovative process combines traditional wisdom with modern science to create a sustainable, scalable solution.

Beyond Nutrition: A Community Movement

Gbiota is more than a health initiative; it’s a call to action for individuals, communities, and governments. It envisions a world where:

  • Food waste is recycled into Wickimix to enrich the soil.

  • Local governments support urban agriculture, turning parks and open spaces into hubs for growing fresh produce.

  • Communities take charge, learning to cultivate and share nutrient-rich food locally.

By empowering people to grow and consume fresh, microbe-rich food, the Gbiota movement creates a ripple effect – one healthy choice inspiring another.

A Sustainable Solution for All

The Gbiota approach isn’t just good for people – it’s good for the planet.

Recycling waste into rich soil reduces landfill, while local farming cuts the carbon footprint of transporting food. It’s a win-win solution that addresses both environmental and health challenges.

Why It Matters

The message is clear: to combat chronic diseases, we must rethink how we feed ourselves. Prevention is better – and cheaper – than cure. Instead of expensive treatments and reactive measures, we can embrace fresh, nutrient-rich food that aligns with our bodies’ natural systems.

Gbiota is leading the charge toward a healthier future. By rediscovering the basics of nutrition, supporting local food systems, and feeding our gut microbiomes, we can break free from the cycle of chronic illness.

Are you ready to be part of the change? Join the Gbiota movement today and take a step toward a healthier, happier tomorrow.



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Colin Austin  © Creative commons this document may be reproduced but the source should be acknowledged. Information may be used for private use but commercial use requires a license.


The Trial

The Trial


The trial that changed the world’s health

What we know for sure, and don’t know

We know that the world’s biggest health issue is the epidemic of chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia and that these are caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.

We think we know how to fix it, eat less and exercise more but we have been trying that for decades and we know for sure that it has not worked, people are getting fatter and diabetes is the fastest-growing disease on the planet.

We live in an age of hyper-activity. Everyone is heads down with busy work but maybe it is time to take a break and have a bit of a think.

Conventional wisdom

The conventional wisdom, the current paradigm, is that we get fat and sick because we eat more than we burn – the calorie balance theory.

This is based on the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy which no one is saying are wrong. Eating more than we burn is essential for us to store more fat than we need, it is what I call the enabling factor. It enables us to store more fat than we need but it is not the reason.

It is the ‘how’ we get fat not the ‘why’ we get fat.

Why we get fat and sick

We get fat and sick because we have an intelligent control system that regulates our bodies, we have known this for the best part of 200 years, the idea of an intelligent control system was first proposed in 1849 by Claude Bernard.

He had no idea how it worked and we still don’t fully understand how it works – but we can make some smart guesses.

We know that our gut has trillions of cells that communicate with each other to provide real but short-term intelligence. We can see that working in swarm intelligence we see in many insects and birds.

We know that our head brain provides long-term intelligence and memory and that it is learning and remembering about food from the first suck on mum’s breast and onwards every time we eat something, for better or worse.

Continuous blood sugar monitoring

I can see this working on my own body by wearing a continuous blood sugar monitoring device.

I understand that my body has two ways of storing energy, large amounts are stored as fat which is not readily available for use while my blood contains very small amounts of energy as sugars in my blood. My body can readily transfer sugar in my blood to fat and vice versa when I need to use or store energy.

I see this on my blood sugar graphs every morning. During the night my blood sugar levels are low but at dawn, even before I wake up my blood sugar levels rise in anticipation of a need for energy, even though I have had nothing to eat.

I go for a brisk walk before breakfast which, if you followed the simple conservation of energy rule you would expect to lead to a drop in my blood sugar levels as I burn energy.

But that is not what happens, my blood sugar levels rise and the only feasible explanation is that my intelligent control system is sending out signals to convert fat in long-term storage into sugars for immediate energy.

When I eat breakfast, particularly if it is serial my blood sugar levels spike, as you would expect but then drop back to normal. Again the only feasible explanation is that my intelligent control system is sending out instructions to convert the sugar in short-term storage into fat in long-term storage for use later.

Two opposing solutions

There are two opposing schools of thought on how to tackle the world’s epidemic of chronic disease.

They start from a common understanding that chronic disease is a major worldwide problem, overloading our health system while costing billions of dollars and causing immense personal suffering with eight million people a year suffering a limb amputation from diabetes.

There is also agreement that the basic cause is the wrong fat in the wrong place, in our Pancreas for diabetes, in our arteries for heart disease and in our brain for dementia.

The divergence in thinking is in the solutions.

The calorie balance school says the solution is to eat less and exercise more which sounds logical.

The intelligent control school says this could be the worst possible approach and is making the situation worse. Instead of eating less, we should be eating more, certainly not more sugary fatty food, that is stupid, but food that will both feed and replenish the beneficial microbes in our gut and provide a consistent supply of the right sort of food so our head brain sees no need to store large amounts of fat.

This is certainly less instinctively obvious but could still be right and if it is right it could save a lot of suffering for the global population and a lot of money for the Governments who fund the health system.


Which one is right – how to find out, a story

How to find out? Let me tell you a story which may seem to have nothing to do with health – but does. Just bear with me for a moment and I will show you how.

Many years ago, when computers were becoming available I realised that they would change the way engineers went about their business.

Moulds often fail to fill so I wrote some software which solved the problems of a hot plastic flowing into a cold mould by solving the simultaneous equations of heat transfer and fluid flow.

Flow balancing – analogous to food balancing

From my simulation, I realised that some areas of a mould were very easy to fill while others were more difficult. By the time the easy parts were filled the plastic entering the more difficult area had frozen so the mould never fully filled.

The conventional approach was to make all flow channels bigger which rarely worked.

With my simulation, I realised that the solution was to make the flow channels to the easy-to-fill area smaller thus diverting flow to the more difficult-to fill areas – a process I called flow balancing. Sounds ridiculous but it works.

What does have to do with food?

We all agree that we are eating too much sugary fatty food, the obvious solution is to persuade people to eat less sugary fatty food. We have been trying that for decades and it has not worked, in the way that making flow channels bigger did not work.

The reason why simply eating less does not work is that we need food that replaces our body parts as they age and wear and food that feeds and replaces our gut microbes. Our modern food system is deficient in these foods. Our intelligent control system senses this and sends out signals for us to eat more food. The result is we eat more sugary fatty foods and get fatter and sicker.

To keep to the analogy with flow balancing we could call this food balancing. If we eat more replacement food and food that feeds and replaces the beneficial microbes in our gut we will feel satisfied and naturally eat less sugary fatty food.

Sound ridiculous? You’re getting fat and sick but instead of eating less eat more food – but not just any food the right sort of food.

Three tanks not one

A common view is that our bodies are like a single tank, as it gets empty we feel hungry and want to eat. That is not the way our bodies work.

We have three tanks, one for fuel or energy food – sugars and fats, one for replacement food – all those complex minerals, vitamins and phyto-nutrients and a third tank to replace and feed the microbes in our gut.

Our intelligent control system can sense all three tanks and if just one is empty it will send out ‘eat more’ signals, even though the other tanks (typically fuel) are overflowing.

That is the core of the epidemic of chronic diseases, we need to balance all the tanks so they equally full.

That is why I call it food balancing and why it is so analogous to my experiences with flow balancing.

It wasn’t me

How did I convince the world’s industry about the importance of flow balancing and how am I going to convince the world about the importance of food balancing?

Here comes the crunch. I went around the world giving lectures about the importance of flow balancing, (just as I now write hundreds of articles about food balancing).

I was jeered and heckled as some nutter from down under telling us that the way to fill a mould is to make the flow channels smaller.

What they missed was that I was not saying make all flow channels smaller, just the select critical flow channels.


Which one is right – how to find out, a story

How to find out? Let me tell you a story which may seem to have nothing to do with health – but does. Just bear with me for a moment and I will show you how.

Many years ago, when computers were becoming available I realised that they would change the way engineers went about their business.

Moulds often fail to fill so I wrote some software which solved the problems of a hot plastic flowing into a cold mould by solving the simultaneous equations of heat transfer and fluid flow.

Flow balancing – analogous to food balancing

From my simulation, I realised that some areas of a mould were very easy to fill while others were more difficult. By the time the easy parts were filled the plastic entering the more difficult area had frozen so the mould never fully filled.

The conventional approach was to make all flow channels bigger which rarely worked.

With my simulation, I realised that the solution was to make the flow channels to the easy-to-fill area smaller thus diverting flow to the more difficult-to fill areas – a process I called flow balancing. Sounds ridiculous but it works.

What does have to do with food?

We all agree that we are eating too much sugary fatty food, the obvious solution is to persuade people to eat less sugary fatty food. We have been trying that for decades and it has not worked, in the way that making flow channels bigger did not work.

The reason why simply eating less does not work is that we need food that replaces our body parts as they age and wear and food that feeds and replaces our gut microbes. Our modern food system is deficient in these foods. Our intelligent control system senses this and sends out signals for us to eat more food. The result is we eat more sugary fatty foods and get fatter and sicker.

To keep to the analogy with flow balancing we could call this food balancing. If we eat more replacement food and food that feeds and replaces the beneficial microbes in our gut we will feel satisfied and naturally eat less sugary fatty food.

Sound ridiculous? You’re getting fat and sick but instead of eating less eat more food – but not just any food the right sort of food.

Three tanks not one

A common view is that our bodies are like a single tank, as it gets empty we feel hungry and want to eat. That is not the way our bodies work.

We have three tanks, one for fuel or energy food – sugars and fats, one for replacement food – all those complex minerals, vitamins and phyto-nutrients and a third tank to replace and feed the microbes in our gut.

Our intelligent control system can sense all three tanks and if just one is empty it will send out ‘eat more’ signals, even though the other tanks (typically fuel) are overflowing.

That is the core of the epidemic of chronic diseases, we need to balance all the tanks so they equally full.

That is why I call it food balancing and why it is so analogous to my experiences with flow balancing.

It wasn’t me

How did I convince the world’s industry about the importance of flow balancing and how am I going to convince the world about the importance of food balancing?

Here comes the crunch. I went around the world giving lectures about the importance of flow balancing, (just as I now write hundreds of articles about food balancing).

I was jeered and heckled as some nutter from down under telling us that the way to fill a mould is to make the flow channels smaller.

What they missed was that I was not saying make all flow channels smaller, just the select critical flow channels.

Flow and food

It is the same with food, I am not promoting that we eat more food but just certain select foods and then we will naturally feel satisfied and eat less sugary fatty food.

So how did I convince the industry about flow balancing and how am I going to convince people concerned about health and food balancing?

The answer is it wasn’t me then and it won’t be me now.

When I gave my lectures, among all the heckling and jeering there were a few people quietly sitting at the back and they heard the magic word ‘some’ flow channels.

Why we need the risk takers

I won’t claim I convinced them at the lectures, but they thought there was a possibility that I might be right and they were risk takers, so they went back to their companies and their labs and tried it and, fortunately for me, it worked.

But these were influential people and they convinced the other members of the industry who were not risk takers and now flow balancing is the norm – the accepted paradigm.

I managed to survive and was later recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

Changing the food and health industries

So how am I going to change the Health industry, the simple answer is I am not. However many articles I write, however carefully I present my arguments it will have no impact in the modern world of misinformation and pointless busy work.

But I know, by shear probability, that there will be some freethinkers out there, maybe in my local University in Brisbane or maybe in some research institute in some country where obesity and diabetes are major issues like the US, India or China who will say ‘well I am not convinced as yet but he may just he right about food balancing so I will take the risk and find out for myself by running a trial’.

I am here – waiting

And if you are one of those free thinkers and this article just happens to land on your desk then here is my email and I will be more than happy to hear from you.

My formal qualification may be in engineering rather than medicine but since I was a toddler in WW2 when I was used as child labour I have been dunking flower pots into tanks of foul-smelling fowl manure tea.

This is the basis of the modern Gbiota flood and flush system used to breed the beneficial microbes which eventually form our gut biome and are integral to fighting the modern epidemic of chronic disease.



Healthy food – intro

Healthy food – intro

The real cause of chronic diseases


Chronic diseases are the result of the wrong fat in the wrong place.

The new paradigm is to focus on our intelligent control system, which regulates our bodies. We do this by feeding our gut-brain by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste to form biologically active soil, growing and eating plants while fresh to feed our gut-brain, and training our head-brain that food is secure.

This leaves us satisfied so we no longer crave food.

This contrast with the conventional paradigm of restricting calories which has not been effective as it leaves us craving food.

The failure of simple calorie restriction

The remedy which has been promoted for decades is eat less and exercise more. This has not been successful. The calorie theory is a valid explanation of how we get fat but does not explain why we get fat. The right answer to the wrong question.

We have an intelligent control system that regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite. If it decides we need to store more fat it sends out hormones that make us feel hungry and eat more.

With determination we may be able to override that for a short time, but not for long.

If we want success in overcoming chronic diseases we have to learn how to change the signals coming from our intelligent control system.

Adaptive or self-learning controls

We have yet to fully understand how this intelligent control system works but engineers have a good understanding of the complex intelligent control used to control difficult engineering problems which we can use as a model.

They work on the principle of adaptive control. The controller makes a small change to the system and observes the results. Based on the result it will compute an improved change to the system and again observe results.

This can happen hundreds of times a second and as all data is logged rapidly acquires a comprehensive understanding of the operating characteristics of the system.

This is the way humans manage complex tasks like riding a bike or catching a ball. It all happens in our subconscious brain at speeds far higher than our conscious brain can operate so we are not even aware it is happening.

Continuous blood sugar monitoring

Our bodies appear to work in a similar way as I see from wearing a continuous blood sugar monitor. I can see the changes in my blood sugar and the loads on my body which demonstrates the similarity between our bodies and mechanical intelligent control systems.

Our intelligent control system has two parts, the first in our gut which provides short-term intelligence while our head brain provides long-term data storage or memory.

Swarm intelligence

We can understand the intelligence in our gut from swarm intelligence which we can study in many insects, birds and slime moulds. The trillions of cells in our gut communicate with their neighbours providing this swarm intelligence.

For this to work effectively we need the appropriate species of microbes in our gut and we have to feed them.

The long-term memory in our head allows us to train the control system.

Functions of food types

We need relatively simple food for energy, complex chemicals to replace our body parts as they age and wear and food to feed the microbes in our gut.

The control system will only send out signals to make us feel satisfied so we want to stop eating when it senses that all these three types of food are available.

Changing paradigms

If we are to resolve the epidemic of chronic disease we have to recognise that the current paradigm of calorie balance is simplistic and learn how to direct our inbuilt intelligent control system.

Gbiota is a social movement of people dedicated to the prevention of chronic diseases by ensuring that the community has viable access to food, at an affordable price, which will correct for these deficiencies by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, then growing and eating plants while still fresh.

We aim to either teach people, or local growers, how to grow these plants themselves.

Dynamic situation

The change from the calorie-restricting paradigm to the new paradigm of managing our intelligent control system is dynamic.

This web is dynamic, we publish a new article most weeks but you can read the older articles by following the links at the bottom of each article.

To follow sign up and click the link  ‘Notify me of new posts by email’ at the bottom of every article.


Community Benefit

Community Benefit

The community benefits of gut-brain food

Colin Austin © 2nd May 2024 This document is published under the Creative Commons system which means that it can be copied and republished without further permissions but the author Colin Austin at must be recognised.

The black foot and avoiding amputation

My wife Xiulan, a medical doctor and surgeon became diabetic, the professional medical advice given to us was that diabetes is an irreversible chronic disease, it will steadily get worse, we will put you on progressively stronger medicines but eventually, you are likely to end up with insulin injections and you will probably die young from some complications arising from diabetes.

We accepted that advice as an honest attempt to make us aware of the harsh reality.

But when her foot started to turn black we were advised that she would probably need to have her foot amputated.

We were not happy to accept that advice, searched all the relevant scientific literature we could find as it was quite clear to us that there was a big difference between what the leading researchers were saying and the advice being offered at the retail level.

So what did we see? Now let me be upfront, my wife may be a medical doctor but I am an engineer and engineering is really about the generation, transmission and application of power. So I naturally tend to look at the human body as a thermodynamic machine – like a steam engine.

The body as a thermodynamic machine

Thermodynamic machines have three components, they have a source of energy, in the case of a steam engine a boiler which burns fuel.

As long as the fuel burns in the boiler it does not matter much what the fuel is, coal, oil, gas, that old piano, table or chair that is never used, as long as it gives off heat that is all that matters.

It is the same with the human body. The energy food we eat, whether chicken

wings and chips or organic produce, is simply burned off as fuel.

There is widespread concern about the reliability of food supply yet our modern food system produces enough fuel, energy food to power the entire human population (if it were equatable distributed) now and for years to come.

As long as the sun continues to shine and some dictator with no social conscience and access to rocket technology, and who happens to have a palace on the shores of the Baltic Sea which is in danger of flooding, does not decide to blanket out the sun, there is, and will not be, a shortage of fuel.

Yet nutritionists seem obsessed with calories – lack of calories is not the is not the issue. They should just forget about calories. There are much bigger issues at stake.

That great clanking machine

Our hypothetical steam engine has a structure which must be built and maintained, oils and lubricants applied to keep the machine running smoothly and parts replaced as they wear. In our steam engine, this is done by humans but our bodies are much more sophisticated.

From very conception the fetus, weighing just a few grams, is supplied with food which enables it to grow to a few kilograms and after birth continues to consume food to grow to full size.

Even then our body parts may look pretty much the same but most of our body parts are being replaced, some like our skin very rapidly while others like our teeth much slower.

We could say, in round terms that every three months we need to build a new body and for that we need food, not as much volume as for fuel, but still significant. For some two thousand years this happened from our basic diet, largely from the complex chemicals, phytonutrients in plants grown in living soil and eaten straight after picking.

These phytonutrients are incredibly complex – a single tomato will have some thousand different phytonutrients and no one really knows what they do.

Our modern food system lacks these phytonutrients and this is where nutritionists shine. They use their skills, and sophistication of modern technology, to produce a range of  Pills and supplements to overcome these deficiencies.

By and large, it works – at least sort of.

The intelligent controller

But then we come to the last bit of our steam engine. All machines has some sort of controller, it could be a simple on/off switch or it could be a highly sophisticated intelligent control system.

Now it just so happens that my first job as an engineer was working for a company that made controllers for power stations which happen to be highly relevant to the human body.

So let me tell you a funny story about power station controllers – and believe me it is relevant.

Most of the time this is pretty easy, you just monitor the load on the system and adjust the input energy with some fairly basic technology. The controller measures for any error and if the energy input is too low or high it simply cuts back in proportion to the error. This is called proportional control.

But as the error reduces the correction reduces so it never completely corrects so the controller measuring the error over time which it integrates and adjust accordingly. This is called integral control.

But sometimes things change very rapidly so the system also measures the rate of change so the controller applies damping so the system is stable. This is called derivative control. This may not seem to be connected to how our bodies work but we have a much better control system which I want to tell you about.

On many Saturday afternoons, there is a football match and the power consumption is low until the interval when a sizeable proportion of the population will get up and switch their kettles on for a quick cuppa creating a huge surge in power consumption.

This completely overwhelms the control system which by the time it gets the power plant up to the power setting the play has restarted. How do struggling engineers like me manage this crisis – and no cuppa at halftime is a real crisis.

We all have an intelligent control system

This is really important because this is what our bodies do exceptionally well.

We call it adaptive or self-learning software (which was among the software I wrote).

The way it works is that you think you know that there will be a power demand at 3.30 and it will take 30 minutes to get up that extra pressure so you write software so at 3 it schedules the power station up to number 6 on the dial and sit back and see how big a goof you have made.

At 3.30 you (or the system) find out that you had made a big goof and it was no where near big enough so in the software you have written code which say big goof increase by 50% so next Saturday it dials it up to number 9 and wait and see what happens.

And what happens is pressure relief valves blowing off all over the place because number 9 is far too big so the software says 6 is far too small and number 9 is a bit too big so next week it tries number 8 and this goes on and until it works out that 7.352 works really well.

How does this relate to the human body? This is the way the human body works, we have an intelligent control system which is regulating every aspect of our bodies. This is the way our bodies work. But even though I used to be what was called a gun coder (like a gun shearer pretty good at the job) I have absolutely no idea of the code and nor does anyone else.

But that does not mean it is not happening.

At the shopping centre

Next time you go to a shopping centre you will see many obese or overweight people and assume they are just fat little piggies stuffing themselves. And you would be wrong. There is a chance it could be genetic, some people are just naturally fat, but not that many. It could be that the body is sensing that there are deficiencies in the diet, such as a lack of essential phytonutrients and goes into panic sending out signals to eat more so it can stuff fat anywhere and everywhere it can ready for a rainy day.

Or it could be a fault in the supercomputer in your gut-brain or more technically the wrong species of microbes in your gut. Either of these is easily fixed by adding gut-brain   food to your diet. I may not know the code in your gut-brain but at least I know how to feed it gut-brain food which automatically includes the phytonutrients.

You can read the technical details in this post – it is straightforward growing plants in Wickimix, the special soil, and maintaining the Goldilocks moisture level. But the plants must be eaten shortly after picking which means it must done at home or at least locally. This is not an operation for mega industries But how do I let people know that this  technology exists?

The disinformation age

When the internet and its search engines came out I thought this was one of the greatest innovations of all time giving all people access to that vast pool of knowledge which previously was only available to a limited few. What a great equaliser.

And I was wrong, we are just saturated with dis-information with companies collecting our private details so they can sell that information to anyone who wants to sell us something.

I know this from personal experience. My interest is in gut biology and we get our first gut biology from mum at birth and later while breastfeeding. So naturally I use the internet to search for information about birthing and breastfeeding.

AI or GS?

As a result, I get bombarded with companies trying to sell something that a pregnant lady may want to buy. Now I ask you what is the probability of an 84 year old male being pregnant – answer sweet FA. That’s why they call it Artificial Intelligence AI or as I prefer GS Genuinely Stupid.

What this means is that instead of the Internet being this wonderful innovation where people can get information out it is a blocker of information transfer.

But it is worse than that. Disinformation is such an important issue that it has received a staggering amount of research with some rather unsavoury conclusions.

What this research says is that we naturally form groups and are far more likely to believe what our group says than the facts.

Whether we are aware of it or like it the software on the internet naturally forms us into groups with common views. They call it the echo chamber. Right or wrong is irrelevant, it is what the group thinks that matters.

This even happens in science where the greedy piggy theory dominates the intelligent control system theory for being overweight.

Social conscience and the food industry

The modern food industry does an amazing job of providing us with energy food. It also does an equally amazing job of supplying us with an enormous variety of food choices – a variety of foods from all over the world in and out of season.

This is just so different to when I was a kid when food was just plain boring, toast for breakfast, meat and two veg for lunch and bread and butter and cake for tea.

But almost everyone would grow some fruit and vegetable in naturally living soil which supplied the phytonutrients and gut-brain food essential for health. True there were some fat people but there was no epidemic of chronic diseases, that is man-made as a result of our food system.

We can buy vegetables from the supermarket but they will have been grown in soil with synthetic fertilisers so even at picking will be low in phytonutrients and beneficial microbes.

By the time they have been transported and arrived our table these will have died – hence the food deficiency and chronic disease epidemic. There is no point in trying to  change the existing food industry which is dominated by megacorporations whose focus is on profits rather than saving people from having their limbs amputated from diabetes.

And in any case, the issue is the deficiencies of phytonutrients and beneficial microbes in their food.

If their product contained any ingredients that were harmful they would be legally liable but how can a company be legally liable for something that is not in their product? We have to think of a new way in which we overcome group think which has led to a lack of confidence in what people see on the web and is a major obstacle to the adoption of any new technology.

Creating a new local gut-brain industry

At this moment members of the Gbiota movement understand the importance of the technology and are prepared to make the boxes, collect the waste and basically do  verything themselves – it is a ‘do it yourself ‘movement run by and for the community.

I have spent a lot of time working our ways that people, living in a flat can collect their waste and turn this into Wickimix, the soil in Gbiota boxes, and a key ingredient in the   Gbiota technology.

It works, but does require a bit of dedication and is not for everyone. But think how much easier it would be with Government support. We should try and persuade local  councils to collect food waste and process this into Wickimix.

Most councils have land available even in the centre of cities that could be used but they all have some form of recreation land or parks. Every flower bed in every park could be  used to prepare Wickimix and they have horticultural expertise.

It just requires burying the rubbish, covering with soil, growing plants that exude the sugars which attract the beneficial microbes then and managing the moisture levels.

After a few months, the WickiMix could be dug up and sold to local growers who could use the Wickimix to prepare Gbiota boxes with plants ready to harvest, which they could sell, on a swap-over basis, to local people who have little to do other than water and harvest their plants and supply clean kitchen waste to the council collection service.

This is a social issue project but just look at the economics.

In Australia, 4,400 people a year have a diabetic amputation which costs about $40,000 in total cost to our health system.

That works out at $176,000,000 per year.

This money could be better spent in other areas of our health system but some of this money should be used to help the local councils who would provide the waste collection and processing.

It just needs coordinating all these activities to make it happen.







We must create an ecosystem, a food ecosystem in which humans can thrive.

Charles Darwin taught us that creatures evolve to thrive in their local environment. Humans now have the technology to change our environment, we must use our technology to create an environment where humans can thrive.

Sure our immediate focus is combating the current epidemic, but we won’t do that with some-short term fix.

We have to create the ecosystem, the food ecosystem in which humans can thrive.

Join us in this community benefit movement putting people ahead of profits.


The real cause of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are the result of the wrong fat in the wrong place.

The remedy which has been promoted for decades is eat less and exercise more. This has not been successful. The calorie theory is a valid explanation of how we get fat but does not explain why we get fat. The right answer to the wrong question.

gut brain connectionWe have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite. If it decides that there is a need to store more fat it sends out hormones so we are hungry. With determination we may be able to override that for a short time, but not for long.

If we want success in overcoming chronic diseases we have to learn how to change the signals coming from our intelligent control system.

We have yet to fully understand how this intelligent control system works but engineers have a good understanding of the complex intelligent control used to control difficult engineering problems which we can use as a model.

Our intelligent control system has two parts, the first in our gut which provide short term intelligence while our head brain provides long term data storage or memory.

swarm intelligenceWe can understand the intelligence in our gut from swarm intelligence which we can study in many insects, birds and slime moulds. The trillions of cells in our gut communicate with their neighbours provide this swarm intelligence.

For this to work effectively we need the appropriate species of microbes in our gut and we have to feed them.

The long term memory in our head allows us to train the control system.

We need relatively simple food for energy, complex chemicals to replace our body parts as they age and wear and food to feed the microbes in our gut.

change the worldThe controls system will only send out signals to make us feel satisfied so we want to stop eating if it senses that all these three types of food are available.

Gbiota is a social movement of people dedicated to the prevention of chronic diseases by ensuring that the community has viable access to food, at an affordable price, which will correct for these deficiencies by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, then growing and eating plants while still fresh.

Our aim is to either teach people, or local growers, how to grow these plants themselves.

Join the movement of other people wanting a better world to live in.


The bad news

bolderHumanity is approaching a period of massive disruption, maybe not annihilation, but certainly disruption on an unprecedented scale.

The combination of climate change and degradation of our soil will create difficulties in producing enough healthy food, our intense city lifestyles leaves us exposed to the next pandemic but that will be small compared to the epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases.

This will create tension resulting in waves of displaced people trying to migrate and the continued increase in conflict and killing of civilians on an industrial scale. See Society and Community Health and Jenny and Recycle and Serious Think about Food

The good news

blood sugar roller coasterWe know how to avoid this massive disruption, our technology and understanding have increased on a scale which would have been unbelievable even a few decades ago. See Food – we love it and Friendly bugs

But technology can be a force of good or bad, it can work for the benefit of the community or it can increase the division across society creating a handful of people with unimaginable wealth and power while the bulk of the community suffers from ever-increasing hardships.

See prevention better than cure and Health Prevention first

Busy work

busy workOur technologies give us the potential to solve these problems as long as we take action. We can produce all society’s needs in a couple of days work,

Sadly, a system of busy work has evolved so instead of taking action to resolve these problems we live in a state of overwork and stress leaving us exposed to the approaching disruption.

You can hide under the bedclothes but it does not make the monster go away see My Teddy

The train is at the station

diseaseWhile the worst is yet to come the chronic disease train is already at the station. Chronic or non-infectious diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia are largely man-made, here now but avoidable, as long as we take action. See The Plan and The Riddle and Disease

If we overcome the busy work and take action we can resolve the curse of chronic diseases.

Start by taking action and read my article Health Paradox then follow the trail.

caring and compassionate societyPeople get fat and prone to chronic diseases because our modern food system is deficient in gut-brain food so we never feel satisfied, overeat, get fat and so are prone to chronic diseases.

We want to change the system, but we don’t go on street marches, spend money on manipulative marketing or other aggressive actions.

Our plan is simple: Form local clusters of people who grow their own gut-brain food, see for themselves that they now feel satisfied, are no longer craving food, and do not get fat.

They tell their friends and contacts and as the movement grows we change the system so all people have access to food that will keep them healthy.

We are a dedicated bunch of people committed to making the world a better place in a time of chaos.

Join us – we are a bunch of decent people who want to live in a decent society.


First thing, before you start to look at the contents of this web is to read Health Paradox , Chronic Disease,  Prevention better than cure,  then  Health – prevention first  These are published under the creative commons systems for anyone to read and copy free of charge.

I appreciate that there is a fair bit of heavy reading here, but saving humanity from massive disruption is not trivial.

But if, after all this heavy reading, you are prepared to join me in preventing this massive disruption then email me, say Hi and introduce yourself, then sign up to join a group of dedicated volunteers.


Chronic disease

Chronic disease



Preventing the Chronic Disease Epidemic

Gbiota is a community benefit organisation aiming to prevent the current epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

These are all caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.

We all have a highly sophisticated intelligent control system, our gut-brain, which regulates our appetite so we don’t overeat and get fat. It works incredibly well but we need to feed it gut-brain food – plants eaten while fresh, grown in soil teaming with beneficial microbes.gbiotabox

Gbiota shows you how to either grow or buy gut brain-food.

Modern food does not feed our gut-brain so getting fat and sick is normal with three out of four people dying prematurely from a chronic disease.

Trying to cure a chronic disease is stressing our health system to the limit, costing our Governments billions of dollars and worst of all does not work.

Prevention by eating gut-brain food costs very little and works.

Join the Gbiota movement and increase your chance of living a long and healthy life.


Why are some people fat and others skinny?

fat and skinnyBecause we have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.

It decides on a set point for how much fat we should store. It is like a thermostat in a house, it will try and keep the temperature (or fat store) to this set point.

The conventional wisdom is to override our control system, ignoring the set point and reducing fat using the principle of eat less exercise more.

It is the equivalent of setting the thermostat to 40ºC and opening all the doors and windows rather than turning down the thermostat.

It does work, at least after a fashion, but the costs to the community and the health system are massive, fat in the wrong place is the cause of all chronic diseases.

We need a paradigm shift to adjusting the set point on our inbuilt natural ‘fat’ controller.

That is what Gbiota is all about, changing the set point by eating so we feel satisfied.

You can read about changing the fat set point here  on our website


Gbiota is a social movement to combat the ever-increasing epidemic of chronic disease. Our focus is on prevention.

Curing a patient suffering from a chronic disease such as amputating a foot which is turning black from diabetes or having a triple bypass to relieve a blocked artery or bariatric surgery to reduce weight is a medical problem.

Preventing chronic disease is a societal issue – having a park where you can walk or play ball with the kids, a local grower who can supply genuinely fresh vegetables, an effective system for recycling waste, above all it is about having the right sort of food readily available at an affordable cost.

Prevention is far more effective and costs a fraction of the medical cost of cure.

If you think you may be interested in joining a social movement to combat the epidemic of chronic diseases by prevention then start by watching this short video (2 mins) and then read the article Health – prevention first  (20 mins) then Prevention better than cure.

It is free, you don’t have to sign any forms or register it is shared under the Creative Commons system for everyone and provides you with the information for you to decide whether you want to join the Gbiota club, the social movement of combat by prevention, of the epidemic of chronic disease.

If it is not for you that is fine – have a good life – we wish you well.

If it is for you then welcome aboard, sign up and become part of a group committed to making the world a better place to live for us humans.



First thing, before you start to look at the contents of this web is to read Health – prevention first   then Health – prevention better than cure These are published under the creative commons systems for anyone to read and copy free of charge.


Health paradox

Health paradox


The health paradox

Colin Austin © November 2024 Published under the Creative Commons System, it can be republished without further approval, just recognition of source.


Chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia cause a great deal of personal distress and cost Governments billions of dollars.

They are very difficult to cure but can be prevented relatively easily and at low cost. But that requires a change in the way our Governments, our health systems, and society operate to one with a focus on prevention rather than cure.

The underlying cause of all chronic diseases is the wrong fat in the wrong place.

So how does the fat get in the wrong place? We could give a simple answer – because more food (actually carbon) goes in than comes out.

The wrong fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of all chronic diseases.

So why do so many people get fat now, at epidemic proportions, when fifty years ago there were only a very few fat people?

We need to store some fat, no one likes to talk about it but that is what our bums are for and is essential for both health and survival. But why do we now store fat in the wrong places, our tummies, pancreas, arteries and brain?

Why do we store fat in the wrong places?

The simplistic answer is a bit like asking how Donald Trump got elected and answering because more people voted for him. True but not the answer.

The real question is why more people voted for Trump and that is complex and will no doubt be the subject of much deep analysis.

We know how we get fat, input is greater than consumption, but what we want to know is why we eat more than we need.

A simple answer may appear to be that modern food is cheap, convenient and tasty so we just pig out.

But that is not the real answer, we have to dig deeper and put more emphasis on prevention which takes the pressure of cure.

Why do we overeat?

We should start by recognising that the epidemic of chronic disease is a new phenomenon that started only a little over fifty years ago. True there have always been fat people, genetics play a part, but predominantly the epidemic is a modern phenomenon.

How we get fat is easy to answer – if more carbon goes into our bodies than comes out we get fat. But that is not an answer, we need to know why more goes in than comes out.

We have not all turned into little piggies so saying eat less and exercise more is not the solution, we need to understand why we eat more than we need.

There are sound scientific reasons why we overeat and if we are going to fix the chronic disease epidemic we need to understand why.

Our bodies – a thermodynamic machine

I find it useful to think of our bodies as a thermodynamic machine like a car.

Every machine has some form of control system, even if it just an on/off switch but today we have some extremely sophisticated intelligent control systems as I discuss in Health – prevention first

A car needs fuel, typically a simple hydrocarbon. We need fuel for our bodies and that is typically some combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the form of a sugar or fat which we burn to form carbon dioxide, which we breathe out and water which we use internally or pee out.

As burning carbon to form carbon dioxide always releases the same amount of energy it has become fashionable to talk about the conservation of energy, the calorie balance but it is the excess carbon we don’t breathe out as carbon dioxide which makes us fat and that is governed by the indisputable law of the conservation of mass.

So why do we store excess carbon (as fat)? That is when it get really interesting.


Cars and our bodies both need fuel

A car needs more than fuel, it needs a whole range of quite complex chemicals, oils for lubrication, water for cooling plus a whole range of components that wear out and need replacing from windscreen wiper blades to engine bearings, brake pads and batteries.

Typically the owner driver will take the car to a mechanic who will check the car over and replace bits that need replacing.

Our bodies are similar. We need a range of complex chemicals to survive and replace our body parts as they age and wear. We get these complex chemicals largely from the phytonutrients that plants produce, either directly by eating the plants or indirectly by eating animals that eat the plants and pass on the phytonutrients.

The car driver and our gut-brain

As the driver of the car, you are like a brain for the car telling it where to go, what route, how fast etc. and you like to be fed.

Our bodies similarly have a gut-brain which controls our bodies, deciding every aspect of our body’s operation, maybe subconsciously but it is still a decision and one of the most important decisions is what and how much we want to eat.

Our gut-brain likes to be fed too.

Three sorts of food

So we need three sorts of food – food for energy, food to replace our body parts as they age or wear and food to feed our gut-brain which controls our body.

In round figures about 80% of the food we eat is burned as fuel, 15% is used to replace our body parts and only 5% is needed to feed our gut-brain.

Historically energy fuel was in short supply while replacement and gut-brain food were abundant, so by the time we had gathered enough energy food for fuel we had an ample supply of replacement and gut-brain food.

Humanoids have been on this earth for some million years and in all that time we have been short of food for energy. Even today we are obsessed with energy food.

Then we changed the food system so there was an abundant supply of cheap energy food – fuel.

Who can blame the food industry for providing us with cheap energy food?

Our intelligent control system needs three ticks

Our intelligent control system can send out a complex variety of hormones to make us feel hungry or full, eg satisfied.

We don’t need any complex piece of scientific equipment to tell us we are satisfied – our bodies tell us we feel full and satisfied.

But despite eating large amounts of modern food we still don’t feel satisfied.


The key to solving the epidemic of chronic disease

The answer to that question is the key to solving the epidemic of chronic disease.

Before our intelligent control system sends out signals to say we are full or satisfied it must have three ticks, one tick for enough energy, another tick for replacement food and the last tick to feed the gut-brain.

When, and only when, it senses that all these needs are satisfied will it send out hormones saying enough – stop eating. The food cravings stop and we feel satisfied and stop eating.

We may have all the energy food we need but if either we don’t have enough replacement food or enough gut-brain food we will not feel satisfied.

The hormones will create food cravings, we will not feel satisfied and whatever our dietitian tells us we will eventually be overcome and eat more energy food than we need.

That is how 8 million people a year end up in the operating room having a limb amputated. Bad for them, bad for our health system – we need to fix it.


How our food system has changed

In times gone past energy food was on the critical path so by the time we had eaten enough energy food it had received ticks for both replacement and gut-brain food so it sends out the hormones to say we are full or satisfied so there was no epidemic stemming from the wrong fat in the wrong place.

In our modern food system, there is an abundance of energy food so we very easily eat enough food to get a tick for energy food but we will still not have created a tick for replacement or gut-brain food.

So our intelligent control system does not send out signals saying you are satisfied, instead, it sends out signals saying eat more.

While we are eating more food to generate a tick for replacement and gut-brain food we keep on eating which results in us eating more energy food than we need and as a result, we end up storing more fat and creating the epidemic of chronic disease.

Our bum, the natural storage for fat becomes overfull so our intelligent control system, faced with a surplus of energy food starts storing the fat anywhere it can in our tummies, thighs, arteries and brain so now we have an epidemic of chronic disease.

It is critical to understand this process to create the societal change we need to reverse the epidemic of chronic disease.

Fortunately, it is very easy and inexpensive to increase the supply of replacement and energy food and save billions of dollars in medical costs.

Getting the message out

But we have to get the message out to not just the Governments who fund the health system and the medical practitioners who run the health system but also the population at large to create the needed societal change.

The Health Paradox

This is so important to reversing the chronic disease epidemic allow me to emphasise this critical point even if I repeat myself, if we are going to fix the epidemic of chronic disease we all need to understand this simple paradox.

The paradox is, with our modern food system, loaded with energy food, that even though we have eaten enough energy food we still have not satisfied our need for replacement and gut-brain foods.

Our intelligent control system is smart and detects that we are still short of replacement and gut-brain food so it sends out signals saying you are not satisfied so eat more food. However determined we are to stick to some diet it is very hard to resist our intelligent control system sending out hormones that say you are still not full so keep on eating.

We don’t feel satisfied and keep on eating.

That is why we get fat, not just fat but fatter and fatter – we are losing the battle.

Why we need a prevention strategy

There is no suggestion that we should stop caring for people that are fat and sick but by the time they have reached that stage, it is a bit late.

If someone has reached the stage where they are on the operating table to have a limb removed from diabetes it is a bit late and anyway removing the limb will not cure diabetes.

That is why we need a health system that focuses on prevention, it won’t cost much money to run a prevention program and will save a far greater amount of money in expensive medical care later.


Our sophisticated intelligent control system

We won’t get far in making these changes unless we recognise just how sophisticated our intelligent control system is.

Engineers know a lot about intelligent control systems, just look at the sophistication that is used in power stations and rockets which can now navigate back to Earth and re-dock.

But we don’t have to look at these exotic applications, your car sitting in your driveway is an excellent example of intelligent control at work, which has remarkable similarities to our human bodies.

Short and long-term energy

It has a fuel tank for storing fuel – the equivalent of our bums for storing fuel in the form of fat. It just sits there, doing nothing until there is a call for action eg you start the car so it needs fuel to keep the engine running.

It does this by transferring a tiny amount of fuel from the tank to the fuel injection system where highly sophisticated sensors work out precisely how much fuel needs to be injected into the engine.

If you, as the driver of the car and part of the intelligent control system, want to accelerate or go up a hill the system works out how much extra fuel needs to be injected.

Our bodies work in a similar way.

We fill up our fuel tank, our bum, by eating food.

Initially the food, as sugars, goes into our bloodstream but the amount of energy we can store in our blood is minute so our intelligent control system sends out hormones to transfer this energy into our fuel tank, our bum.

When we start some activity which requires a lot of energy our intelligent control system will at first use the energy which is in our blood, but that is tiny so it sends our signals to transfer energy from our fuel tank, our bum, back into the bloodstream where it can power our muscles.

Our intelligent control system is continuously managing our energy supply, converting fast-acting sugars into fat for long-term storage and back from fats to sugars in our blood for immediate energy.

Watch it in action

You don’t have to believe me, you can watch this in action on your own body by doing what I do and just buy a continuous blood sugar monitor and watch.

This is what I see every day.

At night my blood sugar will be relatively low and stable (apart from a bit of a bump when I get up for a pee).

But as soon as the sun gets up my blood sugar will rise. I have not eaten anything but my intelligent control system has learned from experience (what engineers call self-learning) that when it starts to get daylight I will soon be getting up and need energy so it takes energy out of my long-term storage (my bum) making it readily available for short term use as sugar in my blood.

It is smart and has learned this over time using the same process of self-learning that I used in the intelligent control software I used to write.

Then I will eat my breakfast, the microbes in my gut, which is part of my intelligent control system, will digest my breakfast releasing the energy as sugars into my bloodstream.

This is sensed by my intelligent control system (and I see from my blood sugar monitor) as a blood sugar spike so my intelligent control system takes a decision that it needs to send out instructions to take this short-term energy supply – sugars in my blood and store this in my long term storage tank, my bum.

If the preferred storage vessel (my bum) is full it will find somewhere else to store the fat and wherever that is is not good news.

A highly sophisticated process

This is a highly sophisticated deliberate process which is occurring 375/24. It does not happen by chance and if we want to get on top of the epidemic of chronic disease we have to gain an understanding of how our intelligent control system works.

Sadly we only have a limited understanding of how our intelligent control system works a the code level.

However, we can get some inspiration from the intelligent control system that we have developed for our machines.

Take a trip to the local BMX track and see for yourself our intelligent self-learning control system at work.


Learning to ride a bike (or catch a ball)

I am an engineer. When I was at Uni I learned about gyroscopic couples and self-balancing systems, the basis of how a bike stays upright, and to be honest I found it difficult to get my head around.

But I had been riding bikes for years with no understanding of self-balancing gyroscopic couples – how come I could still ride a bike without falling off?

When I had kids and they wanted a bike for Christmas did I sit down with them and give them a long lecture about self-balancing gyroscopic couples?

No way! Take them out to the lawn so they won’t hurt themselves too much and let them learn by trial and error, falling off a few times but within a couple of hours they have the knack, never to be forgotten.

I have this somewhat crazy-sounding idea that as part of a nutrition course, the students should spend an afternoon watching the kids at a BMX park.

There will be the beginners who get halfway up the ramps and run out of speed and fall off and the experts who fly to the top of the ramp, flip their bike in mid-air and zoom back down the ramp – truly amazing.

That is our intelligent control system at work, you can see the kids learning about anticipatory control, learning the art of measuring the rate of change without a mention of self-balancing gyroscopic forces or differential calculus.

For the best part of a million years, we applied this expertise in self-learning to control our appetite so we did not get fat and sick.

Not being fat is singularly important if you don’t want to be that snarling beast’s dinner and need to nip up that protective tree. Evolution is a cruel, but effective system.

Maybe we have to change from being our modern high-tech-twenty-first century science specialist to an eighteen-century natural philosopher understanding how systems work as a whole.

We need to become modern-day Darwins.

Changed the rules

Now we have changed the rules by having cheap, convenient high-energy food readily available.

If we want to resolve the chronic disease epidemic we have to learn how to retrain our intelligent control system to adapt to these new conditions.

This requires a societal change.


Societal change

This is the aim of the Gbiota social benefit movement.

There are two parts to the Gbiota movement.

There is the technology of how to grow replacement and gut-brain food and that is just straightforward technology. This can be cheaper than buying food from the supermarket but does mean that people have to do it themselves or we change the design of our cities so local growers can supply genuinely fresh plants.

With the threat of climate change having cities with green spots to reprocess organic waste seems highly desirable.

The difficult bit – creating societal change

The second part is the difficult part, how do we change both our health system and our society so the focus is on prevention rather than cure?

How do we do this in the misinformation age where the internet is saturated with marketing crap?

People learn from other people that they trust. My experience as an innovator is there are three types of people,

– the pioneers, the change makers, or early adopters who see the need for change and make it happen,

– the puddings who agree logically that there is a need for change but there is always some reason to procrastinate, the busy work brigade,

– and the crusties who will never change but who eventually die.

Start with the pioneers

Pioneers can be found anywhere, they can be just highly motivated private individuals who see the need for change, they can be from within the scientific system, the Universities and research establishments and there are even pioneers within Governments.

I can’t change the world myself, but I can try and get the message out to the pioneers of the importance of understanding our intelligent control system and training it to change our eating habits so we stop stuffing ourselves with energy food.

I am continuously amazed by the modern world we live in, how mega companies put profits ahead of community benefit, the disinformation which saturates the internet and even the election of Donald Trump.

But even that shows one thing – there is dissatisfaction with the current system and the world is ready for change.

Let us make it happen. Email me


Prevention better than cure

Prevention better than cure


Health – prevention better than cure

The health crisis

Two-thirds of the population are overweight, the wrong fat in the wrong place is the root cause of all chronic diseases.

Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease with half a billion sufferers and eight million people a year suffering a limb amputation.

Heart attacks are the most common cause of death while dementia must be one of the most distressing diseases.

Health systems are creaking at the joints with not enough doctors and health workers.

ambulance rampingA shortage of beds leads to Ambulance ramping.

Governments struggle to maintain an overstretched health system.

The costs to our health system are measured in billions of dollars – one of the highest costs to Governments worldwide.

Welcome as it may be spending more money on health is not the solution so what is the solution?

In one word prevention.

Weekly blog

I read, study and experiment with the technology of preventing getting fat and sick. I write a new post every week. You can join for free for six months but you need to sign in and tick the box saying ‘Notify me of new posts by email’.

When you receive a notification of a new post you will need to come back to this site and log in.


old man in wheel chairPrevention is not just a medical problem, we need medical expertise but essentially it is a societal problem, creating a society where people can live a long life, fit and healthy to the end.

Forget about talking about life span, who wants to spend their life stuck in a wheelchair, dribbling into your blanket, peeing your pants and wondering who those funny kids are who keep on calling you granddad.

What matters is health span and health span is a societal issue so before I talk about how to increase health span (which I will do) I have to talk about the society we live in and it is not nice.

Health span

big fat mythsChronic diseases that reduce our health span are caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.

We know exactly how we get fat. The biochemistry has been long established. One of the best books is by Ruben Meerman.

We eat food which is largely made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Our bodies burn off the carbon to form carbon dioxide which is a heavy gas which we breathe out.

If we consume more carbon than we breathe out we get fat. It is the law of conservation of mass – simple.

Nutritionists talk about calorie balance which is highly confusing but can be technically justified as burning carbon, however you do it, always releases the same amount of energy so talking about calorie balance as a measure of carbon is technically correct – but confusing.

So we know how we get fat but the real question is why we get fat. We have known about that for years with the science of homeostasis.

Our bodies have a set point for the amount of fat we need to store and will do everything possible to go back to that set point.

Set point

set pointUnderstanding what determines that set point is the most important issue in managing chronic disease.

The classic example of the set point at work is in post-menopausal women who tend to put a lot of fat on their bums and thighs. This is the set point at work.

Men have a different issue tending to put on fat on their tums.

Don’t believe me – go to any shopping centre and look.

grand parentsThe mechanics are simple. In the millions or so years of humanoid existence, we have had to cope with a single feature of human nature. Our children take far longer to mature than any other animal.

No hopping out of Mum’s tum, then being able to run away from that lion.

Our kids need looking after for a very long time. In this evolutionary period, parents were kept busy gathering or hunting for food so much of the role of child care fell to grandmother (and grandfather too if they were still alive).

For grandparents to survive and look after the kids while the parents were gathering food they needed a store of energy or fat so we evolved to have a raised set point. That is evolution at work.

low calorie dietIn our modern society with an ample supply of food, this set point is no longer appropriate.

But instead of focusing on changing the set point, which we can easily do by ensuring we feel satisfied, we go on extreme diets restricting food intake which means we don’t feel satisfied which raises rather than lowers the set point making things worse rather than better.

This is why operations like bariatric surgery and drugs like Ozempic are so successful – they make us feel satisfied. Both have nasty side effects and there are much better and cheaper ways of changing the set point.

That is an individual choice, there are no major operations or expensive drugs involved but it does require education.

That is why I run this website with weekly posts to help people understand how their bodies create this set point and how to change it.

Changing society

caring and compassionate societyWe know what we have to do to prevent an epidemic of chronic disease, it is not a technical problem we have to change the society to work on the principle of prevention.

Not so profitable for the mega-corporations but a lot better for the community.

But how do we do that when the internet is so choked with misinformation and the mega-corporations have so much influence over our Governments?

It does not matter how many technical articles I write or how many letters I write to the Government nothing will happen.

The solution is to create a social movement of people who appreciate the need for change and are prepared to spend time for the benefit of the community.

It is a simple process.

Step one is to find people with an entrepreneurial attitude who see the need for change.

Step two is for them to spend time reading the key articles on this web so they understand the basic principles but words are not enough we have to show people that it works.

Step three is for them to grow food using the Gbiota principles of breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, growing plants in the resultant soil and eating the plants while fresh.

Even a glass of green Gbiota smoothie works wonders.

Step 4 is to sense their appetite and see if the food cravings stop and they feel satisfied. If they want to fit themselves with a continuous blood sugar monitor, as I do, they will get more specific information on how their body is working.

Not essential, the critical test is do I feel satisfied?

Step 5 is to tell their friend and contacts and persuade them to start growing some food using the Gbiota principles.

This may seem a slow and tedious process but seeing is believing and growth would be exponential 2 4 16 256, 65536 4.3 billion half the world’s population.

rock on mountain topIt is like a bolder on a mountain top, hard to get rolling but once it starts impossible to stop. Changing the world is not difficult when you have a few shoulders to get the bolder rolling.

No one wants to be the victim of a chronic disease, be fat and sick and risk having a foot amputated from diabetes.

Let’s get the bolder rolling.

When you have joined here are some earlier posts you may like to read.

See Society

See Food we love it

See prevention

See Disease

See Recycle

See community health

See friendly bugs.

See My Teddy

See Jenny

See The riddle

See Invite

See The plan

See adoption

See Applying technology

See Think smarter

See Food Paradigm shift





Social benefitChronic diseases require a life style change, they cannot be cured by pills or injections. You have to make the effort.

We  have no funding, we are a membership only social benefit organisation with costs like any other organisation.

We are supported by our members. We have a free six month trial period. After that you can  join the community and read the various articles we publish on a weeklyish basis for an annual subscription of $Au15 (about ten dollars US). Use rethinking food login here or join as a full member and benefit from our growing support.

change the worldIf you want to know more I am happy to chat, I can set up video calls, but you have to email me first.

Together we can make the world a better place for humans, (but maybe not for computers).

Find out who we are at Welcome to Gbiota


There are over 300 posts and 150 videos on this site.  It may be an indepth study of food and health but it can be a bit overwhelming.

I have made a short list of the key posts below in a suggested reading schedule.

I suggest you start having a look a these posts, at the end of each post just click on Home in the menu or main menu in the footer at the bottom of each post which will bring you back to this page and then you can look at the next post.

You can see all post at New Posts, Food and Health, Gbiota news  for free as a signed up member or growing as a paying member

If you have question or want to chat I am available for email or video chats.



Game changer

Health – prevention first

Health – prevention first cure second

Colin Austin 4 Nov 2024 © This document is published under Creative Commons. It may be copied and republished without further permission, just acknowledgement of source.


Across the globe, we are suffering from an epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases. Three out of four people die prematurely from a chronic disease. The social and economic costs are massive stretching our medical resources to the limit and at high cost.

We know that these chronic diseases are caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place and it is widely assumed that this is because we are eating too much sugary fatty foods – the calorie balance theory.

While it is true that we do have to consume an excess of sugary fatty foods this is not the cause. How much and where we store fat is decided by our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies. The microbes in our gut are an integral part of our intelligent control system regulating our appetite and immune system.

We need to both feed and train these microbes. Our modern food system is deficient in gut-brain food.

This can only be rectified at an individual level, ‘we the people’ but it needs the Government to run educational programs and support the change in the way we grow our food.

This is not a cost to the Governments as it would save them billions of dollars in the health care system.


What life for my great grandchildren?

grandparentWhat will life be like for my great grandchildren? Long, healthy and happy I hope.

But at this moment we are facing an epidemic of chronic diseases. We know how to fix it but we are all too busy with pointless busy work.

Here I show how to fix that.

chronic diseasesThree out of four people die prematurely from chronic disease.

That is bad but it gets worse, across the globe our health systems are creaking at the joints, doctors are overworked and in short supply waiting lists for other medical needs stretch out, ambulance ramping is the norm and the cost to our medical services run into the multi-billions.

Eight million people a year suffer an amputation from diabetes.

Health is a major cost to our Governments.

This is the major issue facing our health services.

The wrong fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of all chronic or non-infectious diseases overweight, diabetes, heart attacks, and dementia.

What makes our bodies store the wrong fat in the wrong place? This is a control problem.

Not little piggies

little piggyThe conventional wisdom or paradigm is that we get fat and sick because we have turned into little piggies.

We see this everywhere, in the thousands of books written, in articles and on the many influential websites on diet and health.

It is called the calorie balance theory and it says that we can model our bodies like a water tank, with water flowing in and out.

If we have more water flowing in than out the level in the tank will go up, which is equivalent to us getting fat so we get fat because we are consuming more calories than we are burning so we end up fat.


Is this really true?

busy workIt is well worthwhile breaking the over-activity cycle which seems to dominate everyday modern life by asking if this model is a valid representation of how our bodies work.

We can’t procrastinate and say we are too busy. Busy work is not an alternative to death.

Control systems

control panelLet me confess, I am not a medical doctor, micro-biologist or bio-chemist. I am an engineer which may seem totally irrelevant to the human body.

Engineers make machines, and every machine has some form of control system – maybe a dead simple on-off switch of something a bit more complex if you are controlling a rocket to the moon.

How control system work

colinaieeI understand how control systems, my first real job was working for a company that made control systems for power stations. Later in life I was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering and wrote software which led me to be recognised by the Australian Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

Among the software I wrote was sophisticated control software so I know a bit about control systems which means I can look at how intelligent control systems work and see if there is anything relevant to understanding how the intelligent control system in our bodies may work.

Balancing capacity with demand on time

blood sugar roller coasterControl systems have some target, in a power station it may be providing the power to balanced load.

This is similar to the problem in our bodies, balancing energy in and energy out.

The challenge in a power station is that the load varies while it takes some time for the power plant to increase output. It is essential to know the timing characteristics of the power plant.

In our bodies the target is to control both our blood sugar and fat levels. In a way these are interchangeable as our bodies can turn sugar into fat and fat into sugar but they have very different timing characteristics.

Sugar is like having food on the table, it is immediately available, fat is like having food in a cupboard, to make it available we have to take it out of the cupboard and process it ready to eat and that takes time.

Errors and timing characteristics

runningTypically we have a simple target and we can operate in a narrow band, in a more complex situation like driving a car the target is continuously changing.

In our bodies we have a fairly stable requirement for our blood sugar and fat levels to be controlled within a narrow band but a dramatically varying demand whether we are running to catch that train or waiting in a queue.


PID controllers

carcrashIn a relatively simple case we can get away with measuring the error between the target and actual and this is important, the rate of change of error.

If we are driving a car and see it is wandering from the lane we may decide to just gently correct, but if we see the car is about to leave the road we may make a dramatic correction but then we have to be careful we don’t over correct.

All this is handled by the traditional proportional, integral and derivative controllers which have been around for years.

But more recently we have developed self learning software which learns over time how the system is working based on observing history or even applying real intelligence.

Intelligent controllers

football half timeMore recently we have developed intelligent controllers which can learn to deal with the unexpected.

A classic example is the football half time problem.

On Saturdays, when there is a football match there is a low demand as people are busy watching the game.

But at half time many people will put their kettles onto make a cup of tea creating a huge and initially unexpected peak in demand that no regular controller could handle.

pumped hydroBut engineers may have been caught out initially but they soon worked out the problem and developed an intelligent solution.

It was impossible for them to cover this abrupt surge in power demand with a conventional power system. But having identified the problem they located a pumped hydro facility and well before half time the put the power station on full bore but used that power to fill the upper reservoir.

Then by half time the main power plant was operating at full capacity and could be supplemented by the power from the pumped hydro so avoiding the disaster of not having a cuppa at half time.

This is the basic principle of self learning or adaptive control, it involves learning how the system works, anticipating a change and applying a correction ahead to time.

Toddler on a bike

kid on bikeThe human body is incredibly good as this self learning and anticipatory control process.

Have you ever watched a toddler learning to ride a bike?

They don’t sit down and read a book on gyroscopic couples and self balancing systems, no way, they just hop on the bike and after a couple of spills the kid has learned the dynamics and is up and away.

Anticipatory control is natural for the human brain.


Continuous blood sugar monitoring

continuous blood sugar monitorI am in the habit of wearing a continuous blood sugar monitor, it tell so much more than a single measurement. This shows that our intelligent control system fully understands anticipatory control.

At night my blood sugar will drop to a low (and oddly erratic level) but when it gets time for me to get up my blood sugar level will rise in anticipation of my needing extra energy.

I have not eaten anything it is just my intelligent control system looking after me.

What is happening is my intelligent control system recognises that I will soon be getting up and will need energy. It goes to the bodies pantry, the fat cells, takes some out, converts it to blood sugar ready for that spurt of energy I will need as I start the days activities.

Anticipatory control

That is what we engineers call anticipatory control, it is the technique we use so that the football fans can have their cuppa at half time.

Engineers have only been able to exploit anticipatory control since the development of the computers, our bodies have been doing this for hundreds of thousand of years.

Time for a bit of humility.

Self learning software and the self learning body

anticipationIt also understand that I have different loads at different times of the day.

There is a difference in response with food eaten at a normal meal time and a meal that is not on schedule.

While it is normal to expect that a meal would increase blood sugar levels this is not the way it works.

It takes a lot of energy to digest food so we need extra energy for digestion, which is why we eat a sweet desert to provide the energy to digest the heavy main meal.

It appears our bodies have learned this so if I eat an experimental meal in the middle of the afternoon when my body is not expecting these loads I will get different traces.

Our bodies are just much more sophisticated than the over simplistic calories in calories out theory.

The puppy inside our tummies

puppy inside our tummyAs an engineer I know full well the laws of conservation of mass and energy but these are not the driving force that is the cause of the modern epidemic of chronic disease which makes us fat and sick, it is our intelligent control system which is the driving force.

It is like having a puppy inside us, it is there to look after us and if we feed it and look after it, all is great, if we don’t feed and train our puppy then we end up with the epidemic of chronic disease.


Feed and train

feed and trainIf we expect our intelligent control system to work effectively we have to both feed and train it.

At birth we get our initial burst of gut microbes from out mum, later she feeds us pre-biotics in her milk but later our gut micro-biota depends on the food we eat.

We have known it for a long time

fat and skinny miceWe have known this for a long time.

We learned in the second world war that people deprived of food would be trained to overeat and get fat when food was available.

We learned that changing the gut biota in mice could make fat mice skinny and skinny mice fat.

We learned from faecal transplants that skinny people could become fat just by changing their gut biota.

highly processed foodAnd then we conducted the largest experiment on food and health ever conducted, it was called processed foods which were inert, dead, lacking the essential pre and pro biotics .

People across the globe got fat and sick in the worlds largest epidemic.

And still the simplistic calorie balance theory prevails.

A peculiar creature

monopolyWe are a singularly peculiar creature, we are naturally intelligent and naturally cooperative which has led to us becoming the dominant creature on earth.

Yet we kill ourselves on an industrial scale in modern warfare, we destroy soil, the basis of a healthy food system and despite a clear intelligence we cling to outdated ideas because they are simple and convenient (and make the big food and big pharma a lot of money).

The real reason why we get fat and sick

We get fat and sick because our modern food system does not feed our gut-brain which regulates our appetite and immune system.

The solution is to feed your gut-brain.

I cannot do this for you – there is no magic pill, but I can show you how.

It is not trivial, takes a bit of effort and must be done right but other people are doing it.

It is your body, your life and your choice.

feed your gut brain


 Diabetes and insulin resistance

gut brain connectionInsulin resistance is an evolved characteristic that ensures the brain has a continuous supply of sugars.

When sugars are in short supply insulin resistance restricts the flow of sugars to the muscles so sugars are available for the brain.

Insulin resistance is an evolved characteristic for our survival. If the brain dies we die. It is the way our intelligent control system keeps us alive.

When our intelligent control system is fully functional the system works fine. When our intelligent control system is not  functional we get diabetes.

fat and skinnyOur intelligent control system operates in our subconscious brain, we have no control or even know what it is doing but it regulates our bodies.

Temperature is a classic example of our intelligent control system at work, it makes us shiver when cold or sweat when hot, we have no control over it but it regulates our temperature to a fraction of a degree.

Our gut biome is a critical part of this intelligent control system, playing a major part in our appetite, how much and what sort of food we want to eat and also our immune system protecting us 24/7.

breast feedingFrom the moment we are born, it is learning and adapting to the current conditions, as described in more detail later.

It works to keep us alive protecting us from both infectious and non-infectious diseases and can only be described as a marvel of the human body.

But, at times it fails and then we have serious problems.

Unfortunately, the importance of our intelligent control system is not widely recognised so we fail to feed and train it with disastrous consequences.

fat and skinny miceThe modern diabetes epidemic is caused by failure to feed our gut brain so our intelligent control system no longer functions properly.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables may improve our gut-brain and intelligent control system but only if the vegetables are grown in soil containing the beneficial microbes.

This is well understood in enlightened scientific circles but unfortunately, the popular press is fixated with the calorie balance theory which is overly simplistic so we rely on magic pills or diets, which are highly profitable when the real problem is we are not caring for our intelligent control system.

Sadly we have switched from being Homo-sapiens to Homo-profitus.


Profit or Health

Our intelligent control system

continuous blood sugar monitor

gbiotaboxI experiment. I breed microbes in the soil, grow plants in that soil and then eat them. I eat different foods and measure my blood sugar levels to see what happens.

We do not appreciate how sophisticated our bodies are.

We have an intelligent control system in our gut which regulates our appetite – what and how much we want to eat.

It works like the intelligent control software I used to write. It senses our blood sugar has an error, it looks at how rapidly it is changing and applies a correction, it looks at how well that correction worked, learns from that and creates a new correction.

I feed my gut-brain so I have an effective intelligent control system.

Piggy me

blood sugar graphI look at my blood sugar reading and it is fine.

But then I am naughty and go to a restaurant and pig out.

I see that I get a blood sugar spike from eating naughty food but the microbes in my gut are here to look after me and protect me from my naughty habits.

They communicate with each other, just like in a computer to provide real intelligence.

They work out that something is wrong and make hormones to bring my blood sugar level down and within a couple of hours my blood sugar is back to normal.

Feed our gut-brains

All I have to do is feed my gut-brain and make sure it has the right microbes. There is nothing new about this, we evolved this way and we have been feeding our gut-brain for hundreds of thousands of years.

And then we stopped. Why?

Because our modern food system puts their profits ahead of our health.

But you and I can fix that.

partyMicrobes breed like crazy, they make teenagers at a drunken party look like a pack of nuns.

There is no problem in breeding microbes all we have to do is to manage the conditions so the good bugs out-breed the bad bugs a process we call Eco-balance which again has been going on for millions of years.

That is what Gbiota is all about, it is a social movement that puts health before profits and shows people who want to live a long and healthy life how to feed their gut brain.

Read on – then sign up and join the movement.

The good gut bugs are here to protect us

food industryBeneficial microbes, the good bugs, in our gut control our appetite and immune system leading to a long and healthy life.

Our modern food system is deficient in these, good bugs, so we have an epidemic of chronic non-infectious diseases – overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

chronic diseasesThree out of four people now die, prematurely from chronic diseases.

Our health system is creaking at the joints, not enough doctors and health care professionals, ambulances ramping outside overfull wards, billions of dollars spent on avoidable care and amputations.

All because we don’t have the protection of the good gut bugs.

We know how to fix it – we just have to do it.


Our intelligent control system

blood sugar graphPeople often think our bodies are dumb and we get fat and sick because we eat too much.

Our bodies are very smart and we can see this by looking at the blood sugar level throughout the day.

Imagine that you are controlling your blood sugar level and have to keep the level within limits, you have two buttons one to increase blood sugar levels and the other to reduce it.

How, as an intelligent creature, would you manage those two buttons?

At night there is not much to do so just a little push on the down button is all you need.

But then in the morning, you know there will be a need for energy so you press the up button at wake-up time and the blood sugar levels rise.

We can see that our intelligent control system does exactly this our blood sugar rises between wake-up and breakfast.

Both you and our intelligent control system know that at breakfast time there is going to be a big surge in blood sugar levels as your body gets stuck into all that toast and marmalade so you are both on standby.

why we get fatAs soon as you see the blood sugar levels rising both you and your body’s intelligent control system start pushing the down button to bring the blood sugar level back under control.

Message – your body is smart not some dumb machine that works on a crude calories in calories out basis.

Of course, the basic laws of conservation of mass and energy apply so we have to eat to get fat and sick but the reason why we overeat is because we have are not looking after our intelligent control system not because we are little piggies.

Blood sugar and fat are pretty much interchangeable.

Before I even wake up in the morning my intelligent control system anticipates that I will need extra energy so it draws down on my fat stores so I have energy available.

When I get around to eating breakfast there is a surplus of energy so my intelligent control system stores some of this sugar as fat.

why we eat too muchI used to write intelligent control software which had self-learning and anticipatory functions. Our intelligent control system seems to have these capabilities built in.

This is a natural human capacity. If we wake up and see a blue sky we may go and water the garden. We have learned that blue sky means a probability of being hot and dry so we anticipate a high water use by our plants.

If there are dark clouds we may put of watering for now.

This is a natural human capability so we need to assume that this is how our intelligent control system is managing our blood sugar and fat storage.

What we can say for sure is that the calorie balance theory, which looks as our body like a water tank, with flows in and out and the water level is determined by these flows is a simplistic model which is leading us to major errors.

This is serious as three out of four people die prematurely from a chronic disease which is caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.


How have we got ourselves into such a mess?

food wasteWe know how to breed the beneficial microbes, the good bugs. Just collect organic waste, mix with soil and volcanic rock dust, add inoculants, grow plants and eat them while fresh.

How do I know this, for a start I study the work of experts in the field like Professor Tim Spencer and Bill Bulsiewicz, but then I collect organic waste and grow gut-brain food.

Then I test it on myself.

I wear a continuous blood sugar monitor.

If I eat modern food my readings go through the roof, I am not diabetic but would soon be if I just ate modern foods  that are deficient in beneficial microbes.

So I eat gut-brain food adding it to my regular diet and see my reading drop down to healthy levels.

This is not rocket science – anyone can do it.

I can’t do it for you but I can show you how.

So why haven’t we fixed the chronic disease problem?

Most Governments have Health and Welfare departments whose job is to prevent these chronic diseases. Why aren’t they promoting that we all eat gut-brain food full of the good bugs?

It is a simple question of profits versus health and at this moment profits for big food and big pharma are winning while Governments stand back and procrastinate with busy work.

Market power

Profits! Big food and big pharma make a lot of money from the current system, they have immense marketing power to protect their profits while there is no money to be made showing people how to collect their kitchen waste to breed the good bugs and grow the plants that will feed the good bugs in our gut.

Join us

What can you do about this? Join the Gbiota movement for social change.

The first step is to register, stand up and show you care, the more people that show they care the better able we are to get people to eat gut-brain food.

You can join for free and read the many articles on food and health, later when you are convinced that all people should be eating gut-brain food you can learn how, we do ask people to contribute but it is a pittance and you will end up saving money (and maybe your foot).

We are a social benefit organisation, but it costs money to develop technology to learn how to grow gut-brain food and we have to cover our costs. If you can’t afford to contribute we have a needy membership for $1 for those that cannot afford to pay.

Join us and change the world so people can have a long and healthy life with a sustainable food system based on recycling waste.


Want to live a long and healthy life?

friendly bugDIY breed your own gut bugs? Your immediate reaction may be no thanks I am not a microbiologist.

Well, let me tell you, right now you are breeding your own gut bugs, whether you like it or not.

Microbes, I prefer to call them bugs, are everywhere, in the air, our drinks, our food and they breed like crazy doubling every twenty minutes 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 …. trillions.

You can kill them all off with powerful disinfectants but they will be back.

You can’t stop them breeding, the only choice you have is what sort of bugs live inside you.

There are good bugs which make you fit and healthy, not-so-good bugs which make you fat and sick, and bugs that kill you.

bad bugsYou don’t need to be a microbiologist to tell what species of bugs are inside people.

Just go to any shopping centre and you will see people that are fit and healthy, they have the good bugs.

People with wobbly bums and tums, they have the not-so-good bugs.

If you want to see the people with the bad bugs you will have to go to the mortuary to find them.

You can’t stop bugs breeding but you can choose what sorts of bugs are breeding inside you.

ecobalanceIf you have the conditions that benefit the good bugs they will out-breed and out-compete the not-so-good and bad bugs.

It has been going on for millions of years and we call it Eco-balance. We can use Eco-balance to select what sort of bugs live inside us.

That is what Gbiota is all about, we can’t breed the bugs for you but we can show you how to create the conditions that will favour the bugs you want, which we assume is the good bugs so you can look forward to a long and healthy life but you have to do it yourself – we show you how.

Our intelligent control system

gut brainOur bodies have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite and immune system.

Our gut is an integral part of this control system. If we have the right blend of species in our gut we can expect a long and healthy life, if we have a poor blend of species we get fat and sick.

The blend of species in our gut is the result of a long chain, starting in the soil with the nutrients and moisture, the microbes in the soil, the creatures of the soil, the plants that are grown, how quickly the plants are eaten after harvesting and how they are processed.

We have to look at all these factors as an integrated system, which may be complex but we can easily tell if we have it right, we feel satisfied and stop craving more food.

This may seem complex but the final answer is simple, grow your own gut-brain food. Anyone can do it and look forward to a long and healthy life.

feed your gut brain


We need the microbes

photosynthesisWe don’t eat rocks to get our nutrients, we need microbes and fungi to break down the rocks into nutrients we can digest.

Similarly with energy, we need photosynthesis from plants on land or algae in water to capture the sun’s energy.

Our lives are dependent on these micro-organisms.

swarm intelligenceBut they do much more than provide a path to nutrients and energy, they can communicate with each other to provide intelligence which regulates our bodies. We see this with insects like bees and ants, birds that live in flocks, slime moulds and even human society.

hamburgerWe call this swarm intelligence and it is what regulates our bodies which controls our bodily functions particularly our appetite and immune system.

Microbes are essential for life. However, there are beneficial microbes that keep us fit and healthy and harmful microbes that make us fat and sick.

good and bad bugsOver millions of years, nature has evolved a system with trillions of microbes and many thousands of species but with the right conditions so the beneficial microbes preferentially out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes, we call this ecological balance and it is how we exist today.

Generally, microbes breed and die incredibly fast with cells dividing within twenty minutes of formation, we may see the same species over time, they are not the same microbes they are their great, great grand kids, we call this dynamic equilibrium.

breast feedingThere are trillions of microbes in our gut comprising many thousands of species. Initially, these microbes come from our mum but later they come from microbes that breed in the soil, move into the plants we eat and then into our gut biome.


modern farmingOur health depends on the dynamic equilibrium of the microbes in the soil and in our gut biome. Our modern food system, centred on chemical industrial agriculture and highly processed foods is lacking these beneficial microbes which has led to a global epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attack and dementia.

To overcome this we need to preferentially breed the beneficial microbes in the soil by carefully controlling the conditions, growing plants and eating them while still fresh before the microbes die.

This is not difficult, virtually anyone can do it. We cannot do it for you but we can show you how to do it by having a Gbiota box of plants growing at your home which you pick and eat.

Modern food

feed the worldModern food, backed up by a multi-billion dollar highly sophisticated advertising campaign, may claim to be healthy but is making us fat and sick and killing us from man-made chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is deficient in the beneficial microbes which forms part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and also critical trace minerals.

Health starts in real soil, teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients. Eat plants, grown in living nutritious soil and eaten fresh – not plants grown in chemical soil and eaten days after harvesting.

It is not rocket science, anyone with a little effort can grow plants that will make them healthy. It costs less and is always there in an emergency.

gbiotaboxGbiota shows you how.

But there is so much hype on the web that people have become sceptical. They want to see hard evidence from real people. This takes a social movement.

That is why there are two parts to the Gbiota movement.

The first – the easy bit, is developing the technology – the second is to apply the technology and for that, we need a social movement and why we need you.

Start by reading my last two articles Community Health and Jenny explain why and what we can do about it.

Social benefitChronic diseases require a life style change, they cannot be cured by pills or injections. You have to make the effort.

We  have no funding, we are a membership only social benefit organisation with costs like any other organisation.

We are supported by our members. We have a free six month trial period. After that you can  join the community and read the various articles we publish on a weeklyish basis for an annual subscription of $Au15 (about ten dollars US). Use rethinking food login here or join as a full member and benefit from our growing support.

change the worldIf you want to know more I am happy to chat, I can set up video calls, but you have to email me first.

Together we can make the world a better place for humans, (but maybe not for computers).

Find out who we are at Welcome to Gbiota









What society?

What sort of society do we want to live in?

ads v realityOne based on Maximising Money by Manipulative Marketing.

Where we have a food system that is so sterile it is devoid of beneficial microbes so we never feel satisfied, overeat, get fat and sick and run the risk of having a limb amputated from diabetes.

Where we have little concern for the other living creatures on the planet, particularly the beneficial microbes which are the great recyclers so we destroy the very means of sustainable food production on which we all depend.

caring and compassionate societyOr

Do we want a caring and compassionate society where all people, black, white, brown, red or purple have healthy food to eat so they can live a long and healthy life?

Sharing knowledge

gbiotaboxIn this web, I show how to grow food based on breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste.

Growing and eating plants while still fresh so we have the beneficial microbes which make us feel satisfied.

No longer craving food so we do not overeat, get fat and sick and run the risk of having a limb amputated from diabetes.

Social movement

feed and trainNo one is going to get rich from recycling waste so we need a social movement where we share knowledge and information on how to grow sustainable and healthy food which will lead to a long and healthy life.

This does take more effort than throwing plastic food wrapped in plastic into a supermarket trolley but the reward is being part of a caring and cooperative community which will be around a long after the manipulative marketers.

Join us in creating this caring and compassionate society focused on people not profit.

Start by registering for free, then read the articles below.


There are over 300 posts and 150 videos on this site.  It may be an indepth study of food and health but it can be a bit overwhelming.

I have made a short list of the key posts below in a suggested reading schedule.

I suggest you start having a look a these posts, at the end of each post just click on Home in the menu or main menu in the footer at the bottom of each post which will bring you back to this page and then you can look at the next post.

You can see all post at New Posts, Food and Health, Gbiota news  for free as a signed up member or growing as a paying member

If you have question of want to chat I am available for email or video chats.



The Trial

Food – we love it



Our Intelligent Control System

fat girlFood – we love it. But it is making us fat and sick and growing it is destroying the soils and planet on which we all depend.

What has gone wrong and what do we do about it?

Some experts say it is because we eat too much so we should eat less and exercise more. Other experts say it is our modern food with too much fat and sugar.

The truth is so simple that no one believes it.

intelligent controlOur bodies have evolved to have an intelligent control system which says stop eating when you are full.

We call it the gut-brain.

Our modern food system, profit before people, is simply not feeding the microbes in our gut so they send out hormones so we crave food, overeat and get fat and sick.

Solution – just feed your gut-brain.

Breed beneficial microbes in the soil under controlled conditions so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes, grow plants in this living soil and eat the plants.

gbiotaboxA green smoothie in the morning works wonders – the food cravings will stop and you will be fit and healthy.

The solution is so simple and inexpensive that no one believes it.

I can show you how but it needs a social movement with people feeding their gut brain and showing their friends and contacts that this works for real.

From bad news to good news

chronic diseasesNo one likes bad news. It is bad news that three out of four people will die prematurely from a chronic disease but you can still believe that you will be the lucky one in four.

But not for us, my wife, a medical doctor became diabetic, her foot started to turn black and the doctors were talking about amputation.

I am not a medical doctor, I am an engineer, I like to know how things work so I have spent many years trying to work out what is the basic cause of diabetes, and the other chronic diseases, and the first level answer is the wrong fat in the wrong place.

But that is not an answer, the second level I needed to answer was what causes us to store the wrong fat in the wrong place. The conventional answer is that we are little piggies and eat too much – the calorie balance theory.

fat and skinnyThe conventional solution is ‘eat less and exercise’ more. There may be some truth in that, we can’t ignore the basic laws of conservation of mass and energy.

But people have been trying that for decades and it does not work, chronic diseases keep on getting worse. So we need to go to level three and ask why we eat too much.

The answer to that appears simple, there are deficiencies in our modern diet, we all have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies. It senses these deficiencies and sends out hormones so we feel hungry and eat more than we need.

This is where you have a choice.

blood sugar graphLook at the blood sugar graph – we need to keep the line within the band, this is what engineers do all the time with their control systems, the techniques we use apply to both our machines and our bodies.

I have explained that in a number of articles as listed below. You can spend an afternoon reading these articles and then a week using the long-forgotten art of thinking to understand the control system inside your body.

Then you will have a good chance of avoiding chronic diseases. Prevention is better than cure.

These are all free in the public domain, published under the Creative Common system, you just read and think, but you will need to sign in with a genuine email. I got fed up with dubious companies using my web to sell even more dubious magic pills.

That is the cost of avoiding having your foot chopped off from diabetes or the other nasties of chronic diseases.

The solution is simple feed your gut brain.

feed your gut brain

con manThe web is full of magic solutions with very clever marketing strategies, all you have to do is wave your credit card, money will disappear from your account but you will still be prone to chronic disease.

I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

I understand how control system works and have spent decades trying to understand how the human body’s intelligent control system works.

health not profitThe global mega-companies that dominate the food and drug industries benefit greatly from the current system – profits before community benefit.

I think that focusing on profits when eight million people a year have a limb amputated is just plain wrong, it is certainly not the sort of society I want to live in.

But these industries are trillion-dollar industries, they have almost unlimited budgets that spend billions of dollars per year on dubious promotion and Government lobbying to protect their financial interest.

colin austinI am just one person, an 84-year-old engineer, not a marketing guru or social activist, still fit and healthy but still just one person.

I try to help people stay fit and healthy through my research and making the results available by running this web and publishing articles, but one person can only achieve so much.

Everybody has to eat and the bulk of the world’s population of eight billion people are suffering from an intelligent control system that is not working as nature intended.

If I can create a social movement then many people across the globe can benefit from a fully functioning intelligent control system.

So why not join the movement? Start by reading the articles highlighted below and if you decide you want to make the world a better place for us humans to live then join the Gbiota movement.

There are over 300 posts and 150 videos on this site.  It may be an indepth study of food and health but it can be a bit overwhelming.

I have made ashort list of the key posts below in a suggested reading schedule.  I suggest you start having a look a these posts, at the end of each post just click on Home in the menu or main menu in the footer at the bottom of each post which will bring you back to this page and then you can look at the next post.

You can see all post at blogs

If you have question of want to chat I am available for email or video chats.








Not little piggies

little piggyWe don’t get fat and sick because we have turned into little piggies.

We get fat and sick because our modern food system does not feed our gut-brain which regulates our appetite and immune system.

The solution is to feed your gut-brain.

We cannot do this for you – there is no magic pill, but we can show you how.

It is not trivial, takes a bit of effort and must be done right but other people are doing it.

It is your body, your life and your choice.

feed your gut brain



Diabetes and insulin resistance

gut brain connectionInsulin resistance is an evolved characteristic that ensures the brain has a continuous supply of sugars.

When sugars are in short supply insulin resistance restricts the flow of sugars to the muscles so sugars are available for the brain.

Insulin resistance is an evolved characteristic for our survival. If the brain dies we die. It is the way our intelligent control system keeps us alive.

When our intelligent control system is fully functional the system works fine. When our intelligent control system is not  functional we get diabetes.

fat and skinnyOur intelligent control system operates in our subconscious brain, we have no control or even know what it is doing but it regulates our bodies.

Temperature is a classic example of our intelligent control system at work, it makes us shiver when cold or sweat when hot, we have no control over it but it regulates our temperature to a fraction of a degree.

Our gut biome is a critical part of this intelligent control system, playing a major part in our appetite, how much and what sort of food we want to eat and also our immune system protecting us 24/7.

breast feedingFrom the moment we are born, it is learning and adapting to the current conditions, as described in more detail later.

It works to keep us alive protecting us from both infectious and non-infectious diseases and can only be described as a marvel of the human body.

But, at times it fails and then we have serious problems.

Unfortunately, the importance of our intelligent control system is not widely recognised so we fail to feed and train it with disastrous consequences.

fat and skinny miceThe modern diabetes epidemic is caused by failure to feed our gut brain so our intelligent control system no longer functions properly.

Eating a diet rich in vegetables may improve our gut-brain and intelligent control system but only if the vegetables are grown in soil containing the beneficial microbes.

This is well understood in enlightened scientific circles but unfortunately, the popular press is fixated with the calorie balance theory which is overly simplistic so we rely on magic pills or diets, which are highly profitable when the real problem is we are not caring for our intelligent control system.

Sadly we have switched from being Homo-sapiens to Homo-profitus.

Profit or Health

Our intelligent control system

gbiotaboxI experiment. I breed microbes in the soil, grow plants in that soil and then eat them. I eat different foods and measure my blood sugar levels to see what happens.

We do not appreciate how sophisticated our bodies are.

We have an intelligent control system in our gut which regulates our appetite – what and how much we want to eat.

It works like the intelligent control software I used to write. It senses our blood sugar has an error, it looks at how rapidly it is changing and applies a correction, it looks at how well that correction worked, learns from that and creates a new correction.

I feed my gut-brain so I have an effective intelligent control system.

Piggy me

blood sugarI look at my blood sugar reading and it is fine.

But then I am naughty and go to a restaurant and pig out.

I see that I get a blood sugar spike from eating naughty food but the microbes in my gut are here to look after me and protect me from my naughty habits.

They communicate with each other, just like in a computer to provide real intelligence.

They work out that something is wrong and make hormones to bring my blood sugar level down and within a couple of hours my blood sugar is back to normal.

Feed our gut-brains

All I have to do is feed my gut-brain and make sure it has the right microbes. There is nothing new about this, we evolved this way and we have been feeding our gut-brain for hundreds of thousands of years.

And then we stopped. Why?

Because our modern food system puts their profits ahead of our health.

But you and I can fix that.

partyMicrobes breed like crazy, they make teenagers at a drunken party look like a pack of nuns.

There is no problem in breeding microbes all we have to do is to manage the conditions so the good bugs out-breed the bad bugs a process we call Eco-balance which again has been going on for millions of years.

That is what Gbiota is all about, it is a social movement that puts health before profits and shows people who want to live a long and healthy life how to feed their gut brain.

Read on – then sign up and join the movement.

The good gut bugs are here to protect us

food industryBeneficial microbes, the good bugs, in our gut control our appetite and immune system leading to a long and healthy life.

Our modern food system is deficient in these, good bugs, so we have an epidemic of chronic non-infectious diseases – overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

chronic diseasesThree out of four people will now die, prematurely from chronic diseases.

Our health system is creaking at the joints, not enough doctors and health care professionals, ambulances ramping outside overfull wards, billions of dollars spent on avoidable care and amputations.

All because we don’t have the protection of the good gut bugs.

We know how to fix it – we just have to do it.

Our intelligent control system

People often think our bodies are dumb and we get fat and sick because we eat too much.

Our bodies are very smart and we can see this by looking at the blood sugar level throughout the day.

Imagine that you are controlling your blood sugar level and have to keep the level within limits, you have two buttons one to increase blood sugar levels and the other to reduce it.

How, as an intelligent creature, would you manage those two buttons?

At night there is not much to do so just a little push on the down button is all you need.

But then in the morning, you know there will be a need for energy so you press the up button at wake-up time and the blood sugar levels rise.

We can see that our intelligent control system does exactly this our blood sugar rises between wake-up and breakfast.

Both you and our intelligent control system know that at breakfast time there is going to be a big surge in blood sugar levels as your body gets stuck into all that toast and marmalade so you are both on standby.

As soon as you see the blood sugar levels rising both you and your body’s intelligent control system start pushing the down button to bring the blood sugar level back under control.

Message – your body is smart not some dumb machine that works on a crude calories in calories out basis.

Of course, the basic laws of conservation of mass and energy apply so we have to eat to get fat and sick but the reason why we overeat is because we have are not looking after our intelligent control system not because we are little piggies.

Blood sugar and fat are pretty much interchangeable.

Before I even wake up in the morning my intelligent control system anticipates that I will need extra energy so it draws down on my fat stores so I have energy available.

When I get around to eating breakfast there is a surplus of energy so my intelligent control system stores some of this sugar as fat.

I used to write intelligent control software which had self-learning and anticipatory functions. Our intelligent control system seems to have these capabilities built in.

This is a natural human capacity. If we wake up and see a blue sky we may go and water the garden. We have learned that blue sky means a probability of being hot and dry so we anticipate a high water use by our plants.

If there are dark clouds we may put of watering for now.

This is a natural human capability so we need to assume that this is how our intelligent control system is managing our blood sugar and fat storage.

What we can say for sure is that the calorie balance theory, which looks as our body like a water tank, with flows in and out and the water level is determined by these flows is a simplistic model which is leading us to major errors.

This is serious as three out of four people die prematurely from a chronic disease which is caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.

How have we got ourselves into such a mess?

food waste

We know how to breed the beneficial microbes, the good bugs. Just collect organic waste, mix with soil and volcanic rock dust, add inoculants, grow plants and eat them while fresh.

How do I know this, for a start I study the work of experts in the field like Professor Tim Spencer and Bill Bulsiewicz, but then I collect organic waste and grow gut-brain food.

Then I test it on myself.

I wear a continuous blood sugar monitor. If I eat modern food my readings go through the roof, I am not diabetic but would soon be if I just ate modern foods  that are deficient in beneficial microbes.

So I eat gut-brain food adding it to my regular diet and see my reading drop down to healthy levels.

This is not rocket science – anyone can do it.

We can’t do it for you but we can show you how.

So why haven’t we fixed the chronic disease problem?

Most Governments have Health and Welfare departments whose job is to prevent these chronic diseases. Why aren’t they promoting that we all eat gut-brain food full of the good bugs?

It is a simple question of profits versus health and at this moment profits for big food and big pharma are winning while Governments stand back and procrastinate with busy work.

Market power

Profits! Big food and big pharma make a lot of money from the current system, they have immense marketing power to protect their profits while there is no money to be made showing people how to collect their kitchen waste to breed the good bugs and grow the plants that will feed the good bugs in our gut.

Join us

What can you do about this? Join the Gbiota movement for social change.

The first step is to register, stand up and show you care, the more people that show they care the better able we are to get people to eat gut-brain food.

You can join for free and read the many articles on food and health, later when you are convinced that all people should be eating gut-brain food you can learn how, we do ask people to contribute but it is a pittance and you will end up saving money (and maybe your foot).

We are a social benefit organisation, but it costs money to develop technology to learn how to grow gut-brain food and we have to cover our costs. If you can’t afford to contribute we have a needy membership for $1 for those that cannot afford to pay.

Join us and change the world so people can have a long and healthy life with a sustainable food system based on recycling waste.




Friendly bugs

Friendly bugs





Want to live a long and healthy life?

friendly bugDIY breed your own gut bugs? Your immediate reaction may be no thanks I am not a microbiologist.

Well, let me tell you, right now you are breeding your own gut bugs, whether you like it or not.

Microbes, I prefer to call them bugs, are everywhere, in the air, our drinks, our food and they breed like crazy doubling every twenty minutes 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 …. trillions.

You can kill them all off with powerful disinfectants but they will be back.

You can’t stop them breeding, the only choice you have is what sort of bugs live inside you.

There are good bugs which make you fit and healthy, not-so-good bugs which make you fat and sick, and bugs that kill you.

bad bugsYou don’t need to be a microbiologist to tell what species of bugs are inside people.

Just go to any shopping centre and you will see people that are fit and healthy, they have the good bugs.

People with wobbly bums and tums, they have the not-so-good bugs.

If you want to see the people with the bad bugs you will have to go to the mortuary to find them.

You can’t stop bugs breeding but you can choose what sorts of bugs are breeding inside you.

ecobalanceIf you have the conditions that benefit the good bugs they will out-breed and out-compete the not-so-good and bad bugs.

It has been going on for millions of years and we call it Eco-balance. We can use Eco-balance to select what sort of bugs live inside us.

That is what Gbiota is all about, we can’t breed the bugs for you but we can show you how to create the conditions that will favour the bugs you want, which we assume is the good bugs so you can look forward to a long and healthy life but you have to do it yourself – we show you how.

Our intelligent control system

gut brainOur bodies have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite and immune system.

Our gut is an integral part of this control system. If we have the right blend of species in our gut we can expect a long and healthy life, if we have a poor blend of species we get fat and sick.

The blend of species in our gut is the result of a long chain, starting in the soil with the nutrients and moisture, the microbes in the soil, the creatures of the soil, the plants that are grown, how quickly the plants are eaten after harvesting and how they are processed.

We have to look at all these factors as an integrated system, which may be complex but we can easily tell if we have it right, we feel satisfied and stop craving more food.

This may seem complex but the final answer is simple, grow your own gut-brain food. Anyone can do it and look forward to a long and healthy life.

feed your gut brain

We need the microbes

photosynthesisWe don’t eat rocks to get our nutrients, we need microbes and fungi to break down the rocks into nutrients we can digest.

Similarly with energy, we need photosynthesis from plants on land or algae in water to capture the sun’s energy.

Our lives are dependent on these micro-organisms.

swarm intelligenceBut they do much more than provide a path to nutrients and energy, they can communicate with each other to provide intelligence which regulates our bodies. We see this with insects like bees and ants, birds that live in flocks, slime moulds and even human society.

hamburgerWe call this swarm intelligence and it is what regulates our bodies which controls our bodily functions particularly our appetite and immune system.

Microbes are essential for life. However, there are beneficial microbes that keep us fit and healthy and harmful microbes that make us fat and sick.

Over millions of years, nature has evolved a system with trillions of microbes and many thousands of species but with the right conditions so the beneficial microbes preferentially out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes, we call this ecological balance and it is how we exist today.

Generally, microbes breed and die incredibly fast with cells dividing within twenty minutes of formation, we may see the same species over time, they are not the same microbes they are their great, great grand kids, we call this dynamic equilibrium.

breast feedingThere are trillions of microbes in our gut comprising many thousands of species. Initially, these microbes come from our mum but later they come from microbes that breed in the soil, move into the plants we eat and then into our gut biome.

Our health depends on the dynamic equilibrium of the microbes in the soil and in our gut biome.

modern farmingOur modern food system, centred on chemical industrial agriculture and highly processed foods is lacking these beneficial microbes which has led to a global epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attack and dementia.

To overcome this we need to preferentially breed the beneficial microbes in the soil by carefully controlling the conditions, growing plants and eating them while still fresh before the microbes die.

This is not difficult, virtually anyone can do it. We cannot do it for you but we can show you how to do it by having a Gbiota box of plants growing at your home which you pick and eat.

Modern food

feed the world

Modern food, backed up by a multi-billion dollar highly sophisticated advertising campaign, may claim to be healthy but is making us fat and sick and killing us from man-made chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is deficient in the beneficial microbes which forms part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and also critical trace minerals.

Health starts in real soil, teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients. Eat plants, grown in living nutritious soil and eaten fresh – not plants grown in chemical soil and eaten days after harvesting.

It is not rocket science, anyone with a little effort can grow plants that will make them healthy. It costs less and is always there in an emergency.

gbiotaboxGbiota shows you how.

But there is so much hype on the web that people have become sceptical. They want to see hard evidence from real people. This takes a social movement.

That is why there are two parts to the Gbiota movement.

The first – the easy bit, is developing the technology – the second is to apply the technology and for that, we need a social movement and why we need you.

Start by reading my last two articles Community Health and Jenny explain why and what we can do about it.

Then decide if you are willing to be part of a social movement to fight the battle for food that will keep us healthy.

We are not a charity and have no funding, we are a social benefit organisation with costs like any other organisation so to join the community we have an annual subscription of $Au15 (about ten dollars US). Use rethinking food login here

You have a free month to decide whether you are prepared to commit your time to the battle for healthy food and avoid getting fat and sick and having people’s legs chopped off from diabetes.

If after the free month, you decide this is not for you cancel – there is no hassle.

change the worldIf you want to know more I am happy to chat, I can set up video calls, but you have to email me first.

Together we can make the world a better place for humans, (but maybe not for computers).

Find out who we are at Welcome to Gbiota


Busy but not rich

automationWhy are we all so busy and not revoltingly rich?

When I was a kid people worked six days a week growing, making or building things yet we could not keep up with demand.

With automation and computerisation, we have such amazing improvement in productivity that we can produce everything we need in a couple of days a week.

So why are we working five days a week in a fury of work rather than taking the kids to the beach?


Not anti-technology

colin austinI could say technology is to blame but that is not right. Let me be clear I am not anti-technology. Far from it, I was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering, I built up Australia’s leading exporter of technical software – a company worth half a billion dollars and was recognised by the Australian Institute as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

I am not anti-technology, we could not support the current population without technology.

It’s how we apply technology

We are busy because we live in the information age and big companies need to sell things to people who don’t need or want their products.

Sounds bad? We are all busy keeping the information machine happy – but that does not kill people.

The great challenge facing us all is not how to develop new technologies, we are very good at that – it is how to apply the technology for the benefit of the community and not make a few individuals and companies unbelievably rich, with the wealth of nations.

This is just not right.




Welcome to Gbiota

Welcome to Gbiota






The two side of Gbiota

We teach how to grow plants as pre and pro-biotics. That is the easy bit, understanding and applying the science of breeding beneficial microbes in a special soil, Wickimix largely made from organic and rock dust, and using the principle of Eco balance to create the condition so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes.

This is straightforward but must be done right so we provide technical support to our members.

I answered a question for Jenny, one of our members which turned out to be one of the most important articles on how to sustainably grow healthy food and combat the epidemic the modern epidemic of chronic diseases, over-weight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Normally an article like this would be restricted to members but this is such an important issue that I am making it available under the Creative Commons system which means it can be re-published without further approval, just acknowledgement of source www.gbiota,com

I have just released a major article on community health Here is the link

Here is the link to Jenny


Gbiota Manifesto

Gbiota technology

The Gbiota technology is to breed beneficial microbes, under carefully controlled conditions, so the beneficial microbes outbreed any harmful microbes in a mix of organic waste and minerals to produce a soil, Wickimix, teaming with life and nutrients.

Plants are grown in Wickimix, the beneficial microbes and nutrients enter the plants and then our gut to power our gut-brain which forms part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite and immune system.

This increases the chances of living a long and healthy life free of the modern epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases.

Gbiota organisation

Gbiota is a community benefit organisation, we are not a charity but aim to cover the significant cost of developing and promoting the technology but our primary aim is to benefit the community rather than generate profits for shareholders which we see as the great weakness of modern society.

We do not sell products but provide information to members of the public concerned about their health, those wishing to grow their own Gbiota food and to commercial organisations wishing to sell products produced using the Gbiota technology and health professionals and Government departments responsible for community health.

We ask that people and organisations respect our intellectual property and trade names such as Gbiota™ and Wickimix™. Many of our articles are published under the Creative Commons system which means they can be copied and reproduced without further permission just acknowledgement of  source.

Other articles and information are prepared for the benefit of growers using the Gbiota technology and we ask that these growers respect our intellectual property and copyright.



Dangerous ideas

fat person in shopHave you ever thought why, when you go to the shopping centre there are so many wobbly bums and tums and people hobbling around with a foot chopped off?

The real answer is not because our modern food has too many fats and sugars, we have to go back a few hundred thousand years for the real answer.

hunter gatherersA bunch of humanoids were sitting around their campfire when someone asked ‘What’s for breakfast?’

Some one said it would be a few hundred thousand years before someone invented Wheaties for breakfast so how about a Mastodon steak?

the planFeeling hungry they worked out a plan on how they could kill a Mastodon, it worked and humans became addicted to ideas, in this case cooperating was better than no breakfast.

We becames addicted to ideas from learning how to kill Mastodons and have a good breakfast – that’s unless you happened to be a Mastodon.

MastodonIf you want agreement never invite the loosers to the decision making process.

Since then we have had all sorts of good ideas, less good ideas and some terrible ideas which has led to us becoming a highly cooperative creature and the second most successful creature on the planet after cockroaches who will be the last remaining creature on Earth in a few billion years.

InequalityOne of those less good ideas and in my opinion terrible ideas is that the sole role of companies is to make as much money for their shareholders and in the case of the food (and tobacco and fossil fuel) industries who cares about the collateral damage of people getting fat and sick and having their legs chopped off from diabetes.

colin austinMy idea, which I am trying hard to sell, is that companies, food companies in particular should accept that they have a social responsibility and become community benefit companies.

It is pointless my saying that unless I can offer a technology that will benefit the community.

That is the Gbiota technology for growing plants.

Greta ThunbergI can’t change the world, I am just one old man so if Greta struggled to change the world on climate change then what hope do I have with food? My name is not Greta Foodberg.

But I do know how to grow food that will reduce the number of people with fat and wobbly bums and tums and with one foot missing.

That is what Gbiota is all about.


What is Gbiota?

gbiota bed principlesGbiota is the technology of breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste under controlled conditions such that they outbreed any harmful microbes using the principle of Ecobalance.

The result is a soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients (Wickimix).

Plants are grown in the soil, the microbes enter the plants and then our gut which form part of the intelligent control system that regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite.

gut brain connectionThis could help reduce the modern epidemic of chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is a simple and inexpensive process, the challenge is to get widespread adoption in a world dominated by a lust for profit, disinformation and clever and effective manipulative advertising. Tobacco, fossil fuels, food – profits ahead of community benefit.

community benefitGbiota is a community benefit organisation.  We beleive the idea that company’y sole responsibilty is for shareholder profits is a great failure of modern society.

All companies have a duty to the community and be a community benefit organisations.

Support us please by keep on reading.


There are two parts to the Gbiota movement.

The easy bit

colinaieeThe first is the Gbiota technology. By serendipity, luck, hard work and maybe a bit of talent I was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering in computational fluid flow for which I was recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators and a world leader in fluid flow.

Gbiota technology is about creating the conditions so the good bugs outbreed the bad bugs by creating what I call Goldilocks moisture. To be honest this is straightforward engineering to someone with my background.

The difficult bit

farmers marketThe second is to create a better, more human-orientated and stable society.

My long-term aim is to create a new industry of local growers that supply Gbiota boxes to their local community.

These would be community benefit organisations that accept that a company is not in business purely to make money for their shareholders but has a responsibility to their community.

This comes naturally with a local business where the business owners are in regular contact with their customers.

profit maximiseThe opposite is true for a multi-national company where the directors are under pressure to maximise returns by whatever means possible.

This does not lead to a good society with gross inequality and the losers suffering. Eight millions people a year have a limb amputated from diabetes so mega corporations have super profits.

That is not good society.

Hopefully you will support this movement, the first step is to read Rethinking food, my dynamic E-book. I decided to make a nominal charge of $Au15 ($Us10) so I can pay the people who are working on this project a fair wage.

We are not a charity, we are a community benefit organisation.


con manI am advised by smart people who know about internet marketing never to start a web page with bad news.

This ridiculous idea that bad things go away if you pretend they don’t exist provoked me to write ‘My Teddy’ about hiding under the bedclothes

and ‘The Great Food War’ which is hopefully a bit of a wake up call to those how think life is wonderful.

There are many more controversial articles in my E-book ‘Rethinking Food’ which is a must read if you worry about sustainable and healthy food production.

colin austinWell, I am 84 years old, fit and healthy and am horrified by the number of wobbly bums and tums, and people hobbling about with a leg amputation whenever I go to the local shopping centre.

So next time you go to the shopping centre take off your virtual reality glasses, think about what you see and ask yourself why.

I don’t mean a little why like there is too much sugary fatty food on the shelves or too much disinformation on social media, keep digging until you get to the real answer.

food crisisIf you are like me, lucky enough to have a technical background and old with the time to spend hours each day reading technical papers you will see that it is not a technical problem. If you don’t have the time then you can read the articles on the web.

You will see that we have the technology to stop this epidemic of chronic infectious diseases while having a sustainable food system.

buterflyIf we have the technology to fix it then why has it not been fixed?

It is a battle between profits and public benefit and profits won, for now.

But if you and your friends and your friends friends work together this can be changed.

It won’t be easy and it will take more than the attention span of a moth.

advertisingI created this web to tell the story of food that will make us healthy. It is devoid of clever marketing gimmicks and we don’t sell magic pills that don’t work, we just tell the story about the world’s food system as it is and more importantly what you can do about it.

We are in the front line in the battle of the modern web, clever manipulative marketing versus facing the world as it really is.

Blue zoneThe first step is to understand the issues, for example, why is it that people in the blue zones live to a ripe old age, fit and healthy to the end with only a basic health system while we in so-called high technology countries with a sophisticated health system get fat and sick and die well before the age of natural death?

I have written ‘Rethinking Food’ what I call a dynamic E-Book which is a collection of articles about food and health I have written over the last thirty years.

HomeostasisNone of the popular magic slogans ‘like eat less exercise more’ and instead gets down to the underlying causes of the modern health epidemic and yes it will take a bit of time and thinking.

If there was a simple punch line it would be that the cause is the way we grow our food so it is lacking the beneficial microbes which form the intelligent control system in our gut biome and the lack of critical trace minerals.

gbiotaboxDon’t blame the modern food industry for what is in our food, it is what is not in our food that matters.

You then have two options, you can learn to grow plants with the beneficial microbes in Gbiota boxes yourself – not that difficult and you can do tomorrow – instructions are on this web

or you can help us in creating a new industry where local growers supply Gbiota boxes to their local community as a viable business.

We are a social benefit organisation that thinks beyond making a profit.






Community Health

Community Health


Community Health

Colin Austin© 2024 Published under the Creative Commons system. This article may be reproduced without further permission, just acknowledgement of source

The essence

comfort foodWe are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is a problem for almost everyone, three out of four people will die prematurely from a chronic disease, it is the great health challenge of our time.

We know chronic diseases are caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place but what makes us store more fat?

Just take a look around your local shopping centre and see the number of wobbly bums and tums and people with a diabetic amputation.

But why are so many people getting fat?

chronic diseases

Changing paradigms

The current paradigm is the calorie balance theory, we eat more more calories than we consume. We get fat because we are little piggies and overeat.

This is a popular theory with the powerful food industry because it means it is not their fault, it is your fault for being a little piggy.

They are very good at manipulative promotion so the calorie imbalance theory has become the accepted paradigm and that has to change.

Partial truth

fat and skinnyThe basic laws of physics, like the conservation of mass and energy, are valid. To get fat and sick we need to consume more than we burn. This is what enables us to get fat but is not the reason.

The calorie balance theory may be convenient, popular with big food and have some elements of truth but it is only part of the story.

So what is the real reason?

Our intelligent control system

HomeostasisOur bodies have a built-in intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite and immune system.

We have known this for 175 years but still struggle to understand exactly how it works. Just because we don’t fully understand how it works does not mean it does not exist.

There is ample observational evidence showing that it exists and works. Without our intelligent control system, we would not survive, it is essential for life.

Our gut-brain, the microbes in our gut communicating with each other, creating intelligence so are an essential part of this control system.

For hundreds of thousands of years, we fed our gut-brain so there was no epidemic of obesity or chronic or non-infectious disease – we died mainly from infectious diseases.

But our food system changed and no longer contains gut-brain food so our gut-brain senses this deficit and sends out hormones to make us crave food and overeat.

Despite all efforts to apply the calorie balance, the epidemic gets worse day by day.

Social and technical challenges

preferential breedingThe social challenge, however difficult it is to create a paradigm shift from the calorie balance paradigm to the intelligent control paradigm.

The technical challenge is to breed the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful microbes. This must be simple and economical enough to be done at scale so the population as a whole can live a healthy life.

Health should not be a luxury for the wealthy.

Feed your gut-brain

ecobalanceWe know how to feed our gut brain, it is straightforward and inexpensive, but must be done right – breed the beneficial microbes in a special growing medium controlling the conditions so the beneficial microbes preferentially outbreed any harmful microbes, grow plants and eat the plants shortly after harvesting.

Changing paradigms is always a bloody business but with the vested interests, this will be a particularly bloody battle.

Here we tell the story of this bloody battle.




floodI would rate climate change as the biggest existential threat to humanity and food and the epidemic of chronic diseases as the second.

However, there is one fundamental difference.

With climate change we know what needs to be done, we may not like the idea of stopping burning fossil fuels and there are very powerful companies using very clever but manipulative tactics, to protect their profits, but we at least know what we should be doing.

The technology we need to apply is not disputed – the problem is the social one of how to make the change happen.

This is not the case with chronic diseases. We know that before 1940 there were people who suffered from chronic diseases but it was not an epidemic.

Since the modern food system developed after the war, it has transformed into a global epidemic. Diabetes is the fastest growing disease with 8 million people a year suffering from a limb amputation.

It is a global phenomenon with every country struggling to learn how to deal with it, and failing miserably.

No country has solved the epidemic of chronic diseases.

tribeIt is not just rich countries, poor countries have suffered far more. In these countries, when fed using their traditional agriculture, there was no major issue with chronic diseases.

However many of these countries swapped from their own food production to the far more profitable system of growing for the rich countries while importing the supposed more convenient modern processed foods which has led to some of the worst cases of chronic illnesses.

This is powerful evidence that this epidemic of chronic diseases is linked to our modern food system.

The epidemic is man-made, it will not be solved by some magic pill or wonder plants. We certainly have to look at the technology but if we are going to be successful in combating the chronic disease epidemic we have to look at the society which allowed the epidemic to evolve.

A pretty hot topic.


modern food

The widely held view, simplistic and wrong, is that this epidemic is caused by our modern foods, full of sugars, fats and flavourings (often addictive) which has led to the view that this can be resolved by the calorie balance, eat less exercise more and the problem will be resolved.

We have been trying that formula for half a century, it has failed miserably.

If I can quote the old adage – the difference between a wise man and a fool is that they both make mistakes but the fool continues with the same approach while the wise man tries to understand why he failed, and learns from the experience to develop a new approach.

Climate change is the sister problem to the chronic disease epidemic and they have a lot in common.

We can learn a lot about how to combat chronic diseases by comparing the history of climate change and chronic diseases.

Comparing climate change and the chronic disease epidemic

Studies in both areas started around 1850.

Early climate change

With Climate change the early pioneers were Fourier in 1824, but it was in 1856 that Eunice Foote demonstrated the warming effect of the sun is greater for air with water vapour than for dry air, and the effect is even greater with carbon dioxide.

Despite her pioneering work climate change is typically associated with Svante Arrhenius in 1896.

We had to wait until 1938 for steam engineer Guy Callendar to do the grunt work of calculating the expected rise in temperature from various levels of greenhouse gases. Working with pencil, paper and slide rule he came up with pretty much the same answer as our modern-day supercomputers.

Early intelligent control

But so we keep to the same era let me switch to the history of Intelligent control.

The work on what we now call the intelligent control system is similarly dated starting with the concept of what was then called ‘the regulation of the internal environment’ was described by French physiologist Claude Bernard in 1849, and the word homeostasis was coined by Walter Bradford Cannon in 1926.

Basically, we are talking about how the body naturally self-regulates – a topic critical to combating the chronic disease epidemic.

In both cases we are not talking about some magic innovation but with a history going back the best part of 200 years.


The Social Side of Modern-day Climate Change

You may wonder why in an article on the chronic disease epidemic I am talking about climate change.

The answer is simple, we will never resolve the chronic disease epidemic purely by technology, it is man-made and the result of social issues so we have to understand these.

Climate change is further down the road than battling the epidemic so we can learn a lot by studying the climate change battles.

The climate change area got really interesting with the work of Charles Keeling in 1958 with the production of what we now call the Keeling curves which showed a steady increase in greenhouse gas levels.

In the early 60’s he presented his work to Congress to warn the world of the dangers of climate change.

It would be wrong to say that the Government took no action as the National Science Foundation withdrew its funding. If that does not make you stop in your tracks with your mouth wide open I don’t know what will.

But why would they do that?

We know that the oil industry, particularly Exxon were fully aware of the threat that climate change presented to their profits.

Their approach, learned from the Tobacco industry was to promote the idea that climate change has occurred naturally throughout history with periods of intense cold and other periods when the world was much warmer than now.

There were periods when the poles were enjoying a period with a temperate climate with forests and animals just like in modern temperate zones so there is no problem.

That’s if you don’t consider the millions of climate change refugees fleeing their homeland as it becomes uninhabitable.

Presumably, that was the week when mega-fences were on special.

Manipulative promotion

manipulative informationThis is the classic technique used in manipulative promotion.

It is no good denying something that is supported by undeniable evidence (like the Keeling curves) instead you provide partial information which is equally valid, like the fact that climate has changed over time but never provide the full information which would reveal your hereditary as a snake oil salesman.

This gains confidence, but only providing partial information gives the impression that the idea you want to deny is either incorrect or irrelevant.

It is very effective.

Watch out, small girl approaching with cardboard placard.

Greta ThunbergBut all this very clever and no doubt expensive manipulation of the Government and the public thinking was thwarted by a little school girl – Greta Thunberg.

Now let us stick to the facts, Greta did not develop solar panels or wind turbines or any new technology, she just read the information that was widely available on climate change, translated it from techno-jargon to everyday English and sat outside the Swedish parliament with a grotty cardboard sign and after a bit managed to convince a few people that this was a real threat that the Government should be doing something about.

And what did the Governments do, just what they had done before – procrastinate and do nothing.

And then more nothing – until

too busySo what happened next? An unprecedented increase in floods, drought, fires and storms that were completely out of the normal so no normal intelligent thinking person could ignore just leaving a few die-hard deniers.

In my life as an innovator, I have had to fight many battles and I used to divide people up into activists – people who would go out on a limb and actually do something, puddings – people who would agree with everything you said but never do anything and crusties – who would just deny anything on principle – the good news is they die off, eventually.

These climate disasters led to protests, with Greta, not so much as the organiser but the symbol that the climate change movement could centre around.

But climate change cannot be averted by demonstrations or even a few dedicated people putting solar panels and batteries on their houses.

It can only be averted by Government action. It is only Governments that can achieve the massive transformation of our society from one based on fossil fuels to one based on renewable resources.

But what those protests did was to show to the Governments that Climate change was not just the interest of a few dedicated climate activists (who could safely be ignored or locked up) but was a serious issue for much of the population.

So the Governments quickly worked out that unless they responded they would be voted out of office and the procrastination evaporated.


What has this to do with the epidemic of chronic disease?

fat girlNo one disputes that chronic diseases start with the wrong fat in the wrong place.

The question is what is causing this increase in fat?

It is very convenient to say that it is because we eat too much and don’t exercise enough so the solution is to eat less and exercise more. The law of the calorie balance.

This is a very convenient partial truth for the food industry and any procrastinating Government. It takes the responsibility away from them and puts it onto the public who, with a wave of some witches wand, have suddenly turned into little piggies.

It is not my fault

Partial truths are the key tool of those wishing to manipulate the real truth for their benefit and are certainly a bonanza for the food industry – it is not our fault that you get fat and sick and maybe have a leg chopped off from diabetes it is all your fault because you eat too much and don’t exercise enough.

It sounds so reasonable and logical and it is not untrue, it is a partial truth which can be just as harmful as a miss-truth.

We have known for the best part of two hundred years that our bodies have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite or what and how much food we feel we need to eat.

Control systems

Regrettably, we do not know it works, at least at the code level, but we have ample experimental evidence to give us a pretty clear picture of the way it works.

I am an engineer, and engineers make machines and every machine has some form of control system, even if it is just an on/off switch.

My first job was working for a company that made control systems for power stations, later in life I wrote software to manage irrigation systems, which I refer to as self-learning software.

This is not that different to our internal control system which decides how much food we need.

The plants are growing and they need different amounts of water at the various stages of growth, just like humans need different amounts of food as they grow and age.

The conditions are continuously changing, sometimes it is hot and dry and other days it rains, just as some days people go for long walks or are stuck in an office with maybe a lot of stress so each day we need different amounts of different types of food, sometimes energy food and other times comfort food.

In an intelligent irrigation system, we can monitor these conditions, and learn how to apply the right amount of water. We may not know the code in our bodily intelligent control system but we can observe and with an understanding of how intelligent control systems work have a pretty good idea of how our intelligent control system works.

What we see is that if our bodies sense a deficiency in our diet it will respond by sending our hormones to make us feel hungry so we may end up overeating.

If we are on a diet we may manually override these hunger desires, but that is difficult to do for any length of time.

The most common deficiency in modern food is lack of the beneficial microbes that power our gut, but we can also sense deficiencies in trace minerals.

The food industry would much prefer you to think that you are fat and sick because you are a little piggy rather than the real truth that modern food is commonly deficient in both beneficial microbes and trace minerals and that is the true cause of the chronic disease epidemic.

But it is not always the food industry’s fault, as anyone who has spent a hot sweaty day in the garden and craves something salty to eat. This is our intelligent control system doing its job of regulating our food supply to meet current conditions.


Only fools keep on repeating their mistakes

learning from failureFor the best part of fifty years, we have followed the calorie balance approach and every year the epidemic of chronic diseases has increased. Yet we say that it is because people are not trying hard enough and they need to eat even less and exercise even more.

It has the logic of the farmer who was trying to train his donkey to eat less and got it down to one bean a day when the donkey died.

Instead, we need to focus on ensuring our intelligent control system is working properly, which means feeding it gut-brain food and then training it so it learns what type and how much food we need.

Health and the New Capitalist System

marketingWe have come a long way since the days of Adams Smith and his perfect market philosophy.

We now live in a new era of mega-corporations with Neo-monopolistic powers that control not just products but also the flow of information. They operate on the principle of profit first, certainly profits before people.

Naturally, the general population look to their Governments to protect them from any potential abuse of power but this is becoming less effective.

Governments themselves are not immune to pressure from these mega organisations which have the power to influence Governments directly by a level of access to Government not available to the general voter but in this age of disinformation, they have the power to influence voter behaviour.

This unwillingness of Governments to exercise control over this market power has led to a widespread disenchantment with the political system and the rise of so-called populist Governments even in countries which have enjoyed a stable moderate Government such as the Scandinavian countries and dare I say Australia which despite its apparent conflicts has been a comparatively well run and stable country.

But despite this Australia is still among the leaders in the epidemic of chronic disease.

So what can we do about it?

Learning from Greta

We can learn from Greta.

The world’s leading scientist were warning their Governments of the dangers of climate change, and they just procrastinated and did nothing.

The fossil fuels companies had a very simple argument, climate change is natural, it has changed many times before from hot to cold. A simple statement of fact with the implication that there was no problem with climate change and we could go on burning fossil fuels (and making profits for the fossil fuel companies).

The Governments were happily under the influence of the fossil fuel companies.

Then along came Greta Thunberg and still nothing happened until the effects of climate change were undeniable (except to the crusties).

Then Greta gave a speech, to my mind one of great speeches of all times. It was not a particularly sophisticated speech, but one only an emotional young girl could give.

Not the sort of speech that Charles Keeling (or I for that matter) could give but what she said changed the world forever.

What she said was ‘You have stolen my future with your Blah, Blah, Blah’.

No sophistication really just one word Blah repeated three times.

No long words like procrastination just Blah, Blah Blah.

I very much doubt if Charles Keeling had ever heard of Greta before but together they changed the world.

Charles Keeling, and all his associates, with all their sophistication and respect as scientists failed to change the course of history unaided.

Greta was not a scientist, did not develop any new technologies or insights into existing technology and would have done nothing without the expertise of these dedicated scientists.

But she took the sophistication of these scientists and made it clear to the world that it was time to stop procrastinating with just three words Blah, Blah Blah.

From Climate Change to the chronic disease epidemic

Combating the chronic disease epidemic is analogous. I am not without standing in the world of technology. I was a pioneer of Computer-Aided Engineering, I solved complex coupled non-linear equations to solve difficult flow problems and was recognised by the Australia Institute of Engineers as one of Australia leading innovators and recognised as a wold expert in fluid flow.

I (and a few other respected scientists) have been saying for decades that the root cause of the epidemic of chronic disease stems from the failure of our internal intelligent control system because we are not feeding our gut brain.

I have spent years experimenting with ways of growing food to preferentially breed the beneficial microbes to create a technology which can be economically applied at scale.

But like the partial truth, which benefits the fossil fuel industry, that climate has always changed there is a similar partial truth, which benefits and is profitable for the food industry, that calorie imbalance is the cause of the chronic disease epidemic.

People are just little piggies and eat to much – we are not to blame.

But sad to say I am not Greta, I recognise that I talk about osmotic pressure, hydrophobic and hydrophilic soil and the peculiar inter molecular forces of water which makes life possible and that sort of talk can be incredibly boring.

But I do know that somewhere out there is Greta Foodberg. She may be a mum with two babies on the other side of the world and worried about their future and she will tell the world in her own language like it is.

I am not Greta Foodberg so can only guess what she might say it may be ‘You have stolen my health with your Fib, Fib, Fib’.

I just hope that when she says these words that people will respond and demand an action plan. So that is what I have prepared.


Action plan

As you may have guessed solving the chronic disease epidemic is going to take a bit of thought.

It is in two bits the easy bit and the hard bit.

The easy bit is developing the technology, I did that in comfortably under eighty-four years and I now I know the answer I could do it all again in an afternoon.

But as I have said the chronic disease epidemic is man-made and a result of the way society works, how do we change society so it works for the benefit of the community and not just a few greedy people – got you there ChatGPT – you haven’t a clue either.

But humans are sometimes smarter than even ChatGPT and the solution is doable – a nice word meaning you will end up old and drained, a bit like me, but you do win eventually.

Thomas Edison had a nice formula for innovation, work out what you want to do, read everything you can find to read on the topic, throw all the books away and start from scratch.

What do we want to do?

We want to feed our gut-brain.

We can do that by breeding beneficial microbes under preferential conditions (so the good bugs out-breed the bad bugs) in soil made from organic waste minerals and a few starter bugs, (Wickimix) grow plants in this soil so the good-bugs and nutrients go into the plants, then eat the plants before the good bugs die.

Technically straightforward.

The catch is that last phrase ‘before the good bugs die’. Breeding the good bugs is easy, they are a randy lot and are breeding within twenty minutes, putting teenagers at a drunken party to shame.

But they do die equally quickly and the best way of doing that is having the plants growing in boxes at home.

There are people, keen gardeners with a bit of time who are more than happy to do the entire process themselves but if we are going to feed the eight billion people on earth with gut-brain food we need more than a few gardening enthusiasts.

We need to create a new industry of local growers producing Gbiota boxes with plants already growing and ready to pick and eat.


There are a few logistical issues here. In a big city, we need to have areas for what are essentially urban farms, they need not be big, just a normal house block size but that needs approval from the local council.

Then we need a collection system for the organic waste which is an integral part of the process and that means clean waste not just the kitchen bin with all last night’s beer bottles and plastic pizza boxes.

This is all good, recycling waste leads to a sustainable food system and local food ensures a resilient food system should nasty things happen.

Just to make a quick point, we are not aiming to replace the entire food system just supplement the existing food system with gut-brain food.

Making it happen

If all we had to do was to feed gut-brain food to the couple of hundred people in upper Woopwoop life would be easy. But there are eight billion people who need to be eating gut-brain food.

How do we do that? Create allies.

Combating the chronic disease epidemic is a major operation and no one organisation can be successful.

The key allies we need are

The Government

Governments are the only organisations with the power to make the change.

They also have the most to benefit. The health costs of chronic diseases are massive running into billions of dollars and worse they are clogging the health system.

Governments have many roles to play but the most important is educating the public that the underlying cause chronic disease epidemic is that our intelligent controls system is not working as it should. We should stop worrying about calorie balance and focus on feeding our gut-brain.

Health and Wellbeing

The majority of people now live in an urban environment.

If the design of our towns and cities were left to for-profit private enterprise we would see a continuation of the trend to high-rise apartments and smaller blocks with larger houses – this makes the most profit in the short term.

But a concrete jungle with no open spaces does not make for better living. We rely on our Governments to ensure that our cities are livable with green spaces where people can relax, kids can play, and generally have access to the infrastructure which makes for a better life.

This is the cost of living in a democracy, citizens need to be active in promoting what sort of life they want and not leave it to what is the most convenient.

Governments have many specialist departments with their areas of expertise and it may seem initially that the planning department should be the centre of attention. I would suggest that the Health and Wellbeing Department should be the focus of public attention.

Look at our modern food with food produced in mega-farms, possibly thousands of kilometres away from where it is consumed, shipped to factories for processing then further shipped to warehouses then supermarkets.

This structure is a prime cause of the modern chronic disease epidemic.

Now think about a better structure from the viewpoints of both health and quality of life.

We would set aside areas within the city for micro-urban farms so some food would be fresh.

We would collect organic waste and process this locally within the city boundaries in Gbiota beds where decomposition is underground so there are no smells.

But better still we would use these beds as recreational areas, with either plants or lawns.

Many people with environmental leaning criticise lawns as wasteful but this is not valid.

Lawns act as solar panels capturing the sun’s energy while at the same time capturing carbon from the atmosphere.

But they do much more, they also are giant evaporative coolers helping to reduce urban temperatures, often using grey water.

But they can also be used to produce Wickimix, the soil that is needed to grow gut-brain food.

Having a multi-use area for recreation is a good use of valuable space. Somewhere for the kids to play, people to have a picnic or just generally enjoy being part of nature as well as being part of the process of growing gut-brain food.

These are normally managed by the Parks department who may not see they have a critical role in the production of healthy food, recycling food waste to create a more resilient food system, controlling city temperatures, and capturing greenhouses gasses.

Multi-functional operation is not generally a strength of government departments who tend to be specialists but it may well be that the Departments of Health and Wellbeing may provide that coordinating service.

But as we have seen from the history of Climate change this needs social pressure from the community.

Research centres

Research centres, particularly the Universities are important as governments will turn to their specialist expertise for advice but also there are multiple facets to this project so we need access to a range of expertises.

Dietitians and doctors

Most doctors are not trained in diet and refer patients to a professional dietitian, but they need to be aware of the technology to make the referals.

Dietitians are key but many have been indoctrinated with calorie doctrine so they will need not just information but re-education to adopt different ideas.

Experience has taught us that paradigm shift are most difficult with people expert in the old paradigm.


Growers will become the core of the project, producing Wickimix (the special soi), processing waste organics and manufacture of Gbiota boxes which will be recycled regularly.

Growers are local so naturally are community benefit organisations.

The Consumers

Our modern society has adopted the view that food is something you throw into the shopping trolley and if you get sick just take a pill.

This is a paradigm that needs to be changed with the new paradigm that health starts in the soil.

Educating the public about the basic cause of the modern chronic disease epidemic is the critical part of the project and is something that can really only be done by the Governments, by direct promotion but also ensuring it is built into our education system.





For Jenny and anyone else wanting a healthy and sustainable food system

I received this email from Jenny, one of the Gbiota members. I am very happy for such emails as they tell me that the documentation is not clear which gives me a chance to make it clearer.

I hope this helps Jenny and a few (million) other people.

Jenny’s question about soil-blood gets to the core of the Gbiota system.

Jenny’s question

Hello Colin

I’ve enjoyed your new articles, particularly the one relating to tower growing.

Also the in-depth details about soil-blood and how often to water/flood the boxes.

One question though: what do you do with the ‘soil-blood’ for the week between watering? Does it retain its high microbial quality and expected health benefits, sitting in a bucket waiting for next Thursday until you use it again? I get the feeling it would deteriorate rapidly, being kept in an anaerobic environment.

I am planning to get started making a Gbiota bed because my current compost heap is seriously dry and can’t retain/hold water for 24hrs. Hence everything is very slow to compost and useless for growing food.

Thanks again for the new articles.


My not-so-short answer

Hi Jenny,

Many thanks for your message which is telling me that I have not done a good enough job of explaining the Gbiota technology and aims.

I write a lot but sometimes the core of the message is lost in a mass of words, let me have another go.

The needle in the haystack

There is an immense amount of solid scientific research on how food affects health, again the core message is easily lost in the volume. But the core is simple.

gut brain connectionOur gut matters

The biota in our gut is critical to health, it does much more than digest food.

The microbes in the gut communicate with each other, like in a computer so our gut forms part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly appetite.

breast feedingIt manufactures a range of chemicals which are essential for the body to operate and lack of these chemicals leads to chronic infectious diseases.

Also, much of our immune system is located in our gut, as we learned with Covid. People eating a healthy diet still caught Covid but were much less likely to die than people eating a poor diet or under stress.

We know from studies of the gut biome that the biota comes from the food we eat (or the food that mum ate) and that these microbes originate in the soil.

Modern highly processed foods – no bugs

food cravingsModern highly processed food may be hygienic but is devoid of beneficial microbes. Traditional food is full of microbes, some beneficial some dangerous leading to sickness and death.

Traditionally these microbes breed in organic waste in the soil.

Under some conditions, beneficial microbes breed preferentially and all is fine.

In other conditions, the toxic microbes breed preferentially leading to infectious diseases of varying severity.

Preferential breeding

Learning how to preferentially breed beneficial microbes in organic waste is one of the critical challenges facing our species.

But there is another side to the story.


Sustainable food

appetite for profitRecycling organic waste is sustainable, while modern chemical agriculture, based on the exploitation of natural resources is not.

There are eight billion people on the earth, they consume thousands of tonnes of food each year. The current system is unsustainable, we have no option but to learn how to grow food sustainably.

We need to create a new industry of growing plants that act as pre and pro-biotics by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, both healthy and sustainable.

This will be community driven – join us in the Gbiota movement.

Not all food

gut brain foodLet me be clear here, we do not need to replace the entire food industry – that is just ridiculous.

Most of the food we eat is burned off as energy and our modern food does that very well.

Rather we need to create a new industry supplying gut-brain food which is only a fraction of the total food we eat.

But it needs to be local as microbes have a short life. This will start with a few entrepreneurial home growers setting up their own Gbiota boxes but later local commercial growers supplying their local community.

Gbiota – not just a technology – a social movement

social benefitI need to make this message clear to my fellow humans. This is why I put so much emphasis that Gbiota is a social movement, we have to change the way society works. That is more important than profits.

Any space traveller passing by and watching the 7 O’clock news is hardly likely to be handing out gold stars for our harmonious society.

Unks and unkunks

unkownsNo this is not gibberish in some weird language but an issue at the core of health.

I know I go on a bit about the ‘profits before people’ actions in the food industry but there is another, even bigger issue.

An Unk is something you don’t know but at least you know you don’t know it and can develop strategies to mitigate, bad but not that bad.

An Unkunk is something you are unaware of – so are unprotected from the danger ahead.

The history of food is riddled with unkunks and it is a big issue.

Let us look at lessons we can learn from the history of food.



For hundreds of thousands of years, we were hunter-gatherers and totally at the mercy of the climate. While our food was generally health a few bad years would leave us starving.

Research shows that modern day hunter gatherers, who diet contains some plants plant grown in living soil full of nutrients have a far healthy gut biome.

They do not suffer the modern epidemic of chronic diseases. We need to feed our gut -brain, we know how – it is just a question of doing it.


grain storeWhen we saw the possibility of growing plants ourselves, particularly seed plants like wheat, corn and rice which could be stored we jumped at the opportunity – and why not?

Who could have foreseen that the reliable food supply would lead to a massive increase in population leading to cities which allowed infectious diseases to spread, our actions had led to the creation of terrible plagues.

We also had no idea that repetitive harvesting would exhaust the soil leading to the complete collapse of some civilisations.

Good intentions gone wrong – caught out by an Unkunk.

Had we been aware of the dangers of plagues and soil degradation we would probably have still gone ahead and adopted farming, with all its benefits but taken steps to avoid the plagues and soil degradation.


London SewageThen we learned how important hygiene was so we built water and sewage systems, invented the modern bed and adopted regular washing.

Fantastic success – but it led to yet another population explosion which put great pressure on available food supplies.

How can you argue that improved hygiene is wrong – that would be plain stupid – but had we been aware of the population explosion which would result we may have taken steps to manage it better.

The green revolution

green revolutionThen came Norman Borlaug, and the green revolution and we increased food production, all with the best of intentions but which led to yet another population explosion.

However, with our modern technology, we were able to produce enough food to feed the entire world. That is true we just failed to learn how to distribute food equitably – a social, not a technical problem.

Had we been aware that this could lead to swarms of starving refugees we may have taken steps to manage the gross inequalities – who knows – would short-term greed still have triumphed?

The gut-brain

modern farmingBut again there was an unexpected trap, our highly efficient food system largely based on chemicals for fertiliser and crop protection meant that our food was inert so our gut biome, which is an important part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies was no longer fully functional.

No one is blaming Norman Borlaug and his contemporaries, they worked diligently to feed the world’s ever-increasing population but were caught by an Unkunk and so now we are left with the problem of creating a supplementary food system to feed the gut-brain.

Unkunks and the modern gut biome

fat and skinny miceAt least we have learned about the importance of the gut biome and its impact on health. It is very much the science of the decade. But we are still looking at it from the viewpoint of biochemistry.

We know full well we can make fat people skinny and skinny people fat by changing the gut biome, we know what species of gut biota make us fat and which species make us skinny.

But we have no idea of the mechanism, the how, we just have observational experiments.

Our understanding of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies is still in its infancy (meaning we haven’t the faintest idea of the code that makes it work) and even more dangerous we have yet to recognise its importance.

We don’t do nothing, with 8 million people a year suffering a diabetic amputation that is not an option. We recognise and learn to manage our ignorance.

Calorie balance

calorie restrictionPick up virtually any book on diet or weight loss and you will be presented with the idea that we get fat because we consume more calories than we burn.

Now read carefully, I am not saying that the fundamental laws of the conservation of energy and the conservation of mass are wrong. I was indoctrinated with these ideas at University and they have stuck.

But calorie imbalance, eating more than we burn, is not the cause of the modern epidemics of obesity, diabetes, heart attack and dementia.

I accept the expert’s opinion that these are caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place. No augment from me here.

So why do we get fat and sick?

Calorie imbalance is not the cause. It is how, or what I like to call the enabling factor.

The why, the real reason why we get fat and sick is because our intelligent control system, of which the gut-brain is an integral part, has decided that we need to store more fat.

Yet the standard response to storing excess fat is to talk about the calorie imbalance. We are the victim of an Unkunk.

We should have known better, over seventy years ago, after the end of WW2 we learned that people who had been deprived of food in the war became overweight when food was available.

Our intelligent control system had been trained that is needed to store fat, it was a question of survival. When food became available it deliberately created a calorie imbalance by our gut-brain sending our hormones so we were obsessed with eating as much food as we could lay our hands (or maybe teeth) on.

Read the warning label

So, dear Jenny, read the warning label. I and no one else really knows how our intelligent control system works, but we can observe it in action.

What I am trying to do here is to take it out of the Unkunk section and bring it into the Unk section.

There is an old saying, science is the art of managing knowledge – engineering is the art of managing ignorance.

I am an engineer, I was brought up on how to manage ignorance. We build bridges and weird machines and so they don’t fall to bits we use what we like to call safety factors. These are not safety factors at all, they are ignorance factors.

pre and pro bioticsSo when you read on please understand that there are no absolute truths here.

The overall aim is to learn how to grow plants which are both pre- and pro-biotics. We need to be able to do this at scale by creating what is in effect a new industry, we are not going to solve the epidemic of chronic diseases by lab-scale breeding of a limited selection of microbial species.

Growing plants as natural pre and pro biotics is a process which has been tested (unknowingly) for millions of years so reducing the risk of Unkunks.

Soil-blood is a key part of this new technology. Learning how to manage soil-blood is at the core of resolving the epidemic of chronic disease. But it is not without risk.

As a pioneer of the soil-blood revolution I have used my body as a piece of lab equipment to see how far I can go before I sense a problem and I can honestly say the worst effect I have experienced is an occasional increase in the consumption of toilet paper.

If you want to increase your level of safety factor then do so. I have tried to indicate how and now it is your decision.

Principles no rule of thumb

gbiota bed principlesIt is not possible to give a set of instructions, like a cooking recipe, as climate, season and plants (and people) vary so much so what I try and do is give a set of principles which the grower can apply whether in Finland or Bundaberg.

The basic principles behind the Gbiota system are simple. We want to breed beneficial microbes in the soil. These will enter the plants that we eat and from there into our gut, a process that has been going on for a few million years but we decided to abort with our modern, ultra hygienic, food system.

Part of the reason we stopped is that if the conditions are not right harmful microbes, which make us sick or will kill us will breed.

But the real reason is it is much more profitable to grow plants using chemicals than go to the trouble of recycling organic matter.

ecobalanceWe use a simple process of Eco-balance where we create the conditions that favour the beneficial microbes so they out-breed and out-compete the harmful microbes – a process that has been going on for many millions of years so the Patents have well and truly expired.  It is well tested.

Both good and bad Microbes need food so that is not a differentiator, the key differentiator is air and moisture.

How water moves through the soil may appear to be simple but is actually complex and for those interested I wrote an article water which may help understand the Gbiota process but there are two key things to understand about water.


Goldilocks water

goldilocksIf the soil is too dry nothing happens, the plants don’t grow and the bugs won’t breed.

If it is too wet most plants won’t grow well, yes watercress and seaweed may be healthy, but life is about variety.

So what we want is Goldilocks water, not too wet, not too dry, just right.

Sounds simple but it is not.

Weird water

water drpsWater is weird but very friendly stuff, it loves itself so water molecules are attracted to other water molecules which gives it tensile strength, which is a bit weird for a liquid, but it is also a bit like a teenager, it loves some things and hates others – what we call hydrophobic and hydrophilic.

The other weird thing about water is it does not like being invaded by other stuff so if there is a strong solution then any nearby water will rush in to dilute the strong solution, what we call osmosis.

osmosisThese two together are how plants work, osmosis means that water will enter the root system as long as the solution in the plant’s roots is stronger than the solution in the soil.

If it is not, the water will be sucked out of the plants and they will die. Something I have demonstrated many times in my experiments.

Once the water has entered the root system, evaporation from the leaves will pull water up to great heights by the tensile strength of water that has entered the root system by osmosis.

Water does not spread uniformly

hydrophobicYou may agree with the Goldilocks water approach, not too dry, not too wet just right and think it is so simple – just water a little bit.

But that is not the way soil and water works.

If you are lucky and have hydrophilic (water-loving soil) the water will cling to the first bit of soil it finds. But generally (almost always) soil has different particle and pore sizes.

pore sizeThe surface tension forces are much larger in a small pore than in a big pore (it has more surface area) so the water will move from large pores to small pores and then stop.

When you apply water from above, however you do it – drip tape, sprinkler, hose, flood or a good old fashioned bucket you are applying liquid water that will initially fill all the pores, big and small where you applied the water, so they are all filled with liquid water.

The soil is saturated with no air spaces.

The importance of pore size

wickingBut all soils have a range of pore sizes and if the soil is hydrophilic, (water-loving), the forces attracting the water in the small pores are higher than in the large pores so water will move from the large pores to the small pores until there is a balance and flow will stop.

This is wicking.

The moisture level at the end of wicking is normally called field capacity but is really an equilibrium state which is a better term.

This moisture level iswater deapth independent of how much water is applied. If you apply more water it will just go deeper into the soil.

I will say this again, and put up with the abusive emails it will generate. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, you cannot vary the moisture level in the soil by how much water you apply from above.

The moisture levels at the end of irrigation will always be the same, it will start saturated and then drop down to field or equilibrium value.

Applying more water will mean it will penetrate deeper into the soil.

What we can do

giant spongsIf we change either the nature of the soil, so it is more or less hydrophilic, or change the pore size we will change the equilibrium level.

This is what we are trying to do with Wickmix, create a soil that is hydrophilic, water-loving but with a large pore size – a giant sponge.

Not make sense? Think of it this way.

Clay is generally nutrient-rich but has a very small pore size so will hold a lot of water and very little air and so will be anaerobic which is great for breeding bad bugs.

Sand has a large pore size so contains a lot of air – which is good but will hold very little water and nutrients. Great for growing Cacti but not so good for broccoli.


wormsWith Wickimix, which we make from organic waste, rock dust and a bit of soil (preferably with a small particle size like in clay to give a large surface area) there are plenty of nutrients.

But to get (and maintain) a large pore size we need a little help from the creatures of the soil, particularly the worms.

But let us not forget the beetles, larvae, nematodes and all those creepy-crawlies found in good soil.

They are happy to eat all the nutrients we provide but to pay the rent they make lots of holes and passages in the soil so we have soil full of air.

Flood and flush

gbiota boxThe other part of Gbiota technology is flood and flush. Instead of applying the water from above, which reduces the air content and seals the surface, we apply the water, at least most of the water, from below and let wicking action take it up to near the surface so the plant roots can grow in Goldilocks moisture.

Let me talk you through the process.

We have a pipe going down into the soil. We could just use a small tube, and that is what I started with many years ago.

But as I was brought up to squeeze the most out of everything so I now use a large tube which I can fill with organic waste, so I call it a compost tube.

swivel tubeFor those keen gardeners who understand that labile or fresh compost can be full of growth inhibitors, I should point out that this is separate from the soil in which I am growing plants.

For those of you who have read my article on how water moves through the soil, you will understand that to get bulk water movement you need to use the principle of hydraulic or pressure flow which inevitably means the soil will be saturated.

This pressure flow (I say pressure but it is only a few mm of head but still pressure) will force the water to flow over the base of the bed and being saturated some water will wick up towards the root zone and towards the surface.

Just what we want.

water,air,nutrientsBut after we have saturated the base of the bed we are left with all this saturated soil which is ideal for breeding all those nasty bad bugs.

In the Gbiota boxes, we have a swivel pipe while in the Gbiota beds a leaky dam so we can drain the water (or soil-blood).

This is the neat bit, as the water drains out it will suck air back into the soil, we are making the soil breathe. This is a core Gbiota technology.

You can hear the air being sucked back into the soil and for the benefit of any adolescent boys reading this, they may like to call this a reverse fart.


What to do with the left-overs

victory gardenPeople who know me understand that I was a toddler in WW2 and was brought up not to waste anything.

I could not leave half a slice of toast without being told that I must eat it as there were starving children in Africa. When I asked very politely about the logistics of getting my half a slice of toast to the kids in Africa I was rewarded with less than polite thump to the ear.

How times have changed. But there is still a need for more change.

mummy and babyThe idea that ‘greed is good’ has to go. It is absurd to have a society where billionaires are taking joy trips to space so they can see for themselves if the world is round or flat, executives of food companies fly around in private jets when people are having their legs chopped off from diabetes or living under railway bridges.

Things need to change – join the wonderful world of the Gbiota movement.

But back to leftovers.

Soil blood

bad bugWhat drains out from the swivel tube or leaky dam is not just water, it is full of nutrients and weird creatures. I look at them under my microscope and they make the monsters from Aliens look tame.

I call this soil-blood because it fulfils the same function as blood in us, transporting nutrients, air, weird creatures and microbes throughout the soil and into the plants and finally us.

This is just too valuable to waste.

But how best to use it?

The obvious way is to pour it back down the compost tube, but when?

As Jenny asks, will this go putrid if it is left for a week in the collection bottle?

In Bundaberg in summer almost certainly yes, but here is how to find out.

Safe or not?

gbiota boxI admit that I pour some soil-blood onto the plant leaves as this is another way the plants can absorb the beneficial microbes that we need.

I have some concerns about recommending this publicly so I leave it to people to decide for themselves. All I can say is I have been doing it for years without harm.

I have no desire to get sick from some weird disease so just before harvest I will stop using soil blood on the foliage and rinse the foliage with clean water instead.

Surface wetting

Another issue is that wicking works great in transferring water from wet areas to drier areas but there can be a problem in re-wetting the soil if it dries out completely.

To avoid this I will periodically wet the soil surface and often use soil blood for that.


However, the big problem with this subsurface irrigation is germination, the top surface is dry so seeds do not germinate without love and care.

I have tried many ways, including totally saturating the soil before seeding and applying the covering layer. That only needs to be done once but I find that saturating the soil and the following patting down tend to compact the soil when what we want is a very open soil with a large pore size.

I have now gone back to the old-fashioned way and just seed and cover with the top layer then gently apply water to just keep that top layer moist enough for germination.

A bit more work than ‘saturate and leave’ method but more reliable.


radishRadishes must be the easiest plant to grow so it is with shame that I admit that they do not grow that well in normal Gbiota boxes.

They, and other root crops like beets, grow profusely with an immense display of foliage but the roots fail to swell as hoped for.

I think the problem is that the nutrient-rich soil and frequent use of soil-blood means there is just too much nutrient available for what is a tough plant that has evolved to flourish in tough conditions.

I now grow radishes and other root crops in their own box. I don’t use the soil-blood at all in these boxes instead using it in other boxes and use fresh water both in the compost tube and for surface wetting.

Designing the human body

non beneficial microbe detectorI haven’t answered Jenny’s question about how long the soil blood can be left.

If you have ever looked in a mirror you may have noticed a lumpy thing sticking out from just above your mouth and wondered why it is there and not somewhere else more convenient.

It is called a nose but why put it there?

It has not evolved as a convenient thing to hold our glasses.

hamburgerLet’s talk about the design of the human body. I am an engineer and the best design is always the simplest that will do the job.

We need to take in air and food so the simplest design would be to have a hole in the chest for taking in air and another hole to our belly just below – for shoveling in food.

Why go to all this bother of pipes and valves so air goes to the lungs and food to our stomach and why put the nose immediately above the mouth? It seems overly complex.

jelly fishEvolution keeps on trying out different designs and keeps on increasing sophistication until it finds the simplest that works.

It did try a simpler version, and it did work, we call it a jellyfish, but I ask you, how many jellyfishes have won a Nobel prize? I can count them on the number of fingers growing out of my ears.

Neat design

This current design may seem overly complicated but it works.

Anything you put near your mouth is immediately inspected by your nose.

Any suspicious sign (smell) it hits that red button which is the alarm bell for your subconscious brain and in a fraction of a second (your subconscious brain works much faster than your conscious brain) it has sent out a OMG STOP signal so your arm screeches to a halt before that pongy thing enters your mouth, so possibly saving your life.

What I do

Now as I know nothing about growing food in Finland I can’t tell you what the safe time to leave soil-blood is but you can try what I do.

Gbiota is my job in life, I have over fifty experimental boxes trialing different techniques and plants so I am not too bothered about time.

toilet paperI have come to an arrangement with my body that I use it as part of the experimental process and as part of the deal, I guarantee it a reserve stockpile of toilet paper, which fortunately is only needed occasionally.

I have trialed different schedules and plants.

I have found there is no problem with using the flood and flush system every day. It guarantees there is no stagnant soil-blood but it makes for a lot of extra work.

This may be unnecessary as I do not recommend flood and flushing every day but useful to know if problems occur (such as when you have been on holiday and on your return are greeted with a bit of a pong.

So Jenny the rule is simple, a big sniff – if pongy irrigate more frequently.

Gbiota beds – developed from Wicking Beds

Gbiota beds were developed from Wicking beds which have the big advantage that they can store a lot of water so you can go for a long time without irrigation.

But the whole point of Gbiota beds is to breed beneficial microbes – not save work and that means a bit more effort.

How often

gbiota boxI typically irrigate twice a week but if I have any suspicion that the soil mix is getting a bit overripe, (using my nose), I will run a flood and flush cycle.

I like everyone, go away for several days or even a couple of weeks and then I will revert to a Wicking Beds and leave the swivel tube in the up position.

It is not ideal but keeps the plants alive. But when I return I may give a few daily flushes to clean the system.

If I have any suspicions (eg a bit of pong) I am too mean to discard this suspect soil-blood so I just empty the container onto my lawn and later capture the nutrients in the grass cutting which are part of my Gbiota bed process.

I understand that it is easy to kill plants with too high a level of nutrients by reverse osmosis. This is easily detected ahead of time by excess green growth.

(How many times have I got all excited over an experiment with fantastic growth but come back one morning to find everything dead.)

This rarely happens but if it does I just use the soil blood on other boxes and just use water in the suspect box.

man gardeningDifferent plants exude different sugars to attract different species of microbes so normally I use a wide spectrum of plants in one box. This is very practical using some slow and fast-growing plants which increases the time span that the box is producing.

(Link to ‘What to grow’)

So I still like to spread the soil blood among the boxes to introduce as wide a range of microbes as possible.

As I have mentioned some species, like the root crops, seem sensitive to over-nutrition so I may stop using the soil blood and use water.

I am sorry to my readers in Finland that I can not offer them any specific advice, but I am sure that in winter they will be growing indoors with plant lamps and they will soon find a schedule which works fine without getting a pongy mess.

Final word

amputationSo Jenny there is a very long answer to a very simple question. Keep the question coming they help make the total system better and don’t forget that this is a social benefit movement as well as growing a few veggies so help spread the word.

It is not a bad feeling that you have saved someone from having a foot chopped off from diabetes.



The plan

The plan


This is the preface to the dynamic E-book which is about solving the food crisis. It is about how to get the adoption of the new technology we need.

A dynamic E-book is made up of multiple stand alone articles. If you are not interested in the process of innovation you can jump to the next article which explains why we have a food crisis. Just click below.


Solving the food crisis – the plan

Solving any problem goes through three stages.

The first is too often overlooked and is not easy, developing a clear understanding of what the problem is.

The second stage can be surprisingly easy, developing the technical solution.

The third stage is the most difficult – adoption, effectively applying the known technology.

Understanding the problem

There are two problems.

The short-term problem is that our current food system is deficient in the microbes which form our gut biome and essential minerals which have led to an epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

The longer-term problem is our current food system relies on the exploitation of finite resources, particularly water, which is aggravated by climate change and shortages of key minerals which are being exhausted. Phosphorous is the most urgent.

The technology

We already have the technology, it is changing the way we grow our food using organic waste as a key input and controlling the conditions to breed the beneficial microbes so they out-compete the harmful microbes which make us fat and sick and kill us – a process of Eco-balance which has been going on for millions of years if we care to look.


The real problem is how to get these known solutions adopted.

I have been innovating for much of my life with a spectacular array of failures and a few successes for which I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

But failures are not a waste, they are the way we learn so I want to devote this article to extracting the lessons from my failures (and the successes).

Learning from failures

The high-speed dolls pram

My first innovation dates back to the late 1940’s (yes I am very old).

I made a powered doll pram for my sister and it was a fantastic success, at least technically. It went so fast she could not keep up with it so it would result in spectacular crashes.

But the lesson is that this innovation, however good technically did not fill a real need. My sister was perfectly happy pushing her old dolls pram along and Mum was certainly not happy about this high-speed doll pram crashing into the furniture.

The road junction ramps

My next, not-so-brilliant idea, was in the 1950s when I proposed the idea that we could make road crossing safer by raising the intersection so cars would slow down before the intersection and speed up automatically as they left.

I remember explaining this to the local council who were very diplomatic to an over-enthusiastic teenager who had just learned about potential and kinetic energy at school.

They explained that this was not practical. The disappointment would have been less had they pointed out that if a hung around for a few decades there would be electric cars with regenerative braking which would do exactly what I was trying to do – capture the kinetic energy for reuse later.

Lesson – theory may be fine but it has to be practical.

The automotive crash absorber

Next was after I graduated in the 1960s when I was working for a Research Institute on the mechanical properties of plastics. I realised that while plastics had reasonable strengths they were very flexible, which is why they are called plastic and this meant they could absorb large amounts of energy.

So I designed a plastic shock absorber that could be fitted between a car’s chassis and the bumper bar (or fender in the US) which would absorb a large amount of energy.

Now, give my bosses their due, they thought this idea had merit and no doubt wishing to encourage a young graduate approached the car industry, on my behalf.

Their response was unenthusiastic saying there was no public demand.

This is a bitter learning experience because we made and tested some energy absorbers and they really worked.

The technology was sound and economic but the social conditions were not ready for acceptance.

It was years later when Ralph Nader became the champion for more safe cars and changed the public attitude.

But more than changing the public attitude, it changed the Government’s attitude, they introduced legislation on safety but even more importantly they introduced a star safety rating.

This meant that car buyers had a way of judging the safty of competing models and it turned out that the public cared and bought the safer cars so there was money for the car companies.

The lessons are that the social conditions must be right for innovations to be accepted and Governments can play a role in creating the right social conditions for the adoption of new technology.

The centrifuge

My most spectacular failure was in the late 1960s when I had this theoretically great but impractical idea of using a giant centrifuge to produce reinforced plastics.

It worked on simple shapes but there was no way of producing the preforms to make complicated shapes.

As the major benefit of plastics is the way they can be formed into complex shapes this was a total failure.

The lesson is that a simple but essential defect in an otherwise sound idea can lead to total failure.


That is enough of failures, lets have a story that started as a failure but ended up a major success.

I mortgaged my house to buy what I believe was the second mini-computer to come to Australia. It is now unbelievable that it cost one-third the value of my house but this was in the day of mainframes and punched cards.

I wrote a computer simulation of hot plastics flowing into a cold mould which was quite a technical challenge involving solving coupled non-linear partial differential equations. Fortunately, Newton had done all the hard work for me.

This simulation gave me a much better understanding of the mechanism of flow and I developed design principles such as flow balancing, which meant using the flow channels to control flow.

This meant that often the flow channels were much smaller than conventional flow channels.

Having spent all my money on buying this primitive computer I bought an around-the-world ticket, on credit on my American Express card, to tell the world about what I thought was a major innovation.

This meant leaving my long-suffering wife to work out how to feed our two kids which had magically appeared from nowhere, as kids do.

Innovators are generally too busy and preoccupied to have time to have kids but apparently not in my house.

Lesson – being an innovator is rugged, being an innovator’s wife is worse.

Changing the paradigm

So I went around the world giving lectures on flow balancing expecting to receive a warm welcome.

But what people heard was not what I said.

I was trying to explain a rather complex concept that you could use the computer simulation to redesign the flow path so it filled uniformly.

What they heard was if the mould does not fill make the flow channels smaller.

I actually said some flow channels but they missed the ‘some’.

The conventional wisdom and common sense say if the mould does not fill make the flow channels larger – obvious right?

Let me tell you that is not a pleasant experience standing up in front of a crowd who think you are some sort of nutter from down under where Kangaroos hop down the main street.

The important bit

There were some free-thinking entrepreneurial thinkers (actually I should use the correct term intrapreneurial as these were free thinkers inside large organisations).

I won’t say they believed me but they were adequately free thinking that I may have a point so they went away and tried it and it worked, and this is the important bit for them.

And they told other people that it worked for them and Moldflow just took off and was eventually a company worth over $500million. (I didn’t get $500million that went to the vulture capitalist.)

The lesson here is that you can’t change a paradigm by spending a fortune on promotion and advertising. (Particularly if you don’t have a fortune which is the norm for innovators.)

You need to find those free thinkers who have standing and let them try it for themselves.



Faster, better cheaper

I wrote a book, Faster better cheaper’ which was about how to make plastics parts, you guessed it faster better and cheaper.

As soon as I had written it I asked myself if that was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, make plastics parts Faster, Better and Cheaper.

The answer was a resounding no, so I asked myself what is the biggest challenge facing humanity.

I don’t think that humans are so stupid that we are going to annihilate our species in an atomic war so I decided the answer is how are we going to feed billions of people healthy food in a sustainable way.

So that is when I sold the company and took a new direction in life.

Broad-acre subsurface irrigation

Time for some more lessons from failure.

I became very concerned about the supply of fresh water. We are draining aquifers that have taken millions of years to fill at an alarming rate. We needed a more efficient way of irrigating large areas like cow pastures.

So I developed a very low-cost subsurface irrigation tape which could be ploughed into the ground. Sounded good.

But when I saw the cows digging up the irrigation tape and eating it I knew I had got it wrong again. Why cows should dig up irrigation tape and eat it was unanticipated but that is the life of an innovator.

Project scrapped.

Lesson – prepare for the unexpected.

Adaptive irrigation control

For my next project, I thought I would develop what I called adaptive irrigation control but we now may put into the Artificial Intelligence bracket.

The idea was simple, collect all the information on how much rain falls and water is supplied from irrigation, measure the evaporation and soil moisture to learn how much water the plants are using, look at the predicted evaporation and then estimate how much water to apply at the next irrigation.

This is all in a continuous loop so the system is continuously refining its predictions.

Great idea (or so I thought) but this was way back in the late 1990’s and there was not the computer power available at that time so it failed. Good idea but no supporting technology.

Lesson – innovation does not occur in isolation and depends on the available technologies at the time.

Wicking beds

My next project arose from a trip to Ethiopia to see if I could find a way of providing sustenance food in times of drought.

The idea was very simple. Collect up a bunch of weeds because they are very efficient at extracting nutrients from the soil, much better than food plants.

Dig a trench, line it with a plastic film (there is an abundant supply of waste plastic bags available for free throughout Africa), fill it with weeds. Use more plastic bags to create catchments to feed any rain that falls into the beds.

It worked great but here comes the crunch.

The idea caught on, not in Africa but in wealthy Western countries. It was featured in TV gardening shows so received maximum publicity.

But they didn’t understand the basic principles so instead of using weeds they replaced these with dead inert rocks with no nutrients.

This has the advantage of increasing the time between watering which is popular and seems important in our modern high-pressure life, but does not feed us the nutrients we need.

Lessons I have learned

There is a very important lesson to be learned from these projects.

Innovators are rarely in a position to promote their own innovations, and anyway, they are biased so why should anyone believe them?

Adoption occurs because an independent source, preferably someone widely respected, hears about the idea, may be not convinced it will work but thinks it may have a chance of working, has some benefit, so tests it for themselves, finds it works then tells other people and the idea catches on and bingo – you have a paradigm shift.

Whatever the business textbook tells you about the way that innovations occur this is the way they occur in the real world.

The new hobby – leg chopping

My life took a major turn when my wife, a medical doctor, became diabetic her foot turned black and they wanted to amputate her leg.

I was not keen on the idea as she had nice legs and it seemed that she was not too keen on the idea either.

Eight million people a year have a limb amputated from diabetes.

As I am getting on in years I am continuously amazed by what I see on Social Media like TikTok, I just cannot believe the weird things that people get up to.

But after serious thought, I have concluded that there is not some craze going around initiated by some video that has gone viral promoting the idea that it is a great hobby to eat the wrong food, get diabetes and have a leg chopped off.

Given the right information, at the right time (that is before sitting in the waiting room to have your leg chopped off) most people would think that two legs are better than one.

The question is how to get that message out when the world is saturated with billions of dollars of very clever, but manipulative advertising that our modern food system is healthy????

Maybe not TikTok

If it is not some craze on TikTok what is it that is causing eight million people a year to eat food that will lead to them having their leg chopped off, then what is it?

The answer lies in why we are the most successful creature on the planet. We are a magic combination of intelligent and cooperative.

To understand that we have to go back in time, I don’t mean to when I was born which may be a long time ago but much further.

Even further back in time when there were no Wheaties for breakfast but when we caught and ate Mastodons.

Let me tell you a bit about Mastodons, they are big, bigger than an elephant and they have two massive tusks.

If one human tried to kill a Mastodon the score would very quickly be Mastodon 1 human 0 with the human ending up skewered on the Mastodon tusks like a sausage on a stick.

Yet we ended up with Mastodon steaks in our figurative serial bowl for breakfast.

How did we do it? Because we are intelligent and cooperative.

If you have never been on a Mastodon hunt let me assure you that you don’t hang around thinking through every step using a process of logic, unless you want to end up skewered on a Mastodon trunk.

You are part of a team, you know what is expected of you and you do it (and quickly).

That is the way we work (or at least most of us). That is how we live together in cities of millions of people without too much trouble.

So what is the action plan?

We already have the technology of how to grow healthy food sustainably.

We just have to get people to adopt the technology.

We can’t do that by some scattergun internet marketing campaign.

We have to locate free-thinking intrapreneurs in the health profession, preferably some in Government responsible for community health in the prevention area.

We have to provide them with all the information they need so they can independently test it for themselves and decide whether this is marketing bullshit or the real world.

If they are convinced that this is for real they will then promote this to other health professionals who in turn will promote it to the wider public.

That is how ideas spread exponentially.

Keep reading, the rest of this dynamic E-book gets down to the nitty gritties.





The great riddle

Look around the world and back over time and you will see the great riddle of three communities.

Low tech communities


We see low-tech communities with a poor food system, lack of hygiene and a sophisticated medical infrastructure where people die before their natural life from infectious diseases.

Life is struggle, this is clearly bad.

High tech communities


We see rich high-tech communities with a sophisticated food system, good hygiene and medical support and where people die before their natural life from non-infectious or chronic diseases obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia..

Their high-tech medical infrastructure keeps many people alive, but maybe not healthy.

But what about the quality of life let alone the great expense to the Government and the community?

The blue zones

blue zoneWe see the blue zones where people live to a ripe old age, well into their nineties or hundreds and are fit and healthy.

What is it about these blues zones that people live not just long lives but long and healthy lives?

You have got to admit it is a puzzle.

We all need to eat

I can tell you the answer but before I do there is something I must warn you about.

I was a toddler in WW2 I was used as child labour to help grow food in this terrible war where starvation was used as a weapon of war. I am a bit obsessed with having a healthy food system.

No drongo

colinaieeI am no drongo, I wrote a simulation of hot plastics flowing into a cold mould which involves solving coupled non-linear partial differential equations. I set up a company Moldlfow from my back bedroom which became the leading exporter of technical software from Australia – a multi-million dollar international company and I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

But I was still obsessed with having a viable and sustainable food system, I could see that the ability to sustainably produce healthy food was going to be the critical issue for the future of humanity – everybody has to eat and all people should have access to healthy food.

Thirty years of slog and experimentation

So thirty years ago I sold my company and used the money for speculative research, the sort of high-risk research that no self-respecting research funder would support. I took the view that it was my money and if I wanted to blow it on something I thought important then I should and could do it. Who else would?

Challenging the current paradigms

What did I find? Many of the ideas that we accept as gospel are flawed. For example, the current epidemic of non-infectious or chronic diseases is caused because we are little piggies and stuff ourselves. Not true!

No instant gratification

Instant gratificationWe live in a world of instant gratification but you can’t cram thirty years of experimentation and thinking into a three-word slogan like ‘eat less exercise more’.

The E-book that may save us

This web is an E-book if you want to know why people in the blue zones live such a long and healthy life, or want to avoid having your leg chopped off from diabetes, you will need to spend a bit of time and having your existing views on food challenged and that may not be a pleasant experience.

I won’t say it will save the world, that has survived for over four billion years and will be spinning around the sun for another few billion years – but it may just save us from the looming food crisis.



The Calorie trap

But let me get to the biggest problem of all. FAT

We are all told that the underlying cause of the epidemic of chronic diseases is the wrong fat in the wrong place.

No argument from me on that one.

But if you have been to University and studied to become a dietitian you will have had it drummed into you that you get fat because of a calorie balance.

If you consume more calories than you burn you will get fat. We see that slogan eat less exercise more all the time.

If I was to say that this is wrong I would be met with an uproar. I would be told that it is just basic physics and can’t be wrong.

Sixty years ago I was at University studying engineering and I had the basic laws of conservation of mass and conservation drummed into me in the way the calorie balance is drummed into student nutritionists so don’t get me wrong when I say that the fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy are valid (unless you are letting of atomic bombs) this is not the underlying cause of why we store excess fat.

The calorie theory is an enabling factor, to go on in must go in. But it is not the cause.

The underlying reason is that we have an intelligent control system that regulates our bodies.

My first job after University was with a company making control systems for power stations, in later life I found myself writing intelligent control software where the computer would learn the characteristics of the system and by a process we called predictor-corrector, which is upmarket trial and error the computer was able to control the system within very fine tolerances.

That is how our body works, we have a highly sophisticated intelligent control system which is learning from the first suck on Mum’s breast to when we die and it works incredibly well – until it doesn’t.

There are three times when it does not work.

If we have the wrong microbes in our gut biome (which is an integral part of this intelligent control system) it won’t work, if it senses a deficiency in some trace mineral it will send out signals for us to eat more and if we are exposed to a period just lacking food (as happens in some diets) it again decides we should store more fat.

The basis of the Gbiota technology is fixing these problems and is a very different way of thinking to the calorie in calorie out approach.

And I do know it is a challenge to change an established paradigm and it is very difficult to persuade people to make that shift.

But I have learned over my life as an innovator that the solution is simple – don’t tell them show them. That is what this web is all about, getting people to try it and see it for themselves.



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Colin Austin  © Creative commons this document may be reproduced but the source should be acknowledged. Information may be used for private use but commercial use requires a license.







Gbiota – breeding the Good biota


Eco balanceThe Gbiota process of breeding beneficial gut microbes starts in the soil where the conditions are controlled so the beneficial microbes out-breed and out-compete the harmful microbes.

This is called Eco-balance which is how the world has worked for billions of years.

This is why you don’t find polar bears in the Sahara desert or antelopes in the Arctic. They each require their specific conditions to breed, if those conditions are met they successfully breed and become the dominant creature and if those conditions are not met they are out-bred.

The Gbiota process controls the conditions to breed beneficial microbes, plants are grown, the microbes enter the plants from the roots, we eat the plants and they enter our gut.

It is a simple and inexpensive process, anyone can do it, everyone should and we show you how.

Wonder of the world

Our gut-brain is one of the wonders of the world. It knows what we eat and the effects on our bodies, learns and remembers whether it is good or bad and then manages our appetite so we want to eat the foods that are good for us.

It has been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years, without doctors or dietitians to tell us whether we need more vitamins B12, K zinc or magnesium and it is how we have survived.

Even more remarkable is that this gut-brain is not part of us but is made up of trillions of microbes which communicate with each other, like in a computer.

These microbes start in the soil, or more specifically in the guts of creatures that live in the soil, enter the plants that we eat and then form our gut-brain.

pioneerThe tragedy is that our modern food system is so hygienic and it takes so long from when the plants are harvested to when we eat them that these life-giving microbes have died.

This is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

The solution is to start eating food with these living beneficial microbes. We know how to do this, it is simple, inexpensive and the food tastes better. The difficulty is persuading people to try gut-brain food.

That is why we are searching for those pioneering people willing to cast off the old ways and try something new. If you are a food pioneer email me.


Why we get fat and sick

Fat peopleThe physical reason for this epidemic is the wrong fat in the wrong place. This is not simply that we overeat. Our gut brain decides that we need to store more fat, this may be because of the wrong microbes in our gut-brain or there is a genuine deficiency in our diet. It sends our signal to make us hungry and we overeat.

We have to overeat to get fat but that is the enabling factor, it is not the cause. We can go on a restrictive diet which will stop us storing fat in the short term, which will disable the mechanism that enables us to store fat but we have not solved the underlying cause.

The aim of the Gbiota technology is to fix the underlying cause – the wrong microbes or deficiencies by eating nutrient rich food with these living beneficial microbes.

It is simple, inexpensive, and sustainable based on recycling organic waste and the food tastes better.

This web is in two parts, the easy bit and the really hard bit.

The easy bit

water,air,nutrientsThe easy bit is the technology. Healthy plants need a balanced combination of nutrients, water and air.

Nutrients are easy, all you need to understand is that organic waste, our basic input, already contains a lot of nutrients but will need topping up with essential trace minerals which are found in abundance in volcanic rock dust and you may need a bit of dolomite or calcium to balance the pH.

Water and air are equally simple, the bad bugs like it wet while the good bugs like it just damp but with air (actually oxygen but we are not nitpickers). The Gbiota technology is just a simple way of applying water so the soil breathes and the water (actually soil blood) never becomes stagnant.

Not trivial but virtually anyone who is prepared to read the instructions can do it, even if they have limited gardening experience and live in an apartment.

This is all described in the growing section which is a subscription area, we have bills to pay just like you.

Fortunately, there are people with pioneering spirit prepared to set up their own Gbiota beds or boxes, but they are a rare breed.

The difficult bit

chronic diseasesThe difficult bit is changing the public attitude towards the food system, that is really difficult but we just have to try for two reasons.

Our modern food system has created an epidemic of non-infectious diseases in which three out of four people die before their natural life span.

Even worse, but longer term we are slowly but steadily destroying the means of food production, the supply of critical inputs, (particularly water and phosphorous) is being exhausted, and we are destroying the fertile topsoil while climate change is just amplifying the problem.

The Gbiota technology addresses both of these issues but the potential benefits will not be realised if we cannot find a way of gaining widespread acceptance.

That is not easy – let me illustrate.

hydroponicsTake a hydroponically grown lettuce, it is grown without soil, just relying on synthetic chemicals for nutrients and protection from pests, it looks perfect, not a blemish and there are no bugs so the risk of getting E-coli is perceived as minimal.

Even in conventional agriculture, soil is there to hold the plant with the nutrients being supplied synthetic fertilisers.

Now take a Gbiota lettuce grown in living soil, teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients. The benefits we are promoting are that it contains beneficial bugs and a balance of nutrients.

gbiotaboxTypically people’s reaction is ‘I do not want bugs in my food as they will make me sick’.

To change that view I have to convince people that the bugs in our gut are beneficial by communicating with each other creating intelligence and forming part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.

It learns over time what foods are good or bad for us and then regulates our appetite so we want to eat the right sort of food that will keep us healthy.

Not an easy view to accept even if backed up by in-depth science but up against the billions of dollars that the food industry spends convincing us that the food they sell, which is the food that makes them the most money, is healthy.

They are very good at this.

change the worldGbiota is a community benefit organisation, we don’t have billions of dollars to spend on manipulative advertising.

The only way we get our arguments out to the community as a whole is to rely on the good intentions of dedicated people who are prepared to study the literature on this web, set up their own Gbiota beds or boxes then show their friends that they don’t drop dead from some weird disease but are healthy with their appetite controlled by the gut-brain so they don’t get fat and sick.

All we can do is hope there are enough people out there so we can rely on their dedication to avoid a major food crisis.

This web contains a lot of information on how the way we grow our food affects our health. It is all free to access but we only want genuine people so we ask that they register with a valid email address so we know they are real and not some dubious organisation using our web to promote some magic pill.

 buterflyWe don’t sell any physical product, no magic pill from the Amazon jungle or the Himalayan Mountains. Sorry about that but the web is full of products making this claim.

We try and help people understand why some foods lead to a long and healthy life while other foods lead to us becoming fat and sick.  We do our best to answer all genuine questions from people with a longer attention span than a butterfly.




 Community benefit

Gbiota smoothieGbiota is a community benefit organisation focused on healthy food. We operate like any other business aiming to earn enough money to pay our bills.

We are not a charity, we aim to earn our keep.

We think that the focus, taught in business schools, that the purpose of a company is to make as much money for its shareholders is fundamentally harmful to the community.

InequalityIt is not a good community where the wealthiest top 2% of the population own the bulk of the wealth while people have no home to live in and can’t afford decent food. This is not a good society.

All companies should accept that they have a social responsibility, I am asking you to join the Gbiota social movement to demonstrate that accepting this social responsibility is viable and leads to a better society.

Every year eight million people have a limb amputated from diabetes, every leg we save by a better food system is a demonstration that all companies should accept they have a social responsibility.

Humans are social creatures, we are both intelligent and cooperative, this is why we are the dominant creature on earth, not because of some economic theory from Chicago that a company’s role is solely to increase shareholder profits. Join us in the Gbiota social movement and show them.

desertWe are such a wasteful society, it is unsustainable. The Earth’s resources are finite, at the current rate of consumption we will run out of essential ingredients, like water and phosphorous within fifty years which will be a catastrophe for the world.

This is why I want Gbiota to be a success, to show the world that all companies should work for the community’s benefit and not just solely focus on profits, it is unsustainable.

advertisingLet me give you just one example to illustrate my point.

The current food industry spends a vast amount of money on manipulating us to buy products, loaded with calories and artificial flavourings because it is highly profitable for them.

amputationThe result is a society where the bulk of the people will die from a non-infectious disease such as obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Yet our bodies have a built-in intelligent control system which naturally regulates what and how much we want to eat. It is a combination of our gut and head brain which learns over time what foods work for us.

con manYet our current food system is not feeding our gut-brain so instead of regulating how much we eat we fall prey to very clever manipulative advertising so we become sick and eventually die from these non-infectious diseases.

diseaseThe solution is to eat food that nourishes our gut-brain so it works as it should. It is so simple and inexpensive we just need to educte the public.

This is  why we put so much effort into trying to educate the community about the critical importance of having a functioning gut-brain and why we chose the name Gbiota short for Gut Biota for this social movement. Read more in the article on the sitch from infectious to non-infectious disease here.

food cravingsBut there is no money in educating the public about the importance of gut-brain health.

So I invite you (and our Governments) to join me in creating public awareness of gut-brain health.

marketingYou can start by reading some of the critical articles on this web, all for free but recognise that it will take a bit of time and effort, we are not going to make the world a healthy and sustainable place to live by following the lead of the three-word slogans of the advertising industry.

Taking on the largest and most powerful companies in the world is not the easiest job in the world, an email of support is welcome.

Do it for yourself and your grandkids.


Gbiota – breeding the Good biota

social benefitGbiota is a social benefit organisation aimed at ensuring that the world’s population has adequate access to food which will keep them healthy.

Our modern food industry is far from this, it is dominated by mega-corporations that are under pressure from financial institutions to maximise short-term profits over social benefits. This is the nature of our modern society.

The result is food full of calories – energy food, but deficient in critical minerals but above all the microbes which power our gut-brain.

food crisisBut they do this at the expense of the natural resources on which we all depend. It is destroying the topsoil, critical requirements for food production, particularly water and phosphorous are being exhausted and food production is a significant contributor to green house-gases which is causing climate change which changes the steady supply of water to one of floods and droughts.

If we carry on as normal the world will face the worst catastrophe we can imagine.


bad bugsMicrobes were the first living creatures on earth and created the soil on which life depends.

Microbes are everywhere. There are bad bugs which make us sick or kill us.

friendly bugBut there are good bugs on which our lives depend.

Microbes breed in the soil breaking down rocks to make nutrients available for our food. They enter our gut biome which is part of our intelligent controls system which regulates our bodies, particularly what and how much we want to eat.

fat ladtIf we have the wrong microbes in our gut we overeat and get fat and sick, maybe have a leg chopped off from diabetes or die young, if we have the right microbes we can look forward to a long and healthy life.

The Gbiota technology creates the conditions in the soil so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes so our food contains the beneficial microbes.


speculaative researchI was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering, I started a company from my spare bedroom which became the leading exporter of technical software from Australia and was eventually sold for $Au500 million. But I sold out well before then to work on what I saw as the biggest problem facing humanity – the sustainable production of food.

I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators but above all, I learned the process of innovation.

When I sold my company I had the time and resources to conduct the speculative research, the sort of research that no self-respecting research funding organisation would finance, to take on the challenge of growing enough of the right sort of food to feed the world’s growing population.

Naturally, there were many failures, that is the nature of innovation, but eventually, I developed the Gbiota technology which is simple and inexpensive based on breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, which is sustainable.


Developing the technology is the easy bit, now comes the difficult bit of getting that technology accepted.

We do not need to change the current food industry, that would be an almost impossible target, and in any case, it is doing a good job of providing energy food for the world.

Instead, we need to create a new industry of gut-brain food to supply the beneficial microbes which form part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.

feed your gut brainThis will start by some pioneering people growing gut-brain food at home, in their gardens or even on their patios or balconies. This is not a difficult technology to apply.

But as it becomes accepted and there is the demand, commercial companies will emerge to supply Gbiota boxes with growing gut-brain food on a rotational basis.

But we have to make a start and that will come from the creation of the Gbiota social benefit movement. Let me be clear Gbiota itself does not supply food or any physical product, that will be done by members of the Gbiota movement on an amateur or commercial scale. We encourage and assist them.

The very first step is to create public awareness and social cooperation.

Gbiota has two levels of memberships.

The first level is people who sign up for free to learn more about food and health.

The very act of signing up is a statement of support for the movement but we hope that the people will also tell their friends and contacts so the movement grows in size. No one person can make this change, it has to come by many people forming a movement.

The second level is the actual growers themselves who grow the gut-brain food for themselves at home or on a commercial basis for their local community.

They will require support, Gbiota is not a difficult technology to apply but must be done right so the beneficial microbes out-breed and out-compete the harmful microbes which lead to us becoming fat and sick or dying from non-infectious diseases which are now the leading cause of death.

This support costs money which requires a paying membership or on a commercial basis a licensing arrangement. Either way, the costs are trivial in comparison with the human costs of a failing food system.

So I invite you to sign up and join the Gbiota social movement and help create a sustainable, healthy food system. explains why this is a matter of life and death only you can create change by what you eat.


Creating a paradigm shift

Angry personWe are talking about a paradigm shift – changing the way we think. That is one of the most difficult things to do.

Let us look at the old and new paradigms and then how we go about creating a paradigm shift.

Current paradigm

supermarketThe current paradigm is we go to the Supermarket and toss a load of food that the Supermarket wants to sell us because it makes them money, into our shopping trolley.

So easy.

But then most people will start to put on a bit of weight, which they just live with but then it gets serious so they go to a doctor for help who may recommend they go to a nutritionist who will suggest a change of diet and maybe a basket load of pills to make up for deficiencies in this or that mineral or vitamin.

It sort of works, at least for a while but it often ends up with a serious health problem like having a leg amputated from diabetes or death from a heart attack, or perhaps the worst dementia – a living zombie.

The new paradigm

Now let’s look at the new paradigm.

This says we have a natural intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and by a combination of hormones and electrical signals makes us select what food we fancy eating and how much.

The snag is that while we know this is what happens we have no idea how our bodies do this – the code that drives this intelligent control system which makes writing scientific papers a bit of a problem.

breast feedingBut we can observe how it operates, it starts from the first suck on Mum’s breasts, learning throughout our life what food works for us and how much we need. We don’t know how it does this but we know from observation that it does.

We also know that the microbes in our gut are an integral part of this intelligent control system, if we have the right bugs we are likely to be fit and healthy and if we have the wrong bugs we are likely to become fat and sick and die before our natural age of death.

bad bugThe paradigm shift is for us to start eating food which contains these beneficial microbes so they out-compete and out-breed any harmful microbes.

Pretty easy and inexpensive to do and most importantly easy to see if it is working – monitor what and how much you want to eat.

Just eat gut-brain food and watch your appetite change.

All sounds so easy so why aren’t we all eating gut-brain food? Because we don’t like changing our minds. We don’t like paradigm shifts.

Creating a paradigm shift

colinaieeIt just so happens I was part of a major paradigm shift so know how they happen.

Some fifty years ago (yes I am very old) I saw that computers were going to completely change the way engineers went about their daily job. I wrote up some software which simulated the flow of hot plastics into a cold mould.

This did involve solving coupled non-linear partial differential equations which might sound a bit complicated but the hard work had all been done years ago by smart people like Newton and Leibniz.

All I had to do was buy a book from the second-hand bookshop for a few dollars and cut a bit of code.

The industry was facing serious problems with filling moulds and my simulation and the paradigm of the day was to make the feed system bigger.

So obvious, the mould does not fill so make the flow channels bigger – just common sense.

However, my simulation showed this was not necessarily true. If you made some flow channels smaller you would deflect the flow into more difficult areas to fill – logical but not common sense.

The hard lesson to learn

This is where I learned about paradigm shifts. I travelled around the world telling people about my simulation and how at times it was better to make the flow channels smaller.

If you have ever had the experience of standing up in front of a crowd hurling abuse at you because they think you are a raving lunatic, let me tell you it is not a pleasant experience.

Logic and argument do not work, in the same way that nowadays trying to get people to change their diet by advertising and promotion, however skilful does not work.

Praise for the entrepreneurs

health not profitBut luck was with me as there were a few people (actually very few) who thought that maybe I had a point.

They did not believe me but they were sufficiently entrepreneurial (which means prepared to take risks) and went back to their companies, tried my simulation and my luck held out because it worked.

They then told other people and before long the whole industry changed, we had achieved a paradigm shift.

I did not achieve this paradigm shift, I may have been the catalyst but it was those entrepreneurial early adopters who created the paradigm shift.

The food paradigm shift

ecobalanceIf we want to stop people from having their legs chopped off from diabetes or dropping dead from heart attacks we need a similar paradigm shift so people start eating gut-brain food full of beneficial microbes.

I know how to breed the microbes, they breed like crazy making teenagers at a drunken party look like Nuns. But just telling people won’t create a food paradigm shift.

We just need to make sure we breed the good but and not the bad bugs so we use the principle of Ecological balance – been around for a few billion years so should soon be out of pilot plant phase.

Show not tell

What is needed is just a small number of entrepreneurial eaters to start growing and eating gut-brain food, see for themselves the change in their appetite and to go out and tell their friends and contacts and in a figurative blink of an eyelid we will have the needed paradigm shift.

Then many people will avoid having their leg chopped off from diabetes (there are eight million people a year who have a limb amputated from diabetes).

So if you are an entrepreneurial eater and with me on the need to change from an economic system based on greed to one based on community benefit drop me an email so we can chat.


Getting started

Start by reading applying-technology  which examines infectious and non-infectious diseases and how our gut is part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and keeps us fit and healthy naturally.

Then you can start reading my online Hip-hop Ebook picking which articles gets your interest.  This is all free but you should register.

When you are ready and want to add gut-brain food to your diet then go to growing.  This is a subscription area but if you want to increase the chances of living a long and healthy life then there is a cost, but the good news is that you will save money overall as the Gbiota system is based on recycling organic waste.



Applying technology

Applying technology


Applying technology

colin austinWith all our modern technology and automated production capacity, we should only need to work a couple of days a week to have everything we need and live a healthy life right to the end of our natural life.

But we are not so what went wrong? There is nothing wrong with the technology – we just don’t know how to apply it for the benefit of the community.

That is where I come in. I am 84 years old, fit and healthy, and spend my time reading a range of scientific papers and conducting speculative research to find better ways of growing food – the sort of experiments that no self-respecting funding agencies would support so I pay for myself.

Most of my experiments fail, that is what is meant by speculative, I just hide them so no one sees but occasionally one works or at least leads to a new way of thinking. That is the prize.

It is a formula that has worked well for me and has led to me being recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

The aim is simple, to find a way to feed the eight million(and growing) people on Earth sustainably so they live a long and healthy life.

I do this for my great-grandkids and I am happy for the rest of the world to come along for the ride.

I try to integrate all this expertise into a simple system, which I call the Gbiota system because the focus is on breeding a healthy gut biota. This could help all people live a long and healthy life, maybe your great-grandkids.

I invite you to join me in this journey, just sign up to join the Gbiota movement, it is free, or better still join as a paying member, set up your own Gbiota beds and demonstrate that this is a technology that really works. We live in a world of disinformation so no one believes anything so show them for real that this works.

Follow me, there are no guarantees, I have no idea what is waiting around the corner but following me will increase your chances.

There are hundreds of articles on this web that I have written over the years and it is confusing (it confuses me and I wrote them) so I have invented what I call a Hip-hop Ebook which is really just a collection of posts on a particular theme.

My first Ebook is called ‘Serious thinking about food’ which lists a suggested reading sequence, but you have no need to follow that, just Hip-hop about as you please, but at least you have a list of the relevant articles.  (It is on the menu as E-book).



I made this diagram to illustrate a concept, it is based on real data, as far as it is available.

As you can see there are two lines, the red one for infectious diseases, which we know a lot about and are right, and the green one for non-infectious diseases which we think we know a lot about but sadly are wrong.

What I have done is looked at global data and which vary throughout the world so I have picked out the region where the epidemic is most severe and looked for information on the percentage of people who were affected, eg seriously ill or died.

hunter gatherersI go back a million years when humanoid creatures first appeared on Earth. I have no actual data, and the batteries on my time machine are flat, but I can look at modern members of the ape family to take a guess – not very scientific but until the batteries are charged the best I can do.

Some two hundred thousand years ago the first humans appeared as hunter-gatherers. There are still modern day hunter-gatherers we can study and we know they are intelligent and take care of their health by eating a broad spectrum of healthy food and not contaminating the soil with sewage so were a pretty healthy bunch.

Ten thousand years ago we started to grow much of our food from agriculture, largely growing grains which provided us with a lot of energy food but was low in the essential trace minerals and vitamins needed to replace our body parts as they wear and age.

But we still collected wild herbs so at first it was not too bad but there was a gradual decline in health with the combination of increased population density and poor sanitation led to a steady decline in health and ever-increasing cases of infectious diseases.

black deathThis reached a peak with the black death in 1347 which wiped out 50% of the population in seriously affected areas and even higher is some cases.

After that, we gradually improved sanitation and medical science but there were still serious outbreaks of cholera and flu. The worst case (not shown as it was highly localised) was the construction of the Panama Canal where up to 80% of the imported labourers died.

We all know about the modern epidemics but with modern medical science and hygiene, they are not as damaging as previous epidemics.

But all those years suffering from these horrendous infections have given us an instilled fear which has led to even worse consequences – non-infectious diseases.


Non-infectious diseases

amputationThe main non-infectious diseases are obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Let me put this in perspective, these non-infectious diseases are a far bigger cause of ill health and death than any infectious disease. The biggest killer is heart attacks but diabetes is the fastest growing. The half a billion people with diabetes dwarfs the 7 million people who have died from Covid. Every year 8 million people have a limb amputated from diabetes.

They are largely man-made (yes meaning that man’s failure to properly understand the issues has resulted in the best part of 8 million people having a limb amputated).

What we need is a system where we can breed the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful ones. To feed the 8 billion people on earth it must be able to operate at scale and at a low cost.

That is why the Gbiota technology was developed and is described in detail on the web. It works very well, no one is claiming it is trivial but it can certainly be used by anyone, even if they live in a flat as long as they are prepared to put the effort into reading the directions.

You can read all the articles about food and health for free but you do need to sign up and click the notify me of new posts button.

When you have reached the point that you want to start using the technology you need to sign up as a full member which will give you access to the growing section and also receive on line support online and by video conference.


Note this is an abridged version of a longer article which you can read here








Applying technology

colin austinWith all our modern technology and automated production capacity, we should only need to work a couple of days a week to have everything we need and live a healthy life right to the end of our natural life.

But we are not so what went wrong? There is nothing wrong with the technology – we just don’t know how to apply it for the benefit of the community.

That is where I come in. I am 84 years old, fit and healthy, and spend my time reading a range of scientific papers and conducting speculative research to find better ways of growing food – the sort of experiments that no self-respecting funding agencies would support so I pay for myself.

Most of my experiments fail, that is what is meant by speculative, I just hide them so no one sees but occasionally one works or at least leads to a new way of thinking. That is the prize.

It is a formula that has worked well for me and has led to me being recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

The aim is simple, to find a way to feed the eight million(and growing) people on Earth sustainably so they live a long and healthy life.

I do this for my great-grandkids and I am happy for the rest of the world to come along for the ride.

I try to integrate all this expertise into a simple system, which I call the Gbiota system because the focus is on breeding a healthy gut biota. This could help all people live a long and healthy life, maybe your great-grandkids.

I invite you to join me in this journey, just sign up to join the Gbiota movement, it is free, or better still join as a paying member, set up your own Gbiota beds and demonstrate that this is a technology that really works. We live in a world of disinformation so no one believes anything so show them for real that this works.

Follow me, there are no guarantees, I have no idea what is waiting around the corner but following me will increase your chances.

There are a lot of very clever and dedicated people working in this area writing many sophisticated articles, I try to explain these in the hundreds of articles on my web. You are welcome to study these but let me try and break it down into the basics which you can apply if you don’t have the time.

I am going to keep this as simple as I can but there are two concepts I really have to explain, and you need to understand if you are going t live a long and healthy life.

Firstly why infectious and non-infectious diseases are so very different and

secondly the important difference between static and dynamic equilibrium in living communities.

Give me a go – I will do my best to make it clear.


I am working on this page live, you are welcome to read while I tidy up the details.  Colin

I made this diagram to illustrate a concept, it is based on real data, as far as it is available.

As you can see there are two lines, the red one for infectious diseases, which we know a lot about and are right, and the green one for non-infectious diseases which we think we know a lot about but sadly are wrong.

What I have done is looked at global data and which vary throughout the world so I have picked out the region where the epidemic is most severe and looked for information on the percentage of people who were affected, eg seriously ill or died.

hunter gatherersI go back a million years when humanoid creatures first appeared on Earth. I have no actual data, and the batteries on my time machine are flat, but I can look at modern members of the ape family to take a guess – not very scientific but until the batteries are charged the best I can do.

Some two hundred thousand years ago the first humans appeared as hunter-gatherers. There are still modern day hunter-gatherers we can study and we know they are intelligent and take care of their health by eating a broad spectrum of healthy food and not contaminating the soil with sewage so were a pretty healthy bunch.

Ten thousand years ago we started to grow much of our food from agriculture, largely growing grains which provided us with a lot of energy food but was low in the essential trace minerals and vitamins needed to replace our body parts as they wear and age.

But we still collected wild herbs so at first it was not too bad but there was a gradual decline in health with the combination of increased population density and poor sanitation led to a steady decline in health and ever-increasing cases of infectious diseases.

black deathThis reached a peak with the black death in 1347 which wiped out 50% of the population in seriously affected areas and even higher is some cases.

After that, we gradually improved sanitation and medical science but there were still serious outbreaks of cholera and flu. The worst case (not shown as it was highly localised) was the construction of the Panama Canal where up to 80% of the imported labourers died.

We all know about the modern epidemics but with modern medical science and hygiene, they are not as damaging as previous epidemics.

But all those years suffering from these horrendous infections have given us an instilled fear which has led to even worse consequences – non-infectious diseases.


Non-infectious diseases

amputationThe main non-infectious diseases are obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Let me put this in perspective, these non-infectious diseases are a far bigger cause of ill health and death than any infectious disease. The biggest killer is heart attacks but diabetes is the fastest growing. The half a billion people with diabetes dwarfs the 7 million people who have died from Covid. Every year 8 million people have a limb amputated from diabetes.

They are largely man-made (yes meaning that man’s failure to properly understand the issues has resulted in the best part of 8 million people having a limb amputated). This must be the biggest failure in the global health system and the biggest failure of Governments to educate their populations on the simple steps that can be taken to avoid this catastrophe.

I cannot find words to describe this failure (actually I can but I can put them into print)

How we screwed up so badly

Ask any medical doctor what is the cause of these non-infectious diseases and they may say the wrong fat in the wrong place, they may talk about adipose tissue but that is what they mean – and there is no issue – they are right.

Now go along to a dietitian to learn what causes us to store fat and they may well explain that it is an imbalance between calories in and calories consumed.

You could argue that this is technically correct, there is truth in the old saying to go on it must go in but it is completely missing the difference between cause and enabling.

Absolutely true you have to eat enough to enable your body to store excess fat but it is not the cause.

The frustration is that this was described over seventy years ago in the scientific literature (this is not me telling you this) and has been dutifully ignored as an inconvenient truth. This is all covered in the body of the web which you can read at your leisure, for now I want to stick to the main theme.

Good bugs and bad bugs

For very good reason we do not like bad bugs that make us sick and kill us.

It is totally understandable that we should want to kill them but we don’t want to kill the good bugs.

So let me talk about the good bugs that live in our gut.

We understand what they do from the viewpoint of biochemistry.

We understand how they digest our food making the nutrients available to our bodies, we understand how our gut bugs form a powerful chemical factory manufacturing a range of essential chemicals essential for life.

We understand how they train much of our immune system to inspect and sort out any unwelcome visitors. This is not a rarity, every time we breath in we inhale on average some four fungal spores and a host of microbes which our immune system quietly taps on their shoulder and says sorry no admittance.

We know from direct observation these bugs provide all the beneficial services but we really have no idea how it does this.

We do know about swarm intelligence which we see widely in nature and can only assume that it works in a similar way.

One individual cell has very little intelligence in isolation, but if can communicate, even at a basic level with a neighbouring cell it can create a bit more intelligence than the two cells combined.

But we have trillions of cells in our gut biome which all communicate together and with our head brain creates a powerful control system.

We can observe to see how this works but to explain this I need to diverge and talk about our conscious and subconscious intelligence.


Our conscious brain, the one you are using right now, is very slow and clunky compared to our subconscious brain.

Just think about any simple action, walking, riding a bike, catching a ball, we go through a training period as we grow and learn to do these actions automatically and at high speed.

Think about eating, every time we eat something our subconscious brain learns that food and the effects it has on our bodies.

If a particular food provides us with a mineral that our bodies need it will associate that food with that mineral so if we are short of that mineral our control system will send out signals, in the form of hormones and electrical signals so we have a desire to eat that particular food.

It is a remarkable system the result of millions of years of evolution.

If our intelligent control system detects that we are short of certain types of food it will decide that we need to store more food. This is why we get fat.

We can prevent getting fat by restricting our food intake, the very opposite of enabling – disenabling. This is training our intelligent control system to store yet more fat.

Our modern food system

There is a widespread view that our modern food system of ultra-processed food is at the core of the epidemic of noninfectious diseases, with good reason.

But it is not simply because it is full of sugars and fats which overload us with calories. It is because there are deficiencies in our diet, deficiencies in the beneficial microbes in the soil make essential minerals bio-available which our intelligent control system senses and in the beneficial microbes which form part of our intelligent control system.


Gut-brain food and the community benefit movement

gut brain connectionI realised that this was more than growing food, what mattered was the type of food. We all have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite so we want to eat the right sort of food in the right amount.

But to work this control system needs to be fed gut-brain food which means eating fresh plants grown in living soil full of beneficial microbes.

chronic diseasesOur modern food system does not feed our gut-brain which is the underlying reason for our modern health epidemic of non-infectious diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia. The result is that 75% of people are dying before their natural life from non-infectious diseases.

This led me to spend the last thirty years developing the Gbiota system so virtually anyone can grow gut-brain food in Gbiota beds of boxes, at home, even if they live in an apartment.

Gbiota bedThe technology is developed, so the issue is how to get this widely accepted when the internet is saturated with disinformation and marketing hype.

People are now so sceptical that they need to see someone they trust using this technology.

social benefitThe technology is described in this web but right now the issue is to create a social benefit movement of people who believe that it is in their and the community’s interest for all people to have access to healthy food that will feed their gut-brain.

If this could be you please drop me an email.

If you are not sure whether this is for you just join up for free below and click on the notify me of new posts button. You can cancel at any time.


Applying technology



food industry



Technology for the community

automationIf you are not confused about modern society then you must be smoking something pretty strong. I certainly am confused.

We have such amazing technologies which can produce goods and food at an unprecedented scale so we should all be enjoying a long, healthy, happy and stress-free life but a click on the evening news shows what a mess we are in.

I am not some arrogant prick, but I have been recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators, probably because I am obsessive and perseverant.

Technology should work for the benefit of the community

colinaieeBut I do hold this belief that technology should work for the benefit of the community and it is not. It may be making a handful of people rich beyond imagination but are the benefits of this technology flowing through to the community – I think not.

Is it good that we develop technology so military people can sit in armchair comfort to kill women and children with remote-controlled drones?

I was a pioneer of CAE Computer Aided Engineering but now work on sustainable and healthy food production.

Again I see the same conflict. Now some 75-80% of people die before their natural life span from our food system which kills the beneficial microbes which are essential for health and life.


ecobalanceWe know how to grow food that is full of beneficial microbes. Come to my garden where I grow my food. It is full of worms and creatures of the soil and I am 84 years old and fit and healthy.

The technology I use is to create the conditions where the beneficial microbes out-breed and out-compete the harmful microbes.

That is the technology of Eco-balance I am promoting on this web. I want to see this widely used across the food system and to do that I have to convince many people of the benefits. This does take more time than the typical three-word acronym.

The aim is to create a social movement of people who believe that technology should work for the benefit of the community – why not join us?

Sorting out the information

I have created hundreds of articles and videos which I admit can be overwhelming so I am converting these into what I call a hip-hop book. I am arranging the articles into a reading sequence but each article is stand alone so if you are not interested in that one you can hop onto the next.

And if you get lost you can always email me.


Applying technology



Become a healthy food ambassador

This web is about the global food crisis. It is not a pretty-pretty web but neither is the global food crisis – the biggest threat facing humanity.

Here and now

why we get fatThe global food crisis is not some threat for the future, it is here right now, it is not just about poor people starving in some remote country it is about people in rich countries suffering from chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is man-man made, if you face having a leg amputated it is a direct result of the food crisis – the wrong sort of food from our modern food system.

Balance of foods

social entrepreneurIt is not a simple shortage of food, it is about the wrong balance of foods and that is not what you may expect so it takes quite a bit of explaining.

I understand that everyone is busy these days but I hope that everyone who visits the site will at least read the front page, but more important we need a few people to really understand the issues and become ambassadors for change. If you think you could be a food ambassador and say hi just email me.

Become a food ambassador

marketingWe can’t expect big business or even Governments to initiate action, we need a groundswell from the public to create the social pressure for change and that will be led by these ambassadors.

It is a question of what sort of world do we want to live in.  Should food be purely about maximising wealth for a small number of people or should it be for the health and benefits of the community as a whole.

Food for energy

jack in the boxThe basic facts are simple but unexpected. We need food for energy and that comes mainly from the sun. The amount of energy coming from the sun is vast in comparison with all man’s use of energy. There is no absolute shortage of energy.

Plants are brilliant converters of the suns energy into food energy, they just need water, carbon dioxide from the air and a few minerals which act as catalyst.

Food for replacement

replacingbodypartsWe may think we are the same person that we were a few months ago but we are not, we are continuously replacing our body parts as they age and wear and that requires a complex array of chemicals which largely comes from the soil via plants.

There is truth in the saying that ‘Health Starts in the Soil’

But even this replacement food is not a crisis. We have a very sophisticated science of biochemistry. We know exactly what chemicals we need and how to produce them, preferably in our food which give a better balance but if all else fails, from pills which are readily available – even if at a high price.

Intelligent control system

jelly fishOur bodies are very different to a jelly fish, aimlessly swimming around hoping to find food. We have a highly sophisticated intelligent control system which automatically regulates what we want to eat, among all our other bodily requirements.

It is like having a supercomputer in our gut and brain which working away in our subconscious regulates our bodies.

super computerUnlike the mature sciences of biochemistry and microbiology, we really have no idea of the coding that drives this supercomputer but we know that it starts learning from the first suck on Mum’s breast until when we die.

We know that we have to feed it gut-brain food, if it senses deficiencies it will send out signals in the form of hormones so we overeat and get fat and sick.

mum groupBut we also know that our gut brain is like a city, the city lives on over the centuries but the individuals are continuously breeding and dying, but the microbes have a life span measured in days rather than decades.

If we don’t create the right conditions for these microbes to breed we will end up with the wrong sort of microbes in our gut and our gut brain will not work properly at all.

This is the biggest threat in the global food crisis.

So, if you want a stable world for you and your grand kids, become a health food ambassador.


Getting started

colin austinI know, from bitter experience, that if I started by saying that Gbiota is about growing bugs that will live in your gut, and have swarm intelligence that controls what and how much you want to eat you would probably find the whole idea repulsive and click away.

So let me start by telling you what I do every day, that I am 84, fit and healthy and there is a whole tribe of us doing the same thing.

It is in three stages

Stage 1 breeding beneficial bugs

swivel downI do breed beneficial bugs, I do this in a Gbiota bed or box. I fill just the base with any organic waste I can lay my hands on, mostly kitchen scraps and grass clippings. The upper layer is filled with Wickimix, a really nice soil where I grow my plants.

I flood just the base of the box with soil blood which is what I call the fluid in the base of the box as it does the same job as our blood, distribute nutrients and air throughout the soil.

Flood and drainWhen I flood I expel all the stale air, I wait and let the soil blood wick up to the root zone of the plants growing in the Wickimix. Then I drain the base of the box which sucks fresh air into the box.

I store the soil blood I catch ready for the next flood and flush cycle.

I eat the plants that I grow, and every morning I make a green smoothie which is full of beneficial bugs which end up in my gut to power my gut-brain.

Stage 2 training my gut-brain

mineralsNow I train my gut-brain by eating all sorts of different foods so it learns what foods work for me and what don’t.

Even though I am 84 I will still listen to a 24-year-old nutritionist just out of University and if they tell me I need to get some more Vitamin K or B12, or zinc or whatever I will start to eat food that contains that possibly missing nutrient.

Stage 3 listening to my gut-brain

Gbiota smoothie Now I learn to listen to my gut-brain. I don’t go on any restrictive diet, I think about that famous Wodehouse saying ‘Giving up wine, women and song’ does not make you live longer, it just makes it seem longer.

If I go to a party and a pretty girl comes around in a low-cut dress offering me a piece or two of cheesecake she has made for the party then sure as eggs are eggs I am going to stuff myself.

But the next morning my gut-brain is going to tell me ‘Colin, you had a bit of a wild party last night, so it is just your green smoothie and one slice of toast for breakfast for you.

That way I keep myself fit and healthy and also enjoy life, which seems to me to be the point of living.

What I do in life

So what do I do in life? I show people, anyone who is interested in keeping fit and healthy, how to grow this gut-brain food, train and listen to their gut-brain and hopefully have a life in which they enjoy one of the great pleasures of life – eating.


One tribe

earth spinning around sunThe Earth has been spinning around the sun for four and a half billion years and we can expect it to be still spinning for a few more billion years.

Modern humans have only been here for a blink of an eye – 200,000 years and an agricultural society for a mere 10,000 years, and industrial society for 200 years and an information society for fifty.

Humans – we are all part of a teratribe

cuttin gdown forest in BrazilIn our modern world we are all part of a teratribe. Part of this tribe can cut down forest in Brazil and that may lead to flooding in New York or Delhi.

We produce enough food to feed everyone on the planet yet millions go hungry, we know that an all-out nuclear war would destroy us all yet we continue to stockpile deadly weaponry, we know that the planet is heating up, sea levels are rising and finite resources are running out yet we continue to emit greenhouse gases at an unsustainable rate.

With our understanding of food and nutrition most of us should be fit and healthy into old age yet we have mega global corporations spending billions of dollars on very clever manipulative advertising so we buy their products and end up fat and sick and maybe having our legs chopped of from diabetes.

The easy bit-last

victory gardenIn the second half of this web I describe the technology of growing food so most people can expect a long and healthy life, that is the easy bit.

I became involved with how to grow food when I was recruited by my Mum as non-optional child labour to grow food in WW2. It is not difficult to grow healthy food sustainably, it is difficult to condense 84 years of learning into a three world acronym, even Eat, Fresh Food Grown in Living Soil takes six words.

There is no doubt that if we want to live long and healthy lives we have to change out food system, we know how to do that – the difficult bit is convincing people that living solely of a diet of chicken wings and chips followed by a double portion of cheese cakes is not the way.

But how to convince people there is a better way is the difficult bit that comes first.

Learning my lesson

colinaieeBut I did learn a very valuable lesson in my era as a pioneer of computer aided engineering, in the early days of computers when they were seriously clunky machines.

I developed software which solved coupled non-linear partial differential equations using an iterative predictor corrector scheme. Sounds boring and it was, but I ploughed on giving lectures on the technology with as much success as trying to stop teenagers thinking about sex.

Does it work?

pioneerBut then I learned my lesson, people were just not interested in the mechanics of how it worked, there were a few people, the pioneering types, who just wanted to know how to operate the software well enough so they can go away and test it for themselves.

Does it work?

There was no reason why they should believe me but they were happy to run the risk of testing it to see if it worked as I predicted.

Fortunately for me it did and what came next is the interesting bit.

The interesting bit

marketingThese early pioneers became really excited about this new technology and with no help from me, I am an engineer not a marketing person, they showed their results to other people and soon this technology, which was at first seen as a bit weird became the norm.

A paradigm shift had occurred right before my eyes.

Feeding 8 billion people

change the worldI know that if we are going to feed 8 billion people so they have a long and healthy life that there needs to be a paradigm shift in our food.

I also know that I cannot bring about the paradigm shift myself but I know what I have to do. Find those enterprising early adopters, just a few of them, persuade them to set up Gbiota beds, eat the food and see if this improves their health.

They will then become enthusiastic and they will create the paradigm shift.

So if you find this web dull and boring, not to worry, just hang around and watch what other people are doing.

But if you are one of those early adopters who see the need for a food paradigm shift then I have created this web site for you and I am more than happy to meet up with you, this is my email address and I look forward to chatting with you.


Food security – real or hype?

foodIs food security real or hype? This is what I examine here first and later and more importantly what to do about it.

The Supermarkets are bulging with food so maybe we can just relax. Reliable figures for total food production are difficult to come by but is seems that we can identify production of at least 4 billion tonnes of food a year but the actual figure is probably much higher. Enough to feed the entire world for now and years to come. All seems good.

sunlightBut let us start breaking this down. We are a thermodynamic machine and we need fuel for energy. That comes largely from the sun. The amount of energy falling on the earth from the sun is huge, far greater than all the energy used by mankind in all ways. No need to worry?

Plants are very effective solar panels, using the energy from the sun to break down water molecules and combining this with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce carbohydrates for energy.

empty shelvesIf we were to adopt a plant-based diet there would be more than enough energy food, the biggest threat would be fresh water. We are already draining global aquifers for irrigation which are running dry while climate change will increase total rainfall but clump the rains together causing flooding and periods of drought with no usable water.

Then we have fires which are a serious concern.

gut brain foodBut food does more than supply energy. We may not seem to change much year to year but our cells are dying and being replaced on a short time scale.

This requires a whole range of complex chemicals which originate from minerals, which we mine, but are processed so they are bio-available by a complex array of microbes, fungi and plants which we eat as phyto-chemicals.

phosphorousWe are rapidly exhausting some of these basic minerals, particularly phosphorous which is serious but even worse our system of modern agriculture is destroying the microbes and fungi which process these basic minerals into nutrients into the food chain.

This is a genuine threat to our food security but we can still manage on a reasonable time scale.

airline pilotBut there is a third function of food, to power the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies. This may be only a very small proportion of our food intake but is critical, in the way the pilot of a plane is only a minute proportion of the energy used by a modern airliner but it is absolutely vital for the smooth and safe operation of the plane.

chronic diseasesLack of the right food to power our intelligent control system is not some distant threat, it is here and now. The modern epidemic of chronic or non-infectious disease, which causes three out of four deaths is the result of deficiencies in our food system.

green protesterThis is a problem demanding immediate attention, fortunately we know how to resolve this, at least technically, the solution is simple and savesmoney.

The challenge is to gain attention in the world of hype and disinformation in which we live.

Recycle not exploit

Gbiota technology allows virtually all people to breed beneficial microbes at home in organic waste.

friendly bugFor the best part of a million years humanoid creatures have eaten plants grown in living soil teaming with microbes , both good and bad, but many died from infectious diseases from the bad bugs.  In the Gbiota technology we engineer the conditions so the good bugs out breed and out compete the bad bugs.

Our gut biome is part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies. If it has the wrong microbes or senses deficiencies it will send out hormones to make us feel hungry so we overeat and get fat.

Fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic diseases.

But there are more important but longer-term implications. We are exhausting the natural resources that feed our food system such as phosphorous but most important is fresh water on which all life depends, and which will be grossly affected by climate change.

The Gbiota technology is based on recycling rather than exploitation of the earth’s natural resources and is particularly efficient in its use of water based on the principles of flood, flush and recycle.

It is hoped that this is appreciated by those concerned about climate change and who are prepared to set up demonstration sites to convince the general public of the importance of recycling.

The web has become so saturated with disinformation that there is widespread scepticism. People  will only be convinced by practical demonstration.

Both industry and Governments are under short-term pressure to act, but regular people have a great concern for the lives of their future children and grandchildren.

Greta ThunbergGbiota is a social movement and we look forward to cooperating with those organisations who are active in protecting the future of our planet.



Serious think about food

Serious think about food


A few tips on using a hip-hop E-book

Reading a hip-hop E-book is a bit different to reading a normal book.

It is dynamic which means that new posts are being added and old ones removed as new information comes to hand and old information becomes obsolete.

Each post is a stand alone post so you can hip-hop around as suits your fancy, however, I do recommend that you read the first half dozen posts in sequence as that will give you a good overview of what Gbiota food is all about.

 Just follow the links as suits you  (home to E-book you are already here)  (the plan to change our food system, open to all)  (preface open to all)    (you will need to sign up to access these posts)  (full members only) (full members only) (members only) (members only) (members only) (members only) (members only) (members only) (members only)


Think smarter

Think smarter


Look after our intelligent control system

I want to sell you a concept. It is free you don’t have to pay me anything but you do have to think seriously about it for five minutes and getting anyone to devote five minutes to thinking is a challenge in these modern times.

There are a number of steps to this thinking, the first one is the difference between conscious and subconscious thinking.

Round 1 the cat test

mumkidsrotatedLet’s start with the cat test.

Our eyes are like a camera so the images are upside down but our subconscious brain flips them so we see them right way up. It also combines the images from both eyes into one image and, this is the smart bit, tells us how far things are away and it does all this in a twentieth of a second.

Try to do this using your conscious brain.

Look at this upside-down picture and tell me is the cat brown or black?

Using your conscious brain on the upside-down picture it could take you a couple of minutes to pick out the cat and tell me the colour. I know it will take you two minutes until you work out that I am just a silly old man who likes to play games and there is no cat.

Subconscious and conscious brains

Our subconscious brain is incredibly fast and efficient in doing what it can do.

Impressed? No, well give me another go.

You are walking up a flight of steps, carrying a cup of coffee and trying to console your best friend on your mobile phone.

Your friend is a bit upset (to put it mildly) her son has just failed his final exams, got drunk borrowed your car and smashed it up and is in hospital with a broken leg.

She needed that car to drive to the Airport to take a flight to make a presentation on why her company should win a contract to build the new Olympic stadium and she is already worried that her husband may be cheating on her with the nubile daughter next door who has just developed a pair of incredibly impressive breasts.

In other words, modern life as normal.

But all this time while you are consoling your friend, not spilling your coffee your foot lands perfectly on every step without you even thinking about it.

If you are still not impressed with how effective your subconscious is I give up.

Our subconscious brain and food

Let us now look at food and our subconscious brain as something that happens, maybe in different ways, across every culture on the planet.

We all have to eat and that will usually start with a savoury meal of carbs and protein. Nothing special about this, but now, depending on your culture you may have a piece of fruit, cake, a rice pudding, some chocolate or even in some cultures a glass of port or other sweet liqueurs.

Why? Because you need a lot of rapid energy to help digest that savoury meal and so your subconscious decides that you need this rapid energy so it sends out hormones so you want whatever it is you like that is sweet and full of instant energy.

OK hopefully I have won round one and convinced you that your subconscious is pretty smart but now we go into round 2 which is much more difficult, trying to explain how our subconscious manages to be so smart.

Round 2 why is our subconscious so smart?

Your subconscious has to learn to control many things in your body, temperature, heart-beat, oxygen, immune system, the list goes on and on but what I am interested in is how it controls our food intake, what and how much we eat. Notice the what, it controls what we want to eat as well as how much.

How does it do this? Like the way we learn everything – trial and feedback.

It starts with the very first suck on Mum’s breast. One good suck (and babies suck everything, it is part of their survival kit they are born with.) Feedback, positive or negative, is noted and recorded in babies brain for future reference.

Next time it feels hungry it goes to look up the record, cries to make a lot of noise, a breast appears from nowhere, it sucks away and feels good.

Mission accomplished.

This is the intelligent control system working away in our subconscious.

Baby learns that it needs to eat a lot of protein so it grows very fast.

That’s third isle down on the left in the red and blue packet with a picture of a baby on it. Sorry just joking but it certainly is learning what sort of food it wants.

Actually, that is not quite right, our subconscious intelligent control system learns what we need then sends out hormones so we want to eat that.


There are many hormones that can send out complex messages, it is much more than a full or empty gauge.

This learning goes on throughout life, babies love food that is both sweet and full of nutrients so they can grow as fast as possible and may end up a bit chubby.

In adolescence, they eat huge quantities of food and are typically skinny, or at least used to be until modern foods came along.

In middle age, we don’t need so much food but it takes us some time to learn that so we get a bit of a bum or tum.

By the time we are old, our bodies have learned we don’t need so much food and end up being skinny again.

The point is that this is a lifelong learning experience.


The computer in our tum

I used to write engineering software and we called this a predictor-corrector scheme, make the best guess you can, screw up, hide your screwup so no one sees, and then make a better guess. We also call it adaptive or self-learning but it is the same process screw up, look at the results of the screw up and have another, hopefully, better go.

That is just the way the world works.

People often go on short-term restrictive diets, that are a waste of time and often make things worse, they need to focus on retraining their control system so they want to eat what they need.

It makes life much more pleasant. Remember the old P. G. Wodehouse saying, ‘Giving up wine, women and song does not make you live longer, it just makes it seem longer.’


So far, this is the easy bit, we are about to go into the difficult bit so lets have a recap of the key points.

All our bodies have a built-in control system which regulates what and how much we want to eat. It is learning from that first suck until we die. While bio-chemistry has gives an in depth understanding of what our bodies need – when it comes to applying this knowledge the most effective way is to focus on training our sub-conscious control system so it tells us what and how much to eat.

Round 3 – The difficult bit with smart bugs

Now comes the difficult bit, hopefully, you have accepted that our subconscious control system is really smart – now I have to convince you that there are really smart bugs which are critical to this subconscious control system.

Have you ever dropped some cake crumbs on the ground and have been too lazy to pick them up? Well, I often feel lazy and am happy to watch the ants come along and remove the crumbs – it is really quite fascinating to watch on a hot sunny afternoon.

Australia in general and my backyard specifically, is ant heaven.

But are they smart? Let me ask you – how many ants have won Nobel prizes? The answer is zero.

An individual ant is not the smartest creature on the globe. They just bobble about in a totally random way with no plan or strategy, none of this dividing an area up into rectangles and sweep searching like the SES do – no just bobble about at random.

But when they find that cake crumb I am too lazy to pick up they leap into intelligent action. One ant will tell another ant, in ant language, which I do not speak. Hey, there are cake crumbs over there and this is the route I used to get there.

Soon there will be thousands of ants busily moving the cake crumbs taking this totally wasteful bobbley route that the first ant took. In no time all the crumbs have been transported back to their home so it works, for them.

Swarm Intelligence

We call this swarm intelligence and before we get feeling superior to the ants I have to say that the biggest uses of swarm intelligence are us humans.

We just love dressing up in Taylor Swift style and going to her concerts by the thousands. We dress that way for a good reason – we can fit in without having to think.

This really works as we don’t have time to solve every problem from scratch.


What shall I wear today? The same old T-shirt and shorts I left on the floor last night because I was too lazy to put them away. You may think it is being lazy I call it EUIC as I want to appear trendy with the latest acronym. It is short for Effective Use of Intellectual Capacity.

And it keeps us alive. In and on us are trillions of cells, particularly in our gut. Now you won’t see a particular microbe queuing up to be awarded her PhD but together, with the power of swarm intelligence they do an incredible job in powering our intelligent control system and we would soon be dead without them.

So we need to learn to look after them.


The villain

Every good fairy story needs a beautiful heroine, a brave hero and an evil villain. Sorry, fairy stories came from the era before sexual equality but we now have made up for that with Kyoshi the all-conquering female avatar.

Let us hope that Kamala is Kyoshi in disguise, that will make the world a better place.

It is just a fact of life that there are harmful microbes, or what I call bad bugs as it is quicker to type.

Humans are very good at killing things, even our fellow humans – there is no other creature that kills members of its own species on such a grand scale, not a record we should be proud of.

We are very good at killing microbes, we do it intentionally with things like Covid which is good but we also do it unintentionally by killing beneficial microbes in our food system which is at the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic diseases.

So how do we kill the bad bugs without killing the good bugs?

A pretty simple but very important question but with a very simple answer.

Ants and worms

Ants and worms are both ace recyclers.

My garden is full of worms and other beneficial creepy crawlies but rarely do I see any ants in my garden while on my patio I never see any worms but it is inundated with ants.

So why the difference?

On my patio I drop crumbs and tell myself (and my wife) I am studying swarm behaviour even though I know that I am just too lazy to pick them up. It is nice and dry so the ants are more than happy but the worms don’t pop in to say Hi!

In my garden, I am using the Gbiota flood and flush system so it is maintained at the Goldilocks moisture level which is the key to the Gbiota system. The worms love it but the ants do not.

The only difference is the conditions. You don’t have to be a wizkid in microbiology – just know how to control the conditions – the food and moisture levels.

Simply by controlling the conditions the beneficial microbes breed happily away out-competing and out-breeding the harmful microbes.

That is what Gbiota is all about

Create the conditions in the soil to breed beneficial microbes without the harmful ones.

The microbes go into the plants and then into our gut to form so our gut biome is filled with beneficial biota which then forms part of our intelligent control system which sends out hormones which make us want to eat the food that we need.

But we are aiming to create a shift in the food paradigm so people think about food in a different as is described in the various articles.

But the food industry is very skilful in using flavourings to make their food taste good. But the flavour industry uses synthetic flavours which are deliberately targeted to be addictive – they are in business to make money.

It is not possible to compete against that with a week-old cabbage so we focus on food which is eaten shortly after picking when the natural flavours are at a peak and

As a final ps, we do cheat a bit. A week old cabbage is really pretty boring so we grow a variety of plants including herbs, like basil, thyme, oregano, thyme etc which brings a wider variety of microbial species into the system and just makes the food so much more attractive to eat.


Food paradigm shift

Food paradigm shift

Food paradigm shift

I have decided to include this in my hip-hop dynamic book even though I probably should not as I wrote this in a state of fury so you may be better to use the skip button above.

The Internet Advising Industry seems to think that the entire world has the attention span of a cabbage moth.

If you decide to read on you will see that it is essential that I establish working relationship with serious thinking people who full understand the importance of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.

The failure of this control system is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic disease which is the prime cause of premature death in 70-80% of cases.

I know such people exist but they despite all the wonders of the internet and modern intelligence system they seem unable of unwilling to locate such people – hence by fury.

Here is what I wrote

I have received an offer from internet marketing experts to redesign my web to enhance the marketing. I thought I would temporarily publish my reply on the home page.

Here it is:-

Web design

Many thanks for your offer to redesign my web to improve the customer experience which will bring many thousands of visitors to my site.

I am trying to create a food paradigm shift, I am one of the few people who have hands on experience in creating a paradigm shift so from hard experience let me tell you how paradigm shifts occur in the real world.

Imagine you create this beautiful web which is focused on the forthcoming food crisis and many thousands of people visit the site.

Food crisis

They will see the words food crisis and say what crisis? – the Supermarkets are just overflowing with food.

And they are nearly right. Currently, the total amount of food produced globally is approaching 5 billion tonnes. That is more than enough to feed the entire world population now and into the future. The food industry is one of the world’s largest industries, controlled by large corporations who spend millions of dollars on improving the technology.

The rate of increase of food production exceeds the increase in the world’s population and despite all the threats from climate change, degradation of our soils, and exhaustion of essential minerals there will still be enough food in absolute terms.

Not what you expected

There is a coming food crisis but not what people expect and all people need to understand the nature of this coming food crisis.

So the challenge is how do I get this message out to the public at large.

I have to learn from my previous paradigm shift which was about flow into moulds.

This occurs in flow channels and the conventional wisdom and accepted practise was that the bigger the flow channel the easier the mould would fill – just plain obvious and common sense – right?

I went around the world giving lectures to many hundreds of experienced engineers and what they heard (but not what I said) was that these flow channels should be made smaller not bigger.

Of course, most thought this was ridiculous and I was some sort of lunatic from a country with Kangaroos hopping down the main street and I needed to be put into a straight jacket.

People may not hear what you say

But only a very few people actually heard what I said which was that if you make some flow channels smaller this will deflect the flow away from the easy to fill areas into the more difficult to fill areas.

I had also developed some sophisticated Computer Aided Engineering flow simulations which enabled engineers to calculate how much smaller these flow channels needed to be.

I don’t think any of these pioneering engineers who heard what I said believed me at first but they were sufficiently intrigued to go away and tested it and I was right – it worked. The ultimate test is does it work?

These pioneering engineers then started to tell other engineers that this worked and soon there was an industry wide paradigm shift.

Not me – them

I could never have achieved that myself, how much time and effort I had put into promotion I could never have achieved this paradigm shift. These earlier pioneers were essential and they, not me created the paradigm shift.

This is the way science and technology works, by other scientists and technologist testing the innovative technology independently to test if it really does work.

I was eventually recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators but it was not me that created the paradigm shift it was those early pioneers who saw the potential and demonstrated beyond doubt that this really did work.

Food crisis affects everyone

Now there really is a food crisis coming and this affects everyone on this earth – we all have to eat. We do need a food paradigm shift but however clever and flash my marketing or attractive my web site this will not create this essential paradigm shift.

That will be achieved by other food pioneers who test my technology for themselves, shows it works, then demonstrate to the wide world that this works.

Must talk directly

So my web is for me to talk directly to these food pioneers and help them understand and apply the technology. Then there will be wide spread adoption across the globe, not because of clever marketing but because it works.

My job now is to find and connect to those food pioneers and I need to do this promptly before the food crisis hits.

Food for our intelligent control system

The crisis is not an absolute shortage of food but a shortage of the food that powers our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies so we naturally want to eat the right amount of the right sort of food which is the whole point of this new technology.

I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist of bio-chemist – I am an engineer and engineers design and build machines and every machine has some sort of control system – some a simple on/off switch other a highly sophisticated control system.

Control Systems for Power stations

My first job after qualifying was in a company making control systems for power stations which taught me a useful lesson about control systems.

Power systems have sophisticated control systems but they don’t always work as hoped. A classic story is the case of the football half time break.

People watching the match at home take the break to make a cuppa putting an abrupt strain on the power system which even the sophisticated computer system could not anticipate, it took a human to realise what what going on and manually anticipate the surge in demand. Humans are very good at conceptual thinking while computers are far superior at mechanical thinking.

Intelligent control software for irrigation

Later in life I wrote up some intelligent irrigation control software which gave me an understanding of how the human intelligent control system works.

Irrigation is actually a very difficult problem as the plants, the season and the weather are continuously changing so there are no pre-prepared plans. What is needed is to monitor many factors particularly soil moisture evaporation and rainfall, and water applied over previous irrigations and particularly the predicted evaporation and rainfall.

It is then possible to learn how this system works and predict how much water to apply – an early version of self learning software.

We have an intelligent control system

But this gives us a model for how the human intelligent control system works. From the first suck on Mums breasts we are monitoring what we eat and what the effect is, our control system (our gut-brain) learns which and how much food work for us and ensures we naturally want to eat the right amount of the right sort of food.

In the old food paradigm we nutritionist calculate out to the micro-gram how much of each of the essential nutrients based on an estimate of how much we need. That is not wrong but is only a partial view of how our bodies work.

New paradigm – feed our intelligent control system

In the new paradigm we focus on ensuring our inbuilt intelligent control system, which has worked nicely for a million years or so until we developed hygienic but inert modern ultra processed foods, and works as evolution has determined is best for us.

It has much in common with the intelligent irrigation system which aims to regulate the amount of water applied based on the water used by the plants rather than some formulae based on crop factors derived from generic data.

A war we must win

The failure of our intelligent control system causes more deaths than all the other causes of death, including Covid, Mpox and all those horrible deaths from war.

It is the biggest hazard facing humanity and rises above the need of any internet marketing fashions. It is a war we must win and than requires the right strategy which is forming this alliance with like minded people.

The job at hand is to make contact with those early food pioneers so they can recognise the importance of our intelligent control system and can make this the new paradigm.


Thrive and survive

Thrive and survive



Note – I am trying a new way of dynamic posts so one post covers a total topic.  Instead of writing new posts I will update and print in red the new sections



Food crisis?

Every day far more energy than we need falls as sunlight. Plants convert this energy into carbohydrates by breaking down the water and extracting carbon dioxide from the air. As long as we have water, there will be an excess of energy food.

But in our inert, triple plastic food system, we are short of food for our intelligent control system – our gut brain. This deficiency is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases.

The prime aim of this web is to create a social movement to create a fundamental change in our food system. Please join or email me. But in the short term, you can learn how to grow your own gut-brain food.



We have, at the most, fifty years to change our food system from one based on exploiting our natural resources to one based on recycling.

We may go to the Supermarket and see the shelves stacked with food from around the world, we are producing and shipping at least two billions tons of food every year. It is difficult to believe that there could be a problem.

But we can’t wait for forty nine years and then make the switch from exploitation to recycling.

We are already experiencing the effects of a failing food system. It lacks critical nutrients and biota to feed our gut-brain. Our intelligent control system senses this deficiency and sends out hormones making us hungry so we overeat.

The wrong fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is a here and now problem and we need to act.

Our Governments will play a critical role but in a democratic society, they are controlled by public opinion.

The first aim of this web is to inform the public of the dangers of doing nothing and explain how we need to change so they can influence our Governments.

The second aim is to explain the changes we have to make. We have the technology right now but we have to apply it.

I have been writing about this for years and if I am realistic there are so many articles that it is confusing so I am trying a new tack for the information age – a dynamic web which I will change regularly to give a condensed version.

I have called this Thrive and Survive but I will keep archived versions of all my articles available for those who want to go deeper.


We live in the virtual world of fake food

It is making us fat and sick and killing us

Our food system is on the brink of collapse

Soon millions of starving refugees will be

crossing boundaries causing chaos

It does not have to be that way

Join me in the world of real food

Live a long and healthy life

Thrive and survive

Let me show you how



Thrive and survive (Summary)

break down rocksAt the start, the earth was just a dead inert rock. Then the microbiota appeared, we don’t know from where, but they broke down the rocks making the nutrients in the rocks bio-available creating soil. Plants grew capturing energy from the sun, then animals and life on earth exploded.

gut brain connectionHumanoid creatures appeared but they were small and puny. They developed a gut, full of trillions of biota which communicated with each other to provide intelligence, just like a modern computer, which regulated what and how much they wanted to eat and also taught their immune system.

hunter gatherersThey learned to manage fire and cook which led to massive brains and they started to invent things – spears, bows and arrows, followed by agriculture which led to city states.

Living close together and with poor hygiene many died from infectious diseases but they used their big brains to develop sewage and clean water systems and medicines and the population size exploded.

ariel sprayingTo feed this increase in population they refined their agriculture using chemicals to fertilise the soil and toxic chemicals to protect their plants from weeds and pests. It was highly in successful producing plenty of food.

But there were fewer microbes to make the nutrients in the soil bio-available and power the intelligent control system which regulated their bodies so people overate and got fat and sick creating a new modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

chronic diseasesThe infectious diseases had been swapped for non-infectious diseases.

But worse this system relied on mining and the exploitation of the earth’s natural resources with the threat of global famines, mass starvation and the collapse of their comfortable civilisation.

But ever inventive humans realised they needed a new technology and learned to breed beneficial microbes which out competed and out bred the harmful microbes something they had learned by studying nature and they called Eco-balance. Just manage the condition so the beneficial microbes win.

I have been experimenting for over thirty years to find better ways of sustainably growing plants to improve health. The result is the Gbiota technology. There is a lot of research on what are the best foods for health and also a lot of research on the best way to grow plants for maximum production but how to grow plants for health is a neglected area yet the quality of our food is very dependant on the soil it is grown in and what is known as the horticultural protocol.And they learned to do this using organic waste so the nutrients came from recycling rather than exploitation.

This is what we call the Gbiota technology

But people had to accept this new technology which meant a paradigm shift in how they thought about food.

But they had also invented what is probably the greatest innovation of all times – the Internet – where people can access information from across the world.

ecobalanceBut sadly the internet had become saturated with misinformation so people were sceptical about what they read on the internet. So they said it is no good just telling people we have to show people that this works for real so we must ask innovative people who care about the future of their species to set up Gbiota boxes and beds and show people that this works.

And that is why we invite you to join the Gbiota social movement and help change the world for the better, we call it Thrive and Survive.


Life on earth

Gbiota is a technology for growing healthy food sustainably.

ecobalanceIt is based on the principle of Eco-balance.

The first living creatures on earth were microbes. They broke down rocks to produce soil with bio-available nutrients which allowed plants, then animals, including us humans, to evolve. We are totally dependent on microbes.

ariel sprayingBut there are also harmful microbes which make us sick or kill us. We have developed an array of chemicals, many toxic, to provide nutrients for our plants and to protect them and us from these harmful microbes, but these have also killed off the beneficial microbes which are essential for life.

Eco-balance is the technology of creating the conditions that suit the beneficial microbes so they out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes.

Neo monopolyWe know how to do this, it is a simple technology which is readily applied.

Technology should work for the benefit of the community but that is not the way it currently works.  Technology benefits a very small minority of people making them obscenely wealthy.

If humanity is to survive the food crisis we need a few entrepreneurial thinking people to take the initiative and demonstrate to the world that this is the way humanity will thrive and prosper.


Words aren’t enough

libraryI have written hundreds of articles about sustainable and healthy food production, some are my attempts to treat a serious subject with humour others technical which may only be appreciated by someone with the right background.

But words won’t avoid the food crisis, that takes action.

gbiotaboxSo all I ask is for you to set up your own Gbiota beds or boxes, start incorporating plants with essential minerals and beneficial microbes into your diet and if you find that if you feel satisfied so no longer want to keep on eating just tell a friend or two.

That way will avoid the looming food disaster which won’t be solved by big business or government but by people dedicated to making the world a better place.

This will also save you money, this is not a solution just for the rich, to work it must be available to everyone.

Gbiota – the essence

man gardeningGbiota may appear to be about growing plants, and it is true we do grow plants but that is just a means to an end.

We all have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, its main purpose is to regulate what and how much food we eat, decide how much food we need to eat for energy and to replace our body parts as they age and wear, but it also controls our immune system.

gut brain connectionThis is a combination of our head and gut brains. Our guts have trillions of cells which communicate with each other just like in a computer. It starts learning about food from the first suck on mum’s breasts and continues throughout our lives.

For our intelligent control system to work we need the right sort of microbes in our gut and we have to feed them.

Fat peopleIf we do not feed them we may overeat and get fat and sick. The underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious disease is that we are not feeding our gut-brain as our modern food system is lacking the critical minerals we need and is sterile lacking the fresh microbes.

goldilocksGbiota breeds the beneficial microbes in the soil which enter the plants that we eat. But we need to control the conditions carefully, if it is to dry the microbes and the plants will not grow, if it is to wet harmful microbes will breed and we will get sick. We need to have just the right moisture level – Goldilocks moisture.

With this Goldilocks moisture the microbes will breed and break down the minerals we add to the soil to feed them and us the essential minerals and create the right conditions in our gut for the beneficial microbes to breed and our intelligent control system to work properly.


Thrive and survive

Growing food – my thing

colin austinEveryone has their thing. My thing is in how to grow food sustainably that will enhance health.

It all started in WW2 when I was a toddler and was used as child labour to grow food.

My job was to dunk pots into a brew of chicken manure, flood and drain – that is the basis of modern-day flood and flush.

There are two aspects to this, short-term and long-term.

In the short term modern food is deficient in critical microbiology and minerals. Our bodies have an intelligence, sense this deficiency and sends out hormones to make us hungry so we overeat.

Fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

compost tubeThis is going to be resolved by changing the food growing system rather than a medical approach which may relieve the systems but does not address the underlying cause.

In the longer term, we are facing food challenges from climate change and degradation of our soils. It is based on the exploitation of natural resources rather than recycling and we only have fifty years left of key minerals such as phosphorous.

We have to change from a system based on exploitation to one based on recycling. If we don’t make that change the comfortable civilisation which we currently enjoy will be under severe stress from hungry and angry people moving within and across national borders.

I have spent the last thirty years developing technological solutions to these twin issues.

The real threat – marketing bullshit

con manIt is my job to try and solve these two problems. It is not easy but it can be done.

The real problem is differentiating between the real world and propaganda (or marketing).

I am a dull boring engineer, I solve problems. You may like to read my article Smart Young Lady.

I know how we can substantially reduce the eight million amputations a year that diabetics suffer.

This is going to be resolved by changing the food growing system rather than a medical approach which may relieve the symptoms but does not address and resolve the underlying cause.

The longer-term problem of a collapse of our food system from climate change and degradation of our soils is more challenging but still soluble.

BrunelAs a dull boring engineer, I can look at the amount of energy falling on the earth each day. It dwarfs all the energy used by mankind. Fortunately most of that energy is reflects back out to space for the benefit of some little green men in some faraway galaxy or we would all be burned to a cinder.

That energy can be used by plants that extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, break the bonds in water to form energy-rich carbohydrates we use as energy food.

OK, we need other foods to replace our body parts as they age and wear but that is soluble by recycling.

Dull boring articles

marketing expertAs a dull boring engineer, I write long dull boring articles on how we can solve these problems and naturally I want to tell the world about these solutions.

But I like everyone have a range of capabilities and marketing is not one of those, as a marketer I am a pretty good engineer.

So I do the sensible thing and seek the advice of marketing experts thinking naively that in this information age of the internet that this will be simple.

But the marketing experts advising me cringe in horror at my ignorance and do their best to inform this dull boring engineer.

Many people are complaining about the cost of food. They may not realise that the cost of producing food is only a small proportion of the cost we pay in the Supermarket, often as low as 20%. The rest of the cost in other other activities – particularly marketing and packaging.

They need to do that so we buy food which is intrinsically unhealthy.

What a wonderful world we live in.

The virtual world

coke addThey explain there is now two worlds, the virtual world which is fun and happy with nubile young people frolicking in waterfalls and just enjoying their virtual existence and the real world which is where all the horrible things happen.

They tell me that if I want to use the Internet to solve the problems of the world I must adopt the rules of the virtual world and not talk about bad things like people having their legs amputated from diabetes or masses of hungry, starving, angry people flooding across borders.

In the virtual world people just want to hear about happy things and no one will want to hear about bad things and if I persist I will probably find my access blocked.

A bit of a worry

war in gazaFor me, this is a bit of a worry. I watch the news and see people killing each other all over the world and ask myself why. I understand full well that humans are the dominant creature on earth for two reasons – we are intelligent and naturally cooperative.

In my younger days, I used to drive out to some remote regions, if you got bogged and you were lucky enough that someone came along there is no way they would leave your there and would pull you out of the bog.

We are naturally a cooperative creature, it is built into us (or at least most of us).

So why is there so much violence in the world? For thousands of years, aggressive leaders have whipped up anger in their tribes to attack and kill humans in other tribes (and steal their women).

I write many articles on this like My Teddy and The Great Food War

But the advent of the Internet and the virtual world has changed the scale, so what do we do about it?

amputationI am not being insensitive when I say stop worrying about those eight million people a year who have a leg amputated or those many millions of starving people who will be flooding across the borders.

There will always be some dull boring engineer who will find technical solutions.

The real threat is not seeing the difference between the virtual and real world.

Finding the solutions

recycleSo how do we solve these real-world problems?

We have to change from a system based on exploitation to one based on recycling. If we don’t make that change the comfortable civilisation which we currently enjoy will be under severe stress from hungry and angry people moving within and across national borders.

I have spent the last thirty years developing technological solutions to these twin issues.

That is what dull boring engineers do – find solutions to real-world problems.


Experimenting with growing food sustainably

I have been experimenting for over thirty years to find better ways of sustainably growing plants to improve health. The result is the Gbiota technology.

There is a lot of research on what are the best foods for health and also a lot of research on the best way to grow plants for maximum production but how to grow plants for health is a neglected area yet the quality of our food is very dependent on the soil it is grown in and what is known as the horticultural protocol.

phosphorousMicrobes and fungi play an important role, they process minerals in the soil to make them bio-available to the plants and enhance our gut health when we eat the plants.

The latest research shows just how important gut health is for our overall health not just physically but our mental health and feeling of well being.

But it is one thing to develop the technology, it is even more of a challenge to persuade people to change their eating routines. This is even more difficult in this information age which is saturated with manipulative advertising focused on profit rather than community health.

colinaieeI was a pioneer in Computer Aided Engineering developing technologies which changed the industry for which I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of the country’s leading innovators.

The company I created became the leading exporter of technical software from Australia and was a world leader in its particular area.

But this did teach me about the process of getting new technologies accepted.

It is simply no good running major marketing campaigns, particularly in this modern era of disinformation, people just don’t believe what they read online.

The key to the adoption of any new technology is to find the social entrepreneurial people, who see the critical importance of a secure and sustainable food system, and are prepared to try the technology themselves to show it works.

These will be the sort of people who won’t be taken in by the marketing bullshit but will try it and test if it works for them.

If it works they will tell others and then the technology will gain acceptance.

Fortunately, it is obvious that it is working as people feel satisfied and are no longer craving food.


How to get new solutions accepted

disinformationBut this did teach me about the process of getting new technologies accepted.

It is simply no good running major marketing campaigns, particularly in this modern era of disinformation, people just don’t believe what they read on-line.

The key to the adoption of any new technology is to find the entrepreneurial people who are are prepared to try the technology.

These will be the sort of people who wont be taken in by the marketing bullshit but will try it and test if it works for themselves.

If it works they will tell others and then the technology will gain acceptance.

Fortunately it is obvious that it is working as people feel satisfied and are no longer craving food.


My current aim is to attract the interest of these entrepreneurs to form a team to take this technology to the eight billion people on this planet.

Ask yourself these questions.

Which is more important – the profits of a handful of Neo-monopolist mega corporations or community health?

Are you prepared to spend a bit of time learning about flood and flush (the key technology behind the Gbiota system), make your own Gbiota bed or box, eat fresh Gbiota food for a month and if you see real benefits tell your friends?

If so just have a good read then drop me an email.

If this is you please contact me at


Making the change

mega food companiesIt is easy to get emotional about mega food companies making profits by supplying food that leads to us having our legs chopped off with diabetes and Governments that take no action, is all that true? I am a dull boring engineer and what matters is the end result. So what are the facts?

We live on a little ball spinning around our sun. Every now and again a meteorite comes from outer space but the mass is minute compared with the mass of the earth so we can say it is negligible and the minerals on the earth are fixed.

We cannot say the same thing about energy. Every day the sun delivers a huge amount of energy. It is not well understood how much energy comes from the sun but it is huge in comparison with the amount of energy used in all ways by humans and totally dwarfs the energy that powers our bodies.

Fortunately, most of that energy is reflected back into outer space or else we would all be fried to a cinder.

When the earth was formed some four billion years ago it was just dead rocks but after a billion years or so microbes which appeared from somewhere started to break down the rocks or form soil in which plants started to grow.

These plants collected a huge amount of energy from the sun which was made more soil and plants and then animals – an explosion of life which eventually led to humanoid creatures about a million years ago.

hunter gatherersWe ate plants but then we discovered how to use fire and cook which made nutrients more digestible and we changed dramatically – our guts shrank and we developed huge brains and started to invent things. At first spears, then bows and arrows, then fibre for clothes and fishing lines.

We were pretty puny creatures in comparison with some of the other creatures that roamed the earth and to survive we had to form tribes for protection.

tribeTribes had leaders which we were happy to follow, it was a simple question of life or death. This tribal characteristic still forms part of our nature which is why we seem to be so aggressive to members of other tribes killing them was seen to be a virtue.

early ag

Then we developed agriculture which led to the formation of city states, people lived in relatively close proximity and became very prone to diseases which kept the population numbers low. Three out of five babies would die before the age of five and another in their teens. But if you reached the age of thirty then you could expect to live a lot longer and die of old age.

early foodFood was an issue but there was plenty of land and despite deaths from famines we managed to struggle through despite the high death rate.

London SewageThen we used our big brains, we improved both medicine and hygiene so we stopped dying from infectious diseases at such an alarming rate and the population exploded.

This is not something out of the history book it has happened in little more than my lifetime where the population has tripled.

All those extra mouths had to be filled so we got our big brains out of the cupboard to develop better ways of growing food and we were spectacularly successful in increasing our food production far faster than the increase in population.

We were extraordinarily successful in harvesting the energy that fell from the sun producing energy food to provide us with energy.

gut brain foodLet us not be rude to the nutrition scientists but it really does not matter what food we use as fuel, it is just fuel and the bulk of the food, about 80% we just burn off as fuel.

But like many good things there was nasty side effects. The problem was not what was in the food, it was all good energy food but what was missing from the food, specifically the beneficial microbes which power our gut brain and the minerals and phytonutrients which are needed to feed both us and the microbes.

Our intelligent control system, which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite, (but also our immune system) detected these deficiencies and so sent our hormones so we felt hungry and overate leading to an epidemic of chronic non-infectious diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

chronic diseasesWe had swapped infectious diseases for non-infectious disease.

That is what motivated me to develop the Gbiota technology, and the solution turned out to be very simple. Simply create the conditions that favour the beneficial microbes so they out compete and out breed the harmful microbes.

This breeding is done in organic waste which solves another problem, it is replacing the extractions of the minerals which we are exhausting by recycling waste.

This is the way we will thrive and survive.

We do not have to replace our existing food system which generates some five billion tonnes of food each year just supplement it with living Gbiota food.

It is simple, and inexpensive so any one can do it.

But we live in an era where the internet is saturated with fake information. The solution to that is for people who understand this to set up their own Gbiota beds at home, show it works which is easy – just see if the food cravings are reduced – then tell other people.

This is what the Gbiota social movement is all about.


The big threat

If you asked me what is the biggest threat facing humanity what would you expect me to say?

If you knew that one of my earliest memories was Mum digging up the lawn to grow food in WW2 and since then, for some 84 years I have been studying how to grow healthy food sustainably you would expect me to say sustainable food production.

And you would be dead wrong. We know how to grow enough food to feed the entire population of the world so we can thrive and survive, now and well into the future.

manipulative informationThat is not the problem, the real problem is what is probably the greatest technical innovation of our generation – the Internet. Well not the internet itself, it still amazes me that most people can now access the world’s information.

The problem is the way the Internet has become so saturated with dubious information and manipulative marketing that people now believe you can solve any problem, however complex and challenging, like feeding ten billion people with food that will keep them healthy, with a thirty second scan.

Well, the world does not work that way, we can provide the world with food that will keep them fit and healthy but not with a thirty second scan and a cute slogan. Read my story of the smart young girl.

All I can do is provide the information, people, that’s you and me, decide what we put in our mouths, not big business or Governments.


Three action steps

We need to change from exploitation to recycling. Recycling is not a new concept – it has been the way the world has worked for the last few billion years. The patents have well and truly expired.

We tend to think of recycling as microbes composting and that works but it is not the way that most natural system works.

Microbes certainly recycle but there is a bigger army of recyclers, worms in the wet conditions, ants in the dry and a whole range of beetles and also birds.

pidgeonThat pigeon clearing up under your trendy city cafe table is doing a great job of recycling, even if does poop on your shoe.

This wide array of creatures may do some of the crunching but much of the final processing is done in their gut biome, which often resembles ours. This is particularly valuable as their poop enters the soil, then the plants and finally reinforces our gut biota, which is what Gbiota is all about.

But how do we make use of this to save our world from collapsing.

There are three steps we can take.

Grow food at home in Gbiota boxes.

gbiotaboxThe first is easy, just persuade people to start growing some of their food at home in Gbiota boxes. This is cheaper and much healthier than buying from the supermarket – we just have to get the message out.

This is what I have been researching for many years now.


manure spreaderNext, we can persuade our farmers to reprocess out waste, particularly both animal and human manure.

But we need to develop a bit of technology hear as we don’t want to just spread this on the surface. We are fighting a continues battle between the good bugs and the bad bugs, so not this way shown.

We need to develop some machinery with an auger and slurry tank so the manure is buried deep in the soil where the beneficial microbes can process it safely. Not difficult for any farm machinery manufacturer.

This should not be such a challenge as it is cheaper than the ever increasing cost of fertiliser.

Urban farms

urban farmIf we are going to have a nation of people with a healthy gut biota we need to change our city planning to allow for local growing of some plants. This way people have have plants which are harvested and eaten without delay, which is the greatest weakness of our modern food system.

Fresh means living – not gone rotten. An important difference.

This worked spectacularly well in Cuba during the sanctions where they developed an effective system of urban agriculture when under political stress.

We have a different stress now from chronic diseases – we just have to recognise the harm of our modern food system.


My plea

plead for helpSo my plea to these entrepreneurial types is simple. Don’t believe all the marketing bullshit or even what I tell you.

Set up some Gbiota boxes, start incorporating some Gbiota grown food into your diet and just monitor how you feel. Nothing complex, no special tests just ask yourself the simple question “Do I feel satisfied and am no longer craving food?”

You can do some scientific test if you like by measuring how much weight you have lost or how often you go to the toilet (sorry but your use of toilet paper will increase – just buy yourself a bidet).

And if the answer is yes then just tell other people. This is the way we will avoid all those amputations from diabetes and those hoards of starving people crossing borders in search of food.

Woke green activist

You may get called a woke green activist. People try and insult me all the time with that phrase, I take it as a compliment and feel good that I am a woke green activist and so should you. You are making the world a much better place for you and your great-grandchildren.

Not a bad feeling.



change the worldThere is them that do and them that follow – if you are a doer join me – do it for yourself or do it for your grandkids



We are a social movement to change our food system so we thrive and survive.  Why not drop me an email and tell me about your interest in food and health first.


Smart young girl

Smart young girl

 Smart young girl

There is a nice story about a smart young lady who stalled her ageing car on a busy road.

smart young girlTry as she might she could not get the car started and soon there was a monster traffic jam. The man in the car behind started to blow his horn in a furious rage, she did not know what to do so she went to the car behind and said very politely “Excuse me, sir, would you like to try and start my car while I sit in your car and blow the horn”.

But let me make a sequel, a quiet, dull, boring engineer a couple of cars back, came along, lifted the bonnet and went through a series of checks, taking out the sparking plugs – yes there was a spark, was the fuel getting through – yes there was fuel.

So he diagnosed the carburettor was flooded, spun the engine a few times, put the spark plugs back and brrm brrm the car started and everyone drove off, very relieved.

traffic jamNow why do I tell this story? Because we are facing a far worse crisis than a traffic jam – the future failure of our food system. We have just fifty years’ supply of some critical minerals, like phosphorous, remaining which will certainly cause a collapse of the food system – that is unless climate change and degradation of our soils have not already caused collapse.

I am not a noisy type, I don’t march in protest movements or climb tall buildings to hoist protest flags, thats me I am a quiet, dull, boring engineer, but I can work through problems systematically to find solutions that work.

Victory gardenI was a toddler in the Second World War when food was critical to survival. I watched as women (the men were away), dug up the lawns, nature strips and common land to grow food, and it worked.

Later in life being a quiet, dull boring engineer, who plodded through difficult problems in a step-by-step way, turned out to be quite useful. I was selected as one of the leading innovators by the Institute of Engineers for my pioneering work on computer-aided engineering.

colinaieeBut then I asked myself what was the biggest problem facing humanity? The answer was simple. How are we going to feed the ten billion that will inhabit the world in a sustainable way.

Working through the problem in a step-by-step way gave some reassurance.

Every day, for the last four billion years, the sun has delivered vast quantities of energy to the earth. Numbers with so many 000 that it is difficult to comprehend and vastly in excess of all the energy used by all humans.


Fortunately, most of that energy is reflected back into outer space or both you and me would be dried up cinders, so we are safe, at least until we stop reflecting that heat.

photosynthesisPlants use this energy, by photosynthesis, they take carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, breaking the carbon and hydrogen bonds to produce compounds, such as carbohydrates, which contain large amounts of energy that we can use as food.

We can expect that this will continue for many more billions of years, so we can stop worrying about energy food.

But there is a sting in the tail. The bulk of the food we need to eat may be energy food but like a car needs more than just energy fuel, we need a whole array of complex chemicals and microbes to be fit and healthy.

Our bodies need replacement food to rebuild our body parts as they wear or age.

zero wasteAnd this is the sting, we are running out of these minerals. To survive we need to change our food system from one based on exploitation of our natural resources to one based on recycling.

So for the last thirty years, yours truly – this quiet, dull boring engineer – has been experimenting with ways of growing food sustainably. This involves experiments with compost, bugs and waste entirely appropriate for a quiet dull, boring engineer.

The result is the Gbiota system, a growing system which will keep us fit and healthy in a sustainable way.

But we can’t just wait for forty-nine years and in fifty years take action.

digital ageRight now we are seeing the harmful effects of a diet with a poor balance between energy and replacement foods. Our bodies are intelligent and can sense the lack of replacement foods so it sends out hormones to make us feel hungry so we eat more.

The net result is we overeat and get fat and sick. The underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases (like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia) is the wrong fat in the wrong place.

We cannot just sit around for forty-nine years saying there is plenty of food in the supermarkets. Of course there is, but it is missing what keeps us fit and healthy.

So this quiet, dull, boring engineer may have the solution but solutions are no use unless they are applied for the benefit of the community.

There was a time when the Internet was an amazing way of getting important information out to the public.


green protesterUnfortunately, the Internet has now been largely taken over by the internet marketers who run a standardised sausage factory where success is achieved by the latest marketing gimmick rather than the importance of the content. People now only believe what they hear from someone they trust.

To create awareness of the need to change our food system we need people who are not quiet, dull and boring.

We need people who are willing to start using the Gbiota system, see for themselves that they are no longer craving food but feel satisfied and then go out and tell their friends how they can be fit and healthy by eating food grown sustainably.

So if that is you please pick up the torch and go out into the world, tell people that there is more to food than energy – they need replacement food and this is the way we will not just survive but be fit and healthy for generations ahead.


Tim Spector

Tim Spector


Gbiota technology controls the Eco system in the soil to breed beneficial microbes that enhance our gut biota to improve health  – We show you how.

  Join the Gbiota movement here for free (Expires 31st March 2024)

Tim SpectorIt is well known that our gut biota plays a major roles in our health. Many researchers, such as Tim Spector, Professor at Imperial College, London explains this in his book Food for Life.

Microbes breed and die incredibly fast. Within twenty minutes a new microbe will start to breed but will die after maybe seventy hours. The population continues but the individual microbes die.

You can have a faecal transplant and that works but is a sophisticated medical procedure with limitations.

But I cannot send you out a packed of beneficial microbes which you can buy on the internet and expect them to be still alive when they arrive – that’s life.

But I can teach you how you can create the conditions where beneficial microbes can breed so successfully that they out breed and out compete the harmful microbes which are always present. This is simple, practical and inexpensive.

Admittedly this requires more effort than swallowing a pill but is based on a system which has been proven to work – until we changed our food system.

Our super computer

The trillions of cells in our gut biome communicate with each other to form a super computer which regulates our bodies.

This behaves in the way that Artificial Intelligence operates, monitoring every piece of food we eat and seeing its effect on our bodies then deciding what and how much we want to eat.

Our gut brain is highly sophisticated.

There are thousands of different species in our gut brain, which originate in the soil and are transferred to our gut when we eat plants grown in that soil.

The soil, the microbes in the soil, the plants and our gut form an interconnected Eco system which changes according to the conditions.

The Gbiota technology controls these conditions to give us the Eco system which we know from observations of the real world lead to us having the healthiest gut and life style.

Fortunately this is a very easy technology to apply, home gardeners can change the microbes in their soil, even people living in apartments can create soil for growing plants in pots.

The main inputs are recycled organic waste, rock dust and inoculants making it a very inexpensive process – cheaper than buying food from the supermarket.

How many technologies lead to a longer health span and lower costs?

My role, in the Gbiota movement is to teach members how to enhance their soil by controlling the conditions.


Gbiota Hello

We need to feed our gut brain which is the intelligent control system for our bodies.

Our modern chemical industrial agriculture and highly processed foods simply does not feed our intelligent control system so we need to modify our food system.

People react in different ways.

Some people see this as their mission to change the world for the better for their grand kids.

Other people are not bothered about going on a mission and just want to have good food for themselves and their families and are prepared to go to the trouble of growing some of their food.

Others think this is all too much work but still want to buy healthy food.

Your all welcome

Let me tell you that you are all welcome to join the Gbiota movement. Even if you just start eating healthy food and feel better in yourself and your friends see this – then this is the best promotion we can have for the cause.

Being healthy should be fun – not an ordeal

But let me tell you that this does not have to be some ordeal.

There are diet enthusiast who will lead you to believe that just one meal of chicken and chips followed by a good hunk of cheese cake will mean you are sacrificing you life and will back this up with a list of long chemicals names to convince you that your life is somehow doomed.

Out bodies are not that wimpy.

gut brain foodMost of the food we just burn off for energy – its just fuel.

You can have a steam engine which can run on coal, gas, wood or even old furniture and it works fine. Our bodies are like that – give us food and most (about 80%) is just burned off as fuel.

But our bodies are also very clever and they use our food to replace our body parts as they age and wear. This does required a variety of minerals and nutrients, some with very long and impressive chemical names but are just part of a regular diet (may be 15%).

Only a small part (may be 5%) of our food intake needs to be specifically to feed our gut brain – but it is vital for our health.

Our gut brain is super smart

gut brain connectionBut our gut brain is our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, deciding how much and where we should store fat.

It is smart, sensing what we eat and its affect on out bodies and learning, like artificial intelligence how that affects our bodies. Once learned it gives us a strong preference for certain types of food.

This is totally critical for our bodies, not feeding our gut brain makes as much sense as having a drunk at the wheel of a Lamborghini.

This may only make up 5% of our food intake but is totally critical for our health.

Chicken wings, chips and cheese cake still on the menu – but

So you can still eat chicken wings and chips and a hunky slice of cheese cake and still live a long and healthy life.

It is just that your gut brain will tell you that you have had enough chicken wings, chips and cheese cake so you just call a halt naturally.


So whatever your scene – join the Gbiota movement, change the world, grow your own healthy food or find someone who will grow it for you – and welcome.

Currently you can join for free and read all the articles on how to grow gut brain food, but you need to sign up with a valid email address and click the box on any post saying notify me of new posts.  We publish a new post about once a week, but we do not email members, you have to go to this web to see them.

We are not in the business of selling stuff, (although  we help other people supply gut brain food) our role is to teach people how to grow gut brain food and if you want to learn you need to join the Gbiota movement.



Grow gut brain food

hunter gatherersA few hundred thousand year ago a puny creature that barely survived took a world changing decision – to use an existing technology, fire to cook food. This gave it the energy to grow a huge brain which led to intelligence and cooperation so this creature became the dominant creature on the planet – us.

What we ate changed us as a species.

Two brains

Actually we developed two brains, one in our head the other in our gut. They may be separate but they work together so we can call it our gut brain.

The brain in our gut is made up of trillions of cells which communicate with each other, just like super computer providing an intelligent control system which naturally regulates our bodies.

Smarter than AI

Our gut brain is really smart making modern artificial intelligence look like a dumbo

Throughout our life it is monitoring what we eat and what our body needs.

Is continuously manages our appetite so we eat what is healthy for us totally naturally.

If we are short of say B12, very common in modern society, and we eat some brewers yeast flakes, which is full of B12 then over time we will learn to really like yeast flakes.

For our gut brain to work properly we have to feed it gut brain food. It needs fibre, which comes from plants so existing microbes can flourish and breed and a fresh supply of microbes, preferably with a broad spectrum of species.

For hundreds of thousands of years we ate plants grown in living soil full of nutrients so had a healthy gut brain.

The big goof – we stopped feeding our gut brain

Then we made one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made, we stopped feeding our gut brain – we became fat and sick and our health span reduced as we started to eat highly processed food which was inert, dead like Monty Pythons parrot, and lacked essential nutrients and minerals.

This is easily solved by feeding our gut brain, which is easy, costs less that buying highly processed food and recycles waste organics which would otherwise be contributing to green house gases.

The plan

But how do we do this? We need a plan.

Concerened thinkers

My plan is to start by creating a social movement of concerned thinkers, anywhere in the world, who understand the importance of a healthy gut brain and are prepared to grow their own gut brain food and show to their friends and contacts that this really works.

Seeing is believing

In the second stage many more people will see the benefit of growing their own gut brain food and even though they have no garden or garden experience start growing their own gut brain food.

Commerial growers

In the third stage there will be a demand for gut brain food which will encourage local commercial growers to supply gut brain food.

My job is to show people how to grow gut brain food – that is what this web is all about.

First you have to join which you do here. For the next three months this is totally free. Over this period I will be writing many posts to show how to grow gut brain food. You should click the button to notify me of new posts at the bottom of any post and you will have to login to access these posts.

If you have any questions of issues just contact me at


Watch videos of Gbiota boxes being made and regenerating with fresh microbes and nutrients, watch time under 3 minutes

watch here




Gut biota and health span

People are becoming very aware of how enhanced gut biota can lead to a longer health span.

Real food over pills

pills We live in the age of the hype machine promoting some magic pill which will instantaneously give them a healthy gut.

This is a fictitious world – the gut brain is one of the most sophisticated devices on the planet.

Our gut brain is  the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and keeps us fit and healthy throughout our life.

We don’t get fat and sick simply because we eat too much, we get fat because our gut brain senses our diet it not right and sends our hormones to make us hungry – then we get fat. The solution is to feed our gut brain the food it needs.

Natural sophistication

It is highly sophisticated – the product of millions of years of evolution and is one of the wonders of the world.

From when you take your first gulp of milk from your mum to your very last meal your gut brain is learning what food is good, makes you feel satisfied and provides all the nutrients that you need.

I study the natural process of how our gut brain works and try make this information available to as many people as possible so they can enhance their gut brain.

Living soil over dirt and chemicals

exuding sugarsI show how the natural process works from the microbes in the soil making insoluble rock particles in the soil into bio-available nutrients, how different species of plants will exude different sugars to attract specific species of microbes which will enter the plants and we will eat to form our gut biota.

I explain how you can create soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients, which can grow plants which enhance your gut biota and the chances of a longer health span.

We cannot guarantee it will work for everyone, genetics and epigenetics (gene expression) means everyone is different.

Yes it will take more effort than buying some magic pill – but it a natural process that has evolved and been tested over millions of years.

Join the Gbiota movement for free Expires 31st March 2024



Fat and sick

Across the globe people are getting fat and sick from an epidemic of diseases like diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.


Find our here at Fat and Sick

Recycling food waste

Recycling food waste to grow plants which are natural pre and pro biotics – extends health span – saves money – is more sustainable – anyone can do it – everyone should.

Our gut brain, made up of trillions of cells or thousands of species is like a super computer, monitoring everything we eat and the affect on our bodies and learns, over time,  to regulate our appetite – how much and what we want to eat.

If we feed it the right food, the beneficial microbes will work to give us a long health span free from chronic disease.

On the other hand, if we feed it the wrong food it is likely to lead to us becoming fat and sick.

fat and skinny miceWe learned this from experiments with mice. We could make them fat or skinny simply by what we fed them.

We learned that humans are the same from using faecal transplants with slim people becoming fat.

We decide what we want to feed our gut brain.

It is our choice.

Virtually anyone can grow beneficial gut brain food at home starting with organic waste so it cost less than buying food from the supermarket.

There are literally hundreds of articles and videos on growing gut food which may be of interest to the technically curious but can be a bit overwhelming for those people who just want to grow gut brain food, but if you just follow Newposts you will soon get the latest information, as I publish new articles on my experiments regularly.

Read more at Fat and Sick



supermarketThe shops are full of food. Currently we are growing enough energy food to feed the entire world