Your choice
We are at a crossroads and have two options.
In option one we can live in a society dominated by marketing hype, where we buy health bars full of sugars and fats because they are promoted as healthy, where we spend a thousand dollars a month to take drugs like Ozemic in an attempt to get slim but find that after a year our bodies have acclimatised so they no longer work.
It takes little effort but costs a lot of money and we destroy the natural resources of the Earth.
In option 2 we live in a circular economy where we respect the Earth. We take advantage of creatures like a little fly that lays its eggs in mulch. The larvae that hatch out are so ugly that even their mother cannot love them and flies away.
But they excrete into the soil microbes which change our Gut Biota which controls our appetite so we don’t overeat, get fat and sick but instead live long and healthy lives.
It costs less than option 1 but it does take effort to understand how a sustainable circular economy works.
You will take this decision right now when you decide whether to skip away or make the effort to understand how a sustainable circular system works and the health and social benefits that result.
Where is the introduction?
When you write an article, give a talk or create a website it is normal to have a short introduction that tells people what is coming up.
I can tell you what I would like to talk about, how we can solve the challenge of our modern food system which is causing an epidemic of chronic diseases – overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia and how we can overcome the future challenges from climate change, degradation of our soils and running out of critical minerals – like phosphorous.
Well, I am not going to do that – at least not straight away, that will come later, for a very good reason-I need to tell you a little story to set the scene.
A long time ago
Many years ago, about fifty to be precise before I decided to devote my attention to what I consider the greatest threat to mankind – how we can sustainably grow food that will keep us healthy. At that time plastics had not become antisocial so I wrote a computer simulation of how plastics flow into a mould.
The conventional wisdom at the time was that if a mould did not fill then make the flow channels bigger. That was simple, easy and did not work.
I went around the world giving lectures saying that the solution was to make some flow channels smaller, specifically the flow channels feeding the easy areas of the mould to fill, which would then direct the flow to the more difficult areas to fill.
Nutter from down under
And almost everyone thought I was a nutter and I was booed and heckled.
But a few entrepreneurial engineers thought I might have a point, tried it and it worked.
They then told their friends, published scientific papers and soon the whole industry accepted this apparently crazy idea.
For this, I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.
Simple, obvious and does not work
We now face a similar situation with food, but this affects everyone on Earth.
The simple and obvious solution to people getting fat, (and fat in the wrong place is the root cause of the epidemic) is to eat less.
It may be simple, obvious but does not work. We have been trying that for years and people are getter fatter and chronic diseases increase.
Every book on diet, every article you read and almost every expert you talk to will tell you ‘eat less exercise more’ but it does not work, at least long term and for a very simple reason.
Our body has intelligence
Our body is not a dumb collection of organs it has intelligence, largely in our head and gut and its tries to keep us alive by whatever means possible.
Now I ask you, if you were a brain and your job was to keep your body alive and you saw that your body was short of food what would your do?
You would probably think that the smart thing to do would be to store any and every bit of food that you could lay your hands (or teeth) on and that is exaclty what your smart body does.
We have ignored this for eighty years
This is exactly what happens and we have known this for some eighty years when people who were starved in WW2 later later became fat when food was available, we had trained out bodies to store fat.
We see it every day, rich people who have an abundant supply of healthy food tend to be slim, people struggling with excessive rent payment who can’t afford healthy food tend to get fat.
Eat more but of the right sort of food
Just as with my battle over flow channels when I said make some flow channels smaller but people heard make all flow channels smaller I am now saying forget about the old thinking of eating less I am saying eat more.
But I am not saying go out and eat a monster plate of hamburger and chips I am saying eat more of the right sort of food.
That food is gut-brain food which feeds out intellitgent control system which regualtes our bodies.
This website is all about how to eat more of the right sort of food.
Thanks for re-thinking
As expected most people hear ‘your fat eat more’ which is not what I am saying but all I can do is hope some entrepreneurial thinkers come along read and think about what I am saying, try it for themselves and then tell their friends and we start thinking about fat in a different, more enlightened, way.
Every year eight million people a year who have a limb amputated from diabetes and will be very grateful to these entrepreneurial thinkers who went out on a limb to change the way we think about food.
If you are one of these please email me at I would love to hear from you.
Wonce a pone a tie’m
Nothing like a good yarn
Seems like my spell checker is not working too well but starting with “Once upon a time” is a way of saying story coming up – yes this web is a bit different.
We are suffering from an epidemic of chronic diseases, our food system is making us fat and sick.
We have to change the way we grow at least some of our food so we can enjoy a long and healthy life.
I think people would prefer to hear directly from a guy that is out there, living in the real world, getting his hands dirty experimenting with different ways of growing food rather than a marketing wiz kids living in a virtual world of marketing hype and Avatars.
Sorry if I offend but the truth can be nasty.
I tell this as a story because people like a good yarn and are put off by a lot of dull boring statistics.
Father Christmas and Fantasy land
The story starts many years ago when I was chatting with my seven year old daughter. When you are seven everything is new and exciting and obviously you have a duty to explain your new discover to your aging parents who may not be too enlightened.
She was explaining how to tell the difference between real Father Christmases and fake ones.
You look behind their ears. If there is elastic holding up their beard they are fake but it there is no elastic they are real.
Without really thinking I asked her if she still believed in Father Christmas.
A big deal
This was apparently a big deal for her because she thought about it for a long time and then asked “If I stop believing in Farther Christmas will I still get presents?”
This taught me a lot about human nature, what we believe is what is convenient to believe and the facts are only a very secondary issue.
Humanity faces many challenges, there is climate variability from the increasing carbon dioxide levels, the degradation of our soils, and the way we are rapidly exploiting the available resources of water and critical minerals like phosphorus.
These are a threat to humans’ ability to feed ourselves but don’t seem to be a big issue that people want to talk about.
Take climate change, I would have thought that the danger was pretty clear yet many young adolescent males totally deny there is a problem and insist on doing wheelies in giant V8’s totally denouncing any change to electric cars.
What is the driving force here (excuse the pun)?
The point is that doing wheelies is rutting behaviour. Humans don’t have the vocal capacity of a moose but we are the great tool makers and what better tool to make a lot of noise to show that you are ready for a bit of hanky panky, than a giant V8 at full throttle?
Don’t tangle with a rutting moose
If you learn anything from this website remember never to tangle with a rutting moose, (or rutting adolescent) they are focused on a bit of hanky-panky and any facts are irrelevant.
Unfortunately, it seems to attract more adolescent males than females but the smart males have worked out that a Harley Davidson bike is far more effective, maybe they are more noisy or maybe it is the attraction for the ladies of having a giant throbbing V twin between their legs.
We can avoid thinking about all the threats that we face but it does not make them go away. We can console ourselves that the Earth has been bobbing around the sun for the last 4.3 billion years so say happy birthday Earth.
Happy Birthday Earth
We should make a birthday cake to celebrate but it will have to be big for the 4.3 billion candles, about the size of Tasmania.
I say that to make the point that it is a really long time and in all probability, the Earth will be still bobbing around the sun for a few more billion years so we don’t have to worry about protecting the Earth, it will do fine without us.
How well we will survive is another question.
Dinosaurs lived on the earth for some 265 million years some thousand times longer than modern man.
The future is here now
But even if we put all those future concerns away as some left of centre city trendy worry about the future there is still the problem of what is happening today. Three out of four people now die from a chronic disease which is caused by our food system.
But even that is not the real issue, our health span, how long we remain healthy is declining again because of our food system.
Eight million people a year suffer a limb amputation from diabetes. We can’t pretend that is not happening, if you have a leg amputated you can’t suddenly pretend that you have a virtual leg and become a football star.
It just won’t happen.
You can take action
This website is about what action we can take to prevent chronic diseases, we know how to prevent chronic diseases, they are a modern man-made creation and man can reverse them just as easily as we created them.
The challenge is to persuade people to stop pretending and thinking that they will go away.
My daughter, when young, believed in Father Christmas and the Tooth fairy but at some point in her life she accepted that she had to stop pretending and accept the world as it is.
Stop pretending and accept the world as it is
With chronic diseases, resulting from our food system, we likewise have to stop pretending and accept the world as it is and do something about it.
That is what this web is all about so why not register and change the world?
The food industry is dominated by a small number of oligopolies who put their profits ahead of community benefit and even seem to intimidate our Governments whose job is to put the community first.
Getting fat and sick and having eight million legs chopped off every year is not the society that I or anyone wants.
It is only by a large number of people showing that the system must change that we will achieve change – so register and show you want change. It costs nothing but shows you care and it may be you that that is the person who avoids getting fat and sick and having your leg chopped off.
Welcome to my site
Welcome to my site. If you are expecting super-sophisticated marketing this is not the site for you.
Clever but manipulative marketing of fake food is not just reducing life span; worse it is reducing health span – how long we are fit and active.
Medical science has meant that our life span has steadily increased but has now plateaued and is even decreasing.
Modern food has meant that our health span, how long we are fit and healthy, has steadily declined.
The modern internet is saturated with dubious claims for magical health products. There is no way that you can say for sure that if you take this or that product in twenty years time you will be fitter and healthier. There is no way I can make claims about the future benefits of the technology I promote.
But there is one test that anyone can do. Just eat gut-brain food and see if your appetite is reduced. This makes it easier to eat less food and still feel satisfied which will increase the probability of a longer health span. There is no scientific proof but life is about managing risks.
But do not believe what they may tell you about the “good old days” – that is another myth, people died like flies from infection.
And don’t expect a thirty-second flash-through with three-word slogans will give you the answer – it takes time and thinking to ferret out the truth.
But if you are prepared to invest a bit of time and thinking welcome to my website.
I am an engineer and see the real world as it is – not some marketing guru who sees some fantasy world full of Avatars.
I am a real person email me and we can chat – real person to real person or better still sign up here and get the full story for free.
No water – no food. Water without flow – food that makes us sick.
Food that makes us healthy comes from understanding and controlling how water moves through the soil.
I am Colin Austin, recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators for my pioneering work on computational fluid flow.
Let me give you a brief explanation of what Gbiota is all about.
A very brief history of the world
Some 4.3 billion years ago there was a rock spinning around the sun.
It was dead, inert with nothing living and that went on for around three billion years.
The first life
Then, we don’t know from where but we think on an asteroid some microbes appeared.
They broke down the rocks and soon soil appeared, then plants followed by an incredible array of creatures. Some like the dinosaurs lived for 165 million years.
Humanoids appear
Then about a million years ago the first humanoid appeared – a puny creatures that barely survived until about two hundred thousand years ago the most important event in human history occurred – the management of fire for cooking.
Fire, cooking and the creation of modern man
This turned the puny creature into modern man. Cooking gave us ready access to nutrients and we physically changed – our guts shrunk and our brains grew and we became the tool maker.
Brains are very greedy, they need a large amount of food but they are also hungry for stimulation – they need entertainment and while other animals may be happy to sit and ruminate we need amusement and stimulation.
Tribes – fit and healthy
At first we lived in small tribes and were relatively fit and healthy but we were curious, continuously inventing new tools and the second major event in human history was the development of agriculture to provided a more reliable food system.
Agriculture, cities and disease
Again the effects on humanity were dramatic, we became smaller and living in dense communities suffered from infectious diseases.
Disease meant that only one out of five babies born would reach mature adulthood.
Just to maintain the population with two babies reaching adulthood women had to have ten babies.
Women became very valuable and we became a highly aggressive creature not just fighting over land but fighting to steal women.
The fight against infection
But being an innovative and creative creature we understood the problem and came up with solutions, we developed technologies for managing sewage and supplying fresh water, better beds so we were better protected from biting creatures which carry infections and of course we improved our medical services with innovations like anti-biotics.
Population explosion
The result was dramatic, the global population trebled every hundred years so in a period of just two hundred years the global population increased from under a billion to over eight billion.
All those mouths had to be fed and humans, the very innovative creature developed its agricultural technology at a faster rate than the human population expanded – an incredible achievement.
The dreaded side effects
But, as often happens with new technology there was a side effect.
The food was full of energy but was deficient in critical minerals and nutrients, which we tried to correct by developing a supplement industry but our food was inert, lacking beneficial microbes which formed out gut brain.
The supercomputer that controls appetite
We had not understood that all those trillions of cells in our gut communicate with each other to from genuine intelligence – like having a super computer in our tummies.
One of the critical functions of this supercomputer was to regulate our bodies, particularly our appetite.
Faced with a surplus of tasty energy food, which we love, and lacking an effective regulator for our appetite we began to overeat and get fat.
If this fat goes to where we evolved to store it, which is our bum, there is no serious problem but if this fat goes to the wrong place the results are disastrous.
The epidemic of chronic disease
Heart attacks, the commonest cause of death are typically caused by blocked arteries, diabetes – the fastest growing disease is fat blocking the pancreas and our muscles so we have the dreaded combination of not enough insulin and being resistant to the insulin we may produce.
But perhaps the most dreaded disease is dementia, where people are still alive but with no understanding of the world around them.
The current epidemic of chronic disease which kills three out of four people but perhaps worse living a life of poor health.
The solution – breeding beneficial microbes
But we are a creative and innovative creature and the solution is obvious, we need to have a food system which contains the beneficial microbes that control our appetite without the harmful microbes which have caused infectious diseases throughout human history.
We know how to do that. This is what the Gbiota technology is all about, preferentially breeding the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful ones by controlling the conditions.
Simple and inexpensive – but must be done right
This is a simple and inexpensive technology which could save millions of lives but as always there is a snag.
It has to be done right so we don’t preferentially breed the harmful microbes.
Eventually, this will change our food system but today’s issue is how to introduce this technology to the world in a controlled way.
The search for dedicate pioneers
For this we need dedicate pioneers who are prepared to commit their time to understand the technology and apply it correctly.
If this is you please contact me at
Register to enter this site
This is a subscription site for people concerned about our modern food supply which is making us fat and sick and are prepared to help change the system so we can enjoy living a longer and healthier life.
There are several levels of membership.
We are currently creating a series of YouTube videos which are bringing a stream of potential interested people to the site just wanting to find out what it is all about.
They can access much of the site for free while they decide whether this is something they want to become involved with but they do need to register when they will receive our newsletter and notifications of the new posts which we write on a regular basis.
They may like to look at New Posts
If they decide this is not for them they do not need to do anything as membership is automatically cancelled for people who are not active on the site.
Should you decide that you want to be an active member then you have three option.
You can decide that you want to be a consumer and eat food which will enhance your gut health but don’t want to be involved in growing the food yourself in which case we will link you with a community grower.
They may like to look at articles on Food and Health
You can decide that you want to grow the food that will enhance you gut health just for you own use.
You may like to upgrade you subsciption to Private Grower and read the articles in Growing
Or you you decide that you want to set up a business to supply food that will enhance gut health by becoming a community grower in which case we will help you set up your business. You should email me so I can explain how we can help.