Gbiota technology controls the conditions in the soil so the beneficial microbes out-breed and out-compete any harmful microbes.

These beneficial microbes move into the plants that we eat and then into our gut.

The trillions of cells in our gut communicate with each other to provide real intelligence which regulates our appetite.

Skilled growers create Gbiota baskets with growing plants, consumers simply have to water the baskets then pick and eat the plants while they are still fresh before the microbes die.

This is an effective and economical way of combating the epidemic of chronic diseases caused by overeating leading to the wrong fat in the wrong places.


What is Gbiota?

What is Gbiota?

colin austinMy aim for Gbiota is to create a thriving, sustainable society with a food system designed for long, healthy lives, emphasizing recycling over depleting Earth’s resources and prioritizes community well-being over corporate profits. In essence, it envisions a society that is equitable and enjoyable to live in—both now and for future generations.

Gbiota is a social movement to create a society that is good to live in, with a food system that leads to people leading a long and healthy life, that is sustainable by recycling rather then exploiting the earths finite resources and which has a sense of equity that ranks community benefit ahead of short term profits for mega corporations.

A society that is just a good place to live now and in the future.

This is me – a real person – send me an email and say hi.

Colin Austin


Thinking, very much out of fashion

stressModern society is high speed, high pressure with a few people making a lot of money while the bulk of the people are suffering from a health epidemic of overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

You may have heard that we get fat and sick because we eat too much and the simple solution is to eat less and exercise more.

This is a very short and snappy slogan which suits the food industry, it means it is not their fault as much of the population has suddenly turned into little piggies.

It is just part of the fake facts that dominate our society. We know how to grow food that will lead to people living a long and healthy life but it takes time to explain what the real problem is and more important what the solution is.

Here I explain why we are getting fat and sick and more importantly what we can do about it but it takes time and effort to understand the real reasons and AI cannot do the thinking for us.

So if you are into a bit of thinking welcome aboard.


How being simple and obvious can be wrong

Let me tell you a little story of how an idea can be simple and obvious but wrong.

Some fifty years ago, before plastics became anti-social engineers were having problems filling moulds. I wrote up a computer simulation which involved solving coupled non-linear differential equations, not a big deal any competent mathematician could have done that.

But the simple and obvious thinking at that time was the if a mould did not fill then make the flow channels bigger – how could that possibly be wrong.

But I was not happy with that simple and obvious thinking so dug a bit deeper and realised that the problem was that some parts of the mould were easier to fill than others and the solution was to make these flow channels smaller to divert the flow to the more difficult to fill areas – and it worked.

Now imagine standing up in front of an audience of experienced engineers and telling that the way to fill a mould was to make some flow channels smaller.

I was booed and jeered and still have scars on my back but a few, actually a very few engineers heard the argument and were may be not convinced but thought it worth while trying.

And it worked and they were convinced and they told other engineers and soon this became the accepted way of thinking.

I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators for my pioneering work.

But I realised that the biggest problem facing our species was how to feed the billions of people on earth with food that was both lead to us living a long and healthy life and be sustainable.

It was obvious there was a major health across the globe from chronic or non-infectious diseases. It was well understood that this epidemic was caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place which is correct.

The simple and obvious solution was to eat less, how can that be wrong you are getting fat so eat less. That was and still is the predominant thinking but like the thinking that to fill a mould by making the flow channels bigger did not work the thinking that we can solve the epidemic of chronic diseases by eating less, however simple and obvious does not work.

I am not a drongo, I have proved the power deep thinking and not being deluded by accepting the simple and obvious once and it is time to prove this again in an area that is much more important – food and the health of the global population.

So let us get started with a bit of deep thinking, even if it is unfashionable.


Three Types of Food

Think of your body as a thermodynamic machine, like your car.

Energy food

It needs fuel for energy. This comes from sugars and fats – which are abundant – our supermarkets are full of them.

They are made from simple chemicals like carbon and hydrogen which we burn with oxygen to produce energy.

Not a problem.

Replacement food

It needs a range of complex chemicals to replace parts as they age and wear. We may refer to them by the names of the elements, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous etc. but those elements are useless for us, they have to be combined into complex chemicals which are bio-available.

That is done for us by plants that create phytonutrients – just eating fruit and vegetables provides all we need (but we can always buy pills if we live in Finland in winter).

Not a problem.

Gut-brain food

control panelIt needs a control system to regulate our bodies. This is done by a combination of our head and gut-brain. The microbes in our gut communicate with each other to create intelligence. It is like having a supercomputer in our gut.

One of the most important jobs is to regulate our appetite.

Microbes – the first life on earth

break down rocksSince life first started on earth, over a billion years ago these microbes came from the soil, entered the plants we ate and hence into our gut-brain.

Nothing new here.

Beneficial and harmful microbes

But there were, and still are beneficial microbes which are essential for life and harmful microbes which make us sick from infectious diseases.

In the past, we mainly died from infectious diseases

why we dieFor most of the time that humanoid creatures have been on earth, some million years we have died young from infectious diseases with very few of us dying a natural death from old age.

We innovated to kill the harmful microbes

London SewageBut we are a smart creature so we created sewage and fresh water systems, better hygiene so we weren’t bitten by so many insects, startling medical advances like anti-biotics and above all a food system that was devoid of dangerous microbes.

But we killed the beneficial microbes as well

sprayingSounds fantastic, and indeed it is, apart from the fact that we have killed off those beneficial microbes which control our appetite so we now tend to overeat and the majority of people now get sick or die from non-infectious diseases like overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

How can we breed beneficial microbes without breeding harmful microbes?

good and bad bugsIt was obvious what was needed, a way of breeding the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful ones that kill us.

There is no problem in breeding microbes, cells will start duplicating within twenty minutes and if you double anything every twenty minutes there are soon trillions of them.

The challenge is how to breed the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful ones.

Control the conditions

Eco balanceThe answer to that is simple, it is why there are no polar bears in the Sahara desert and no Antelopes in the Arctic. It has existed since the beginning of life on earth and we now call it Eco-balance. Just create the conditions which benefit the beneficial species and they will out-breed and out-compete the harmful ones.

The term Eco-balance may sound like something from an inner city trendy but it has been the basis of life from the very beginning.

Gbiota’s aim breed beneficial microbes not harmful ones

Gbiota’s aim is to breed beneficial microbes which enhance gut health. The trillions of cells in our gut communicate with each other to create genuine intelligence. It is like having a supercomputer in your gut which we call our gut-brain.

Our gut-brain controls appetite

They control, among many other things, our appetite – what and how much we want to eat.

A healthy gut sends out hormones when we have eaten enough so we feel satisfied and stop craving food.

No gut-brain food – we overeat

hamburgerIf we do not have a healthy gut we don’t receive these hormones so we have food cravings and overeat which is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic disease, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Microbes start in the soil

These microbes start in the soil. There are trillions of them made up of many thousands of different species. Many are beneficial and keep us fit and healthy but others will make us sick or even kill us.

Microbes breed like crazy, there is no difficulty in breeding microbes. The difficulty is breeding the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful microbes.

Gbiota shows growers how

Gbiota shows growers how to control the conditions so the beneficial microbes out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes.

Gbiota links growers and consumers

You can join the Gbiota movement as a grower – which involves learning how to preferentially breed the beneficial microbes or you can join as a consumer which is simple – all you need to do is to link up with a Gbiota grower.

Register and join the Gbiota movement

Join the Gbiota movement for gut health – register as either a grower or a consumer.

 Linking to a grower

Gbiota enhances Gut Biota, which regulates your body, by breeding beneficial microbes in Wickimix – a special soil – then growing plants in this Wickimix which will transfer these microbes to your gut.

You can join the Gbiota movement in three ways


You can join as a consumer for free to buy Gbiota boxes but you will need to link to a local grower.

We will try and link you to a local grower in your area but you will need to complete the registration form and tick the box –

Consumer (wants to link to grower to buy Gbiota boxes)

Licensed grower

You can join as a licensed grower to supply Gbiota boxes to consumers in your area, we will provide training and support on how to produce Gbiota boxes and link you to local consumers to run a profitable, social benefit business.

You can register your interest for free while we go through the process of establishing you as a licensed grower. Tick the box –

Local grower (offer Gbiota boxes for sale)

Home grower

If you want to grow Gbiota plants for your own use you can join as a private home grower. Click the box –

Private home grower (just grow for own use)

Register here

You can express your interest for free here and click on the appropriate box.

Join us

fake foodThe modern world is full of fake news, fake people and fake food.

Fake food is deficient in the beneficial microbes that power our gut-brain and decides when we are full and satisfied.

The result is we overeat and get fat and sick. The modern epidemic of chronic disease stems from the deficiencies in fake food.

If you want to mix with real people and eat real food then this site is for you.

Start by watching this video – ruminations.

Then if you are just interested in eating real food you may like to watch this video – Transforming Health Through Microbial Balance.

If you are an organic or regenerative grower and want to run a successful business supplying real food to your local community then you may like to read   Organics save us and watch this video will give you an overview of how to grow plants to breed gut bugs.

If you want to live in the real world then join us by registering here.



Watch this seven-minute video to see why changing the gut biota which regualtes our appetite is so important for health


This video give more information on the growing technology




Watch this six minute video to learn about real and fake food.



Fat or skinny

Gbiota – the new industry of sustainably breeding beneficial microbes in the soil to grow plants that will enhance our gut biota to keep us healthy.

Why are some people fat and others skinny

fat and skinny miceWe have known for a long time that if we feed the pooh of a skinny mouse to a fat mouse that it will become skinny and vice versa.

Of course, humans are not in the habit of eating each other’s pooh but we can get similar results with humans by a faecal transplant.

Maybe something that we don’t want to think about but taking the pooh of a fat or skinny person and poking it up someone else bum will switch them from to being fat or skinny.

Changing our gut biota can switch us from being fat or skinny.


NewtonYou have no doubt heard the conventional wisdom that we get fat and sick because we eat to much and the solutions is to eat less and exercise more – the calorie balance theory.

Similarly you will no doubt be aware that despite these words of wisdom that people across the globe are getting fatter and sicker.

The fundamental laws of conservation of mass and energy were given to us by Newton some two hundred years ago – how can we reconcile what appears to be opposing approaches.

What is the mechanism?

fat and skinnyThis raises many questions –

How does changing the gut biota change people from fat to skinny or vice versa? What is the mechanism?

Does it matter and how can we take advantage of this mechanism?

Well, it matters a lot. Skinny people are more prone to infectious diseases while fat people are more prone to non-infectious or chronic diseases. This has reached epidemic proportions and would probably rank as the top global health crisis – so it matters a lot.

We can answer that. Our gut has trillions of cells which communicate with each other to provide genuine intelligence, particularly in deciding what and how much food we want to eat.

These microbes need to be fed, so say before we had sugar-eating microbes and we changed the balance to more fibre-eating microbes. The remaining sugar-eating microbes would feel they are starving so would send out signals to make us feel hungry leading us to want to overeat and get fat.

See food not sea food

We can loose weight by going on a calorie restricted diet but we will suffer from food cravings. We can win for a while but eventually we will see food and eat it.

Our gut-brain almost always eventually wins so leading to the well know yo-yo eating.

To win long term we need to overcome these food cravings so we feel satisfied and that is much easier than you may think – just feed our gut-brain the right sort of gut-brain food so we have a beneficial microbes in our gut.

Will it work?

Science likes general laws which can be used to solve specific problems. Newtons laws are general laws which we all thought were universally true until Einstein came along and showed us that if we were zapping around near the speed of light that we needed a modified set of general laws.

The human body, particularly our gut and heat brains, are highly sophisticated with considerable variation between people so there bad news is that there is no law which is universally true but the good news is that it is a simple and inexpensive process to feed your gut-brain for say three months and then you will know for sure whether this will work for you.

I am sorry I can’t give you a general law, I didn’t design the universe, I just do my best to understand how it works.


So what goes?

So what can we do about it? We can’t just start eating each other’s pooh.

Many animals from mice to elephants will eat each others pooh to feed their gut biota but they have evolved an immune system which can cope with eating other creatures’ pooh without getting sick.

We lack that immune system so no doubt you will be pleased to hear that the recommended solution does not involve us becoming pooh eaters.

Understanding our gut biota

But we can study where our gut biota comes from and use this understanding to develop strategies to enhance our gut biota.

As a baby, mum transferred her biota to us during birth, and then after from her milk but where did mum get her gut biota from? From the food she ate.

Humanoid creatures have been on this earth for some million years and modern humans, like us for some two hundred thousand years.

Eating plants grown in living soil

wormsUntil very recently we ate plants that were grown in soil full of living creatures, some like the nematodes microscopic and others like worms and beetles large enough for us to see.

All these creatures would be busy pooping out living microbes. Also, the plants exude sugars to feed the microbes living in the soil, with each plant exuding different sugars to support specific types of microbes which would benefit that plant.


This is a highly sophisticated Eco-system which would generally be in a state of balance with the beneficial microbes out-competing and out-breeding any harmful microbes.

But not always and it was not uncommon, if the conditions did not preferentially benefit the beneficial microbes, that the harmful microbes would gain the upper hand.

Historically this was not good for us humans with many, actually most, people dying young before their natural life expectancy.

The wrong technology

ariel sprayingHumans, being technologically sophisticated, developed the use of chemicals to control any potentially dangerous microbes but the net result was that we killed off the beneficial microbes which has led to the current epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases.

That is why the Gbiota technology was developed, it is based on the principles of Eco-balance so the beneficial microbes can out-compete and out-breed the harmful microbes.

This is done in the soil, so the soil is teaming with beneficial microbes which will enter the plants and then our gut.

But microbes have a very short life so the plants must be eaten while fresh – shortly after picking.

Local growers

We can solve that problem by licensing the Gbiota technology to local growers who create the Eco-balance in the soil in permanent Gbiota beds.

But open mesh baskets, like supermarket baskets, are incorporated into these beds so the beneficial microbes can readily enter the baskets and hence the plants.

When the plants are ready to be eaten the Gbiota basket is then taken from the Gbiota beds, full of the Gbiota soil we call Wickimix, and delivered to the final customer who can then pick and eat the plants while genuinely fresh and hence enhance their gut biota.

Register your interest

If this is of interest, and of course, many people are put off by the whole business of creatures pooping away in the soil, but if you can handle that idea then please register your interest here.

When there are sufficient people in an area we will seek out and train a local grower so they can provide the local community with Gbiota baskets.

A new food industry for a healthy and sustainable future

Let us be clear this is creating a new industry with local growers supplying their local community, very different to the current industry dominated by global meg-corporations.

In some ways this is not new at all, microbes were the first living creatures on the earth going back billions of years and creating soil which led to an explosion of life on earth, but it was an uncontrolled process leading to epidemics of infectious diseases.

Microbes breed very easily, there is nothing new about microbes breeding what is new it controlling the conditions to create an Eco-balance so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes.

Pioneering spirits

Preferentially breeding beneficial microbes in the soil means the creation of a new industry and new industries are not created by one person, certainly not me without help, but by a team of pioneering spirits with vision who can look into the future to see what needs to be done.

If you are such a pioneering spirit I would love to hear from you so why not email me here

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