Our Intelligent control system

We eat food which contains a complex array of chemicals. These are converted into sugars for immediate energy, fats for longer-term storage, together with nutrients and vitamins to replace our body parts as they age and wear.

This is all done by our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, including our appetite, deciding what and how much we need to eat.

blood sugar monitorWe can see our intelligent control system in operation, moving fats from long term storage to sugars in our blood by monitoring our blood sugar levels.

The trillions of cells which make up our gut biome communicate with each other to provide real short-term intelligence which works with our head-brain through the Vagus nerve to form our intelligent control system.

These microbes also need to be fed and replaced by our food.

For millions of years this happened, maybe in an uncontrolled way in the soil, or rather in the guts of the variety of creatures, worms, beetles, larvae, nematodes etc which inhabit the soil and who have gut biota similar to us and they excrete into the soil.

These enter the plants and are eaten by animals which replace and feed the microbes in the animal or human.

This is not a new process but has evolved over-time.

Our modern food system may be full of sugars and fats but is devoid of the microbes that power our intelligent control system.

This is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, and dementia – the wrong fat in the wrong place, resulting from the failure of our intelligent control system to function properly, in particular our gut biota.

gbiotaboxThis epidemic causes untold suffering and costs to our health system that we should focus on preventing.

This is readily resolved by breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste to create a soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients to grow plants which we eat, while fresh before the microbes die.

This is a simple and inexpensive process which most people and certainly local growers can manage with some education. Although simple, it must be done with understanding and care under the right conditions to avoid breeding harmful microbes.

Again managing the conditions so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes is an ancient process that we refer to as Ecological Balance and is readily managed with modern technology.

Food for Health

Food is the key to health.

Junk food is tasty, convenient, inexpensive but not healthy.

Genuine organic food may be healthy but is very expensive.

But there is a third type of food which is both healthy and inexpensive, cheaper than junk food and healthier than organic food.

How can that possibly be? What is the catch? It takes a little effort to understand how food works in our bodies and to grow, or buy, this food takes a little effort, that is the cost of health.

This web is in two main sections.

Food and Health

Here we look at how food determines our health with a particular emphasis on our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies deciding how much and where we should store fat.

It is often argued that we get fat and sick because we eat too much – that is how we get fat our intelligent control system determines why we get fat, which is very different.

While there is a genetic component we generally get fat and sometimes sick because of deficiencies in our diet so our intelligent control system sends signals that make us hungry and eat more than we need.

The soil in which our food is grown dominates our health.

There are many articles on how food affects our health but first step is to read ‘The essence’.

It may be interesting to understand how our intelligent control system regulates our bodies and how the microbiology in the soil affects our food and then our health but to get the benefits you have to eat food grown in biologically active soil.

That means either growing or at least buying Gbiota food.


The growing section covers the specialist growing system to grow plants that avoid deficiencies in our diet which are the root cause of chronic diseases.

Microbes play a crucial role in this forming part of our intelligent control system and processing minerals to produce the wide array of complex molecules our bodies need.

Microbes breed incredibly easily, the challenge is breeding the beneficial microbes without breeding the harmful microbes.

This is covered in the ‘growing’ section but the article ‘Summary: Creating Gbiota Beds and Boxes‘ explains the basic principles.

Recommended action plan

The first step is to read these two overview articles ‘The Essence’ and ‘Summary: Creating Gbiota Beds and Boxes’.

These are free and you don’t have to sign in or anything, click and read which will give you a good understanding of how our intelligent control system regulates our bodies and how we can train and grow food to feed our intelligent control system.

You can then either sign up for free to read our articles on food and health which we publish most weeks or become a full Gbiota member and subscribe and receive technical support by email or video chat.

Gbiota is about breeding beneficial microbes in the soil, growing plants in that soil when the microbes transfer to our gut.

It is a simple, inexpensive and highly effective system and is in everyone’s interest that it is done right, hence we attach great importance to technical support.

So email me at colin@gbiota.com so we can chat about your project.


Lots of stuff

There are over 300 articles and 200 videos on this site, that is a lot of stuff and nobody expects you to view everything so here are some tips to make life easy.

The key point is that we all have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and the key to health is to learn to feed and train this control system.

If this control system is working as it should we don’t have to worry about taking a specific number of micrograms of B12 or Selenium or whatever, our intelligent control system learns over time what foods contain what nutrients or minerals, sends out signals so we want to eat those foods without even thinking about it.

We have been successfully doing this for a million years or so without a dietary handbook in sight, just by eating natural foods grown locally.

These foods naturally contain the microbes which form part of our intelligent control system and also process naturally occurring minerals which make them bio-available.

That was until we changed our food system so it was deficient in these microbes which has led to the modern epidemic of chronic diseases.

As these microbes breed in the soil it may seem obvious to start breeding these beneficial microbes in the soil again which is a simple and inexpensive process.

But that is not the conventional wisdom.

Gbiota is simply about how to breed these beneficial microbes in organic waste to make a nutrient-rich living soil then grow plants in this soil and eat the plants while fresh before the microbes die.

In a world which seems to worship complexity, it seems that such a simple solution to the major problem of the epidemic of chronic disease would be welcomed with open arms but that is not the case.

So this website has two streams. The first stream starting with the heading Essence contains literally hundreds of articles written over the last thirty years when I have been working in this area which are aimed at showing this is sound technology.

The very first article summary is as it says a summary of all these articles.

So I suggest you start with this stream until you are convinced that breeding beneficial microbes is the solution, the link to the next article is at the bottom of each article, so keep on clicking on that as though you were reading a book, moving onto the next chapter.

When you are convinced click on the back to home page link and start reading how to breed beneficial microbes with the stream Creating Gbiota beds and boxes.

The first few articles in this stream are free to give you an idea on what is involved, and let us be upfront, there is some effort required – that is the cost of health.

If you feel that this is something you may like to undertake then you will need to sign up and become a full paying member when you will receive technical support.

However before you sign up and pay the money I suggest that you drop me an email, tell me a bit about your situation and I can make some suggestions on the best way to proceed.

You may lwant to be a home grower, you may want to become a Gbiota coach and advise new members or you may want to become a Gbiota grower and supply boxes to local people.
