Preventing the Chronic Disease Epidemic
Gbiota is a community benefit organisation aiming to prevent the current epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
These are all caused by the wrong fat in the wrong place.
We all have a highly sophisticated intelligent control system, our gut-brain, which regulates our appetite so we don’t overeat and get fat. It works incredibly well but we need to feed it gut-brain food – plants eaten while fresh, grown in soil teaming with beneficial microbes.
Gbiota shows you how to either grow or buy gut brain-food.
Modern food does not feed our gut-brain so getting fat and sick is normal with three out of four people dying prematurely from a chronic disease.
Trying to cure a chronic disease is stressing our health system to the limit, costing our Governments billions of dollars and worst of all does not work.
Prevention by eating gut-brain food costs very little and works.
Join the Gbiota movement and increase your chance of living a long and healthy life.
Why are some people fat and others skinny?
Because we have an intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.
It decides on a set point for how much fat we should store. It is like a thermostat in a house, it will try and keep the temperature (or fat store) to this set point.
The conventional wisdom is to override our control system, ignoring the set point and reducing fat using the principle of eat less exercise more.
It is the equivalent of setting the thermostat to 40ºC and opening all the doors and windows rather than turning down the thermostat.
It does work, at least after a fashion, but the costs to the community and the health system are massive, fat in the wrong place is the cause of all chronic diseases.
We need a paradigm shift to adjusting the set point on our inbuilt natural ‘fat’ controller.
That is what Gbiota is all about, changing the set point by eating so we feel satisfied.
You can read about changing the fat set point here on our website
Gbiota is a social movement to combat the ever-increasing epidemic of chronic disease. Our focus is on prevention.
Curing a patient suffering from a chronic disease such as amputating a foot which is turning black from diabetes or having a triple bypass to relieve a blocked artery or bariatric surgery to reduce weight is a medical problem.
Preventing chronic disease is a societal issue – having a park where you can walk or play ball with the kids, a local grower who can supply genuinely fresh vegetables, an effective system for recycling waste, above all it is about having the right sort of food readily available at an affordable cost.
Prevention is far more effective and costs a fraction of the medical cost of cure.
If you think you may be interested in joining a social movement to combat the epidemic of chronic diseases by prevention then start by watching this short video (2 mins) and then read the article Health – prevention first (20 mins) then Prevention better than cure.
It is free, you don’t have to sign any forms or register it is shared under the Creative Commons system for everyone and provides you with the information for you to decide whether you want to join the Gbiota club, the social movement of combat by prevention, of the epidemic of chronic disease.
If it is not for you that is fine – have a good life – we wish you well.
If it is for you then welcome aboard, sign up and become part of a group committed to making the world a better place to live for us humans.
First thing, before you start to look at the contents of this web is to read Health – prevention first then Health – prevention better than cure These are published under the creative commons systems for anyone to read and copy free of charge.