



What society?

What sort of society do we want to live in?

ads v realityOne based on Maximising Money by Manipulative Marketing.

Where we have a food system that is so sterile it is devoid of beneficial microbes so we never feel satisfied, overeat, get fat and sick and run the risk of having a limb amputated from diabetes.

Where we have little concern for the other living creatures on the planet, particularly the beneficial microbes which are the great recyclers so we destroy the very means of sustainable food production on which we all depend.

caring and compassionate societyOr

Do we want a caring and compassionate society where all people, black, white, brown, red or purple have healthy food to eat so they can live a long and healthy life?

Sharing knowledge

gbiotaboxIn this web, I show how to grow food based on breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste.

Growing and eating plants while still fresh so we have the beneficial microbes which make us feel satisfied.

No longer craving food so we do not overeat, get fat and sick and run the risk of having a limb amputated from diabetes.

Social movement

feed and trainNo one is going to get rich from recycling waste so we need a social movement where we share knowledge and information on how to grow sustainable and healthy food which will lead to a long and healthy life.

This does take more effort than throwing plastic food wrapped in plastic into a supermarket trolley but the reward is being part of a caring and cooperative community which will be around a long after the manipulative marketers.

Join us in creating this caring and compassionate society focused on people not profit.

Start by registering for free, then read the articles below.


There are over 300 posts and 150 videos on this site.  It may be an indepth study of food and health but it can be a bit overwhelming.

I have made a short list of the key posts below in a suggested reading schedule.

I suggest you start having a look a these posts, at the end of each post just click on Home in the menu or main menu in the footer at the bottom of each post which will bring you back to this page and then you can look at the next post.

You can see all post at New Posts, Food and Health, Gbiota news  for free as a signed up member or growing as a paying member

If you have question of want to chat I am available for email or video chats.

