



The two side of Gbiota

We teach how to grow plants as pre and pro-biotics. That is the easy bit, understanding and applying the science of breeding beneficial microbes in a special soil, Wickimix largely made from organic and rock dust, and using the principle of Eco balance to create the condition so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes.

This is straightforward but must be done right so we provide technical support to our members.

I answered a question for Jenny, one of our members which turned out to be one of the most important articles on how to sustainably grow healthy food and combat the epidemic the modern epidemic of chronic diseases, over-weight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

Normally an article like this would be restricted to members but this is such an important issue that I am making it available under the Creative Commons system which means it can be re-published without further approval, just acknowledgement of source www.gbiota,com

I have just released a major article on community health Here is the link

Here is the link to Jenny


Gbiota Manifesto

Gbiota technology

The Gbiota technology is to breed beneficial microbes, under carefully controlled conditions, so the beneficial microbes outbreed any harmful microbes in a mix of organic waste and minerals to produce a soil, Wickimix, teaming with life and nutrients.

Plants are grown in Wickimix, the beneficial microbes and nutrients enter the plants and then our gut to power our gut-brain which forms part of the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite and immune system.

This increases the chances of living a long and healthy life free of the modern epidemic of chronic or non-infectious diseases.

Gbiota organisation

Gbiota is a community benefit organisation, we are not a charity but aim to cover the significant cost of developing and promoting the technology but our primary aim is to benefit the community rather than generate profits for shareholders which we see as the great weakness of modern society.

We do not sell products but provide information to members of the public concerned about their health, those wishing to grow their own Gbiota food and to commercial organisations wishing to sell products produced using the Gbiota technology and health professionals and Government departments responsible for community health.

We ask that people and organisations respect our intellectual property and trade names such as Gbiota™ and Wickimix™. Many of our articles are published under the Creative Commons system which means they can be copied and reproduced without further permission just acknowledgement of  source.

Other articles and information are prepared for the benefit of growers using the Gbiota technology and we ask that these growers respect our intellectual property and copyright.



Dangerous ideas

fat person in shopHave you ever thought why, when you go to the shopping centre there are so many wobbly bums and tums and people hobbling around with a foot chopped off?

The real answer is not because our modern food has too many fats and sugars, we have to go back a few hundred thousand years for the real answer.

hunter gatherersA bunch of humanoids were sitting around their campfire when someone asked ‘What’s for breakfast?’

Some one said it would be a few hundred thousand years before someone invented Wheaties for breakfast so how about a Mastodon steak?

the planFeeling hungry they worked out a plan on how they could kill a Mastodon, it worked and humans became addicted to ideas, in this case cooperating was better than no breakfast.

We becames addicted to ideas from learning how to kill Mastodons and have a good breakfast – that’s unless you happened to be a Mastodon.

MastodonIf you want agreement never invite the loosers to the decision making process.

Since then we have had all sorts of good ideas, less good ideas and some terrible ideas which has led to us becoming a highly cooperative creature and the second most successful creature on the planet after cockroaches who will be the last remaining creature on Earth in a few billion years.

InequalityOne of those less good ideas and in my opinion terrible ideas is that the sole role of companies is to make as much money for their shareholders and in the case of the food (and tobacco and fossil fuel) industries who cares about the collateral damage of people getting fat and sick and having their legs chopped off from diabetes.

colin austinMy idea, which I am trying hard to sell, is that companies, food companies in particular should accept that they have a social responsibility and become community benefit companies.

It is pointless my saying that unless I can offer a technology that will benefit the community.

That is the Gbiota technology for growing plants.

Greta ThunbergI can’t change the world, I am just one old man so if Greta struggled to change the world on climate change then what hope do I have with food? My name is not Greta Foodberg.

But I do know how to grow food that will reduce the number of people with fat and wobbly bums and tums and with one foot missing.

That is what Gbiota is all about.


What is Gbiota?

gbiota bed principlesGbiota is the technology of breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste under controlled conditions such that they outbreed any harmful microbes using the principle of Ecobalance.

The result is a soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients (Wickimix).

Plants are grown in the soil, the microbes enter the plants and then our gut which form part of the intelligent control system that regulates our bodies, particularly our appetite.

gut brain connectionThis could help reduce the modern epidemic of chronic disease, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

It is a simple and inexpensive process, the challenge is to get widespread adoption in a world dominated by a lust for profit, disinformation and clever and effective manipulative advertising. Tobacco, fossil fuels, food – profits ahead of community benefit.

community benefitGbiota is a community benefit organisation.  We beleive the idea that company’y sole responsibilty is for shareholder profits is a great failure of modern society.

All companies have a duty to the community and be a community benefit organisations.

Support us please by keep on reading.


There are two parts to the Gbiota movement.

The easy bit

colinaieeThe first is the Gbiota technology. By serendipity, luck, hard work and maybe a bit of talent I was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering in computational fluid flow for which I was recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators and a world leader in fluid flow.

Gbiota technology is about creating the conditions so the good bugs outbreed the bad bugs by creating what I call Goldilocks moisture. To be honest this is straightforward engineering to someone with my background.

The difficult bit

farmers marketThe second is to create a better, more human-orientated and stable society.

My long-term aim is to create a new industry of local growers that supply Gbiota boxes to their local community.

These would be community benefit organisations that accept that a company is not in business purely to make money for their shareholders but has a responsibility to their community.

This comes naturally with a local business where the business owners are in regular contact with their customers.

profit maximiseThe opposite is true for a multi-national company where the directors are under pressure to maximise returns by whatever means possible.

This does not lead to a good society with gross inequality and the losers suffering. Eight millions people a year have a limb amputated from diabetes so mega corporations have super profits.

That is not good society.

Hopefully you will support this movement, the first step is to read Rethinking food, my dynamic E-book. I decided to make a nominal charge of $Au15 ($Us10) so I can pay the people who are working on this project a fair wage.

We are not a charity, we are a community benefit organisation.


con manI am advised by smart people who know about internet marketing never to start a web page with bad news.

This ridiculous idea that bad things go away if you pretend they don’t exist provoked me to write ‘My Teddy’ about hiding under the bedclothes

and ‘The Great Food War’ which is hopefully a bit of a wake up call to those how think life is wonderful.

There are many more controversial articles in my E-book ‘Rethinking Food’ which is a must read if you worry about sustainable and healthy food production.

colin austinWell, I am 84 years old, fit and healthy and am horrified by the number of wobbly bums and tums, and people hobbling about with a leg amputation whenever I go to the local shopping centre.

So next time you go to the shopping centre take off your virtual reality glasses, think about what you see and ask yourself why.

I don’t mean a little why like there is too much sugary fatty food on the shelves or too much disinformation on social media, keep digging until you get to the real answer.

food crisisIf you are like me, lucky enough to have a technical background and old with the time to spend hours each day reading technical papers you will see that it is not a technical problem. If you don’t have the time then you can read the articles on the web.

You will see that we have the technology to stop this epidemic of chronic infectious diseases while having a sustainable food system.

buterflyIf we have the technology to fix it then why has it not been fixed?

It is a battle between profits and public benefit and profits won, for now.

But if you and your friends and your friends friends work together this can be changed.

It won’t be easy and it will take more than the attention span of a moth.

advertisingI created this web to tell the story of food that will make us healthy. It is devoid of clever marketing gimmicks and we don’t sell magic pills that don’t work, we just tell the story about the world’s food system as it is and more importantly what you can do about it.

We are in the front line in the battle of the modern web, clever manipulative marketing versus facing the world as it really is.

Blue zoneThe first step is to understand the issues, for example, why is it that people in the blue zones live to a ripe old age, fit and healthy to the end with only a basic health system while we in so-called high technology countries with a sophisticated health system get fat and sick and die well before the age of natural death?

I have written ‘Rethinking Food’ what I call a dynamic E-Book which is a collection of articles about food and health I have written over the last thirty years.

HomeostasisNone of the popular magic slogans ‘like eat less exercise more’ and instead gets down to the underlying causes of the modern health epidemic and yes it will take a bit of time and thinking.

If there was a simple punch line it would be that the cause is the way we grow our food so it is lacking the beneficial microbes which form the intelligent control system in our gut biome and the lack of critical trace minerals.

gbiotaboxDon’t blame the modern food industry for what is in our food, it is what is not in our food that matters.

You then have two options, you can learn to grow plants with the beneficial microbes in Gbiota boxes yourself – not that difficult and you can do tomorrow – instructions are on this web

or you can help us in creating a new industry where local growers supply Gbiota boxes to their local community as a viable business.

We are a social benefit organisation that thinks beyond making a profit.




