Food paradigm shift
I have decided to include this in my hip-hop dynamic book even though I probably should not as I wrote this in a state of fury so you may be better to use the skip button above.
The Internet Advising Industry seems to think that the entire world has the attention span of a cabbage moth.
If you decide to read on you will see that it is essential that I establish working relationship with serious thinking people who full understand the importance of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.
The failure of this control system is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of chronic disease which is the prime cause of premature death in 70-80% of cases.
I know such people exist but they despite all the wonders of the internet and modern intelligence system they seem unable of unwilling to locate such people – hence by fury.
Here is what I wrote
I have received an offer from internet marketing experts to redesign my web to enhance the marketing. I thought I would temporarily publish my reply on the home page.
Here it is:-
Web design
Many thanks for your offer to redesign my web to improve the customer experience which will bring many thousands of visitors to my site.
I am trying to create a food paradigm shift, I am one of the few people who have hands on experience in creating a paradigm shift so from hard experience let me tell you how paradigm shifts occur in the real world.
Imagine you create this beautiful web which is focused on the forthcoming food crisis and many thousands of people visit the site.
Food crisis
They will see the words food crisis and say what crisis? – the Supermarkets are just overflowing with food.
And they are nearly right. Currently, the total amount of food produced globally is approaching 5 billion tonnes. That is more than enough to feed the entire world population now and into the future. The food industry is one of the world’s largest industries, controlled by large corporations who spend millions of dollars on improving the technology.
The rate of increase of food production exceeds the increase in the world’s population and despite all the threats from climate change, degradation of our soils, and exhaustion of essential minerals there will still be enough food in absolute terms.
Not what you expected
There is a coming food crisis but not what people expect and all people need to understand the nature of this coming food crisis.
So the challenge is how do I get this message out to the public at large.
I have to learn from my previous paradigm shift which was about flow into moulds.
This occurs in flow channels and the conventional wisdom and accepted practise was that the bigger the flow channel the easier the mould would fill – just plain obvious and common sense – right?
I went around the world giving lectures to many hundreds of experienced engineers and what they heard (but not what I said) was that these flow channels should be made smaller not bigger.
Of course, most thought this was ridiculous and I was some sort of lunatic from a country with Kangaroos hopping down the main street and I needed to be put into a straight jacket.
People may not hear what you say
But only a very few people actually heard what I said which was that if you make some flow channels smaller this will deflect the flow away from the easy to fill areas into the more difficult to fill areas.
I had also developed some sophisticated Computer Aided Engineering flow simulations which enabled engineers to calculate how much smaller these flow channels needed to be.
I don’t think any of these pioneering engineers who heard what I said believed me at first but they were sufficiently intrigued to go away and tested it and I was right – it worked. The ultimate test is does it work?
These pioneering engineers then started to tell other engineers that this worked and soon there was an industry wide paradigm shift.
Not me – them
I could never have achieved that myself, how much time and effort I had put into promotion I could never have achieved this paradigm shift. These earlier pioneers were essential and they, not me created the paradigm shift.
This is the way science and technology works, by other scientists and technologist testing the innovative technology independently to test if it really does work.
I was eventually recognised as one of Australia’s leading innovators but it was not me that created the paradigm shift it was those early pioneers who saw the potential and demonstrated beyond doubt that this really did work.
Food crisis affects everyone
Now there really is a food crisis coming and this affects everyone on this earth – we all have to eat. We do need a food paradigm shift but however clever and flash my marketing or attractive my web site this will not create this essential paradigm shift.
That will be achieved by other food pioneers who test my technology for themselves, shows it works, then demonstrate to the wide world that this works.
Must talk directly
So my web is for me to talk directly to these food pioneers and help them understand and apply the technology. Then there will be wide spread adoption across the globe, not because of clever marketing but because it works.
My job now is to find and connect to those food pioneers and I need to do this promptly before the food crisis hits.
Food for our intelligent control system
The crisis is not an absolute shortage of food but a shortage of the food that powers our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies so we naturally want to eat the right amount of the right sort of food which is the whole point of this new technology.
I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist of bio-chemist – I am an engineer and engineers design and build machines and every machine has some sort of control system – some a simple on/off switch other a highly sophisticated control system.
Control Systems for Power stations
My first job after qualifying was in a company making control systems for power stations which taught me a useful lesson about control systems.
Power systems have sophisticated control systems but they don’t always work as hoped. A classic story is the case of the football half time break.
People watching the match at home take the break to make a cuppa putting an abrupt strain on the power system which even the sophisticated computer system could not anticipate, it took a human to realise what what going on and manually anticipate the surge in demand. Humans are very good at conceptual thinking while computers are far superior at mechanical thinking.
Intelligent control software for irrigation
Later in life I wrote up some intelligent irrigation control software which gave me an understanding of how the human intelligent control system works.
Irrigation is actually a very difficult problem as the plants, the season and the weather are continuously changing so there are no pre-prepared plans. What is needed is to monitor many factors particularly soil moisture evaporation and rainfall, and water applied over previous irrigations and particularly the predicted evaporation and rainfall.
It is then possible to learn how this system works and predict how much water to apply – an early version of self learning software.
We have an intelligent control system
But this gives us a model for how the human intelligent control system works. From the first suck on Mums breasts we are monitoring what we eat and what the effect is, our control system (our gut-brain) learns which and how much food work for us and ensures we naturally want to eat the right amount of the right sort of food.
In the old food paradigm we nutritionist calculate out to the micro-gram how much of each of the essential nutrients based on an estimate of how much we need. That is not wrong but is only a partial view of how our bodies work.
New paradigm – feed our intelligent control system
In the new paradigm we focus on ensuring our inbuilt intelligent control system, which has worked nicely for a million years or so until we developed hygienic but inert modern ultra processed foods, and works as evolution has determined is best for us.
It has much in common with the intelligent irrigation system which aims to regulate the amount of water applied based on the water used by the plants rather than some formulae based on crop factors derived from generic data.
A war we must win
The failure of our intelligent control system causes more deaths than all the other causes of death, including Covid, Mpox and all those horrible deaths from war.
It is the biggest hazard facing humanity and rises above the need of any internet marketing fashions. It is a war we must win and than requires the right strategy which is forming this alliance with like minded people.
The job at hand is to make contact with those early food pioneers so they can recognise the importance of our intelligent control system and can make this the new paradigm.