Gbiota technology controls the Eco system in the soil to breed beneficial microbes that enhance our gut biota to improve health  – We show you how.

  Join the Gbiota movement here for free (Expires 31st March 2024)

Tim SpectorIt is well known that our gut biota plays a major roles in our health. Many researchers, such as Tim Spector, Professor at Imperial College, London explains this in his book Food for Life.

Microbes breed and die incredibly fast. Within twenty minutes a new microbe will start to breed but will die after maybe seventy hours. The population continues but the individual microbes die.

You can have a faecal transplant and that works but is a sophisticated medical procedure with limitations.

But I cannot send you out a packed of beneficial microbes which you can buy on the internet and expect them to be still alive when they arrive – that’s life.

But I can teach you how you can create the conditions where beneficial microbes can breed so successfully that they out breed and out compete the harmful microbes which are always present. This is simple, practical and inexpensive.

Admittedly this requires more effort than swallowing a pill but is based on a system which has been proven to work – until we changed our food system.

Our super computer

The trillions of cells in our gut biome communicate with each other to form a super computer which regulates our bodies.

This behaves in the way that Artificial Intelligence operates, monitoring every piece of food we eat and seeing its effect on our bodies then deciding what and how much we want to eat.

Our gut brain is highly sophisticated.

There are thousands of different species in our gut brain, which originate in the soil and are transferred to our gut when we eat plants grown in that soil.

The soil, the microbes in the soil, the plants and our gut form an interconnected Eco system which changes according to the conditions.

The Gbiota technology controls these conditions to give us the Eco system which we know from observations of the real world lead to us having the healthiest gut and life style.

Fortunately this is a very easy technology to apply, home gardeners can change the microbes in their soil, even people living in apartments can create soil for growing plants in pots.

The main inputs are recycled organic waste, rock dust and inoculants making it a very inexpensive process – cheaper than buying food from the supermarket.

How many technologies lead to a longer health span and lower costs?

My role, in the Gbiota movement is to teach members how to enhance their soil by controlling the conditions.


Gbiota Hello

We need to feed our gut brain which is the intelligent control system for our bodies.

Our modern chemical industrial agriculture and highly processed foods simply does not feed our intelligent control system so we need to modify our food system.

People react in different ways.

Some people see this as their mission to change the world for the better for their grand kids.

Other people are not bothered about going on a mission and just want to have good food for themselves and their families and are prepared to go to the trouble of growing some of their food.

Others think this is all too much work but still want to buy healthy food.

Your all welcome

Let me tell you that you are all welcome to join the Gbiota movement. Even if you just start eating healthy food and feel better in yourself and your friends see this – then this is the best promotion we can have for the cause.

Being healthy should be fun – not an ordeal

But let me tell you that this does not have to be some ordeal.

There are diet enthusiast who will lead you to believe that just one meal of chicken and chips followed by a good hunk of cheese cake will mean you are sacrificing you life and will back this up with a list of long chemicals names to convince you that your life is somehow doomed.

Out bodies are not that wimpy.

gut brain foodMost of the food we just burn off for energy – its just fuel.

You can have a steam engine which can run on coal, gas, wood or even old furniture and it works fine. Our bodies are like that – give us food and most (about 80%) is just burned off as fuel.

But our bodies are also very clever and they use our food to replace our body parts as they age and wear. This does required a variety of minerals and nutrients, some with very long and impressive chemical names but are just part of a regular diet (may be 15%).

Only a small part (may be 5%) of our food intake needs to be specifically to feed our gut brain – but it is vital for our health.

Our gut brain is super smart

gut brain connectionBut our gut brain is our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies, deciding how much and where we should store fat.

It is smart, sensing what we eat and its affect on out bodies and learning, like artificial intelligence how that affects our bodies. Once learned it gives us a strong preference for certain types of food.

This is totally critical for our bodies, not feeding our gut brain makes as much sense as having a drunk at the wheel of a Lamborghini.

This may only make up 5% of our food intake but is totally critical for our health.

Chicken wings, chips and cheese cake still on the menu – but

So you can still eat chicken wings and chips and a hunky slice of cheese cake and still live a long and healthy life.

It is just that your gut brain will tell you that you have had enough chicken wings, chips and cheese cake so you just call a halt naturally.


So whatever your scene – join the Gbiota movement, change the world, grow your own healthy food or find someone who will grow it for you – and welcome.

Currently you can join for free and read all the articles on how to grow gut brain food, but you need to sign up with a valid email address and click the box on any post saying notify me of new posts.  We publish a new post about once a week, but we do not email members, you have to go to this web to see them.

We are not in the business of selling stuff, (although  we help other people supply gut brain food) our role is to teach people how to grow gut brain food and if you want to learn you need to join the Gbiota movement.



Grow gut brain food

hunter gatherersA few hundred thousand year ago a puny creature that barely survived took a world changing decision – to use an existing technology, fire to cook food. This gave it the energy to grow a huge brain which led to intelligence and cooperation so this creature became the dominant creature on the planet – us.

What we ate changed us as a species.

Two brains

Actually we developed two brains, one in our head the other in our gut. They may be separate but they work together so we can call it our gut brain.

The brain in our gut is made up of trillions of cells which communicate with each other, just like super computer providing an intelligent control system which naturally regulates our bodies.

Smarter than AI

Our gut brain is really smart making modern artificial intelligence look like a dumbo

Throughout our life it is monitoring what we eat and what our body needs.

Is continuously manages our appetite so we eat what is healthy for us totally naturally.

If we are short of say B12, very common in modern society, and we eat some brewers yeast flakes, which is full of B12 then over time we will learn to really like yeast flakes.

For our gut brain to work properly we have to feed it gut brain food. It needs fibre, which comes from plants so existing microbes can flourish and breed and a fresh supply of microbes, preferably with a broad spectrum of species.

For hundreds of thousands of years we ate plants grown in living soil full of nutrients so had a healthy gut brain.

The big goof – we stopped feeding our gut brain

Then we made one of the biggest mistakes mankind has ever made, we stopped feeding our gut brain – we became fat and sick and our health span reduced as we started to eat highly processed food which was inert, dead like Monty Pythons parrot, and lacked essential nutrients and minerals.

This is easily solved by feeding our gut brain, which is easy, costs less that buying highly processed food and recycles waste organics which would otherwise be contributing to green house gases.

The plan

But how do we do this? We need a plan.

Concerened thinkers

My plan is to start by creating a social movement of concerned thinkers, anywhere in the world, who understand the importance of a healthy gut brain and are prepared to grow their own gut brain food and show to their friends and contacts that this really works.

Seeing is believing

In the second stage many more people will see the benefit of growing their own gut brain food and even though they have no garden or garden experience start growing their own gut brain food.

Commerial growers

In the third stage there will be a demand for gut brain food which will encourage local commercial growers to supply gut brain food.

My job is to show people how to grow gut brain food – that is what this web is all about.

First you have to join which you do here. For the next three months this is totally free. Over this period I will be writing many posts to show how to grow gut brain food. You should click the button to notify me of new posts at the bottom of any post and you will have to login to access these posts.

If you have any questions of issues just contact me at


Watch videos of Gbiota boxes being made and regenerating with fresh microbes and nutrients, watch time under 3 minutes

watch here




Gut biota and health span

People are becoming very aware of how enhanced gut biota can lead to a longer health span.

Real food over pills

pills We live in the age of the hype machine promoting some magic pill which will instantaneously give them a healthy gut.

This is a fictitious world – the gut brain is one of the most sophisticated devices on the planet.

Our gut brain is  the intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and keeps us fit and healthy throughout our life.

We don’t get fat and sick simply because we eat too much, we get fat because our gut brain senses our diet it not right and sends our hormones to make us hungry – then we get fat. The solution is to feed our gut brain the food it needs.

Natural sophistication

It is highly sophisticated – the product of millions of years of evolution and is one of the wonders of the world.

From when you take your first gulp of milk from your mum to your very last meal your gut brain is learning what food is good, makes you feel satisfied and provides all the nutrients that you need.

I study the natural process of how our gut brain works and try make this information available to as many people as possible so they can enhance their gut brain.

Living soil over dirt and chemicals

exuding sugarsI show how the natural process works from the microbes in the soil making insoluble rock particles in the soil into bio-available nutrients, how different species of plants will exude different sugars to attract specific species of microbes which will enter the plants and we will eat to form our gut biota.

I explain how you can create soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients, which can grow plants which enhance your gut biota and the chances of a longer health span.

We cannot guarantee it will work for everyone, genetics and epigenetics (gene expression) means everyone is different.

Yes it will take more effort than buying some magic pill – but it a natural process that has evolved and been tested over millions of years.

Join the Gbiota movement for free Expires 31st March 2024



Fat and sick

Across the globe people are getting fat and sick from an epidemic of diseases like diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.


Find our here at Fat and Sick

Recycling food waste

Recycling food waste to grow plants which are natural pre and pro biotics – extends health span – saves money – is more sustainable – anyone can do it – everyone should.

Our gut brain, made up of trillions of cells or thousands of species is like a super computer, monitoring everything we eat and the affect on our bodies and learns, over time,  to regulate our appetite – how much and what we want to eat.

If we feed it the right food, the beneficial microbes will work to give us a long health span free from chronic disease.

On the other hand, if we feed it the wrong food it is likely to lead to us becoming fat and sick.

fat and skinny miceWe learned this from experiments with mice. We could make them fat or skinny simply by what we fed them.

We learned that humans are the same from using faecal transplants with slim people becoming fat.

We decide what we want to feed our gut brain.

It is our choice.

Virtually anyone can grow beneficial gut brain food at home starting with organic waste so it cost less than buying food from the supermarket.

There are literally hundreds of articles and videos on growing gut food which may be of interest to the technically curious but can be a bit overwhelming for those people who just want to grow gut brain food, but if you just follow Newposts you will soon get the latest information, as I publish new articles on my experiments regularly.

Read more at Fat and Sick



supermarketThe shops are full of food. Currently we are growing enough energy food to feed the entire world with some to spare.

But energy food is not enough, there is a whole range of minerals and vitamins that are missing from modern food.

While we can buy pills containing all known Vitamins and minerals, but they are expensive.

However, there is one food that is totally missing – gut brain food.

That is important as our gut brain works as our intelligent control system which regulates our appetite and decides how much and where we store fat.

Lack of gut brain food is the root cause of the modern health epidemic of overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.

But you can’t buy gut brain food from a shop.

There is only really one way of getting gut brain food – and that is to grow it yourself and to pick and eat it while it is genuinely fresh.

Gut brain food is living and must be eaten while really fresh.

That is what this web site is all about – how you can  grow living gut brain food at home.

It is neither difficult or expensive, virtually anyone can do it but you have to do it the right way.

Join the Gbiota movement and grow your own gut brain food.

Join the Gbiota movement for free expires 31st March 2024

Fore more information email me at


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Colin Austin  © Creative commons this document may be reproduced but the source should be acknowledged. Information may be used for private use but commercial use requires a license.
