Making it easy

Over the years I have written up many posts on how to make Gbiota boxes and beds – so many that it’s all a bit confusing so I have gone back over these posts, selected out the key bits of information and created one single post.

This is part of my campaign to save 100,000 people from diabetes amputation.

Basic principles

People get diabetes from deficiencies of phyto-nutrients and beneficial microbes in our modern diet.

Our intelligent control system, our gut brain, that regulates senses these deficiencies, sends out signals for us to eat more, then stores this as fat which in the case of diabetics goes to the pancreas so it can no longer makes insulin and bingo we are diabetic.

The solution which will work for most people is to feed our gut brain.

Will it work for you? I have no idea, genetics play a part in diabetes – you just have to try it and see.

But it is simple and inexpensive.

– make soil (Wickimix) a combination of clay (chemistry works on the particles surface), minerals (volcanic rock dust), organic waste (from your kitchen), creatures of the soil (like worms, soldier flies and other wrigglies which have a gut biome just like us) and inoculant (good bugs).

– set up an irrigation schedule so the water never becomes stagnant and floods and drain the soil so it breathes expelling old stale air and sucking in fresh air.

– grow a broad spectrum of plants

– pick and eat them while still fresh before the beneficial microbes die.



Chronic or non-infectious diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia are the most common causes of sickness and death. The statistics are horrifying with eight million people are year having a limb amputated from diabetes from what we are told (wrongly) is an irreversible disease.

It never used to be like this – what went wrong?​

Chronic diseases all have the common feature of the wrong fat in the wrong place.

And what are we told? Eat less exercise more.

This assumes our bodies have no intelligence and just work on a simple basis of energy in and energy out.

Our bodies are much more complicated than that.

The deficit theory

We are not simply little piggies that eat too much – we overeat when we sense a deficiency in our diet and our gut-brain decides we need to fix that deficit.

Our bodies, actually our gut-brain, has real intelligence and can detect deficiencies in our bodies and hits the red alarm bell sending out messages for us to eat more.

When it senses that we have all the multitude of nutrients that we need it sends out signals saying you are full – stop eating.

Our super-computer

Out gut-brain is like a super-computer in our gut with trillions of cells communicating with each other and making decisions.

If we have the wrong microbes in our gut it does not work as it should and does not tell us to stop eating – that is probably the most common cause of obesity.

What works?

The only effective way of providing the essential microbes is by growing plants in living soil, full of beneficial microbes and nutrients. This is the way we used to eat so has been tested over thousands of years.

Chronic diseases have only reached epidemic proportions since we changed our food system.

Growing gut-brain food is simple, anyone can do it, even people living in an apartment and it costs less than buying food from the supermarket.

Social movement

We know how to grow gut-brain food. The question is how to get that message out to the millions of people at risk of chronic disease amidst a barrage of manipulative advertising.

This will only happen with a social movement.

People need to talk to real people who are growing their own gut-brain food so they can see for themselves that this works in the real world and is not a figment from the fake world of the digital society.

With eight million people having a limb amputated from diabetes, with the increasing impact of climate change and degradation of our soils, this is one of the most critical issues facing the future of humanity.

I, just one eighty-four year old man, can do little to change this.

But what I can do is provide the mechanism for people who are growing their own gut-brain food to tell their story. We are the dominant species on earth because we are intelligent and cooperative.

Join a social movement so we all have food that makes us healthy – read more here.

Food crisis

mineral deficiencyFood is one of the major threats to humanity, not an absolute lack of food – we produce more than enough energy food, carbs, fats and sugars, to feed the entire world now and well into the future.

Right now our food is deficient in essential minerals but even more important is food to feed out gut-brain which regulates our appetite and hosts much of our immune system.

Across the globe people are getting fat and sick, and it is not simply because we overeat. The real reason is that our gut-brain senses these deficiencies, decides we need to store more fat and sends out signals so we overeat.

gbiota is our technical web site which shows how to feed our gut-brain by breeding beneficial microbes in the soil, which is used to grow plants which, if eaten fresh, before the microbes die, will feed out gut brain.

But it is no good having the technology if it is not widely adopted. is the social media site where people, concerned about the food crisis, can exchange information and practical experiences and create the needed social movement to create change.


Why we need to act

Everybody has an intelligent control system that regulates our bodies.

It is a combination of our head and gut brains. We cannot change our head brain, we can train it and maybe change how it is expressed (Epigenetics).

But, putting it bluntly we are stuck with our head brain.

Some people can eat whatever the like and never become fat or diabetic while others will become diabetic whatever they do. Life is not fair.

But most people in the middle have a choice whether they have a foot chopped off or not.

But we can change our gut brain, simply by what what we eat.

If you are diabetic then you may end up having a limb amputated, like the other 8 million diabetics who have a limb amputated.

No one can tell you whether changing your gut brain will stop you from having a limb amputated, but it is easy to find out, just eat gut-brain food. It is easy and costs less than buying food from the supermarket but you do have to have plants growing at home so you can pick and eat while fresh and before the beneficial microbes die.

It is your choice but you need to know that there is an option available to you.

Our gut is an integral part of that control system regulating our appetite, how much and where we store fat in our bodies, and also our immune system.

Our gut has intelligence from the trillions of microbes in our gut communicating with each other, just like in a computer.

These microbes are living creatures that come from the soil.

In our modern diet, which is focused on highly processed foods, there are no living microbes.

The result is that our gut-brain does not work as it should so we have a major health epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, and dementia, including the 8 million people a year have a limb amputated from diabetes.

The Gbiota technology was developed so almost all people, including those living in apartments, could be eating plants, grown in living soil, freshly picked and so full of beneficial microbes.

This technology could improve the lives of billions of people across the globe.

Every eight seconds someone has a limb amputated, there is a high chance we could prevent them from loosing their foot but we have to tell them how.

We need to modify our food system so everyone has access to gut-brain food – plants grown in living soil and eaten fresh before the microbes die.

That is what this web is all about.

Our intelligent control system

We all have an intelligent control system that regulates our bodies to give us the best chance of a long and healthy life.

It is a combination of our head and gut brain so we call it the gut-brain.

Its aim is to keep us alive and healthy as long as possible, it understands that it cannot do this forever so it wants us to breed to preserve its DNA.

Our intelligent control system is the most important system in our bodies, it keeps us alive and breeding.

It receives signals from all over our bodies, processes them to decide what action to take then sends out instructions.

If we get fat and sick it is not simply because we eat too much, it is because our gut-brain tells us to eat too much then we get fat and sick.

It evolved over many thousands of years, fed by plants, grown in living soil, and eaten fresh.

Our modern food system no longer feeds our gut-brain leading to an epidemic of chronic diseases, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and dementia.

If we want to increase our chances of a long and healthy life, we need to feed our gut-brain.

This website shows how. Anyone can do it but it is not trivial. Don’t be conned by the manipulative advertising that you can take some magic pill and be fit and healthy for ever, that is the virtual world but we live in the real world.

There are hundreds of posts and videos on this site which can be overwhelming so I have created a special post called Map to direct readers to the posts and videos that are relevant to them. This often changes.

Start by reading these two articles.


Grow your own gut-brain food if you want a long and healthy life

chronic diseases is a site for concerned thinkers. Concerned about our food system which right now is making us fat and sick and with the combination of climate change and degradation of our soil, threatens the food supply for every person on this earth.

In these modern times most people die from some chronic disease, overweight, diabetes, heart attack, dementia etc.

If you want a sporting chance of living a long and healthy life then you need to understand how the way your food is grown affects your health.

If you think that you can spend thirty seconds looking at some web page then buy some pill and then live a long and healthy life then I suggest you check out those mushrooms you are eating, because that is delusional.

You need to spend fifteen minutes reading how the way your food is grown affects your health then change what you eat – not that difficult but certainly not trivial either.

You can read Rethinking food and diabetes here, then either

– sign up as a grower which give you full access to this site, we don’t sell any product – we just show how to grow food


– sign up as a consumer and buy from a local Gbiota grower.


If you have a genuine interest in joining the Gbiota social movement and doing something about food security and the food crisis then join the Gbiota movement below.  You need to give a valid email. We rarely email members directly so we wont bug you.

But we do write a new post every week.  If you click on the ‘notify me’ of new posts button on any post you will receive automatic notification.

You will need to join once then login every time you enter the site to access these posts.

Food crisis

mineral deficiencyFood is one of the major threats to humanity, not an absolute lack of food – we produce more than enough energy food, carbs, fats and sugars, to feed the entire world now and well into the future.

Right now our food is deficient in essential minerals but even more important is food to feed out gut-brain which regulates our appetite and hosts much of our immune system.

Across the globe people are getting fat and sick, and it is not simply because we overeat. The real reason is that our gut-brain senses these deficiencies, decides we need to store more fat and sends out signals so we overeat.

gbiota is our technical web site which shows how to feed our gut-brain by breeding beneficial microbes in the soil, which is used to grow plants which, if eaten fresh, before the microbes die, will feed out gut brain.

But it is no good having the technology if it is not widely adopted. is the social media site where people, concerned about the food crisis, can exchange information and practical experiences and create the needed social movement to create change.

