Just try it – it is neither expensive or difficult
I am proposing that you make your own soil from food and organic waste, add mineral and microbes to create a soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients and grow plants and eat them while fresh.
This will increase your chances of a long and healthy life.
But why should you believe me? We live in the age of the hype machine.
To read the full article go to Try it here or watch the video
There has been a great deal of interest in the Gbiota technology but I am getting the feeling that many people see breeding beneficial microbes to improve gut health as incredibly complicated. It is not just watch this video then get back to me.
To convince people how simple it is I have introduced a starter project.
I supply a box of Gbiota soil and a seed pack – this cost $50 including P&P.
To buy the pack just email me colin@gbiota.com and I will send you a link and full instructions.
Learn how to grow you own gut brain food
The Gbiota technology enables regular people to breed beneficial, broad spectrum, gut microbes at home in waste food to create soil teaming with beneficial microbes and nutrients.
They grow plants in this soil which contain these beneficial microbes which they eat to enhance their gut biota which increases their chance of a long and healthy life.
Using organic waste as the principal input means the costs are minimal and a waste product which would otherwise end up as green house gases is converted into a valuable product.
It is based on a natural system which has been tested over millions of years until humans decided to destroy the living soil with toxic chemicals
If you want to learn more about the importance of the gut biota watch the Invisible Extinction on SBS on demand.
Read more about the Gbiota movement here
Creating soil from waste is key to the Gbiota movement read about soil here Gbiota soil.
Fore more information email me at colin@gbiota.com
Ready to sign up go to to sign up and join the Gbiota movement here
Want more information continue reading
Want to chat then email me at colin@gbiota.com I like to hear from people interesed in recycling waste to improve their health and the planet
To see what Gbiota is all about in a nutshell watch this video
To see what Gbiota is all about in a nutshell watch this video.
If you are just visiting this site for the first time I understand that within 90 seconds you will decide whether this web site is useful for you.
Let me help.
I create at least one new post a week. In that 90 seconds you can look at my latest post Gbiota soil yes, soil is a big thing for us, and by reading just the first page you can decide if this is your thing or not.
If it is not your scene then we understand, thanks for popping by, and have a good life.
This site is for concerned thinkers
Concerned that climate change will hobble our ability to grow food to feed the world. A quantity problem.
Concerned that our modern industrialised food system, lacking nutrients and beneficial microbes, is making us crave yet more food. A quality problem.
Concern that we are not feeding our gut brain which is our intelligent control system deciding how much, where and what sort of fat we store and regulating our appetite and immune system. It is continuously learning, we have to feed it and teach it.
Concern that the internet, among mans greatest creations, is turning into a hype machine turning us from a cooperative creature, our natural state, to dumb donkeys happy to hand over our money.
Growing real food is easy
Growing real food is easy, but it is not trivial, it takes a bit of effort to understand the key principles.
There are hundred of posts on this site which can be a bit overwhelming so I have arranged them in a reading sequence starting with the Tribox story and at the bottom of each page there is a link to the next logical post to study, or you can just do your own thing and look at the briefs under each menu heading and decide what to read next.
I hope you join the Gbiota movement – it is a good cause which has the potential to change the way society works for the better,
People join the Gbiota movement to learn how to grow gut food.
Start with Gbiota soil
There is a fair bit to learn but I have arranged the various posts in reading order so first go to The Tribox story then follow the link at the bottom of each post.
OK next step – Join the gut brain food movement here.
Fore more information email me at colin@gbiota.com