Why join the Gbiota social movement

You have arrived at the join page so obviously your are considering whether to join the Gbiota social movement.

Let me give you my take on the situation.

Lucky me

Luck plays a big part in life and I have been incredibly lucky.

My parents gave me one of the greatest gifts any parent can give to a child.

No not great wealth, in reality they were village peasants earning a living by selling their labour.

They gave me the ability to think, intelligence, and I was again lucky that at that time the Government recognised the social benefit of education and paid for me to study Engineering at University.

Again luck was on my side as it turned out that I had the ability to look at problems from a different view point and find innovative solution. In fact I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators.

My pioneering innovations on computer aided engineering created a lot of wealth, largely for other people, but some rubbed of on me which gave me the financial independence to explore other area I felt to be important.

Technology must benefit the people

I am a great believer in the importance of technology but also believe that technology should work for the benefit of the people, not just make profits for the already rich.

It was obvious to me that technology was destroying the natural resources that human life depends on which inevitably means looking at how we can grow food sustainably.

The future is not looking good with a combination of climate change and destruction of our soils but at this moment we are actually producing enough energy food for the entire global population, bit of an equity problem, but enough physical food to provide all the calorie we need.

There is more to food than calories

But life is more complex than calories – despite what some nutritionist would have you believe we are not some thermodynamic machine and all you need to do is stuff it with calories.

The greatest deficiency modern diet is that we are not feeding our gut brain which acts as an intelligent control system for our bodies.

This is the cause of the modern epidemic of chronic disease like diabetes, heart attacks and dementia but what may be more important is our appetite. We may be well fed, calorie wise, but if our gut brain decides we are lacking some food then we feel hungry and get angry, as they say hangry.

This could be the major issue that us humans face as aggression spreads across the globe.

We must feed our gut brain

elowenFeeding our gut brain is one of the great challenges facing humanity and is what the Gbiota movement is all about. The technology is resolved the challenge is to change the food paradigm so we eat gut brain food.

I may be a fit and healthy eighty four year old but I can do the maths, my time to when I go to the great compost bin in the sky is limited – so I have to form a social movement to continue the work of helping people to feed their gut brain.

I have to help make a life worth living for my four grand children and two great grand children.

Must be financially viable for when I go to the great compost bin

This social movement must be financially viable and so I do this by making my site a subscription site but one with a bit of a difference.

There are some people who are genuinely struggling financially and they need to be able to access the information on how to grow their own gut brain food.

I wanted to make this free but got bombarded with dubious characters using my site to sell pills. I had to protect the movement from the scammers.

Level 1 Annual subscription of $Au1

Annual subscription of just $1 if you are in genuine need you can access here.

Level 2 Mounthly subsciption of $Au5

For those home growers who are in a position to pay a fair price I have set up two options. (I beleive the vast majority of people are decent and willing to support their fellow humans).

You can pay $Au5 per month (with a trial period of 14 day free) which is an automatic subscription here.

Level 3 Annual subsciption of $Au40

$Au40 per year with manual renewal here.

Level 4 Community grower $Au10 per month

Non-commerical basis for their local friends.

 $10 per month join here.

Level5 Commercial grower Monthly $Au50

$50 per month – join here

Any question email me colin@gbiota.com
