Prevention better than cure
The gut is a highly sophisticated organ that does much more than digest food.
It forms part of a real brain which controls our bodies, particularly our appetite, what and how much we eat, how much and where we store fat and helps to train our immune system.
Health starts in the soil
Eating food that started in healthy soil increases the chance of a long and healthy life and avoiding modern diseases which result from synthetic soils and foods.
Healthy soils were created over thousands of years but in the last fifty years we have been destroying these soils by synthetic chemicals – this is a threat to the survival of our species.
Taking pills and supplements is not the solution – we need to eat real food.
Solving the food crisis
The world is suffering a food crisis, not in quantity – we are actually producing more food than the world needs – but in the quality that will lead us to expect a long and healthy life free of the modern diseases obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, dementia, etc.
This is not going to be solved by the Mega Corporations that control our food system or even the Governments we elect to safeguard our interests.
It is going to be solved by people saying I want to live a long and healthy life and not have my leg chopped off from diabetes.
The best pro-biotic ever
What is the best pro-biotic ever, in fact the only one that really works for sure?
Answer human breast milk.
Puzzled scientists
For many ears scientist were puzzled about some weird stuff in breast milk that was indigestible by the baby – then it clicked that this was to feed the babies microbes.
Food matters
It is well known that our gut biota plays a major roles in our health. Many researchers, such as Tim Spector, Professor at Imperial College, London explains this in his book Food for Life.
Microbes breed and die incredibly fast. Within twenty minutes a new microbe will start to breed but will die after maybe seventy hours. The population continues but the individual microbes die.Gbiota overview
Health starts in the soil
Health starts in the soil
What science tells us
Let us look at what science can tell us about life as though our lives depend on it – as they do.
Back to the start
The earth is some four billion years old, which is a very long time. Just dead inert rock the only living life was microscopic organism we call microbes, we don’t know whether they came as the earth was formed of shortly after.
Very slowly they started to break down the rocks to form soil but that was a very slow process without energy to power the breakdown
Gbiota meaning
Ask me what Gbiota is all about and I would reply the survival of our species. You may think that I would be talking about climate change, the degradation of our soils or even some new plague.
And certainly I will talk about those – but later. First I have to talk about what Gbiota is really about.
Charles Darwin and the survival of the fittest
And to start I will talk about Charles Darwin – one of the worlds great lateral thinkers.
Gbiota intro
Welcome to the technical web for the Gbiota movement which is focused on improving gut health by growing plants in biologically active, nutrient rich soils.
We have tried to make the actual growing of the plants as simple and inexpensive as possible so virtually everyone has ready access which you can do by following the practical guide lines on this web.
Future of food
We are the first generation in history which decides whether we are a healthy people living on a healthy planet or let short term greed lead to our destruction.
Here we show how we can recycle organic waste to grow soil to grow plants which will feed our gut brain which regulates our appetite – what we want to eat and how much and where we store fat.
Diabetes gut food project
We are experiencing a dramatic increase in diabetes. Fifty years ago just 1% of the population were diabetic but this has increased to 14% and is steadily increasing.
We think the fundamental reason is poor gut health. Our gut is not just another organ it contains trillions of cells which communicate with each other, like in a computer, to provide genuine intelligence. It controls our appetite and where and how much fat we store in our bodies.
Growing Gut food
ou can read latest newletter under new posts (free)
The new industry of growing natural pre and pro biotics
We know that there are trillions of cells in our gut which communicate with each other to create a real brain, which working with our head brain, creates an intelligent control system regulating our bodies.
In particular our appetite and how much fat we store, and whether we clog up our arteries, brain and pancreas which leads to the most rapidly expanding disease of our era – diabetes where every eight seconds some unfortunate soul has a limb amputated.
Fat Wrong
How we got fat wrong
Every eight seconds some sad soul has a limb amputated from diabetes. What makes this so terrible is that this largely avoidable if the latest medical thinking were widely applied.
Food for Gut Health
The Gbiota club is a community of people that wants to enhance their gut micro-biome by eating plants grown in soil teaming with beneficial microbes, minerals and nutrients.
Members can be either growers or consumers (biofoodies). The biofoodies use Gbiota Wicking boxes which enable them to grow plants with minimal effort even if they live is apartments. These Wicking boxes have two compartments – one for water and the other for the growing medium -a type of soil called Wickimix which they can buy from the growers.
Food for health
Historically four out of every five people died before their natural age from an infectious
disease. Both medical science and our food system has responded by finding better ways
of killing these pathogens. While largely successful we have also inadvertently reduced
the number of beneficial biota which has led to an upsurge in non-infectious diseases such
as diabetes, heart attack and dementia.
We have learned the hard way that we are totally dependant on these beneficial biota.
Community food
Growers breed beneficial microbes in organic matter in the soil, also adding rock dust
which is broken down by the microbes into accessible minerals forming nutrient rich
biologically active soil.
This soil is placed into Bioboxes which are seeded and plants grown. The microbes and
minerals enter the plants we eat. The boxes are supplied to customers who harvest and
eat the plants full of living microbes to enhance the gut brain which controls appetite,
manages replacement of body part as they age and wear and host much of the immune
Welcome to worm pooh
Health and life span
We all have to eat and what we eat determines our health and life span.
Thanks to medical science our life span has been increasing, no thanks to our modern food system our health span, how long we remain fit and healthy has been decreasing.
Water- that weird substances
Water has many weird properties apart from being one of the few substances which expands when it freezes so ice floats and pipes burst.
Food and the gut biome
The bulk of the food we eat is just burned for energy. We are really just a walking talking thermodynamic machine just like any other thermodynamic machine from a steam engine to a rocket ship.
We are also a warm blooded creature so we need fuel just to keep us warm. It has been estimated that 80% of the food we eat is simply burned as fuel.
It is dead simple – we just burn carbon and hydrogen to give of carbon dioxide, water and lots of energy. It really does not matter what the food is, sugar, carbohydrates, fats or whatever – it is just energy.
Wet and windy Melbourne
Some fifty years ago in the mid 1970’s I lived just outside wet and windy Melbourne in nice block with a creek running through the centre. In winter there was plenty or rain but in summer we would get those hot northerlies off the desert which would dry everything out.
I made a dam and fitted a pump to take the water to the top of the block were it would run down a series of channels I made based on the Key line principles. Worked fine but the channels were a right pain in moving the block so I put some pipe with holes into the channels and buried them to give me a flat surface.
This is remarkably similar to the modern Gbiota beds.
Health starts in the soil
Every day we here stories of doom and gloom about food, price hikes from floods and droughts, problems with the supply chain from Covid, lack of nutrients and beneficial biota leading to diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
It all sounds pretty miserable so why not do something about it. Here we are focused on solutions.
Action plan
Our gut brain is the key to good health.
Consumer get fresh veggies which act as gut food which is genuinely healthy at an affordable price, growers get paid for what they like doing while the Gbiota team provide the technology of growing gut food.
Growers breed beneficial microbes in organic matter in the soil, also adding rock dust which is broken down by the microbes into accessible minerals forming nutrient rich, biologically active, soil.
Bit of a mess
Unless you are a total hermit you can’t have missed that the world is in a bit of a mess – Covid, bush fires, floods droughts and food shortages.
When the price of an iceberg lettuce rises from $2 to $13 then you have to notice. OK the price has now dropped down to $7 so everything is going to be OK – no that is just because they are shipping them in from miles away. Things are bad and are going to get worse.
I thought I would Google to see how much carbon dioxide was emitted in the recent bush fires – 700 million tons – compared that with a total emission from Australia of 500 million tons. My going to the shops on my bike rather than driving my car is not going to have much impact on that – however good it may make me feel that I am making a contribution.
So what can I do that will have an impact, particularly to the food crisis and the wobbly food chain?
Community growers
If you looking at this web I assume you are interested in your health and understand that you just cannot be really healthy unless you are eating healthy food.
You are probably aware you are low in Magnesium because the majority of the population are low in Magnesium.
If you are a female you probably also realise that you could be low in iron.
If you are male then you may not have caught up with the sniggering that if you are a sexually active male that one night of happy frolicking can deplete your zinc reserves. That is bad as zinc is important to our immune systems.
Meet you
If you live in cloud cuckoo land you may believe that there will be a continuous supply of healthy food way into the future. Dream on.
But if you live in the real world you will see we are on a high speed train heading straight for a cliff and that cliff is a major food crisis where the supermarkets are full of food loaded with sugars, fats and carbs which will make us fat and sick.
But no real food.
You can go to the supermarket and buy energy food, loaded with sugars, fats and carbs at a reasonable price.
But try and buy fresh vegetables, what they call fresh is days or weeks old by which time most of the goodness has long gone.
If you are a keen and skilled gardener you can grow you own and just pick and eat so it is genuinely fresh.
But what happens if you don’t have land, skills or time. That is where Gbiota Bioboxes come in to play.
Fresh fruit and vegetables growing at home and buying directly from the grower at a lot lower cost and with a reliable supply chain.
Iceberg lettuce – was $2 now – if you can find one $13.
lettuceThe food crisis is here and it is here to stay. Don’t be deluded that after the floods have gone and Putins war is over everything will go back to normal – it won’t.
The Gbiota movement focus is how to grow food, in a sustainable way that we, our grand kids and their grand kids can eat food that will make them healthy.
We don’t sell food, or anything, we just provide the know how – the growing technology for those people want to buy or grow food that will make them healthy.
Time travel
The aim of the Gbiota technology is to replenish our gut with living beneficial biota and the food it needs to thrive.
Gut biota has a short life so it is important to eat plants while there are fresh, which means shortly after harvesting.
The Gbiota Biota Biobox system allows almost everyone to have the health benefits of genuinely fresh food with the beneficial biota even if they have limited space, growing expertise or time.
Why Gbiota boxes
Our gut brain consists of trillions of cells which communicate with eat other and send out signals saying we need to eat more of this or that or simply stop eating as we are satisfied.
I am a person
The aim of the Gbiota technology is to replenish our gut with living beneficial biota and the food it needs to thrive.
Gut biota has a short life so it is important to eat plants while there are fresh, which means shortly after harvesting rather than they have not yet gone rotten – very different things.
Bioboxes basics
The aim of the Gbiota technology is to replenish our gut with living beneficial biota and the food it needs to thrive.
Gut biota has a short life so it is important to eat plants while there are fresh, which means shortly after harvesting rather than they have not yet gone rotten – very different things.
People with a garden and the skills and the time can set up their own Gbiota beds and have fresh food every day but the Gbiota Biota box system allows almost everyone to have the health benefits of genuinely fresh food with the beneficial biota.
The paradigm shift
In the wonderful world of food the established paradigm, based on chemistry, has been incredibly successful. In my life time, incredibly short on a geological time scale, we have increased food production by a factor of 4.3 – just totally stunning. At the centre of this success is nitrogen – we learned the chemistry of how to capture nitrogen from the air to make fertilisers and whoom! food production just went through the roof. But there is a problem ….
Gut health
We have two brains, one that lives in our head and another we can call Gertrude that lives largely in our gut.
They both work in the same way with trillions of cells which can communicate with each other like a super computer so they have intelligence and can learn.
Gut biology basics
The purpose of the Gbiota local food movement is to help people set up viable, ethical, and sustainable businesses supplying their local community with gut food.
To understand why this is important we need to understand about gut biology or Gbiota.
Local gut food
It is about breeding beneficial biology in the soil and in the guts of the creatures that live in the soil. This biology enters the plants which we eat together with a plentiful supply of the food to feed the biology.
These may all be packed inside a cabbage but the cabbage is purely the packaging for the biology.
It is not about selling cabbages, or selling anything for that matter, it is about showing people how they can grow the beneficial biology by recycling waste.
Get real
Recent heavy rains, and the accompanying crop damage, has shown us the need to modify our growing systems to adapt to extreme weather.
A much more serious issue is that in the midst of the saturation bombing of the digital and social media era we seem to think that we can happily live in a world of virtual reality divorces from actual reality.
Rethink food
We need to rethink food. In my life time, which is minuscule in comparison with how long humanoids have been on this earth, the global population has increased but a factor of three – totally unprecedented in human history – but food production has increased by a factor of 4.3 – at least in calorie terms that’s almost 50% faster than the increase in human population.
Community food
Let me tell you a story about food. In our modern society all we seem to want as adults is a catch phrase ‘Make plum pudding tasty again’ or better a photo on their smart phone with a catchy caption.
Gut health
Our gut is one of the most important organs in our body – made up of trillions of cells that communicate with each other – it has real intelligence – our gut brain – which controls much of our body functions.
You simply cannot be healthy without a healthy gut and that means you have to feed it and that is what Gbiota food is all about.
Mother bed
Gbiota beds were developed to grow plants to feed our guts. Technically they have been successful but may be a bit complex for many people, particularly pregnant ladies and mums who determine gut biology for our future life.
Everyone should be able to access healthy gut food at an affordable price so we need to develop a new system for distributing gut food. Experienced growers, either amateur or profession will set up full scale Gbiota beds to grow Gbiota soil.
Action plan for gut health
People don’t get fat and sick simply because they just happen to eat too much, they get fat and sick because their gut brain is not working as it should – so then they end up eating too much.
Our gut is not strictly part of us and we, or rather our mum, has to make it for us from the food she eats and feeds us as a baby and by the close physical contact mums give their babies. It is the one organ we can readily change – particularly when young.
Why our gut brain is so important
Our gut is one of the most important organs in our body. It contains trillions of cells which communicate with each, like in a supercomputer, to form a real brain with intelligence. (see references)
It controls our appetite, manufactures the complex chemicals needed to replace our body parts as they wear or age and host much of our immune system. It is not actually part of us but is really important.
Gbiota box story
Over hundreds of thousands of years we have evolved a gut brain that automatically looks after us, without us even thinking about it – and it does it much better than weighing micro grams of minerals.
We all have to eat and the way we are currently growing our food is slowly but inevitably destroying our planet’s ability to grow the food we need. We are destroying our soils and aquifers on which our lives depend and making ourselves sick in the process.
Introduction to Gbiota
This web is a bit different. We are not trying to sell you something – there are not special offers – buy now before prices jump – or any of that high pressure selling you get on most web sites.
Gbiota boxes
The purpose of GBiota beds is to breed beneficial biology in the soil. This biology enters the plants growing in the soil so when we eat the plants they act as natural pre pro biotics as well us providing valuable nutrients but key point of Gbiota beds is to provide us with the beneficial biology.
There are many plants in traditional medicine which are claimed to strengthen our immune system. There has been genuine scientific research into some of these plants which support these claims but it is not clear how they work.
I am urgently looking for people or organisations to help improve the communities gut health and hence immune system by manufacturing and distributing Gbiota boxes.
This delta virus is a totally different and more deadly beast –
This is an update on the practical side of making and managing Gbiota beds. I assume you are familiar with the previous publications and videos available under videos, blogs and growing in the menu.
The major developments are the use of the compost tube to give better and faster composting and the conversion of the school bed from Wicking bed to a Gbiota bed and the use of a solar powered pump.
What should I eat so I am fit and healthy – what can eight billion people eat so they are fit and healthy and what will my great grand kids be able to eat so they are fit and healthy.
How gut food will enhance our gut biology and immune system – overview
Gut Biology Sources
Technical references on food, health and gut.
post written to link to key articles on growing plants to feed our gut
What food does
I start with what food does which explains the various jobs that food does in our bodies and how innovation has dramatically increased the overall supply of food – far in excess of what we need but missing the key ingredients to feed the control system which manages out bodies.
Food and innovation
food and innovation which has led to the wrong development of the wrong sort of food and a two tier society of haves and have nots – which is intrinsically unstable.
Principles of Gbiota beds
Gbiota beds grow plants to enhance our gut biology – here is the basic principles of how they work
Spreading the benefits of Gbiota beds
how to implement this technology – spreading the benefits of Gbiota beds so that the whole of society can benefit
The Gbiota story – continued
We know how to grow food with these essential minerals and biology and there are plenty of regenerative farmers willing to grow using these methods – but they need a market.
The Wicking-Gbiota Story
Wicking Gbiota bed story
The battle of an innovator to change the global food system
I have decided to write a book about how we need to change our food system
Food and becoming adult
Our bodies have an inbuilt intelligent control system which regulates all aspect of our bodies including our appetite. The wide variety of species of micro biology in our gut is an integral part of this intelligent control system and our modern food system is destroying this essential micro biology.
Greta Foodberg
In this article I show how Greta Foodberg and I are going to change the world’s food system. The good news it you only have to read the first and last page to see what it all about. The bad news is that if you are Greta Foodberg you will read the whole 22 pages and then email me.
Feed your gut brain
Feed your gut brain
My interest is how to grow plants that improve our gut brain – one of the most vital organs in our bodies and the key to health.
Our gut brain
Modern food contains a surplus of energy food (fats and sugars) but is sadly lacking in the complex chemicals needed to regenerate our bodies. Our bodies sense this lack, sending out hunger signals leading to the current health epidemic of excess storage of fat, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
Adapting to the food crisis
Learning how to adapt to the food crisis is the most important skill we can teach our kids. That means understanding how the world is changing then helping them change their behaviour to adapt.
School Garden Project
In our gut are a huge number of micro organisms which talk to each to create an intelligent system – our gut brain.
This gut brain controls our appetite, supports our immune system and produces many of the complex chemicals needed to replace our body parts as they wear.
Health and life span
how food affect health and life span
Aquaponics by Igor
This is...
The essence
Our guts do much more than help us digest our food. Our guts are part of the system which acts as an intelligent control system regulating our appetite, what and how much we eat and where and how much is stored as fat in our bodies. They are home to 70% of our immune system. 90% of people who die from the virus have been eating a diet lacking essential ingredients.
Yesterday the world changed. New Zealand has an explosion of new Corona cases. NZ was a beacon of hope.
This shows just how contagious this virus is and how we are all exposed until this virus is eliminated from the face of the earth.
The virus, evolution and technology
We have the virus causing deaths and economic destruction around the world, we are approaching ten billion people on our one and only planet and they need to be fed in a sustainable way without destroying our planet.
Intelligent control
We evolved eating wild foods, rich in nutrients but low in sugars and fats which are our natural energy source. Evolving over millions of years on a low energy diet means we are extremely efficient extractors of energy foods.
Choosing a Gbiota smoothie
The main aim of a Gbiota smoothie is to improve gut health but they also contain the minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients essential for health.
The plants in all Gbiota smoothies are selected to provide these essential minerals, vitamins and gut biology.
Sugar blockers
Our gut biology depends on our diet. People eating a typical western diet have a gut biology geared toward sugar consumption – very different to our natural gut biota focused on plants.
A sugar focused gut will send out signals for us to eat more sugary food.
Alernative food
Nutrition must be one of the most controversial, topics on the planet.
Go on line and an ocean of confusing and contradicting views fuelled by inscrutable scientific data, dogma powered by a tsunami of abuse.
Result diabetes, obesity heart attacks and dementia.
History of food
We realised just how important nutrients, vitamins and trace minerals really were so we created a mega industry producing pills.
But paying a lot on money for pills is a bit silly when we could simply grow plants to strengthen our gut biology and immune system.
Protection from the Corona Virus
If someone with a healthy strong gut and immune system gets infected their immune system will simply kill the virus so there is no further infection, sometimes with no symptoms or just a bit of a sniffle. But if they have a weak immune system
Join the Gbiota club
The Corona virus is not some random and isolated disaster. It is the inevitable outcome of small farmers struggling against the might of big food and trying to make a living by the uncontrolled selling of wild animals.
I now live in Bundaberg, Queensland, the latitude is about 25 ° which is in the band of deserts around the world.
The winter climate is as near to perfect as you can get and is is possible to grow a wide range of plants. It rarely rains so as long as you have a supply of water everything is fine.
Q and A
My specialist expertise is in how the way we grow our food affects our health. Eating fresh vegetables grown in specifics ways can improve gut health and strengthen our immune system. Here I try to help people grow food to fight the virus.
fresh food revolution
For consumers it will mean fresh produce full of the essential mineral, phytonutrients and beneficial biology which leads to a healthy gut biology which controls our appetite and immune system.
Corona virus
I have a readily available supply of food. I may have overreacted and will soon be left with mountains of food so I also want to write about how we can supply food to those in need without leaving our homes.
Corona virus
Right now we all need a really good immune system. The Corona virus is spreading . But only about 3% of the people who get the Corona virus actually die, in fact young people with a healthy immune system can get Corona virus and not even know they have it.
Gbiota for gut health
When you join the Gbiota club you join a community of growers, transporters, restaurateurs, health advisers and consumers focused on food that enhances our gut and brain health.
We know that the current ‘fat in the wrong places’ epidemic (diabetes, dementia and obesity) has only occurred in the last fifty years and there was no such epidemic when people were eating a diet rich in vegetables grown in nutrient rich, biologically active soil.
Health and diabetes
My wife, Xiulan, a medical doctor, was having severe problems with her diabetes (see mission) so we fitted here with a continuous blood sugar monitor to look for connections between her blood sugar levels, her food and anything else which could be relevant.
Gut health
For thousands of years life has been getting better, we live longer, are fitter, taller and stronger and we have gradually been overcoming infectious diseases. The graph of quality of life has been steadily going up.
But then –
health starts in the soil
My wife, Xiulan, a medical doctor, was having severe problems with her diabetes (see mission) so we fitted here with a continuous blood sugar monitor to look for connections between her blood sugar levels, her food and anything else which could be relevant.
Our intelligent control
The trillions of cells in our guts do far more than digest our food, they form part of an intelligent control system which manages our bodies, in particular how much and where we store fat.
Xiulan’s story
Xiulan was not particularly concerned when she was first diagnosed with diabetes. She was a doctor, actually a surgeon and gynaecologist and had confidence in the health system.
I developed the Gbiota beds so my wife could eat healthy food, full of nutrient, trace minerals and biology and her diabetes reversed. And she can see, walk and dance which see very much likes.
We live in an age of unbridled information, much of it conflicting so how do we know what it true and what is false – and why does it matter?
False information can make us sick and die young while sound information can keep us healthy into old age.
I tell the story of the greatest wonder of the world, human intelligence and how it has changed the world sometimes for the better and other times for the worse.
This post looks at the paradigm shift needed to change the way we treat type 2 diabetes.
Food for health
Do we really want our kids to grow
up fat and diabetic, mums need to
be eating food that feeds their gut
biology, that’s what this story is all about.
understanding food
We are in the midst of what has been called the black death of the twenty first century – epitomised by the obesity and diabetes epidemic.
Food basics
Do we really want our kids to grow up fat and diabetic, mums need to be eating food that feeds their gut biology, that’s what this web site is all about.
intelligent control
Why is it that we are in the midst of a health crisis?
What I call the fat in the wrong places epidemic of diabetes, dementia, obesity with their associated side effects yet there seems so little public reaction.
Food for health
Gbiotafood was developed to provide the trace minerals and beneficial biology essential to health but missing in our modern food system.
Blue zones
In areas across the world we have people living in the blue zones.
GBiota green smoothy
Dietary advice can appear to be totally confusing with so many different opinions low fat, low carb, low meat, low eggs etc.
Some people will never get fat and sick whatever they eat while other go to extreme lengths to avoid putting on weight.
Gbiota food for gut health
The Gbiota bed growing system was developed to provide an alternative to the high fat and sugar, low nutrient modern foods system which is leading to major health issues.
Continuous monitoring
My wife, Xiulan, a medical doctor, was having severe problems with her diabetes so we fitted here with a continuous blood sugar monitor to look for connections between her blood sugar levels and her food
Alternative food
Rock dust
Gbiota – health starts in the soil
Gbiota -...
Gut health