We aim to help young mums create a healthy gut biota for their kids using plants grown in biological active nutrient rich soil.

The journey of the microbes

alice header

This is Alice. She is two, and determined to get a cuddle from her mum, Bernadette. She will do whatever it takes to get that cuddle, so why is she so determined?

When she was born, Alice had every organ she needs for life, carefully made in minute precision – with one exception – her gut biota (or  gut brain!). Read more here and here

gut brain connectionAlice knows, in her genes, that she has to develop her own gut biota.

It will control much of how her body works for the next ninety years.

It will decide what and how much she will eat, it will help manufacture the array of complex chemicals needed to replace her body parts as they wear and age, and it will host her immune system to protect her from all the germs and diseases which will attack her during her life.

foodBut where does Alice get all those trillions of microbes that will make up her gut brain? From  her mum – Bernadette.

She got some during birth, others from breastfeeding, and yet more from cuddles and then from the food that Bernadette feeds her while she is still in those formative years.

That is why she is so determined to get that cuddle! She knows she needs to grow her Gut Biota (Gbiota) but is is quite a journey – from the compost – to a worm – to the soil – to a plant – to her mum – then at last to Alice.  That is just the way the world is and has been for a few million years – until we started eating plastic food.

alice3Bernadette is the local coordinator of the Gbiota club based in Sydney, and she knows that these microbes come from the food she eats and the food she feeds Alice.

Over the next few years, while Alice is still a kid, her gut brain will stabilise and set the eating pattern for Alice for the rest of her life.

It may be technically possible to change her gut brain by changing her diet later in life, but that would be a major challenge that few people succeed in making.

Those first microbes Alice received may come from Bernadette, but where do those microbes come from in the first place?

ecological balanceThe soil where the food is grown.

Now, Bernadette has come to understand this, and grows as much of her food in her garden as she can; making sure that the microbes in the soil are well fed and nourished, so they thrive and breed and enter the plants which she and Alice and her other two kids, Millie and Gabe will eat.

mums groupThis is vital for everyone’s health, not just her own kids, so Bernadette wants to help other mums understand the importance of eating the right food and starting their kids on the right foot (or food, as it were) in life.

This is why she is working as the Sydney Gbiota coordinator, to spread this to other health-conscious people and mums in her area.

gbiota boxPart of this is just education, making other mums aware of the importance of the gut brain, but she also helps organise the local production of Gbiota boxes so people can grow the food, using kitchen waste to feed the microbes that will lead to a healthy gut brain – even if they live in a flat or have no growing experience.

Bernadette is happy to be called Bee and if you are a mum, interested in improving your  and your kids gut health, or even an ageing grandparent who want to see your grandkids flourish you can contact her at bee@gbiota.com 

She can put you in touch with a local suppliers who can provide you with Gbiota boxes already growing fresh plants ready for harvesting and full of beneficial microbes. You just have to collect your kitchen waste and add some trace minerals.  Eating healthy actually costs less than eating plastic food, and it comes without all the advertising hype – all you have to do is chat with a real mum thats actually doing it. Bernadette can show you how.  Just drop her a line bee@gbiota.com

To learn more follow our reading guide start here

About the Gbiota club

The GBiota club itself does not buy or sell anything. We conduct research into and promote the importance of gut biology. But we also try and link people who are willing to make Gbiota boxes (or grow GBiota food) with people who understand about gut health, particularly young mums as our gut is created in these formative and affects our health for the rest of our lives.

Let us summarise the message and how we work.

What our gut brain does

Our gut consists of trillions of cells which communicate with each other to form a genuine brain. Our gut does much more than help us digest food – it decides what and how much we will eat, it will help manufacture the array of complex chemicals needed to replace our body parts as they wear and age, and it will host our immune system to protect us from all the germs and diseases which will attack us during our life.

Where does our Gut Biota come from

We get some before birth, more during birth, others from breast feeding, and yet more from physical contact,, then more from food. Our gut biota begins to stabilise around age three but is still flexible in our teens but then we become set in our eating habits making it more difficult to change.

But it actually all starts much earlier, it is quite a journey – from compost – to a worm – to the soil – to a plant – to our mum – then at last to us. That is just the way the world is, and has been, for a few million years – until we started eating plastic food.

What we need to do

We need to educate future mums on the importance of eating plants grown in soil full of beneficial biology. They need to start eating these plants before birth and then feed their children these plants until their eating patterns are established, certainly up to the age of three, but preferably into their teen age years.

Where do they get this food?

The Gbiota club is a group of people who really understand the importance of soil biology and how it affects our health. Within the club are suppliers who will breed up the biology in their soil which they put into Gbiota boxes which they seed and grow until the plants are ready to harvest, using the principles of tipping and growing baby greens.

Mums can buy these boxes to supplement their diet for themselves and their children, feeding the soil biology with kitchen waste. When the harvesting cycle is finished they can either swap their old box for a replacement one or reload the boxes themselves.

Ecological balance

beneficial biologyWhen I was a kid bread would go mouldy within a few days, now it is virtually indestructible by the elimination of the micro-biology. But is the elimination of this micro-biology wise? It is the micro biology which turns dirt into soil making essential nutrients available to us.

True – there are harmful microbes, but the natural world has evolved over millions of years, into a system where the beneficial biology out breeds and controls any harmful biology.

This is a totally sustainable system, the indiscriminate killing of all microbes is not. It leaves a vacuum which will eventually be filled by something which could be far worse.

This picture shows beneficial biology in an experimental Gbiota box – it is releasing nutrients and keeping any harmful biology at bay.


How do they contact a Gbiota club member who can supply the boxes?

They should first contact Bernadette at bee@gbiota.com giving their location where she will locate a local member for you.

How much do they cost?

Typically a Gbiota box costs $68 and with a refund of $25 when the box is exchanged or they can be rented on a subsription basis.

How many boxes are needed?

As a guide one box per family member. If you are reseeding yourself you will need extra boxes to cover the time the plants are germinating.

What do I need to tell the local club member?

You need to select the plants you want. The club member can advice on what plants to choose based on locality and season. Common plants are spinach, broccoli, alfalfa, linseed, cress, celery, purple amaranth, kale and Asian cabbage but there are many more to choose from.

Milder plants are recommended in the early stages of weaning as the baby builds up it gut biota.

How do I know what I am buying

It is just a fact of life that people are different and will react differently to different foods, but Gbiota club members supplying the boxes agree to adhere to a strict procedure in producing the boxes.

How do I pay?

This is up to the local club member but typically they will deliver to your home where you can pay directly – but others will prefer for you to pay on line.

What is the legal structure

Gbiota club members supplying Gbiota boxes are independent business. They agree to produce the boxes based on the Gbiota principles and are licensed to use the trade mark name Gbiota.





