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The biggest health challenge
Ask around “What is the biggest health challenge?” no not dinosaurs, you are likely to get the very short answer “fat” for the simple reason that the wrong fat in the wrong place is the underlying cause of chronic diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
This is a problem across the globe affecting billions of people and costing Government trillions of dollars in health care costs.
So how are we going to fix this – for a start Governments should stop telling people to eat less, that has never worked and never will, is technically wrong.
It is just a waste of time and money instead we must do something that will work and that is swarm intelligence.
You may well ask what is swarm intelligence and what has it got to do with people getting fat and sick?
Fair enough question but give me a moment.
What is swarm intelligence?
Swarm intelligence has been around for years and is very impressive. We see this in ants, bees, slime moulds, bird flocks, and even people.
It occurs when you have a large number of similar living creatures, birds, bees or microbes.
Each individual may be very unimpressive on their own but they can communicate with their neighbour.
Even though they may only communicate with the creature next door it spreads throughout the colony which acts as an integrated system showing remarkable intelligence.
Swarm intelligence is how our gut works
Swarm intelligence is how our gut works. Every cell can communicate with a neighbouring cell and then all cells work together as an integrated system to regulate our bodies, particularly our appetite – what and how much we want to eat.
We can call this our gut-brain.
We are all different but overeating was not a significant issue from the very first humanoids as our gut-brain would tell us to stop eating.
It has been doing that, very successfully for a million years until we hit a double whammy and everything changed with the majority of people now suffering from the side effects of overeating.
The dreaded double whammy
The first part of the double whammy was that we stopped feeding our gut-brain the food it needs to keep it working properly.
The second part of the double whammy was a change in our food creating a food system carefully tailored to create a bliss point, a magic combination of sugar, fat, salt and addictive flavourings which is almost irresistible.
Result – a global epidemic of chronic disease.
We have been here before
We have faced similar problems before with tobacco, alcohol and addictive drugs like opium.
We know from bitter experience what does not work.
It is no good Governments telling us to stop smoking, drink less or stop taking drugs. Similarly just telling people to eat less – it does not work, never has and never will.
A nice polite note to the head of a drug cartel, even from a powerful head of state asking them to stop supplying opium to our people is ridiculous just as asking the food industry to stop supplying addictive foods that people are craving to buy would be equally ridiculous.
If we, that is the people and the Governments who are supposed to look after our interests, are going to reverse this epidemic of chronic disease we need much tougher action than waffle words and for that we need allies.
So who could be our allies?
So who could be our allies?
Could it be some wonder drug like Ozempic which reduces appetite? They are expensive but do work – at least for a period but then our bodies acclimatise to the drug when they stop working leaving us still fat, but poorer.
Gastric surgery also works but it does not make sense to remove much of the organ which evolved to provide us with energy.
So who could be our allies?
Those trillions of microbes in our gut that have been successfully regulating our appetite since humanoids first appeared. They have evolved to be very good at preventing us from getting fat and being a meal for some ferocious beast.
So let us have a closer look at our allies.
Our allies – our gut-brain
We have a conscious and subconscious brain that are very different.
Our conscious brain is slow, clunky and forgets things but it does allow us to logically analyse complex situations.
By contrast, our subconscious brain is incredibly fast and never forgets things.
You don’t learn to ride a bike by learning about gyroscopic couples or catch a ball by learning about the laws of motion.
You learn such things by training your high speed sub-conscious by trial, error and correction. It takes time but once you have learned you never forget.
That is how our gut-brain works, starting from the first suck on mum’s breasts it is continuously learning about food and how it affects your body, for better or worse.
If you are starved as a kid your body will always remember this and ensure you store adequate fat reserves.
Let’s say you go out in the garden on a hot day and sweat a lot. Somehow your body knows that you have lost a lot of salts like potassium in your sweat and that certain types of food like walnuts or peanuts contain these savoury salts.
So it creates hunger signals, not just saying you are hungry but you want to eat and drink something that contains these depleted salts, like a beer and a packet of peanuts.
Later in the evening, you may go to a party and a pretty girl in a low-cut dress offers you a slice of cheese cake. Your body checks out your testosterone levels and if it sees you are an adolescent male it will send out signals saying enjoy the view and scoff a slice or three of cheesecake.
It works out there really is enough room with a bit of a squeeze and you can skip tomorrow’s breakfast doughnut.
Real intelligence regulating your body
This may all seem rather light-hearted but what your body is doing is monitoring your body, seeing what types of foods are already available and what type and how much food you need to be eating to ensure a balanced supply of needed foods, then creating a hunger for those specific foods that you need to be fit and healthy.
Our gut-brain has been doing that for a million years without a dietary textbook, just learning by monitoring and remembering what works.
If you don’t find this impressive I don’t know what will impress you and you may miss the importance of the next statement.
Your gut-brain is the result of millions of years of evolution to keep you fit and healthy. The modern epidemic of chronic diseases, overweight, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia is the direct result of not feeding and replenishing this marvel of nature.
This is what Gbiota is all about feeding and replenishing your gut-brain.
How to avoid getting fat
To avoid getting fat we must work with our gut-brain.
If we just restrict calories we are training our gut-brain to store fat whenever it becomes available. We may lose fat in the short term but in the long term, we will end up fatter.
But we can train our gut-brain that there is a readily available supply of everything we need then it will see no need to store unnecessary fat.
We don’t get fat just because modern is full of sugars and fats. We get fat because of deficiencies in our modern food which our gut-brain detects and makes us hungry so we overeat on food that is full of sugars and fats.
To avoid getting fat we have to fix those deficiencies.
We need the right fat in the right place. Obesity and chronic diseases are caused by the wrong wrong fat in the wrong place.
Our bodies have evolved to self-regulate, however, our modern food system has deficiencies, to a minor extent lacking critical trace minerals and nutrients but the major deficiency is the lack of the beneficial microbes which form our gut-brain.
We have known for a long time that changing the gut biota can make fat people thin and thin people fat.
Our modern food may be hygienic but is inert, devoid of the beneficial microbes which in the past enhanced and reinforced our gut-brain.
Gbiota growers can correct this.
Why we need Gbiota growers
Gbiota growers prepare special raised beds that contain a special mix, we call Wickimix made from some soil, minerals and an abundance of organic waste to feed the beneficial microbes.
By controlling the conditions these beneficial microbes out-compete and out-breed any harmful microbes.
We show Growers how – that is what we do. That way many more people can benefit from the Gbiota technology.
Gbiota baskets are placed in these beds, filled with Wickmix and seeded.
The creatures of the soil, and their beneficial microbes move into the Gbiota baskets and then the plants, as has been happening for the last billion years.
When the plants have reached maturity the boxes are lifted out and replaced by a fresh basket.
The mature baskets, complete with their load of plants and beneficial microbes are delivered to consumers who will need to simply water the plants, cut the tips of the plants and incorporate into their normal diet – maybe in a smoothie, a salad or just a garnish to a regular meal.
The grower swaps the baskets on a regular basis so the consumer has a steady supply of gut-brain food.
Simple, effective and inexpensive.
Register to enter this site
This is a subscription site for people concerned about our modern food supply which is making us fat and sick and are prepared to help change the system so we can enjoy living a longer and healthier life.
There are several levels of membership.
We are currently creating a series of YouTube videos which are bringing a stream of potential interested people to the site just wanting to find out what it is all about.
They can access much of the site for free while they decide whether this is something they want to become involved with but they do need to register when they will receive our newsletter and notifications of the new posts which we write on a regular basis.
Our registration page is designed for long term members but while you are looking all you need to do is enter name and email. Then login and click on the buttons at the bottom of every post to request which notifications your want.
They may like to look at New Posts
If they decide this is not for them they do not need to do anything as membership is automatically cancelled for people who are not active on the site.
Should you decide that you want to be an active member then you need to change you subsciption level. You have three option.
You can decide that you want to be a consumer and eat food which will enhance your gut health but don’t want to be involved in growing the food yourself in which case we will link you with a community grower.
They may like to look at articles on Food and Health
You can decide that you want to grow the food that will enhance you gut health just for you own use.
You may like to upgrade you subsciption to Private Grower and read the articles in Growing
Or you you decide that you want to set up a business to supply food that will enhance gut health by becoming a community grower in which case we will help you set up your business. You should email me so I can explain how we can help.