Wonder of the world
Our gut-brain is one of the wonders of the world. It knows what we eat and the effects on our bodies, learns and remembers whether it is good or bad and then manages our appetite so we want to eat the foods that are good for us.
It has been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years, without doctors or dietitians to tell us whether we need more vitamins B12, K zinc or magnesium and it is how we have survived.
Even more remarkable is that this gut-brain is not part of us but is made up of trillions of microbes which communicate with each other, like in a computer.
These microbes start in the soil, or more specifically in the guts of creatures that live in the soil, enter the plants that we eat and then form our gut-brain.
The tragedy is that our modern food system is so hygienic and it takes so long from when the plants are harvested to when we eat them that these life-giving microbes have died.
This is the underlying cause of the modern epidemic of non-infectious diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
The solution is to start eating food with these living beneficial microbes. We know how to do this, it is simple, inexpensive and the food tastes better. The difficulty is persuading people to try gut-brain food.
That is why we are searching for those pioneering people willing to cast off the old ways and try something new. If you are a food pioneer email me.
Gbiota – breeding the Good biota
Gbiota is a social benefit organisation aimed at ensuring that the world’s population has adequate access to food which will keep them healthy.
Our modern food industry is far from this, it is dominated by mega-corporations that are under pressure from financial institutions to maximise short-term profits over social benefits. This is the nature of our modern society.
The result is food full of calories – energy food, but deficient in critical minerals but above all the microbes which power our gut-brain.
But they do this at the expense of the natural resources on which we all depend. It is destroying the topsoil, critical requirements for food production, particularly water and phosphorous are being exhausted and food production is a significant contributor to green house-gases which is causing climate change which changes the steady supply of water to one of floods and droughts.
If we carry on as normal the world will face the worst catastrophe we can imagine.
Microbes were the first living creatures on earth and created the soil on which life depends.
Microbes are everywhere. There are bad bugs which make us sick or kill us.
But there are good bugs on which our lives depend.
Microbes breed in the soil breaking down rocks to make nutrients available for our food. They enter our gut biome which is part of our intelligent controls system which regulates our bodies, particularly what and how much we want to eat.
If we have the wrong microbes in our gut we overeat and get fat and sick, maybe have a leg chopped off from diabetes or die young, if we have the right microbes we can look forward to a long and healthy life.
The Gbiota technology creates the conditions in the soil so the beneficial microbes out-breed the harmful microbes so our food contains the beneficial microbes.
I was a pioneer of Computer Aided Engineering, I started a company from my spare bedroom which became the leading exporter of technical software from Australia and was eventually sold for $Au500 million. But I sold out well before then to work on what I saw as the biggest problem facing humanity – the sustainable production of food.
I was recognised by the Institute of Engineers as one of Australia’s leading innovators but above all, I learned the process of innovation.
When I sold my company I had the time and resources to conduct the speculative research, the sort of research that no self-respecting research funding organisation would finance, to take on the challenge of growing enough of the right sort of food to feed the world’s growing population.
Naturally, there were many failures, that is the nature of innovation, but eventually, I developed the Gbiota technology which is simple and inexpensive based on breeding beneficial microbes in organic waste, which is sustainable.
Developing the technology is the easy bit, now comes the difficult bit of getting that technology accepted.
We do not need to change the current food industry, that would be an almost impossible target, and in any case, it is doing a good job of providing energy food for the world.
Instead, we need to create a new industry of gut-brain food to supply the beneficial microbes which form part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies.
This will start by some pioneering people growing gut-brain food at home, in their gardens or even on their patios or balconies. This is not a difficult technology to apply.
But as it becomes accepted and there is the demand, commercial companies will emerge to supply Gbiota boxes with growing gut-brain food on a rotational basis.
But we have to make a start and that will come from the creation of the Gbiota social benefit movement. Let me be clear Gbiota itself does not supply food or any physical product, that will be done by members of the Gbiota movement on an amateur or commercial scale. We encourage and assist them.
The very first step is to create public awareness and social cooperation.
Gbiota has two levels of memberships.
The first level is people who sign up for free to learn more about food and health.
The very act of signing up is a statement of support for the movement but we hope that the people will also tell their friends and contacts so the movement grows in size. No one person can make this change, it has to come by many people forming a movement.
The second level is the actual growers themselves who grow the gut-brain food for themselves at home or on a commercial basis for their local community.
They will require support, Gbiota is not a difficult technology to apply but must be done right so the beneficial microbes out-breed and out-compete the harmful microbes which lead to us becoming fat and sick or dying from non-infectious diseases which are now the leading cause of death.
This support costs money which requires a paying membership or on a commercial basis a licensing arrangement. Either way, the costs are trivial in comparison with the human costs of a failing food system.
So I invite you to sign up and join the Gbiota social movement and help create a sustainable, healthy food system.
www.gbiota.com explains why this is a matter of life and death only you can create change by what you eat.
Community benefit
Gbiota is a community benefit organisation focused on healthy food. We operate like any other business aiming to earn enough money to pay our bills.
We are not a charity, we aim to earn our keep.
We think that the focus, taught in business schools, that the purpose of a company is to make as much money for its shareholders is fundamentally harmful to the community.
It is not a good community where the wealthiest top 2% of the population own the bulk of the wealth while people have no home to live in and can’t afford decent food. This is not a good society.
I am not some raving communist, I have all the money I need and as soon as they bring out an electric car with solar panels that can charge the batteries when I am not driving I will buy one, even if it costs $100,000+.
We are such a wasteful society, it is unsustainable. The Earth’s resources are finite, at the current rate of consumption we will run out of essential ingredients, like water and phosphorous within fifty years which will be a catastrophe for the world.
This is why I want Gbiota to be a success, to show the world that all companies should work for the community’s benefit and not just solely focus on profits, it is unsustainable.
Let me give you just one example to illustrate my point.
The current food industry spends a vast amount of money on manipulating us to buy products, loaded with calories and artificial flavourings because it is highly profitable for them.
The result is a society where the bulk of the people will die from a non-infectious disease such as obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and dementia.
Yet our bodies have a built-in intelligent control system which naturally regulates what and how much we want to eat. It is a combination of our gut and head brain which learns over time what foods work for us.
Yet our current food system is not feeding our gut-brain so instead of regulating how much we eat we fall prey to very clever manipulative advertising so we become sick and eventually die from these non-infectious diseases.
The solution is to eat food that nourishes our gut-brain so it works as it should. It is so simple and inexpensive we just need to educte the public.
This is why we put so much effort into trying to educate the community about the critical importance of having a functioning gut-brain and why we chose the name Gbiota short for Gut Biota for this social movement. Read more in the article on the sitch from infectious to non-infectious disease here.
But there is no money in educating the public about the importance of gut-brain health.
So I invite you (and our Governments) to join me in creating public awareness of gut-brain health.
You can start by reading some of the critical articles on this web, all for free but recognise that it will take a bit of time and effort, we are not going to make the world a healthy and sustainable place to live by following the lead of the three-word slogans of the advertising industry.
Taking on the largest and most powerful companies in the world is not the easiest job in the world, an email of support is welcome.
Do it for yourself and your grandkids.
Creating a paradigm shift
We are talking about a paradigm shift – changing the way we think. That is one of the most difficult things to do.
Let us look at the old and new paradigms and then how we go about creating a paradigm shift.
Current paradigm
The current paradigm is we go to the Supermarket and toss a load of food that the Supermarket wants to sell us because it makes them money, into our shopping trolley.
So easy.
But then most people will start to put on a bit of weight, which they just live with but then it gets serious so they go to a doctor for help who may recommend they go to a nutritionist who will suggest a change of diet and maybe a basket load of pills to make up for deficiencies in this or that mineral or vitamin.
It sort of works, at least for a while but it often ends up with a serious health problem like having a leg amputated from diabetes or death from a heart attack, or perhaps the worst dementia – a living zombie.
The new paradigm
Now let’s look at the new paradigm.
This says we have a natural intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and by a combination of hormones and electrical signals makes us select what food we fancy eating and how much.
The snag is that while we know this is what happens we have no idea how our bodies do this – the code that drives this intelligent control system which makes writing scientific papers a bit of a problem.
But we can observe how it operates, it starts from the first suck on Mum’s breasts, learning throughout our life what food works for us and how much we need. We don’t know how it does this but we know from observation that it does.
We also know that the microbes in our gut are an integral part of this intelligent control system, if we have the right bugs we are likely to be fit and healthy and if we have the wrong bugs we are likely to become fat and sick and die before our natural age of death.
The paradigm shift is for us to start eating food which contains these beneficial microbes so they out-compete and out-breed any harmful microbes.
Pretty easy and inexpensive to do and most importantly easy to see if it is working – monitor what and how much you want to eat.
Just eat gut-brain food and watch your appetite change.
All sounds so easy so why aren’t we all eating gut-brain food? Because we don’t like changing our minds. We don’t like paradigm shifts.
Creating a paradigm shift
It just so happens I was part of a major paradigm shift so know how they happen.
Some fifty years ago (yes I am very old) I saw that computers were going to completely change the way engineers went about their daily job. I wrote up some software which simulated the flow of hot plastics into a cold mould.
This did involve solving coupled non-linear partial differential equations which might sound a bit complicated but the hard work had all been done years ago by smart people like Newton and Leibniz.
All I had to do was buy a book from the second-hand bookshop for a few dollars and cut a bit of code.
The industry was facing serious problems with filling moulds and my simulation and the paradigm of the day was to make the feed system bigger.
So obvious, the mould does not fill so make the flow channels bigger – just common sense.
However, my simulation showed this was not necessarily true. If you made some flow channels smaller you would deflect the flow into more difficult areas to fill – logical but not common sense.
The hard lesson to learn
This is where I learned about paradigm shifts. I travelled around the world telling people about my simulation and how at times it was better to make the flow channels smaller.
If you have ever had the experience of standing up in front of a crowd hurling abuse at you because they think you are a raving lunatic, let me tell you it is not a pleasant experience.
Logic and argument do not work, in the same way that nowadays trying to get people to change their diet by advertising and promotion, however skilful does not work.
Praise for the entrepreneurs
But luck was with me as there were a few people (actually very few) who thought that maybe I had a point.
They did not believe me but they were sufficiently entrepreneurial (which means prepared to take risks) and went back to their companies, tried my simulation and my luck held out because it worked.
They then told other people and before long the whole industry changed, we had achieved a paradigm shift.
I did not achieve this paradigm shift, I may have been the catalyst but it was those entrepreneurial early adopters who created the paradigm shift.
The food paradigm shift
If we want to stop people from having their legs chopped off from diabetes or dropping dead from heart attacks we need a similar paradigm shift so people start eating gut-brain food full of beneficial microbes.
I know how to breed the microbes, they breed like crazy making teenagers at a drunken party look like Nuns. But just telling people won’t create a food paradigm shift.
We just need to make sure we breed the good but and not the bad bugs so we use the principle of Ecological balance – been around for a few billion years so should soon be out of pilot plant phase.
Show not tell
What is needed is just a small number of entrepreneurial eaters to start growing and eating gut-brain food, see for themselves the change in their appetite and to go out and tell their friends and contacts and in a figurative blink of an eyelid we will have the needed paradigm shift.
Then many people will avoid having their leg chopped off from diabetes (there are eight million people a year who have a limb amputated from diabetes).
So if you are an entrepreneurial eater and with me on the need to change from an economic system based on greed to one based on community benefit drop me an email so we can chat.
Getting started
Start by reading applying-technology which examines infectious and non-infectious diseases and how our gut is part of our intelligent control system which regulates our bodies and keeps us fit and healthy naturally.
Then you can start reading my online Hip-hop Ebook picking which articles gets your interest. This is all free but you should register.
When you are ready and want to add gut-brain food to your diet then go to growing. This is a subscription area but if you want to increase the chances of living a long and healthy life then there is a cost, but the good news is that you will save money overall as the Gbiota system is based on recycling organic waste.